Search results for query: Earthquake weapons

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  1. Laura

    Mind Control & HAARP

    Re: HAARP used in Pakistan floods? Notice: rant coming (yes, even I feel like ranting now and again!) Haven't you people been reading the Comet Series linked on the left on SOTT, down, under the image of Al Gore getting hit in the head by a comet? Don't you know that all this sort of thing...
  2. Laura

    Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

    I was just digging around for some data I knew I had written about in the past few years and, after finding a few things, I thought: how interesting that this thread was named as it was because the "Mother of all Gushers" may give birth to the "Mother of all Storms." First, read this bit that...
  3. Mona

    Strange "Sinkhole" in Tropical storm - 115 Dead

    Pippi, you are making a valid point, it just could be a natural erosion of the limestone. However, just imagine that anything could be possible, even that which sounds and looks or acts impossible. Well, if the human/alien/psychopath's mind could do such a thing as to cause an earthquake in...
  4. RyanX

    Obama and Indonesia

    This is correct according to my understanding as well. HAARP is for mind control. There is really a lot that is going on that we do not know and probably cannot know for sure. The C's mentioned in a recent session that the Haitian earthquake was caused by triangulated spaced-based weapons...
  5. Rabelais

    Ike’s great-granddaughter outs secret Mars colony project

    Consider the source of this story, exopolitics. The one man show run by Alfred Webre. Take a look at this guy's credentials (assuming that they're authentic). This is from his Wiki and I've little doubt that he wrote it himself. He is a shameless self promoter with a healthy dose of narcissism...
  6. Alma.Innovadora

    Venezuela: Resistance or disintegration?

    Here's a struggle between socialism and capitalism. Here programs are under way to give people tools that have enabled them to survive. Within the revolution some people do not care about anything, just want money wherever it comes and satisfy their own pleasures, this can be interpreted as...
  7. transdimensional

    Under the Pretense of Disaster Relief, U.S. Running a Military Occupation

    More Pain for Devastated Haiti: Under the Pretense of Disaster Relief, U.S. Running a Military Occupation The rapid mobilization of U.S troops in Haiti was not primarily done for humanitarian reasons; we're likely to see a neoliberal economic plan imposed, at gunpoint if necessary. by Arun...
  8. JEEP

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    Seeing the above which was posted on the Re: Aaron McCollum - Stargate - Yemen thread, made me think about some other very unusual radar images that occurred near a HAARP type facility, the Boeing Systems Support and Operations, Australia's most sensitive Defence communication facilities. I...
  9. durabone

    Aaron McCollum - Stargate - Yemen

    Suspecting that cover might be used, I targeted the closest port city in Yemen to the area - Adan. If research has been happening they need supplies, a staging area, and downtime. Interestingly "Stargate Universe" has a character named "Adan." Great cover. Man, lots of grease out there! I...
  10. Niall

    Session 30 January 2010

    Regarding French-US relations, France spoke up about the invasion of Haiti early on: The CIA's response: There...
  11. Galaxia2002

    Session 30 January 2010

    I was wondering the same. It´s weird that in my country the chinese people is seen as people we must be wary, the general opinion is that they are "robotic people" but I suppose is the cultural wall and ignorance what is behind those thoughts. Maybe the occidental psychopatic society know...
  12. combsbt

    Session 30 January 2010

    Mythbusters did a thing on this a while ago: _ They were able to get this bridge - _ to vibrate to the point that you could feel it over a hundred feet from the source. The source was only a 6 pound...
  13. sitta

    Session 30 January 2010

    That gives me some clues to look for in next few months. It seems i'm little behind on news due to my studies and exams :-[ I have to remedy this. Off to SOTT then ...
  14. sitta

    Session 30 January 2010

    Thanks to all involved for this session, and for publishing it so fast :love: I was horrified when i read about numbers of psychopaths in different countries. When we consider that those deviants are going for power like bees go for honey it makes perfect sense that they will sought out the...
  15. Joe

    Session 30 January 2010

    Nienna Eluch was referring to this thread I think We're talking about a "secret government" here, one that is above all others, probably due to technology (possibly derived from interaction with some UFO-nauts around...
  16. Avi

    Session 30 January 2010

    Hi NE, Could you please clarify the following: as I am not familiar with this and perhaps I missed something in another thread or session? I also want to say this was very interesting session, thank-you all that were present and participated. Another question, about the world nations being...
  17. Laura

    Session 30 January 2010

    I've introduced a new "style" in this session: giving some of those present their forum names for familiarity. Session Date: January 30th 2010 Laura, Ark, Ottershrew, Joe, Andromeda, Belibaste, Nomad, Burma Jones, PoB, Alada, Ailén, Scottie, Psyche Q: (L) [Talking to others in the room with...
  18. JEEP

    Barack Obama

    OK, in perusing some other threads, I refound a very interesting fellow who has an extraordinary theory regarding Barack Obama, his wife, and children. I need to provide some background first. So, I looked at the youtube Corporate Logo video which jarred my memory concerning this: The thread...
  19. Lakewolf

    Google results from "magazine UFO"...strange

    Here it is: "Lest we forget" Keywords: UFO research, UFO magazine, UFO evidence, UFOs & aliens * First published by UFO Universe Magazine Fall 1997. Reproduced with kind permission of UFO Universe, the top magazine in UFOlogy. No material in this article may be reprinted without...
  20. The Mechanic

    Inside the Apocalyptic Soviet Doomsday Machine

    published at _ It boggles my mind that people have come up with a machine that basically is set to launch nuclear war (and most likely wipe out humanity in the process) fully automatically when certain...
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