Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

Yesterday basically started disintegration of the country with a miserable loss of Kherson (officially in constitution - it is NoW Russia).

It was not a loss. The Russians have been devastating the Ukrainian forces in Kherson. The problem is the difficulty in supplying the area. It makes no sense for Russia to compromise their forces in Kherson when they could be used more effectively in other areas, where they are more safe and can be resupplied more easily.

Also, the Ukrainians continue their attacks on the Kahkovka dam, and if they are successful, Kherson will be flooded. The Russians stayed in the area and provided a full evacuation to all civilians who chose to leave, and while doing so, they removed various culturally important artefacts, knowing that it was going to be strategically necessary to withdraw from the area and the Nazis would destroy these artefacts.

They’ve been doing this for weeks. General Surovikin in his first address to the media 3 weeks ago stated quite clearly that if he deemed it necessary, then ‘tough decisions’ would have to be made regarding Kherson. This was obviously a public relations move in order for him to soften the blow for the Russian people when they inevitably withdrew. Surovikin doesn’t mess around. He’s not a crazy warmonger out to achieve daring military victories in bloody battles for the glory of it. He wants to demilitarise Ukraine with as few civilian and Russian forces casualties as possible.

The Ukrainians will retake the area and become an easy target for Russian long-range shelling, once again sacrificing their troops, in the only way they know. At the same time, Russian forces in other, safer areas will be strengthened even more.

That you are able to swallow the interpretation of this situation as a “miserable loss” is saddening. I understand that there is propaganda both from the west/Ukraine, and also from dissatisfied people in Russia who write blogs and post on telegram, but to be a member of this forum and not be interested in Working on yourself to see how your emotions are manipulated so that you have become basically an Agent Smith of the matrix who downloaded a programme - a puppet - seems like a waste of an opportunity, to me.
- Oh, my God! Russia is withdrawing from Kherson! :osama:
Scott Ritter is right on the money!

Best Roundtable #34 show from the compassionate human perspective. Radically new and I think ultimately positive development stage is mentioned happening in the West:

I think Joe & Niall also mentioned this in amazing Newsreal: what is The True State of the Western Psycho Leadership ==> it is discussed from videotime 00:10 [min] to 24:00 [min] in the above linked Roundtable #34.

I won't spoil the surprise. By that time you'll probably be hooked! Very interesting conclusions are made. After you realize - if that's true what they say, then.. - what is going on, it quickly becomes clear, why the world needs republicans like Blake Masters [from 1h:05min:03] in Newsreal, that campaign advertisement [I think] is a MUSTWATCH™ for everybody!

The Eastern World needs to get courageous, sober up, so that Sane Leaders All Around Take The Reins of The World! Just like this super heartwarming post by Bjorn!! Thank You, you made my day!
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The captured commander of the Armed Forces of Ukraine announced a plan to attack the Kursk and Belgorod regions in winter Ukrainian troops plan to launch a full-scale offensive on the Belgorod and Kursk regions in the winter. This was told by a captured serviceman of the 53rd separate mechanized Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU), Senior Lieutenant Vladimir Lepikhin, RIA Novosti reports. He clarified that he had heard this information from instructors, but did not have all the information. According to him, the operation should begin when the ground freezes hard enough to withstand the equipment. At the same time, the military noted, there is no exact offensive plan: "50 kilometers will pass — so 50, 100 kilometers will pass — so 100." Lepikhin said that sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are working on the territory of Russia, which carry out subversive activities, as well as equip caches with weapons and explosives for the upcoming offensive.

The official source made this leak, because it was what they are Planning from both sides.
It was not a loss. The Russians have been devastating the Ukrainian forces in Kherson. The problem is the difficulty in supplying the area. It makes no sense for Russia to compromise their forces in Kherson when they could be used more effectively in other areas, where they are more safe and can be resupplied more easily.

Also, the Ukrainians continue their attacks on the Kahkovka dam, and if they are successful, Kherson will be flooded. The Russians stayed in the area and provided a full evacuation to all civilians who chose to leave, and while doing so, they removed various culturally important artefacts, knowing that it was going to be strategically necessary to withdraw from the area and the Nazis would destroy these artefacts.

They’ve been doing this for weeks. General Surovikin in his first address to the media 3 weeks ago stated quite clearly that if he deemed it necessary, then ‘tough decisions’ would have to be made regarding Kherson. This was obviously a public relations move in order for him to soften the blow for the Russian people when they inevitably withdrew. Surovikin doesn’t mess around. He’s not a crazy warmonger out to achieve daring military victories in bloody battles for the glory of it. He wants to demilitarise Ukraine with as few civilian and Russian forces casualties as possible.

The Ukrainians will retake the area and become an easy target for Russian long-range shelling, once again sacrificing their troops, in the only way they know. At the same time, Russian forces in other, safer areas will be strengthened even more.

That you are able to swallow the interpretation of this situation as a “miserable loss” is saddening. I understand that there is propaganda both from the west/Ukraine, and also from dissatisfied people in Russia who write blogs and post on telegram, but to be a member of this forum and not be interested in Working on yourself to see how your emotions are manipulated so that you have become basically an Agent Smith of the matrix who downloaded a programme - a puppet - seems like a waste of an opportunity, to me.

Like Scott Ritter just recently said—if you think this was a victory for Ukraine, go count the bodies and destroyed armaments for both sides from the battles that have taken place in Kherson, and see how that adds up.

You don’t win wars simply by taking (more like being given) territories. You need the manpower. You need the munitions. And the UAF had been getting absolutely desecrated in both of those departments in Kherson. So now ask why Russia would risk and/or sacrifice both the lives of thousands of Russian troops and who knows how much artillery for the sake of a potential “win” (by staying and fighting, simply to maintain it’s territory) and for what? A little media exposure? I’m no military strategist, nor am I an expert in any of this, but I can easily say that that sounds completely absurd.

Also, have we forgotten that there are still 200,000+ Russian soldiers yet to hit the battlefields?

Too much doomin’ & gloomin’ going on over this. I say just wait and see.
It was not a loss. The Russians have been devastating the Ukrainian forces in Kherson. The problem is the difficulty in supplying the area. It makes no sense for Russia to compromise their forces in Kherson when they could be used more effectively in other areas, where they are more safe and can be resupplied more easily.

Also, the Ukrainians continue their attacks on the Kahkovka dam, and if they are successful, Kherson will be flooded. The Russians stayed in the area and provided a full evacuation to all civilians who chose to leave, and while doing so, they removed various culturally important artefacts, knowing that it was going to be strategically necessary to withdraw from the area and the Nazis would destroy these artefacts.

They’ve been doing this for weeks. General Surovikin in his first address to the media 3 weeks ago stated quite clearly that if he deemed it necessary, then ‘tough decisions’ would have to be made regarding Kherson. This was obviously a public relations move in order for him to soften the blow for the Russian people when they inevitably withdrew. Surovikin doesn’t mess around. He’s not a crazy warmonger out to achieve daring military victories in bloody battles for the glory of it. He wants to demilitarise Ukraine with as few civilian and Russian forces casualties as possible.

The Ukrainians will retake the area and become an easy target for Russian long-range shelling, once again sacrificing their troops, in the only way they know. At the same time, Russian forces in other, safer areas will be strengthened even more.

That you are able to swallow the interpretation of this situation as a “miserable loss” is saddening. I understand that there is propaganda both from the west/Ukraine, and also from dissatisfied people in Russia who write blogs and post on telegram, but to be a member of this forum and not be interested in Working on yourself to see how your emotions are manipulated so that you have become basically an Agent Smith of the matrix who downloaded a programme - a puppet - seems like a waste of an opportunity, to me.
T.C. - how interesting and cute you get sources with word to word russian official propaganda narrative (booklet basically -distributed to all even foreign mass media ‘agents’) in such a short period of time.

Serious and deep digging is required, for that matter. As all the Work here, right?
You may expand the search, if the mosaic does not assemble reasonably.

We could well hold the city, but again came dogovornyak (sneaky game of actors). We totally cut ourselfs from the opportunity of returning to that strategic foothold-from where we could move to Nikolaev,Odessa, Pridnestrov’ie. You may look any analysis of military officer, intel, who knows the region (of course not on kremlin’s pay🤭). We cut ourself a leg. 🤦‍♂️
Not saying what will be done with the russian civilians left there (off. 70-100 k only in the city).
Joe, with the way this war is fought, could be indeed the preparation (start) for the collapse of Russia. Yesterday basically started disintegration of the country with a miserable loss of Kherson (officially in constitution - it is NoW Russia).

Schneerson (former Khabad head): The way to build the millennial Zion lies through solving the issue with the Slavic Goyim. As long as they form a cooperative into one single nation, the danger of exposing our plans and losing power will always hang over us.

Kolomoiysky (2013): Thanks for the fruitful cooperation with Russian Head (yes, you know who) in a couple of years, Russian and Ukrainian Goyim will hate and despise each other. After Operation Maidan, we will finally begin the final third stage, the result of which will be the complete and total fragmentation of Russia in the next 10 years into dozens of small and hostile states to each other.

Seems this illusionary war follows exactly their aims.🤦‍♂️
I really wouldnt pay much attention to the "jewish-khazarian" story. Because, throughout the history it wasnt anything more than just plain and simple decoy. IMO of course . . .
I really wouldnt pay much attention to the "jewish-khazarian" story. Because, throughout the history it wasnt anything more than just plain and simple decoy. IMO of course . . .
Never has a single leader of Russia or the USSR done as much for Jews as VVP. In every way. Unprecedented. Now in Russia, many mayors of cities, regions, government ministers are Jews. This has become the norm.
Berl Lazar.

There goes the main mystery puzzle and one of the most pressing to understand just before the forthcoming events). How come two neighboring countries (basically with the same Russian people) after the breakdown of USSR, ruled by the same cast of ‘sacred’ people made everything to drag us into fratricidal war for our destruction? So according to their plan only thusly millennium Zion could be established. Keeping in mind that the our leader’s Pastors and mentors are even of the same Khabad. (As we know Zionist gang - top of the pyramid on our poor 3d sts planet).

imo, i see a cause and effect. If someone sees just a coincidence - no need to shoot a ‘conspiracy’ 100 mln bucks blockbuster😉

Avala, according to history there was such a state in old days💁‍♂️


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Never has a single leader of Russia or the USSR done as much for Jews as VVP. In every way. Unprecedented. Now in Russia, many mayors of cities, regions, government ministers are Jews. This has become the norm.
Berl Lazar.

There goes the main mystery puzzle and one of the most pressing to understand just before the forthcoming events). How come two neighboring countries (basically with the same Russian people) after the breakdown of USSR, ruled by the same cast of ‘sacred’ people made everything to drag us into fratricidal war for our destruction? So according to their plan only thusly millennium Zion could be established. Keeping in mind that the our leader’s Pastors and mentors are even of the same Khabad. (As we know Zionist gang - top of the pyramid on our poor 3d sts planet).

imo, i see a cause and effect. If someone sees just a coincidence - no need to shoot a ‘conspiracy’ 100 mln bucks blockbuster😉

Avala, according to history there was such a state in old days💁‍♂️

Hey Antony, I get the sense from your posts that you are picking up a lot of noise and not much signal from whatever you've been reading about the SMO. Have you read this thread at all, I wonder? I was pretty surprised in particular to read this:

Now, the situation at the battlefront is dramatically against us and the initiative belongs to Ukrainians.

All of the evidence I've seen points to the exact opposite conclusion. Overall, what you're writing looks like Western propaganda with a bit of random esoteric speculation and some 'what about the Jews' mixed in.

You may want to have a look this post and this post from earlier in the thread. There is a short but sweet discussion about Khazaria, the Jewish question in Russia today, and - most importantly in my opinion - the importance of shifting the lens towards an understanding of psychopathy as a general phenomenon which spans all ethnicities and nations the world over. This is a much more accurate approach to understanding evil and power on this planet than focusing on the psychopaths in one particular ethnicity; in your case, apparently, the Jews.
Hey Antony, I get the sense from your posts that you are picking up a lot of noise and not much signal from whatever you've been reading about the SMO. Have you read this thread at all, I wonder? I was pretty surprised in particular to read this:

All of the evidence I've seen points to the exact opposite conclusion. Overall, what you're writing looks like Western propaganda with a bit of random esoteric speculation and some 'what about the Jews' mixed in.

You may want to have a look this post and this post from earlier in the thread. There is a short but sweet discussion about Khazaria, the Jewish question in Russia today, and - most importantly in my opinion - the importance of shifting the lens towards an understanding of psychopathy as a general phenomenon which spans all ethnicities and nations the world over. This is a much more accurate approach to understanding evil and power on this planet than focusing on the psychopaths in one particular ethnicity; in your case, apparently, the Jews.
Unfortunately, if you would carefully analyze situation on battlefront, our withdrawals and the causes of it from september - it would be clear that we are now in strategic defense stance on all fronts (no wars was ever won from this). Ukrs-successfully returning their territory almost everywhere (as we have seen earlier-even planning counterattack on our land). The thing is propaganda works both ways.
If our military generals, intel, people who you personally know on the front tell how the disposition on the front really is and it is much more closer to western propaganda, than sorry. Most of the Russians directly or indirectly affected by the war follow their relatives involved, TG channels, Z voenkors, etc-you would be surprised to know how efficient our propaganda network is. Same cliches/phrases/style - all around.

I will not repeat my old mistake and will not continue to try to prove something. By these series of these posts-a just wanted to highlight the turning point of the whole so called smo.

You are all serious people here. It’s everybody's lessons to navigate through lies, illusions, listen, NETWORK etc...🙏
Russia is making gains in the public eye and the information war (Although for Russia, this is not about ‘winning'' the ''information war’. It is enough to simply highlight the obvious lies and distortions in the American and Western narrative about what is happening in the world.)

▪️40% of respondents fully or partially agreed with the statement that the "Russian aggressive war" was Russia's reaction to NATO's uncontested provocation. This is eleven percentage points more than in April.

▪️44% are fully or partially convinced that Putin is acting against the "global elite", which "pulls the strings in the background." This is twelve percentage points more than in April.

▪️14% fully agreed that Ukraine "historically has no territorial claims" and "is actually part of Russia." About one-fifth of respondents consider it partially.

▪️With nine percent, the number of those who fully believe that the war was "necessary" "to get rid of the fascist government in Ukraine" has almost doubled.
You are all serious people here. It’s everybody's lessons to navigate through lies, illusions, listen, NETWORK etc...🙏
I do not consider myself to be "serious", so I will write not seriously. The very case when they tell you about chess, and you persistently promote "chapai"

Я не отношу себя к "серьезным", поэтому и напишу не серьезно. Тот самый случай, когда тебе рассказывают про шахматы, а ты упорно продвигаешь "чапая"
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