Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

I think that Antony isn't about who is right or wrong but rather to show two sides of the coin. It's true that by observations in this forum we "globally" Concluded that Putin is better than our empire of lies but it's not implying that all of Putin and his men's do is right and good. He is not the knight in shining armor but rather a man who could do something good. It's not about who is right because every one got right. Antony is right about that situation in some places in Russia is terrifying and there are rulers who do bad things, this forum says that Putin could do something good for world. Putin is not black or white, he is just a man. He sometimes says truth and sometimes say lies but globally as C's say he's rather good. E. G. He focus most on WWII, he says a lot about red army and that they was good and fight nazis but in other hand we know who control this army- Stalin and I think he was rather bad person. In Poland you could ask old people about WWII and most common they say that Germans we're bad but you could live with them and somehow survive in other hand Russians in red army were the worst. They raped and killed everything, there is a study book which shows that it could be not lie to say that Polish people right know could be from mostly from rapes made by red army on Polish women. Every nation have done good and bad things and I think that Antony wants for us to remember that world isn't black and white :-)
Another nonsense about Stalin was dragged from Poland, the most anti-Semitic country in the world. No one doubts that Poland hates everyone around and all these textbooks written to order the same thing that happens in Ukraine with their textbooks. Well, about what the old people said ... these are generally arguments from kindergarten.
Another nonsense about Stalin was dragged from Poland, the most anti-Semitic country in the world. No one doubts that Poland hates everyone around and all these textbooks written to order the same thing that happens in Ukraine with their textbooks. Well, about what the old people said ... these are generally arguments from kindergarten.
What anti-semitism has to do with talking nonsense about Stalin?
That's not entirely common people's fault that they "hate everyone", it's what they are being taught, what they hear all the time from their parents and grandparents, at school. And old people talk a lot about atrocities comitted by Ukrainians and actually I guess that most of the time when they talk about Russians they in reality mean Ukrainians = people from the region near Lviv and Kiev. But actually what does it matter? At war any army commits crimes, rapes, steal, murder, that's the reality of war and people can be really cruel, there's a lot of trash in the army who go to war just to "have fun". And Stalin or any other leader doesn't actually have to do anything with it, especially at those times during WWII when the officers could not have as much supervision over its soldiers as they do now.

Antony is right about that situation in some places in Russia is terrifying and there are rulers who do bad things, this forum says that Putin could do something good for world. Putin is not black or white, he is just a man. He sometimes says truth and sometimes say lies but globally as C's say he's rather good.
I partly agree with that, but actually I tend to think that what for us or those who live in Russia seems to be a bad decision or evil move, it can be just the "lesser evil" Putin picked. We also can't forget that Russia has some problems at lower levels of management, among officers or officials, that need to be solved yet and it's impossible to blame Putin for everything that happens. He is surrounded by people with different interests at heart and he cannot control everything around him. Russia is big and veeery diverse.
Fresh statements by Patrushev on the topic of the war in Ukraine and the prospects for negotiations.

1. The goal of the United States is to weaken, divide and ultimately destroy Russia, using the puppet regime in Kyiv as a battering ram.
2. The United States in the new national security strategy consolidates superiority over other countries and is ready to do anything for its goals.
3. The tasks of the special operation will be fulfilled, despite the military assistance to the Kyiv regime from the West.
4. The United States and its allies are playing off the peoples, pushing the world into a global war, refusing to condemn the glorification of Nazism and racism at the UN site
'"Weather-enforced pause": Only Ukraine can negotiate for its defeat, but not US, because US always wins.'

14 Nov, 2022

15 Nov, 2022
In Ukraine, they reported launches of "Caliber" from the Black Sea by ships of the Black Sea Fleet and launches of cruise missiles by Long-Range Aviation aircraft from the Caspian Sea region. An air alert has been declared in Ukraine. Several explosions in Zaporozhye.🤔
What anti-semitism has to do with talking nonsense about Stalin?
I thought you would answer this question for me!
In my opinion, Polish politicians constantly need someone to blame for an excuse to ask for reparations, while spinning the wheel of propaganda and hatred towards neighboring countries. At the same time, I do not remember that Poland would pay reparations to Jews for "Khurstalnaya Night" or emigrants killed on the border with Belarus (history repeats itself).
The inhabitants of Poland should be worried that the Anglo-Saxons would not again make Poland Pilsudska. And, judging by the video from Poland and its participation in Ukraine, everything is moving towards this.
At the same time, I do not blame ordinary citizens of Poland, I perfectly understand how propaganda works and who writes your textbooks, but you should not delve into the distant past, but think about the future of your country.
And, by the way, I do not remember that the personality of the "Leader of the Peoples" was discussed during the Cassioperi session. It would be interesting to open this pandora's box.:lol:

Russian strikes continue in a massive campaign not seen in some time.

17.31 UPD Ivano-Frankovsk confirmed

17.31 UPD Kovel, Ternopil confirmed

17.33 UPD Kiev targets: Strikes on buildings of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and operational command confirmed

17.35 UPD Kremenchug target: substation 750kV confirmed

17:35 UPD Sumy confirmed

17.37 UPD Poltava confirmed

17.41 UPD Odessa (Ochakov, Yuzhny) confirmed

Intel Slava Z

🇷🇺🇺🇦 Ukrainian resources publish a list of areas where there are now power outages:


Moldova stopped receiving electricity from Romania, due to which electricity was lost in many parts of the country, the operator of the power grid of the republic, Moldelektrik, said on its website.

"According to the data of the state enterprise Moldelectrica, at the moment, the supply of the high-voltage power line Isaccea - Vulcanesti - Moldavskaya GRES, through which Moldova received electricity from Romania, has stopped. The supply is due to supplies from Ukraine and generation within the country," the report says. . It noted that for this reason, many parts of the country were left without electricity in the evening.

From South Front:

"On November 15, the Russian Ministry of Defense revealed Ukrainian losses during the battle for Pavlovka located south of Ugledar. Russian troops destroyed up to 1,400 Ukrainian servicemen. The AFU also suffered material losses, including two Su-25 aircraft, an Mi-8 helicopter, 12 tanks, 27 infantry fighting vehicles, six artillery pieces, including two US-made M777 artillery systems."

"Russian military sources also claimed heavy losses of the Ukrainian Army in the battle for Pavlovka, providing their claims with footage from the area. DPR servicemen claimed that at least 18 Ukrainian strongholds were destroyed in the area. You may read an overview and watch the videos HERE."

As we would say: our song is good - start from the beginning.

In Poland you could ask old people about WWII and most common they say that Germans we're bad but you could live with them and somehow survive in other hand Russians in red army were the worst. They raped and killed everything, there is a study book which shows that it could be not lie to say that Polish people right know could be from mostly from rapes made by red army on Polish women.

I hate to touch it again, but... Respected, please stop dragging this nonsense from Soros textbooks. Logically, look at what you are getting. Those who, in their programmatic, doctrinal documents, aimed at the destruction of Slavs, including Poles, which they actually did during the occupation, become "those with whom you can survive", and those who saved you from this fate and then rebuilt the destroyed country become "the worst". Those to whom their bosses said: kill, kill, kill, are better than those who were punished quite harshly by law for violence, looting and other outrages.
"Old people," you say? Didn't your old folks tell you how fervently they fucked up Czechoslovakia? But this is politics, and what about the people? By the way, respect to Elisasheva for some balance, but there is also something to remember. Have you heard about concentration camps in Poland or are they not written about in Soros textbooks? You will say that the camps are organized by the Germans and you will be right, but that's not what I'm talking about. I mean, there were repeated escapes of prisoners from these camps and in many cases these unfortunate fugitives were detained and handed over to the Germans by local residents, those same "old men" of yours trying to "survive" with their own killers. They probably didn't tell you about it.

Как у нас сказали бы: наша песня хороша- начинай сначала.
Как не хочется опять касаться этого, но... Уважаемый, хватит пожалуйста тащить этот бред из соросовских учебников. Чисто логически посмотрите что у вас получается. Те кто в своих программных, доктринальных документах имел целью уничтожение славян, в том числе поляков , чем собственно и занимались в процессе оккупации, у вас становятся "теми с кем можно выжить", а те кто вас избавил от этой участи и потом отстроил разрушенную страну становятся "the worst". Те, кому их боссы говорили: убивайте, убивайте, убивайте, лучше тех, кого за насилие, мародерство и прочие бесчинства довольно жестко наказывали по закону. "Старики", вы говорите? А ваши старики не говорили вам как задорно они дербанили Чехословакию? Но это политика, а что народ? Кстати, респект Ему за некоторую взвешенность, но тут тоже есть что вспомнить. Про концлагеря на территории Польши слышали или в соросовских учебниках о них не пишут? Вы скажете, что лагеря организованы немцами и будете правы, но я не об этом. Я о том, что были неоднократные побеги заключенных из этих лагерей и во многих случаях этих несчастных беглецов задерживали и передавали немцам местные жители, те самые ваши "старики", пытающиеся "выжить" с собственными убийцами. Об этом они вам наверняка не рассказывали.
Polish media say that two Russian missiles fell on Polish territory near the border with Ukraine.

Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki convened the Council of Ministers on National Security Issues due to the fall of two missiles in Poland.

During today's massive attacks on Ukraine, 2 rockets fell near the town of Hrubieszow in the border Lublin Voivodeship.

:shock: :shock: :shock:
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