Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Us, the people of the world. 🤗

How can he reach us you ask? Simple, show it to the Russian people, make a big show of it. The rest of us will see it online.

I think that is simplistic and naïve. Anybody with open eyes can already see what is going on. And there are those who just will not see, no matter what. We have seen that with 9/11, Syria, Libya, Ukraine and of course Covid. So many people so willingly blind. All that would happen is that once again he would be branded as a liar, a propagandist, as somebody spreading misinformation. Net result, zero.

MOSCOW, November 12. /TASS/. Today, Russia is building an equal world order for the future and is fighting alone against the West, while protecting its citizens and returning its lands, Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev said on Saturday.

"[I’d like] to reiterate that it is Russia who is protecting its citizens. And that it is this country who has been returning and has already retuned Russian lands, not the other way round. And it will continue returning its lands," he wrote on his Telegram channel, summing up the result of 2022.

"It is Russia, and not the [United] States or Great Britain or the gloomy Kiev, who is building a future world order," and "such an equal world order will be built," he added. "Russia is fighting alone against NATO and the West, so drawing any parallels with the past is either incorrect or conventional," he maintained.

According to Medvedev, Russia is doing its best to save the lives of its service people and civilians while performing combat tasks.

Commenting on the weapons being used by Russia in its special military operation in Ukraine, he said: "For reasons that are obvious to all sensible people, Russia has not yet used its entire arsenal of weapons. Nor has it hit all possible enemy targets in localities. <…> Everything in its time."

Medvedev concluded saying that only unity, everyday hard work and the highest morale would help the country to win.
Tags Military operation in Ukraine



Scandal with the theft of money from the USA by Ukraine is brewing #перевёлиозвучил Andrey Bocharov -- full video in my tg-channel Бочарик (ага, тот самый) .
People, in Kherson, a bocharik was caught

KIEV, November 12. /TASS/. The Ukrainian authorities imposed a curfew in Kherson on Saturday and restricted entry and exit from the city, citing mine clearance efforts, Yaroslav Yanushevich, chief of Ukraine’s Kherson regional military administration, said.

"We have to impose a curfew starting today, from 5 p.m. to 8 a.m.," Yanushevich said in a video posted on the administration’s Telegram channel.

"I would also like to inform you that coming into the city and leaving it will be restricted to ensure demining activities," he added.
On Friday, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky announced that the Ukrainian authorities had no intention of allowing journalists into Kherson under the pretext of demining.



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Regarding Zelensky's claim that Crimea wil receive the Ukranian forces like Kherson did, there's this video circulating:

I wasn't impressed. There's like 100-200 people in that square, and Kherson is a city of a few hundred thousand. Obviously, a lot of people evacuated, and I would imagine that mostly the pro-Kiev population are the ones who chose to stay. And of those, only a couple hundred people showed up? I've seen way larger crowds for football matches. That sort of confirms that Kherson is mostly pro-Russia. Now imagine Crimea!
All International Organizations are controlled by the Intel Agencies of the West, serving Western Elites.

Who would Putin provide evidence to? There was all the evidence in the world of the few above mentioned atrocities and the International Organizations either did not care or manipulated the evidence to their own needs. That is the scope of the situation Putin faces. That is what Putin is trying to change.

It is not that simple.
The list of spheres needs to be expanded. Not everyone is interested in politics. What happens in art? "They" are trying to "cancel" Chekhov and Dostoevsky (just as an example).
Again, not everyone is interested in art. What's going on in sports? Starting with the IOC and ending with absolutely all the world sports federations are doing the same thing, "canceling" Russia.
The scientific environment is less well known to the general public, but believe me (who doesn't believe yet) it's all the same there. If you want to be noticed, to have your work published in a prestigious magazine, you must in a certain way, be sure to publicly declare your rejection of the policy of Russia and Putin personally.
It's all total, "they" did their best, and in such conditions, the comparison "head against the wall" in my opinion is too soft. Now I will not find an exact quote, but there were questions at the sessions whether Russia had evidence (in my opinion, it was about 911 at that time). C's answer was definite-yes. To the question why these proofs are not presented, the answer was also quite definite, in the sense that this can only achieve recognition as a madman.
And here I agree with the opinion.
I think that is simplistic and naïve. Anybody with open eyes can already see what is going on. And there are those who just will not see, no matter what. We have seen that with 9/11, Syria, Libya, Ukraine and of course Covid. So many people so willingly blind. All that would happen is that once again he would be branded as a liar, a propagandist, as somebody spreading misinformation. Net result, zero.

"He who has ears, let him hear..."

Список сфер необходимо расширить. Не все интересуются политикой. Что происходит в искусстве? "Они" пытаются "отменить" Чехова и Достоевского (просто как пример).
Опять, не все интересуются искусством. Что происходит в спорте? Начиная с МОК и кончая абсолютно всеми мировыми федерациями по видам спорта делают одно и тоже, "отменяют" Россию.
Научная среда менее известна широкой публике, но поверьте (кто ещё не верит) там всё то же самое. Если хочешь, чтоб тебя заметили, чтобы опубликовали твою работу в престижном журнале, ты должен определенным образом, обязательно публично, заявить о своем неприятии политики России и лично Путина.
Это все тотально, "они" постарались на славу и в таких условиях сравнение "головой об стену" на мой взгляд слишком мягкое. Сейчас я не найду точную цитату, но на сессиях были вопросы имеются ли у России доказательства (по моему речь тогда шла о 911). Ответ C's был определенным-да. На вопрос почему эти доказательства не предъявляются, ответ тоже был вполне определенным, в том смысле что этим можно добиться только признания сумасшедшим.
И здесь я соглашусь с мнением.
"Имеющий уши да услышит..."
Looks like visible signs of unhappiness with Poland's geopolitical course appeared on their Day of Independence.

Yeah, but those polish nationalists at the same time:
Crossed nazi signs along with Putin's face.

"Stop Russian propaganda. Nationalism free from Bolshevism"

"Kiev, Warsaw - common interests" (I wonder if those common interests are common war?)

Now in Poland there's no such a political movement that would be pro peace with Russia and normal interactions with Russians (apart from really small non public movements). So called "opposition" is against welcoming refugees from Ukraine and at the same time pro war with Russia, where's the logic?
Regarding Zelensky's claim that Crimea wil receive the Ukranian forces like Kherson did, there's this video circulating:

I wasn't impressed. There's like 100-200 people in that square, and Kherson is a city of a few hundred thousand. Obviously, a lot of people evacuated, and I would imagine that mostly the pro-Kiev population are the ones who chose to stay. And of those, only a couple hundred people showed up? I've seen way larger crowds for football matches. That sort of confirms that Kherson is mostly pro-Russia. Now imagine Crimea!
I noticed this on our MSM channels yesterday in Uk. Mainly sky and BBC news. They're fanfaring the welcome the Ukranians got going into the city but noticed there weren't many people. Also noted they were spinning that it is the Russians who have damaged the hydro electric Dam in Kherson Also spouted the Russians have mined the Dam. Not surprised but as usual nothing of substance reported.
Apparently Russia have failed in all their goals and Zelensky's Ukraine won't stop until they win back the rest of their land taken by the Russians. No end in sight and our western pundits are satisfied that all Ukranians are expendable. Sorry prepared to fight for every inch of the country.
This needs to be confirmed, but it appears that Ukraine has been buying up FTX with all the free lunch monies. FTX has crashed and is now bankrupt. Ouch!

This needs to be confirmed, but it appears that Ukraine has been buying up FTX with all the free lunch monies. FTX has crashed and is now bankrupt. Ouch!

Yeah, crazy story.

There is more in German here:

Appears that there have been special "fundraisers" using FTX, possibly to cloak the extent of free money floating to Ukraine (and who knows what bribes and black ops etc.), and also investment by Ukraine in FTX using regular "help money".

Poof, all gone LOL
Financial mismanagement in Ukraine has been ongoing for years now.

As reported about what happened to the IMF loan that they received back in 2014:

Shortly after the IMF granted its first $3.2-billion tranche to Ukraine, it reported that “the banking system faced large foreign currency outflows ($3.1 billion).
I have already noted John Helmer’s assertion that the first IMF loan tranche disappeared offshore and that, using the most conservative figures from Graham Stacks’ research, the total amount of state embezzlement is likely to be much larger
This needs to be confirmed, but it appears that Ukraine has been buying up FTX with all the free lunch monies. FTX has crashed and is now bankrupt. Ouch!

Memes already
Yeah, crazy story.

There is more in German here:

Appears that there have been special "fundraisers" using FTX, possibly to cloak the extent of free money floating to Ukraine (and who knows what bribes and black ops etc.), and also investment by Ukraine in FTX using regular "help money".

Poof, all gone LOL
P.s. The reason we are having such a ‘clash’ with situation evaluation - is because of different quantity and most importantly quality of info sources. Accordingly the base for the analysis. If that ‘foundation’ so to say was similar - assessment of the situation would be alike.

Have you been providing your sources and data in a clean, efficient way?

Anyway, Ark and several others who are Russian speakers/readers read the Russian and Ukie sources every day. So why is there a clash between their view and yours?

Also, why is there a clash between your view and what the Cs point out?
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