Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Can someone hazard a guess as to why Putin doesn't do the following if his aim is to enact a multipolar world.

  • Why doesn't the Russian state tell the whole world what are in the mRNA jabs and their hazards to health - like why must we rely on independent researchers. What does Russia owe Pfizer or Moderna.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state pursue the origins of covid - I'm sure they have very capable scientists.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state educate its people (and by extension, the world) on how Western propaganda works in a way that is self evident to the average Russian on the street
If Russia is in an existential battle, why don't they take the above actions. There is no need to expend so much military resources when you can leverage truth. The West lies, it's not enough to say it lies, why doesn't he show it to the world.

I expect it must be because there must be agreements in place on what can and can't be done.

I get why China doesn't take any of the above actions but I don't get why Russia doesn't.
Can someone hazard a guess as to why Putin doesn't do the following if his aim is to enact a multipolar world.

  • Why doesn't the Russian state tell the whole world what are in the mRNA jabs and their hazards to health - like why must we rely on independent researchers. What does Russia owe Pfizer or Moderna.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state pursue the origins of covid - I'm sure they have very capable scientists.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state educate its people (and by extension, the world) on how Western propaganda works in a way that is self evident to the average Russian on the street
If Russia is in an existential battle, why don't they take the above actions. There is no need to expend so much military resources when you can leverage truth. The West lies, it's not enough to say it lies, why doesn't he show it to the world.

I expect it must be because there must be agreements in place on what can and can't be done.

I get why China doesn't take any of the above actions but I don't get why Russia doesn't.

Why do you think people would believe the truth? If Putin came out today that 9/11 was an inside job. What do you think will happen?

BTW, we had this discussions before on the forum. Again and again and again.
Unfortunately, if you would carefully analyze situation on battlefront, our withdrawals and the causes of it from september - it would be clear that we are now in strategic defense stance on all fronts (no wars was ever won from this). Ukrs-successfully returning their territory almost everywhere (as we have seen earlier-even planning counterattack on our land). The thing is propaganda works both ways.
If our military generals, intel, people who you personally know on the front tell how the disposition on the front really is and it is much more closer to western propaganda, than sorry. Most of the Russians directly or indirectly affected by the war follow their relatives involved, TG channels, Z voenkors, etc-you would be surprised to know how efficient our propaganda network is. Same cliches/phrases/style - all around.

I will not repeat my old mistake and will not continue to try to prove something. By these series of these posts-a just wanted to highlight the turning point of the whole so called smo.

You are all serious people here. It’s everybody's lessons to navigate through lies, illusions, listen, NETWORK etc...🙏
The Russians themselves have said that despite the fact that the difference in deaths is 8 to 1 on average in their favor, they are still losing human lives and prefer to avoid unnecessary deaths, the movement of troops by the Russians has been a constant since the beginning of the conflict, they are not fooling themselves and they know that the number of soldiers they have in Ukraine is relatively low and they also know now that NATO intervened more than necessary and revitalized to a certain extent part of the depleted Ukrainian army, in at this time and with so few troops available to face the offensive in Kershon, it is a good idea once again to resort to the "withdrawal" strategy, positioning behind the Dnieper River allows the release of troops since the river itself works as a natural barrier and it is not necessary so many personnel for its defense, by the way the bridges over the river have already been destroyed, something that Ukraine could not do on several occasions with its promoted HIMARS.
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Why do you think people would believe the truth? If Putin came out today that 9/11 was an inside job. What do you think will happen?

BTW, we had this discussions before on the forum. Again and again and again.
People believe evidence - or at least a good % will. It's not a question of Putin saying something, it's a question of the Russian state showing something.

As they say,

The truth is like a lion; you don’t have to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself.

The problem is that truth is so rare nowadays. People don't know what to believe. You know why? Because truth has become a matter of TRUSTING the source whereas it should be a matter of something being self evident and logically reasonable - it shouldn't be entirely about belief or trust.

So, it's not about Putin coming out today and saying something, it's about him coming out today and showing something and letting the truth speak for itself.

But of course, this won't happen because no doubt the West has possession of state secrets from Russia that they will threaten to expose as well in some sort of "mutually assured destruction" in the information sphere.
Can someone hazard a guess as to why Putin doesn't do the following if his aim is to enact a multipolar world.

  • Why doesn't the Russian state tell the whole world what are in the mRNA jabs and their hazards to health - like why must we rely on independent researchers. What does Russia owe Pfizer or Moderna.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state pursue the origins of covid - I'm sure they have very capable scientists.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state educate its people (and by extension, the world) on how Western propaganda works in a way that is self evident to the average Russian on the street
If Russia is in an existential battle, why don't they take the above actions. There is no need to expend so much military resources when you can leverage truth. The West lies, it's not enough to say it lies, why doesn't he show it to the world.

I expect it must be because there must be agreements in place on what can and can't be done.

I get why China doesn't take any of the above actions but I don't get why Russia doesn't.
One example of this was Lavrov's comment about Hitler. I bet most who were aware of his comment probably took as Russian BS and trolling. Western stereotyping of Russians runs very deep thanks to movies and other mass information sources. It's almost like banging your head against a wall when attempting to change this.

Check out flag at around 1 min mark

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US and UK troops train to ‘pacify Russian civilians’ – media​

"Russian speakers allegedly role-played as an unruly mob stirred up by “Fakebook” and “Twatter” posts"

"The ongoing drills are being held in California’s Mojave Desert as part of the Pentagon’s 'Project Convergence', which was expanded this year to include participation by allies Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the UK."

"The troops, including an elite British infantry regiment, practiced “lessons learned” from the Russia-Ukraine conflict while training on open desert landscapes deemed “similar to the flat terrain of the Ukrainian steppe,” the UK’s Times newspaper said."

"The exercises took place at Fort Irwin, a sprawling US Army base that includes mock villages built with the help of Hollywood set designers. Previously, Arabic speakers and Afghans were brought in from the Los Angeles area to play the part of civilians in simulation exercises. This time around, with the Russia-Ukraine conflict raging in Eastern Europe, most of the non-combatants were played by Russian speakers."

“The fake civilians even have their own social media networks – 'Fakebook' and 'Twatter' – on which they whip up an unruly mob by reporting any examples of US troops behaving poorly,” the Times said. “The soldiers must then pacify the crowds.”

"It allowed troops to test advanced technology – such as artificial intelligence, robotics and new drones – while practicing information-sharing procedures with their allies."

"For instance, swarms of drones identified targets and"


Kherson remains part of Russia – Kremlin​

"The withdrawal of Russian forces from Kherson doesn't effect the legal status of the region, Moscow insisted on Friday, as it was officially incorporated into Russia last month after a public referendum."

"Speaking to journalists, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov stated that “Kherson Region remains part of the Russian Federation, and this status is legally fixed and defined, and there can be no changes to this status.”

Deputy Chairman of the Russian Security Councilsays Russia will continue returning its lands

"MOSCOW, November 12. /TASS/. Today, Russia is building an equal world order for the future and is fighting alone against the West, while protecting its citizens and returning its lands, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on Saturday."

"It is Russia, and not the [United] States or Great Britain or the gloomy Kiev, who is building a future world order," and "such an equal world order will be built," he added. "Russia is fighting alone against NATO and the West, so drawing any parallels with the past is either incorrect or conventional," he maintained."

"For reasons that are obvious to all sensible people, Russia has not yet used its entire arsenal of weapons. Nor has it hit all possible enemy targets in localities. <…> Everything in its time."

German journalist and her mother are being persecuted by the German government for reporting on Donbass that Ukraine has been bombing its own people and most people in the region support Russia.

Interesting that when I first tried to watch the tweet, Twitter warned me this was 'adult content' and I had to enter my birthdate. :rolleyes:

Can someone hazard a guess as to why Putin doesn't do the following if his aim is to enact a multipolar world.

  • Why doesn't the Russian state tell the whole world what are in the mRNA jabs and their hazards to health - like why must we rely on independent researchers. What does Russia owe Pfizer or Moderna.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state pursue the origins of covid - I'm sure they have very capable scientists.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state educate its people (and by extension, the world) on how Western propaganda works in a way that is self evident to the average Russian on the street
If Russia is in an existential battle, why don't they take the above actions. There is no need to expend so much military resources when you can leverage truth. The West lies, it's not enough to say it lies, why doesn't he show it to the world.

I expect it must be because there must be agreements in place on what can and can't be done.

I get why China doesn't take any of the above actions but I don't get why Russia doesn't.
All I can do is to guess for myself only.

And it goes: because there is no point in shouting in deaf man's ear.
Can someone hazard a guess as to why Putin doesn't do the following if his aim is to enact a multipolar world.

  • Why doesn't the Russian state tell the whole world what are in the mRNA jabs and their hazards to health - like why must we rely on independent researchers. What does Russia owe Pfizer or Moderna.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state pursue the origins of covid - I'm sure they have very capable scientists.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state educate its people (and by extension, the world) on how Western propaganda works in a way that is self evident to the average Russian on the street
If Russia is in an existential battle, why don't they take the above actions. There is no need to expend so much military resources when you can leverage truth. The West lies, it's not enough to say it lies, why doesn't he show it to the world.

I expect it must be because there must be agreements in place on what can and can't be done.

I get why China doesn't take any of the above actions but I don't get why Russia doesn't.
Strategic enclosure doesn't just apply to individuals or small groups, but to entire countries as well!
Secrets can be leveraged at the right moment, like when the bubble pops and people start searching for deeper truths.
Q: (L) Is that turmoil going to affect us directly here?
A: Very little as you are. But do not let your guard down. Strategic enclosure to the max.
Q: (Joe) In what way?
(Artemis) Don't kick the hornet's nest.
A: Yes
Q: (Artemis) Do things calmly, serenely, or just walk away. Be very gentle, because crazy forces are acting through people.
A: Reduce agitation. It is mostly useless at this point.
Q: (Andromeda) So, they're talking about... our political activism?
A: Yes
Q: (Andromeda) Like, uh, Twitter?
(Chu) Facebook.
A: Yes
Can someone hazard a guess as to why Putin doesn't do the following if his aim is to enact a multipolar world.

  • Why doesn't the Russian state tell the whole world what are in the mRNA jabs and their hazards to health - like why must we rely on independent researchers. What does Russia owe Pfizer or Moderna.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state pursue the origins of covid - I'm sure they have very capable scientists.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state educate its people (and by extension, the world) on how Western propaganda works in a way that is self evident to the average Russian on the street
If Russia is in an existential battle, why don't they take the above actions. There is no need to expend so much military resources when you can leverage truth. The West lies, it's not enough to say it lies, why doesn't he show it to the world.

I expect it must be because there must be agreements in place on what can and can't be done.

I get why China doesn't take any of the above actions but I don't get why Russia doesn't.


Iraq - Gulf War 1990-91, WMD - chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons
Iraq - Gulf War 2003, WMD - chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons
Fallujah - depleted uranium
Syria - White Helmets - Chemical attacks
Ukraine - Flight MH17
Ukraine - 2014 The Maidan coup
Maginsky ...
Skripals - Novichok
Alexei Navalny - Novichok
FBI DNC - Trump
2016 US Election
2020 US Election
Covid, lockdowns, masks, genetic engineered vaccines
Biden - walking zombie
Marxist Left - Social Justice Warrior, Identity specialness, Trans madness
Global Warming

Oh, I forgot Israel / Palestine for 70 years

United Nations
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)
World Court

All International Organizations are controlled by the Intel Agencies of the West, serving Western Elites.

Who would Putin provide evidence to? There was all the evidence in the world of the few above mentioned atrocities and the International Organizations either did not care or manipulated the evidence to their own needs. That is the scope of the situation Putin faces. That is what Putin is trying to change.

It is not that simple.
The Russians themselves have said that despite the fact that the difference in deaths is 8 to 1 on average in their favor, they are still losing human lives and prefer to avoid unnecessary deaths, the movement of troops by the Russians has been a constant since the beginning of the conflict, they are not fooling themselves and they know that the number of soldiers they have in Ukraine is relatively low and they also know now that NATO intervened more than necessary and revitalized to a certain extent part of the depleted Ukrainian army, in at this time and with so few troops available to face the offensive in Kershon, it is a good idea once again to resort to the "withdrawal" strategy, positioning behind the Dnieper River allows the release of troops since the river itself works as a natural barrier and it is not necessary so many personnel for its defense, by the way the bridges over the river have already been destroyed, something that Ukraine could not do on several occasions with its promoted HIMARS.
You write: kill ratio is 1 to 8 is in our favour. The point is - where it comes from? from Surovikin and Shoigu-the main interested ‘guys’ in that sweet picture so that our population does not ask the question about our REAL losses during the campaign. That is the top covered figure in our country for the last 9 months. Again i will repeat myself, if everything was so ‘awesome’ - we would be having no mobilization, no miserable withdrawals for the last 3 months on all fronts and most importantly - the smo was supposed to last up to 2 weeks.

P.s. The reason we are having such a ‘clash’ with situation evaluation - is because of different quantity and most importantly quality of info sources. Accordingly the base for the analysis. If that ‘foundation’ so to say was similar - assessment of the situation would be alike.
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