Search results for query: Beam weapons

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  1. trendsetter37

    Who is Eric Dollard?

    I've done a bit of research on Dollard and the mentioned scientist. To my knowledge he seemed to be on to something tangible but was then either co-opted deliberately or just turned to drugs. It's a sad if true, but then again he was highly intellectual but was not aware of the psychopaths...
  2. Serendipity

    Independence Day and 911

    I arrived at similar ideas when watching it last night keeping your suggestion of possible cometary symbolism of alien invasion in mind. These are additional things I've noticed. When the president asks the alien what they wanted the answer was DIE. It could be what psychopathic rulers...
  3. Sol Logos

    NASA Future Strategic Issues & Warfare Circa 2025 - Dr Dennis M Bushnell munitions • Logistic assets highly vulnerable in or out of theater • In and near theater ports/airfields possibly unusable • Beam weapons increasingly prevalent Future Strategic Issues, 7/01 Cruise Missiles (Current Status) • Range/payload similar to TBM at fraction of the cost and...
  4. aragorn

    Show #15: No Ordinary Inside Job: The 9/11 Psy-Ops

    I found the Jenkins paper interesting, because even if he is clearly coloring and exaggerating some points, the text, depth of detail, and equations reads like "real technical science". I mean, in comparison Wood's RFC paper is nothing more than elementary school physics and a lot of images. I...
  5. Scottie

    Show #15: No Ordinary Inside Job: The 9/11 Psy-Ops

    Yup, as a secondary (?) effect, the "information-destroying weapon" also seems to be destroying information/order in the 9/11 truth community almost 12 years later! The dustification is most certainly NOT self-quenching and very virus-like, on multiple levels. That's one heck of a...
  6. Laura

    Show #15: No Ordinary Inside Job: The 9/11 Psy-Ops

    ...trying to finish a book), he commented: So, one wonders if she was set up to use these terms, to create this theory of "directed energy beam weapons" to create so much disorder around the obvious fact of the "dustification" of the towers that it would get lost in the "dust" of dispute, so...
  7. Lisa Guliani

    Show #15: No Ordinary Inside Job: The 9/11 Psy-Ops

    The Overwhelming Implausibility of Using Directed Energy Beams to Demolish the World Trade Center Towers (Updated 4/12/07) Dr. Gregory S. Jenkins, Ph.D. Physics Co-author: Matt Sullivan...
  8. Guardian

    Show #15: No Ordinary Inside Job: The 9/11 Psy-Ops

    This guy explains how Wood's seismic "evidence" is totally flawed too. It's a pdf so I can't cut and paste, but the guy is essentially saying that "While it is true...
  9. jasstnhawk

    Show #15: No Ordinary Inside Job: The 9/11 Psy-Ops

    The beginning part of the video that Guardian posted is from “Dr. Greg Jenkins Interviews Dr. Judy Wood” which I mentioned/discussed in this post:,31273.msg414304.html#msg414304 The YT playist for this video can be viewed here...
  10. jasstnhawk

    Pete Santilli: Dr. Judy Wood's handler? Cointelpro?

    ...language, facial expressions, etc., and 3) it is interesting to watch her in the early phase of presenting “dustification” and “Energy Beam Weapons” (aka DEWs), all without a PowerPoint presentation to guide or keep her 'on point'. Some initial observations while watching this interview...
  11. Niall

    Relation of Hurricane Sandy to Extra Dimensional Battles

    LEO sat - Low Earth Orbit satellite. That makes sense. I had assumed it came from the ground, but if the SDI Star Wars program, or some version of it, did in fact come to fruition, there's no telling how much fun and games they've been having with it in the past 20+ years.
  12. L

    Relation of Hurricane Sandy to Extra Dimensional Battles

    Yeah, I've seen that - pretty impressive. The object looks like it is mimicking a LEO sat until it high tails it in a direction roughly perpendicular to the "beam" shot. The shot could also have come from a LEO sat.
  13. D

    "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

    TERRAN HISTORY A: Multiple history reality possibilities. (Ed.: due to the fact that past, present and future in all densities is always constantly fluid and changing? This may also be the reason why what we do here and now, despite our ‘lack of power and influence’ over the 3/4D STS’ers’...
  14. L

    Siberian explosions

    Perhaps A New Twist ... I won't say for certain, but it may have finally begun. As many of you know, there are no concrete observation accounts as to exactly what occurred in Tungaska in 1908. Here are at least 5 main theories: 1) Comet Explosion 2) Meteor/Meteorite Explosion 3) UFO Crash...
  15. mocachapeau

    Inside the Laurel Canyon...

    In the comments section below the SOTT focus article, Climate Change, Food Shortages and Economic Crisis - Coming to a Town Near You, "Gore" left a link in his comment that led to a sight about Serge Monast and the research he was doing on the Project Blue Beam...
  16. O

    Les Visible and Smoking Mirrors

    Yep, me too. It took me almost 2 years of reading through his stuff (which was sometimes informative and sometimes pure bs) to finally catch him with his pants down... in a figure of speech, not that I have any desire to see any such scene. But he did present himself as a good opportunity, and...
  17. Laura

    Bill Ryan interview of "Charles".

    I received an email from Kerry Cassidy about this interview. I haven't seen/listened to the interview itself due to lack of time/interest but I thought it was interesting that Kerry took the time and trouble to analyze this one. I would say that Neil's take on it is pretty accurate.
  18. wanderer33

    Mystery of falling dead birds and masses of dead fish

    LOL, Laura its very hard to take it all in, its really an information overload. I mean some of the stuff that's happening is unbelievable and these type of events are becoming very common. The world is really getting weirder every day. The idea of beam weapon technology has been talked about...
  19. RyanX

    Mystery of falling dead birds and masses of dead fish

    ...the official explanation for the fish deaths won't be given for another month (apparently that's how long it takes to do the tests). Beam weapons are probably the least likely on my list. There's a lot of NG wells in Arkansas, which means that out-gassing of methane into the water could...
  20. knowledge_of_self


    I just got back from watching this movie. And I have to say... as far as alien invasion movies go... this movie really sucked imo. It was slow, and the whole movie took place inside the apartment building/roof. True, there was the fact of people acting differently to the situation presented...
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