Search results for query: Wave-energy weapons

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  1. Nević Nenad

    The threat of asteroid "2024 YR4" and possible strategies for defending planet Earth

    Tango Six is aviation related portal in serbian. Here and there they came out with some quite interesting articles, such as this one by engineer Dalibor Djuran on asteroids and defence against them. He even gives very thorough and interesting comments in the readers comments section...
  2. Seamus

    Session 25 January 2025

    Thanks for this interesting session! I'm with you Laura... waiting for the other shoe to drop (pun intended). It seems so obvious, not a good sign that he is STILL so easily misled. This will only wake more people up. Remember they are "reality blind" and unable to see that the more they try...
  3. RedFox

    Session 25 January 2025

    Thanks for the session. The following reminded me of some things from older sessions on 9/11 and the WTC attacks (I may be reaching here): From 18th Jan 2003 Session 18 January 2003 I can't say if they are the same type of pulses as on 9/11, but there was this reported...
  4. Ca.

    Israel-Palestine War: Hamas Breaks Out of Gaza, Israel Responds With Genocide Escalation has continued throughout the region in the past year, reaching critical points in several spots. Is there more turmoil to come? The year 2024 marked a significant escalation in armed conflicts across the Middle East...
  5. Korzik18

    Predictions and Prophecies

    Many prophecies of Baba Vanga pass from mouth to mouth and sometimes it is difficult to find her exact quote. I found a little bit about Syria: In Telegram there is a channel of a female psychologist Olga who makes predictions or descriptions of situations, celebrities living and dead. She...
  6. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    More notes on explosives and explosive power If Russia makes another test, or demonstration, and if there are seismic effects then there is a screenshot that translates measurements on the Richter scale to tons of TNT explosives: Another image is from a Russian media Argumenty I Fakty...
  7. Bluegazer

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    If these new physical principles involve some kind of plasma+laser manipulation, it's almost like saying the Russians invented the Phaser. It is not my intention to mix reality with fiction given the tone of the thread, but it strikes me that the article talks about: Then you go and read...
  8. zak

    Session 19 October 2024

    Recently I've found it quite handy for pruning trees to be able to levitate (from a certain point of view), especially when it comes to forming clouds in those trees! On a less serious note, keeping down to earth but with an eye to the sky, old tools have always impressed me. The function...
  9. Happy Poo

    I don't get it.... why not destroy evil?

    Was thinking that in a roundabout way the work we do on ourselves does destroy evil to some extent, by removing the negativity and old thought patterns and replacing them with the good ones, and by working towards our own destiny, all by removing their food. I could imagine that this may cause...
  10. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    The Martian Stonehenge For those more familiar with my posts, they will appreciate that I have had a long-term interest in the planet Mars. Indeed, it was through a search I once did on the Monuments of Mars that I discovered Laura and the Cassiopaeans. The C’s confirmed my strong suspicions...
  11. Ryan

    Weather Control: 3D and 4D Phenomenon? Who's on first? What's the science?

    During various sessions, the C's have hinted that humans may have some degree of influence over the weather, while outright stating that severe weather is often a form of "battle" between 4D forces, amongst the natural Earth Changes taking place: The image coming into focus here seems to...
  12. Keyhole

    Coronavirus Pandemic: Apocalypse Now! Or exaggerated scare story?

    The scientific community has actually been studying this for a long time. Back in the early 2000s, NATO advisors were discussing the potential uses of nanotechnology for military use. Here are some relevant pieces of information: This technology is generally referred to as "nanorobotics"...
  13. M

    Session 18 May 2024

    Thank you for this analysis. It got me thinking and wondering what may have been happening around 3,131 BC. One thing springs to mind is what the C's said about the building of the city of Baalbek in what is today modern day Lebanon. Some of the stones used in the construction of the foundations...
  14. avivalevy3

    Session 27 April 2024

    Thanks for your efforts. I am guess y'all have the same question in mind for the next session: what happened to the helicopter last night that was carrying the Iranians?
  15. Laura

    Session 27 April 2024

    Session Date: April 27th 2024 Laura and Andromeda at the board Joe, Niall, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Falkor, Bella, Leia FOTCM Members attending via Zoom: 3DStudent, A Jay, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, anartist, AndrewMn, Andrian, annp, Anthony...
  16. susy7

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you, so cosmic string theory is something to look into, since we've been talking about Brane.
  17. I

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you for the latest session. Read few of the comments all ready (page 3 ongoing....) and wanted toshare some ideas since there is others also wondering programchanges, our lives and all the happenings. Lot of ifs, bare with me. If UniversalMind / Logos is one original thought; one...
  18. tschai

    Session 9 March 2024

    Thank you all for the new session- quite a bit to ponder. Percentage of goodness for this forum? Infinite ♾️ percent!
  19. Laura

    Session 9 March 2024

    Session Date: March 9th 2024 Laura and Andromeda at the board Niall, Joe, Gaby, Ark, PoB, Chu, Scottie, Luna, Pikabu FOTCM Members attending via Zoom: 3DStudent, A Jay, Abats, Adobe, Aeneas, aimarok, Aiming, Alana, Alejo, Altair, aluminumfalcon, Anamarija, anartist, AndrewMn, annp...
  20. Haiku

    The Stone Emissary & The Water Enchanter …

    The Stone Emissary & The Water Enchanter … Throughout history there are stories about certain people that can move large rocks and boulders. Civilizations like the Egyptians, Mayan’s, Aztek’s and even the people of easter island. They had the knowledge, given to them or passed along through...
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