Session 26 February 2022

I think the two events are separated:
Yes, thanks for clearing that up Pierre.

After reading the session this morning I was speaking to my husband about the Kiev authorities handing out rifles to citizens. His reply to me was "Putin's a dickhead" This is without reading or listening to anything going on in the Ukraine. The sheer lack of thought in what he said has left me feeling overwhelmed so I should have read the session again before I posted. Sorry for misreading and causing noise.
Thank you all for the session! :flowers: I'm thankful to Putin for doing what he does. He's up against very evil 'people', but I was happy to hear he has higher level help. I wrote a short letter today to Putin, to let him know I support him and that he's an inspiration to many. The lies being shared about him are horrible. Same old, but it must be difficult to be confronted with them. The C's said that "letters that Putin receives give him hope" so hopefully it'll help him a little. I did use a different email address of mine, just in case it gets in the wrong hands (it probably won't but I can be a bit paranoid!), as supporters of Putin are now the new unvaccinated and are losing their jobs or 'canceled'.
Wow, what a great session! Thank you all.


There is some news about the talks between Putin and Trump. There are some disclosures on organ trafficking and pedophilia in Ukraine. These corruptions seem to be directly related to the west.
Death penalty when you touch these subjects. So they have to be very, very careful. Specially the subject of pedophilia! My lord.
I’m very thankful for this session.

I haven’t slept much AT ALL since the conflict broke out. I have given almost all of my time and attention to keeping up with this, while also trying to learn as much as possible about the history of the regions. I think I’m finally going to get some sleep now.

I must say though, I’m so fascinated by the mind of Putin. I wish I could find more books about him that aren’t entirely Westernized and aimed to demonize him. I’m watching Oliver Stone’s “The Putin Interviews” again and listening—very carefully to everything he says. It is without a doubt that this man is guided by extraordinary forces.
Thanks for the session and all the information within!
I'm wondering if there's been a thread on this specific part of the session:
A: Carry on as you have been. Connections are getting stronger as a result of your exercises. And don't wait too long for attention to yourself and Ark. You are needed!! Goodbye.
Are the C's referring to Eiriu Eolas here?
It's been a while since I've participated in the forum and I'm looking to put more time in again.
Thank you!
Many thanks for the latest communications installment from the 'C's. Things are certainly heating up right now. It's both somewhat scary and yet exhilarating at the same time. Now that the US empire and its vassal states are failing to impose 'democracy' around the world my expectation/fear is that they will soon enforce 'democracy' on their own home populations as social and economic turmoil descends and the natives become really pissed off, restless and upitty (to put it mildly).

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