Search results for query: WMD

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  1. A

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    ...Assembly, who adopted a resolution called International cooperation in the peaceful use of outer space. However, due to the creation of its WMD system, the US refused to sign the documents, and now accuses the other states of space militarization. The US has now shown the weakness of its...
  2. A

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    ...according to confirmed sources involved in the transit of these weapons, had “disappeared.” For those with a short memory, these are the WMD’s referred to by then British Prime Minister Tony Blair when he claimed Saddam Hussein was “45 minutes from a nuclear capability.” Blair claimed that...
  3. A

    Sociopath Media Report: Old Dogs & Old Tricks

    ...“It is this that made Russia’s decision for confrontation with Turkey decisive and final.” Like for MH17, Chemical attacks in Syria, Iraq’s WMD and many other issues that have shaped the course of the world in the last years, no evidence is provided to sustain the accusations against Russia...
  4. A

    Russian Documentary: "World Order" exposes US-driven NWO conspiracy

    ...the possibilities: “Saddam moves against Kurds in north? US discovers Saddam connection to Sept. 11 attack or to anthrax attacks? Dispute over WMD inspections? Start now thinking about inspection demands.” Rumsfeld’s memorandum is one of many proofs that there was a conspiracy to launch the...
  5. Aeneas

    Turkey shot down Russian bomber over Syria

    Another article with some geopolitical input:
  6. M

    pathological political quotes

    ...Wait a minute, surely this coalition you've "done before" isn't the one that went into Iraq in 2003 looking for WMD, and which completely destabilized the country, and made it into a breeding ground for terrorism and terror attacks? That one doesn't look very good on the résumé, when trying...
  7. bjorb

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    ...More will follow suit. And with that comes '911 truth' ? That can lead to the end of Israel. But they better be sure to first neutralize all WMD's Israel possesses. - If you look at the C's hierarchal structure messing with Israel is messing with 'Mossad' who is on top of the 'Consortium'...
  8. SeekinTruth


    ...Iran. The resilience of this myth is based on a simple factor – it is impossible to prove a negative. Just as Iraq could not prove that it had no WMD, Iran cannot prove that it does not have a military nuclear program. The US intelligence community showed a rather amazing level of courage...
  9. aragorn


    Yeah, I also stumbled on this story of bioengineered WMD:s yesterday, while searching. This story seems to be circulating on various alternative sites, like 'educateyourself' and 'godlikeproductoins', which makes me a bit suspicious. There seems to be many books related to the subject, not only...
  10. Chu

    Man Decapitated And Several Hurt In Suspected Islamist Attack On French Factory

    Indeed, a very familiar script.... There's an Air Products Israel too...
  11. michaelrc

    Brian Williams... gone?

    ...Europe. The U.S. news media has failed the American people often in recent years by not challenging U.S. government falsehoods, as with Iraq’s WMD. But the most dangerous violation of journalistic principles has occurred in the Ukraine crisis, which has the potential of a nuclear war. The...
  12. wodasi

    Dmitry Orlov

    this also could be called " Don't be a Dead Cat " i love this guys blog , but thus one had me spinning a little .. comments on this would be cool ...
  13. M

    Fair Game - The Valerie Plame Story

    ...true story of Valerie Plame Wilson and her husband Joe Wilson. The movie covers the period in 2002 when the US was claiming it had evidence for WMD in Iraq, as a pretext for war. It dramatizes well the top-down pressure within the administration and the CIA to come up with a narrative...
  14. G

    Russian "Invasion" of Ukraine

    ...(Ukraine Reports Russian Invasion on a New Front, New York Times) “Stealth invasion”? In other words, Gordon has settled on a substitute for WMD. What a surprise. This isn’t even good fiction; it’s more like Grimm’s Fairy Tales. And where are the photos? If you have evidence, Gordon, let’s...
  15. Laura

    Russian "Invasion" of Ukraine

    Yes, I would say that SOTT's position on this propaganda war and our activity on FB and Twitter have made us a target. We need all of you out there sharing info on social media to keep the torch lit. Here's a couple of items to share widely: "Zero Proof" - The "Russian Invasion" Of Ukraine...
  16. Arwenn

    Cash, Weapons and Surveillance: the U.S. is a Key Party to Every Israeli Attack

    I came upon this article and thought it might be an idea to put it on SoTT. _
  17. James Henry

    Iraq Crisis: Are Isis Execution Photos Fake?

    ...story is also about ISIS and disinfo I thought I would post it here. Propaganda Alert! I was wondering how long it would take to plant find the WMDs. I have a feeling this story/angle will continue to be pushed to try to clear and prop up the Bush warmongers and stir the pot...
  18. A

    The Truthseeker - NATO false flags in Ukraine

    ...How is the Western press any more trustworthy now than it was in the lead-up to the 19 March 2003 invasion of Iraq to destroy “Saddam’s WMD”? It’s not that the reporters are corrupt. It’s that no major news media will hire them if they’re not. The owners, the controlling families, do not...
  19. Ellipse


    For the record, here's the text :
  20. A

    Civil War in Ukraine: Western Empire vs Russia

    ...anything at all. A decade ago, Times journalist Judith Miller was the conduit for broadcasting lies that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction (WMD), touching off a huge media campaign that set the stage for the US invasion of Iraq. Today, the lies the Times is palming off as news could...
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