Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Western media reports about Sergey Lavrov’s health are ‘fake’ – Moscow​

"Reports that Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was hospitalized after his arrival at the G20 summit on the Indonesia island of Bali are “top-level fake news,” Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said."

"Zakharova, who is also on the island, said that she read the US and UK media stories with the foreign minister and we “just couldn’t believe our eyes.”


Ukrainian special services plotting provocations in Kherson — Civic Chamber​

"My forecast about Bucha 3.0 is 200% real," Alexander Malkevich said

"MOSCOW, November 14. /TASS/. Ukrainian special services are hatching numerous large-scale staged provocations allegedly exposing the torture of Kherson residents by Russian servicemen, Alexander Malkevich, a member of the Russian Civic Chamber, told TASS on Monday."

"According to Malkevich, a forecasted provocation of a massacre and the mass burials of civilians is already being implemented. "My forecast about Bucha 3.0 is 200% real. Reuters cited [Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky as saying that some investigators have allegedly found more than 400 war crimes in Kherson. In other words, he has announced this picturesque statement [by investigators]," he said."

"The city, in his words, is now closed not only to journalists, but also to public activists and politicians - for anyone who doesn’t have a corresponding permit."

"We see that journalists, even foreign reporters, are being stripped of accreditation for releasing conflicting information, posting photos of typical street violence - Ukrainian-type lynch mobs, where people are tied to lamp posts and beaten. It’s a kind of civil execution," he said."

"They will be told: if you want to work and receive exclusive evidence of the torture perpetrated by Russians, you should behave properly."

"NEW YORK, November 14./TASS/. The Associated Press circulated a photo on Sunday showing two individuals suspected of collaborating with Russian authorities tied to a pole in Kherson."

"The description of the photo says it was shot on November 13, after the city had come under the control of the Ukrainian authorities."

"reports said that Ukrainian authorities had stripped at least six journalists from various media outlets, including foreign ones, of their credentials for covering the situation in Kherson. According to the Ukrainska Pravda online newspaper, credentials were revoked from CNN and Sky News journalists among others."


Russia and US holding secret talks in Ankara – Kommersant​

"Moscow is reportedly represented by the country’s top spy at the negotiations"

"There are reports in Russian media about secret US-Russian talks being hosted by Türkiye. The Kremlin would neither confirm nor deny the claim."

"The undeclared meeting is allegedly being held on Monday in the Turkish capital Ankara, the business daily Kommersant reported. Its source said that Moscow is represented by Sergey Naryshkin, the director of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service, or SVR, but would not offer any other details, the outlet said."

"When asked about the purported talks, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said: “I cannot either confirm or deny it.”"

◾A classic comedy act in the Ukrainian trenches, this Ukrainian man spent two days digging a trench alongside a Russian unit and didn't even notice until the morning of the 3rd he came to talk to one of the "other guys" to find out what was going on... And then, before he knew it, he was disarmed and taken prisoner.

-Then while we were walking with him, I looked at his uniform and understood that I really screwed up...
I think you're not from Ukraine, I guess, and he says: Well, good job, you guessed right...

◾Only the chevrons on their uniforms reveal their affiliation, this Ukrainian prisoner speaks Russian with a heavy southern accent, and that is the tragedy of this war.

My my my, the Turks are accusing the US of being involved in the bombing WHILE negotiations with Russia/US are happening in Ankara

@ Yeah, Right | Nov 14 2022 11:22 utc | 71

Turkey refused to accept condolences from the U.S. after the terrorist attack on Istiklal Street in Istanbul, the republic's Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu said, RIA Novosti reported.

"We know where the attack was coordinated. We received the message given to us and we know what the message was. We do not accept the condolences of the American embassy. We are not treacherous to anyone, but we no longer have tolerance for these treacherous acts. Istiklal Street is our child. If we had not caught the attacker, he would have fled to Greece today,"
the minister was quoted as saying by CNN Turk.

Best I could find ... the key portions of the above is now excised/censored when I access youtube & use CC with auto-translate ...

The tighter Empire squeezes, the more the Rest of the World(RoW) slips through its fingers ...

Posted by: Outraged | Nov 14 2022 13:01 utc | 73

Then there was this not too long ago

◾A classic comedy act in the Ukrainian trenches, this Ukrainian man spent two days digging a trench alongside a Russian unit and didn't even notice until the morning of the 3rd he came to talk to one of the "other guys" to find out what was going on... And then, before he knew it, he was disarmed and taken prisoner.

-Then while we were walking with him, I looked at his uniform and understood that I really screwed up...
I think you're not from Ukraine, I guess, and he says: Well, good job, you guessed right...

◾Only the chevrons on their uniforms reveal their affiliation, this Ukrainian prisoner speaks Russian with a heavy southern accent, and that is the tragedy of this war.

The ussual situation in Yugoslav wars in the 1990s.

Even distributing the cannon shells to the wrong side and didnt noticing it. Of course guys receiving the ammo were silent because they were out of it.
Have you been providing your sources and data in a clean, efficient way?

Anyway, Ark and several others who are Russian speakers/readers read the Russian and Ukie sources every day. So why is there a clash between their view and yours?

Also, why is there a clash between your view and what the Cs point out?
Dear Laura,
When i made a decision to return to forum from passive mode, i promised myself not to participate in Russian political and ‘near’ threads (knowing our ‘difference’ in approach to the topic). So almost till the last events in Ukraine - i almost managed. But seeing how my country and people are led to the trap and butchery, Kherson case became stronger than my promise(( We are facing end of the world battle with ‘hidden aims’ from both sides. Stated in the beginning one set of aims, in a month and later on transmutated into ‘God knows what’. Now - no one can even tell what aims we achieved there. Only - begging for negotiations. But it is easy to understand Ukrs now- they felt the taste of victory and feel no need to stop. Not sure even if the west will be able to stop them right away.

No political/military experts now know how for Russia with minimal losses to jump out of this mess.

The TG channels i use are political, economic, military, intel (open) sources and actually have no single Ukrs).
Here is the shortlist (not in the way of priority, just as they go)
Анатомия событий
Временное Правительство
📡Телеканал "Сталинград"
Макс атакует!
Анатолий Несмиян
Седьмая печать
Образ будущего
Русский Демиург
Кремлёвский безБашенник
Русский экономизм
Яков Кедми
Андрей Девятов - that is Devyatov (military intel), who is specialist in eschatology and one of who ‘cracked’ the hidden meaning of the smo. Solomon’s plan as he calls it.
I don’t want to list Z channels, they are known and very rare give analytics of the situation - just bang there and there.

Concerning you last question but the most important one, please let me quote you:
excerpt from a quote of Laura from # 9 footnote of the book Cs transcripts 1994, session 5 December.
" The Cs were quite often telling us what we wanted to hear because we had emotional investment in it. That's because they are STO and give what is asked. Indeed, on other occasions, the Cs told us the things that were unpleasant which turned out to be true (or likely), which we did not like, but that was when we had no pre-conceived notions combined with strong emotions attached to the questions. There were other cases when they would tell us the opposite of what we expected to hear, proving to be correct, but only if there was no emotional attachment to the idea. So one has to be careful when making blanket assumptions about the Cs.

Emotional attachment?
Extract from session 7 February 2015
(L) Putin gives me hope.
(L) I am so afraid for him.
(Pierre) I am worried about him. If he disappears what is left?
(L) It would take all the hope away.

I do perfectly understand that we all need hope, but the price if that turns out to be an illusion could be very high in the end...🙆
The ineradicable desire to plunder is now realized through the UN. Please note that the real authors of this farce are modestly absent from the list of authors of the resolution.

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on reparations to the Kiev regime

The UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on reparations to the Kiev regime. Russia's Permanent Representative Vasily Nebeznya called the provisions of the resolution "legally null and void."

In the draft, members of the General Assembly are invited to recognize Russia's responsibility for violations of international law, as well as oblige to compensate for the damage caused. The resolution was co-sponsored by Canada, Guatemala, the Netherlands and Ukraine.

"From a legal point of view, the provisions of the draft do not stand up to any criticism, are legally null and void and an attempt to legalize the illegalizable from the point of view of current international law," Nebeznya said.

China, Belarus, the DPRK, Ethiopia and 10 other states voted against the draft resolution. Brazil, Serbia, the UAE, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia and 67 UN member states abstained in the vote. 94 States voted "for" the adoption of the resolution.

Following the results of the special session, the participants of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution on the creation of an international register of damage. The participants also recognized the need to create a mechanism for compensation of losses.

Kirill Gromov
Генассамблея ООН приняла резолюцию о репарациях киевскому режиму

Неистребимое желание пограбить теперь реализуется через ООН. Обратите внимание, что реальные авторы этого балагана скромно отсутствуют в списке авторов резолюции.
Emotional attachment?
Extract from session 7 February 2015
(L) Putin gives me hope.
(L) I am so afraid for him.
(Pierre) I am worried about him. If he disappears what is left?
(L) It would take all the hope away.

I do perfectly understand that we all need hope, but the price if that turns out to be an illusion could be very high in the end...🙆
I think you are cherry picking @Antony. The session you are picking from was some time after Putin was first discussed, and after many years of observing Putin and Russia. Original questions on Putin do not appear to be emotionally skewed. But at this point, observations (left and right) and corroborated by the C's has led to a connection to Putin, witness letters from us to him. This information does not seem to fit your milieu, your understanding and so it is difficult to accept. Decades of observation, hints from the C's doesn't mean we are correct, but you have not presented evidence, only intelligent and otherwise opinions. Vectors from Russian or Ukrainian bloggers, so-called experts who present information from their perspective muddies the waters. If you play in the dirt, you're going to get dirty.

Q: (L) He can work on the Signs page. (Andromeda) Good idea! (A) I want to know what is the future
of the present growing tension between the US and Putin?
A: Most of it is show, but there is also the fact that Putin is a smart man who is leading the tyrant into
a trap.
Q: (L) I would say it’s not so much because he’s a good guy as it is because it’s a power struggle.
A: Yes.
Q: (Ailén) Is Putin working with Chavez on that?
A: Sure.
Q: (L) Sure, he’ll work with anybody. He’s not a stupid man. He’s WAY smarter than Bush. I think
he’s smarter than Sarkozy, and he’s definitely smarter than Blair. He’s got some neurons firing there.

(Ark) Is Putin a psychopath?
A: Now, now… That would be cheating!
Q: (L) I don’t think he is. (S) I think he could still be evil, ya know, but of all the leaders I’ve ever heard
or read about, he seems to say the most reasonable and truthful things. Which doesn’t mean he isn’t evil
or hasn’t done evil things, but in comparison to all the other ones
… (L) When you’re in that position,
growing up in this world, how can you not be… But he’s like the Diet Coke of Evil: Just one calorie.
(Ark) When you want to show that you are not a psychopath, you have to say something completely
different. (L) Well, Bush does it all the time, Bush is always saying those completely different things all
the time too, but he doesn’t have any action to back it up. I mean, he didn’t do anything to break down
the oligarchs in the US, and the US has plenty of them. (J) In the time that Putin has been in power,
he hasn’t really used his power… (L) In an evil way…
(J) like Bush has, Putin hasn’t invaded any other
countries unilaterally, or…

A: The real war, as you know, is on normal people via proxies.
Q: (Kniall) Are the Russians really trying to stop this?
A: At the moment.
Q: (Perceval)So…
A: Putin is also not so heartless.
Q: (Perceval)What are the chances that if the Americans and French bomb Syria, that Putin and the
Russian military would respond?
A: Very good unless things change.
(and this is what happened, Syria asked for assistance and Russia responded)

Q: (L) Okay, I guess the question on a lot of people’s minds is: How about that Vladimir Putin, huh?
A: He’s not perfect but he’s the best your planet has in such a position at this time.
Q: (L) So, he’s not a psychopath?
A: No.
Q: (Perceval) Is there anyone essentially giving him orders? Is what he’s doing being controlled directly
in that sense?
A: Not in the sense you mean, but yes in the sense of conscience.
Q: (Ark) I think that what is of value is that he has the right team of advisors. When you have your
advisors and they are smart and knowledgeable, they are experts in certain areas, and they will say, “If
you do this, this will be the result, so I suggest that.”
A: Indeed, there are many in Russia who learned in a school of hard reality difficult for Westerners to
imagine. On top of this, they are better educated in general.
Q: (PoB) Is there a real threat of Putin being assassinated?
A: Always that, but he wasn’t KGB for nothing.

(Puck) Is Putin a descendant of Julius Caesar? (laughter)
A: No, but member of the same soul group.
Can someone hazard a guess as to why Putin doesn't do the following if his aim is to enact a multipolar world.

  • Why doesn't the Russian state tell the whole world what are in the mRNA jabs and their hazards to health - like why must we rely on independent researchers. What does Russia owe Pfizer or Moderna.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state pursue the origins of covid - I'm sure they have very capable scientists.
  • Why doesn't the Russian state educate its people (and by extension, the world) on how Western propaganda works in a way that is self evident to the average Russian on the street
If Russia is in an existential battle, why don't they take the above actions. There is no need to expend so much military resources when you can leverage truth. The West lies, it's not enough to say it lies, why doesn't he show it to the world.

I expect it must be because there must be agreements in place on what can and can't be done.

I get why China doesn't take any of the above actions but I don't get why Russia doesn't.
Spiritual warriors know all the rules of manipulation. You will never win a battle with your language manipulated in advance by the language of the opponent to form the opinion of the masses.
A spiritual warrior knows the steps of his opponent and is aware that he is not shooting his arrows into withered land where the ears have been deafened by manipulation and the mind no longer allows proper thinking.
The manipulative speaking psychopath acts according to the script and will not change it because he has learned that the human mind is receptive to image and language with the background of wanting to save the supposed victim.
The big stage only shows what most here in the forum have personally experienced. The wolf in sheep's clothing, the victim narcissism, the trap of the supposed do-gooder. In black and white thinking, it takes these distinctions - it takes the victim and the perpetrator. Honest, sincere warriors fight with the virtues of honesty and with open sights; they change their tactics only when the opponent gains an advantage with lies.
The ear and the mind have little ability to discern the real truth. However, this requires the gift of critical thinking and interest in the truth. This will mostly fail because of convenience and disinterest, probably the liar also recognizes himself in this program of manipulation and deception and affirms it.
Mirkocosm and macrocosm are always identical and we personally see in our immediate environment and in our lifeline or timeline the identical repetition of personal painful lessons.
I have experienced this lesson in the most painful way. When the enemy sows the seeds of evil, one lie is replaced by another, honesty doesn't stand a chance. In the beginning, I chose the path of respect, truth and also silence. When wickedness crossed a line, I shot a few arrows of truth in my defense. Only a few hit an open mind. In most cases, I was accused of small-mindedness, lying and cheating. The victim role with the quick exchange of the white vest had worked. A great sadness followed with me. Then I remembered that I was a spiritual warrior and followed these rules. People need to realize for themselves - don't listen to the words, but look at the actions. Be honest and walk your straight path. In the end, the truth will prevail, and only then, when your counterpart is caught in all these lies, will people realize.
Never sacrifice your arrows senselessly in the dead land. A seed that falls on barren land will not grow. Patience and self-control are a must for the warrior.
Neither Trump nor Putin would benefit from telling the people the truth. It would be immediately turned into the opposite and the useful arrow that would have brought victory would be lost.
I find the following Bible passage very interesting - it is an important companion for my life.

Luke 13:34-35
Hope for all
Jerusalem! O Jerusalem! You kill the prophets and stone the messengers God sends to you. How often I wanted to gather your inhabitants around me, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings! But you did not want it. And now? God will leave your temple, and I tell you, you will not see me again until you cry out, 'Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!'"
I think you are cherry picking @Antony. The session you are picking from was some time after Putin was first discussed, and after many years of observing Putin and Russia. Original questions on Putin do not appear to be emotionally skewed. But at this point, observations (left and right) and corroborated by the C's has led to a connection to Putin, witness letters from us to him. This information does not seem to fit your milieu, your understanding and so it is difficult to accept. Decades of observation, hints from the C's doesn't mean we are correct, but you have not presented evidence, only intelligent and otherwise opinions. Vectors from Russian or Ukrainian bloggers, so-called experts who present information from their perspective muddies the waters. If you play in the dirt, you're going to get dirty.

Q: (L) He can work on the Signs page. (Andromeda) Good idea! (A) I want to know what is the future
of the present growing tension between the US and Putin?
A: Most of it is show, but there is also the fact that Putin is a smart man who is leading the tyrant into
a trap.
Q: (L) I would say it’s not so much because he’s a good guy as it is because it’s a power struggle.
A: Yes.
Q: (Ailén) Is Putin working with Chavez on that?
A: Sure.
Q: (L) Sure, he’ll work with anybody. He’s not a stupid man. He’s WAY smarter than Bush. I think
he’s smarter than Sarkozy, and he’s definitely smarter than Blair. He’s got some neurons firing there.

(Ark) Is Putin a psychopath?
A: Now, now… That would be cheating!
Q: (L) I don’t think he is. (S) I think he could still be evil, ya know, but of all the leaders I’ve ever heard
or read about, he seems to say the most reasonable and truthful things. Which doesn’t mean he isn’t evil
or hasn’t done evil things, but in comparison to all the other ones
… (L) When you’re in that position,
growing up in this world, how can you not be… But he’s like the Diet Coke of Evil: Just one calorie.
(Ark) When you want to show that you are not a psychopath, you have to say something completely
different. (L) Well, Bush does it all the time, Bush is always saying those completely different things all
the time too, but he doesn’t have any action to back it up. I mean, he didn’t do anything to break down
the oligarchs in the US, and the US has plenty of them. (J) In the time that Putin has been in power,
he hasn’t really used his power… (L) In an evil way…
(J) like Bush has, Putin hasn’t invaded any other
countries unilaterally, or…

A: The real war, as you know, is on normal people via proxies.
Q: (Kniall) Are the Russians really trying to stop this?
A: At the moment.
Q: (Perceval)So…
A: Putin is also not so heartless.
Q: (Perceval)What are the chances that if the Americans and French bomb Syria, that Putin and the
Russian military would respond?
A: Very good unless things change.
(and this is what happened, Syria asked for assistance and Russia responded)

Q: (L) Okay, I guess the question on a lot of people’s minds is: How about that Vladimir Putin, huh?
A: He’s not perfect but he’s the best your planet has in such a position at this time.
Q: (L) So, he’s not a psychopath?
A: No.
Q: (Perceval) Is there anyone essentially giving him orders? Is what he’s doing being controlled directly
in that sense?
A: Not in the sense you mean, but yes in the sense of conscience.
Q: (Ark) I think that what is of value is that he has the right team of advisors. When you have your
advisors and they are smart and knowledgeable, they are experts in certain areas, and they will say, “If
you do this, this will be the result, so I suggest that.”
A: Indeed, there are many in Russia who learned in a school of hard reality difficult for Westerners to
imagine. On top of this, they are better educated in general.
Q: (PoB) Is there a real threat of Putin being assassinated?
A: Always that, but he wasn’t KGB for nothing.

(Puck) Is Putin a descendant of Julius Caesar? (laughter)
A: No, but member of the same soul group.
I think that Antony isn't about who is right or wrong but rather to show two sides of the coin. It's true that by observations in this forum we "globally" Concluded that Putin is better than our empire of lies but it's not implying that all of Putin and his men's do is right and good. He is not the knight in shining armor but rather a man who could do something good. It's not about who is right because every one got right. Antony is right about that situation in some places in Russia is terrifying and there are rulers who do bad things, this forum says that Putin could do something good for world. Putin is not black or white, he is just a man. He sometimes says truth and sometimes say lies but globally as C's say he's rather good. E. G. He focus most on WWII, he says a lot about red army and that they was good and fight nazis but in other hand we know who control this army- Stalin and I think he was rather bad person. In Poland you could ask old people about WWII and most common they say that Germans we're bad but you could live with them and somehow survive in other hand Russians in red army were the worst. They raped and killed everything, there is a study book which shows that it could be not lie to say that Polish people right know could be from mostly from rapes made by red army on Polish women. Every nation have done good and bad things and I think that Antony wants for us to remember that world isn't black and white :-)
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