Ike’s great-granddaughter outs secret Mars colony project


I haven't had a chance to listen to the interview cited in the article, but the Examiner article by Alfred L. Webre presents the main thesis elaborated in the interview.
Sure makes for interesting reading. No doubt there's a heavy dose of truth mixed in with some lies or at least distortion. It seems these people believe a lot of what they're saying, though that doesn't make it all true. I have no doubt that mars colonies exist as well as teleportation/advance technology - but i feel like this woman's importance is being overblown for some reason.
Hi Elizabeth,

Just as an exercise, take a look at this list of terms and concepts the article used:

a secret human survival colony on Mars


depopulate the Earth

Stanford Research Institute

secret technologies

extraterrestrial-related covert operations

Hitler died and the Nazis

Global Elite

Freemasons, Knights Templar

the Magdalene path

time travel


unique reincarnation of Magdalene/Sophia/Isis

Romulus and Remus

the Mayan prophecy

electromagnetic or psychic weaponry

implanted with a chip and had a multiple personality disorder

MK-ULTRA experiments

time viewing device (which they had called ‘Looking Glass’ or ‘Orion’s Cube’)

remote viewing

multi-generational occult ritual abuse


matrix of control

the power of the Holy Grail, which means ‘royal blood

Divine Feminine

personification of the Venus calendrical path

2012 Awakening of consciousness.

DARPA time travel program

quantum access

Project Pegasus

Presidents Jimmy Carter , Bill Clinton George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush


Martian astronauts

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis (ALTA)

Global Elite

leaving the Earth to atrophy and self-destruct

our lost Paradise, Atlantis, Shambhala, Eden or Heaven on Earth

Jerry said:
Hi Elizabeth,

Just as an exercise, take a look at this list of terms and concepts the article used:

a secret human survival colony on Mars


depopulate the Earth

Stanford Research Institute

secret technologies

extraterrestrial-related covert operations

Hitler died and the Nazis

Global Elite

Freemasons, Knights Templar

the Magdalene path

time travel


unique reincarnation of Magdalene/Sophia/Isis

Romulus and Remus

the Mayan prophecy

electromagnetic or psychic weaponry

implanted with a chip and had a multiple personality disorder

MK-ULTRA experiments

time viewing device (which they had called ‘Looking Glass’ or ‘Orion’s Cube’)

remote viewing

multi-generational occult ritual abuse


matrix of control

the power of the Holy Grail, which means ‘royal blood

Divine Feminine

personification of the Venus calendrical path

2012 Awakening of consciousness.

DARPA time travel program

quantum access

Project Pegasus

Presidents Jimmy Carter , Bill Clinton George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush


Martian astronauts

Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis (ALTA)

Global Elite

leaving the Earth to atrophy and self-destruct

our lost Paradise, Atlantis, Shambhala, Eden or Heaven on Earth


Wow thats a heck of a lot of keywords!! Im sure Google rankings will position that article well lol! :lol:
Just got thru listening to the radio interview. Elizabeth, thank you for the heads up. Very interesting interview. She tends to go on and on and at times I wished the interviewer would stop and ask more specific questions to keep her focused and on track. But that is a small point. Most of what she said will not be a surprise to this group. She covered alot of ground and thinks that the dark sides' days are now numbered. Too many topics to list here. Worth the listen.
Thanks for the heads up what a great read I love it when ppl step up to the plate ... now for the radio show !
Hi Chopper,

Welcome to the forum. :) We recommend all new members to post an introduction in the Newbies section telling us a bit about themselves, and how they found their way here. Have a read through that section to get an idea of how others have done it. Thanks.
Just goes to show that even the granddaughter of Ike can be either nuts or totally coopted.
Consider the source of this story, exopolitics. The one man show run by Alfred Webre. Take a look at this guy's credentials (assuming that they're authentic). This is from his Wiki and I've little doubt that he wrote it himself. He is a shameless self promoter with a healthy dose of narcissism thrown in for good measure:

Webre comes from a family which settled in Louisiana in the 17th century.[10] One of his parents is Cuban and Alfred Webre was raised in Cuba.[11]
[edit] Education

Webre entered Yale University in 1960 and graduated in 1964 with a Bachelor of Science in Industrial Administration Honors. His interest in law brought him to continue his education and to graduate from Yale Law School with a Juris Doctor in International law in 1967.[5] While studying at Yale Law School, he was also an Assistant in Instruction at the Economics Department of the U.S. Federal Taxation at Yale University (1965-1967). In 1967-1968, Webre traveled to Montevideo, Uruguay and became a Fulbright Scholar in Economic Integration.[5] In 1993, he entered the University of Texas at Brownsville and graduated with a Master of Education in Counseling in 1997.[5]
[edit] Early career

Webre became an associate with Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton, in New York City, in 1968. His responsibilities were international finance, tax, and litigation practice for investment banking, corporate, and public sector clients. In 1970, he joined the New York City Environmental Protection Administration as the General Counsel and Assistant Administrator.[12] He designed and enforced environmental standards for air, water, noise pollution, and solid waste management. In 1973, he went to work as a consultant for the Ford Foundation’s Public Interest Environmental Law Program in New York City.[12] He was in charge of evaluation and program recommendations in public interest environmental law program for grantees including Natural Resources Defense Council and Environmental Defense Fund. In 1977, he joined Stanford Research Institute (SRI International) in Menlo Park, California, as a futurist for the Center for the Study of Social Policy.[4][12] His responsibilities were the studies in alternative futures, innovation diffusion, and social policy applications for clients including the Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communications Study [5][12], the National Science Foundation, U.S. Congress (Office of Technology Assessment), the U.S. Department of Energy, and the State of California (Energy Plan).[citation needed]
[edit] Later career

Webre was a member of the Governor's Emergency Taskforce on Earthquake Preparedness for the state of California between 1980 & 1982.[citation needed] Between 1982-1987, he was a Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Delegate at the United Nations in New York.[citation needed] He was involved with the Communications Coordination Committee for the United Nations, with the UNISPACE Outer Space Conference (Vienna) and involved with the United Nations Second Special Session on Disarmament.[5] In 1983, Webre joined the New York State Legislative Institute as Senior Fellow.[citation needed] He spent time on issues of public policy studies and legislative initiatives for the New York State legislature as well as the development of Graduate School of Political Management.[citation needed] In 1986, he became President of Legal Access Worldwide (L.A.W.) an international legal access and litigation management firm.[citation needed] In 1987, Webre produced and hosted "The Instant of Cooperation", the first live radio broadcast between USA and the then Soviet Union, carried live by Gosteleradio and NPR satellite on WBAI-FM.[5][13] In 1996, he was an elected delegate to the Texas Democratic Presidential Convention in Dallas, Texas.

In 2000, he was a presenter at the Presidential Forum on Off-Planet Cultures Policy at the Santa Clara Convention Center in California.[citation needed] Since 2002, he is the host of "The Monday Brown Bagger", a public affairs radio talk show on Coop Radio CFRO 102.7 FM in Vancouver, British Columbia.[5][13][14] He is a founding director of Canada's No Weapons in Space Campaign (NOWIS) established in 2002.[citation needed] In 2004, he created the Campaign for Cooperation in Space (CCIS), an international organization where he works with others to prevent the weaponization of space and promote the transformation of the war economy into a peaceful, cooperative space exploration industry.[citation needed] In March 8, 2004, Webre attended the Council of Canadians public forum at the Maritime Labour Centre in Vancouver.[15] On March 14, 2005 Webre joined the editorial and advisory team for Peace Media.[13] On February 16, 2007, Webre said that the 2007 Chinese anti-satellite missile test occurred in order to stop the United States from proliferating weapons in space.[8]


I had an exchange with this man on another forum a few years ago. The exchange went on for a couple of days. It was about a few questions I asked about a post that he had made. The post was obviously disinfo. It sounded much like a piece from Sorcha Faal. He ignored the questions after being repeatedly and politely asked to address them. He finally went ad hominem and stormed off in a snit.

Wow, I thought. This guy has a Yale Law School JD in international law? He spends all day trolling alt websites posting these ridiculous stories? He's in thick with our space brothers. They're going to fix everything up for us here on earth. Old Alf has been in bed with government his entire adult life, it seems. I do think that he has been assigned a high ranking position in space woo woo control.

Sheesh, if I had his credentials I believe I could find a better gig. But hey, maybe internet UFO woo woo gatekeeper pays really well. It seems he is always hosting conferences, or at least he used to. I haven't seen an announcement of any lately, though.

Whenever I see an Alf story, my caveat lector warning light goes off. This story did not disappoint. Classic Webre.

Webre's views are not unlike the conclusion of other independent researchers such as Associate Professor of Political Science, Dr. Courtney Brown and the late Harvard Medical School Professor of psychiatry, Dr. John Edward Mack, who believed that we must become "galactic citizens".

Where does one go to apply for citizenship to the galaxy? Can you fly commercial with a galaxy passport?

Edit: With his Yale background, I wonder if he ever got tapped for Skull and Bones?
LOL believe me I take everything with a handfull of salt ;)
But still I do like checking alternative printings or I would never of found this forum ...
Laura Eisenhower, secret US colony on Mars

In an exclusive interview on ExopoliticsTV released January 17, 2011, Laura M. Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower, reveals a rare depth of public candor for a member of a US presidential family by predicting the coming collapse of the Military-Industrial Complex and a global transformation driven by enlightened unity consciousness. Her declarations come on the 50th anniversary of President Eisenhower’s famous Farewell Address of January 17, 1961, in which he warned the American people about the untoward influence of “the Military-Industrial Complex” on the US government.

Watch in-depth ExopoliticsTV interview with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower

Readers can watch the in-depth ExopoliticsTV interview with Laura M. Eisenhower above or at the URL below.

Listen to 60-minute Exopolitics Radio interview of Laura Magdalene Eisenhower by Alfred Lambremont Webre

Laura Eisenhower has also completed a new, 60-minute radio interview on the dynamics of 2011. You can listen to this Exopolitics Radio interview by clicking:


Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Dwight David Eisenhower

In February 2010, Laura Eisenhower first revealed that in 2006 and 2007, she was invited to join the secret US colony on Mars. At the time, she wrote: “My great grandfather, President Ike, who was also the Army general who led the Allied Forces to victory over Hitler, battled evil corrupt powers on Earth and took on some of the most challenging scenarios in history. As I grew up, I could sense that I was completing this battle that has ancient roots. When Hitler died and the Nazis lost power, the entities − including those that were ETs − did not. They continued to find hosts and create agreements with people who were a part of the… Global Elite, who want to run things through fear tactics, control and the suppression of Sophia or the essence of the Divine Feminine.”

source: http://www.examiner.com/exopolitics-in-seattle/laura-eisenhower-unity-consciousness-will-collapse-military-industrial-complex

The colony on Mars is perhaps disinfo or perhaps relate to 4D bases but interesting how she talk about some true: "they have been spending trillions of our tax dollars on projects that only serve their elitist mentality".

Lot of C's concepts in what she say.
Re: Laura Eisenhower, secret US colony on Mars

That's the thing of disinformation: If people do not believe the mars bases, they will not believe that the military spending lots of money by association. New age disinformation is very useful for that.
Re: Laura Eisenhower, secret US colony on Mars

mkrnhr said:
That's the thing of disinformation: If people do not believe the mars bases,

I'm not entirely convinced that there aren't bases on Mars. The bigwigs that make all the space stuff got too quiet all of the sudden during the Reagan years. With billions to be made by the corp elite on space exploration, why'd they all just suddenly stop pushing space programs? Trillions were spent on "Star Wars" ...where did that money go?
Re: Laura Eisenhower, secret US colony on Mars

I agree that it is possible, but without verifiable proof, it removes credibility to the whole thing. Associate space brothers to the story and people will reject it as some other crazy nonsense.
Re: Laura Eisenhower, secret US colony on Mars

This subject was discussed sometime ago here. Topics merged. :)
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