Relation of Hurricane Sandy to Extra Dimensional Battles

sitting said:
And why she was not "taken out" early on.

Well, her research assistant Michael Zebuhr was shot twice in the head during a supposed bungled robbery outside a Minnesota restaurant in 2006:

In the forward to a detailed article she wrote with former Bush administration official Morgan Reynolds later that year, Wood wrote:

(Due to the seriousness of this issue, we felt it was important to present the analysis and data as soon as possible. (Following the murder of my student, Michael Zebuhr, an extraordinary human being, I received an email stating, "we've done it before and we will do it again if need be.") Therefore, expect this website to be added to and updated over the next few days. Michael told me, "Whatever happens, don't ever stop pursuing this. It's too important." Michael, this is for you)

Interestingly, it is other 'established' 9/11 Truthers like Alex Jones, Stephen Jones and Webster Tarpley who have made allusions to whatever technology Wood's ideas point to being 'off-planet', referring to supporters of Wood's work as being "Marvin the Martian proponents" and 9/11 having been the work of "men from Mars".

Perhaps this is where sitting picked it up from.
Kniall said:
sitting said:
And why she was not "taken out" early on.

Well, her research assistant Michael Zebuhr was shot twice in the head during a supposed bungled robbery outside a Minnesota restaurant in 2006:

In the forward to a detailed article she wrote with former Bush administration official Morgan Reynolds later that year, Wood wrote:

(Due to the seriousness of this issue, we felt it was important to present the analysis and data as soon as possible. (Following the murder of my student, Michael Zebuhr, an extraordinary human being, I received an email stating, "we've done it before and we will do it again if need be.") Therefore, expect this website to be added to and updated over the next few days. Michael told me, "Whatever happens, don't ever stop pursuing this. It's too important." Michael, this is for you)

Interestingly, it is other 'established' 9/11 Truthers like Alex Jones, Stephen Jones and Webster Tarpley who have made allusions to whatever technology Wood's ideas point to being 'off-planet', referring to supporters of Wood's work as being "Marvin the Martian proponents" and 9/11 having been the work of "men from Mars".

Perhaps this is where sitting picked it up from.

The mention of Star Wars reminded me of long past days in the Aero industry. I never worked on any SW programs but over the years, I talked with many engineers that did. Even at the time that they worked on SW programs, many regarded it as a colossal waste of money that would fail or go nowhere. The carrot on the stick was multi-billion dollar development programs. In my own opinion, SW was just an expensive "front" to hide the real development. This is a typical MO of the industry/gov - to let a large number of contracts throughout the industry in order to hide the real development going on in a very select group of contractors. In the case of SW, the misdirection would be the development of weapons that look up, while the real development was for weapons that look down.
Kniall said:
Perhaps this is where sitting picked it up from.

Actually, no. I'm very aware of the 'established' faction and their concerted efforts to muddle up the issue. And I would toss in Fetzer as one of the worst.

My reference was to Wood's own insinuations about the subject. But it was always stated in the negative.
LQB said:
In the case of SW, the misdirection would be the development of weapons that look up, while the real development was for weapons that look down.

Yep, although I've always wondered about this video:

It's footage supposedly taken from US Space Shuttle STS-48 on an excursion in 1991. You see what appears to be a flash of light followed by a streak (of light?) coming up from below, aimed at a UFO which makes a sharp turn to get out of the way!
sitting said:
Kniall said:
Perhaps this is where sitting picked it up from.

Actually, no. I'm very aware of the 'established' faction and their concerted efforts to muddle up the issue. And I would toss in Fetzer as one of the worst.

My reference was to Wood's own insinuations about the subject. But it was always stated in the negative.

Well in that case the onus is then on YOU to back up otherwise empty allusions. If you're too lazy to bother, then we have to assume that such "insinuations" by Wood are the product of your own imagination.
sitting said:
Kniall said:
If you're too lazy to bother,

Sometimes there are other reasons not to do something besides laziness. ;)

Perhaps that's the meaning of your forum name, you're just "sitting" and not doing anything that backs up your "claims" which is in contradiction of this forum's purpose: research.
Kniall said:
LQB said:
In the case of SW, the misdirection would be the development of weapons that look up, while the real development was for weapons that look down.

Yep, although I've always wondered about this video:

It's footage supposedly taken from US Space Shuttle STS-48 on an excursion in 1991. You see what appears to be a flash of light followed by a streak (of light?) coming up from below, aimed at a UFO which makes a sharp turn to get out of the way!

Yeah, I've seen that - pretty impressive. The object looks like it is mimicking a LEO sat until it high tails it in a direction roughly perpendicular to the "beam" shot. The shot could also have come from a LEO sat.
Zadius Sky said:
Perhaps that's the meaning of your forum name, you're just "sitting" and not doing anything

Very clever. But no, that's not the meaning of my forum name. ;)
sitting said:
That would require me to listen through in excess of 50 audio interviews to locate the precise spot. No, I won't be doing that. ;)

Sometimes there are other reasons not to do something besides laziness. ;)

Very clever. But no, that's not the meaning of my forum name. ;)

sitting, why do you use the 'wink' emoticon when you are clearly not joking? It comes across as arrogant and dismissive. Is that how you're trying to come across?
Dr Fred Bell's death the day after he was interviewed for Ventura's show is so 'in your face' that, assuming he was murdered, you have to wonder if they were actually trying to draw attention to Wood's work?

ADDED: Bell died in September 2011, so the Ventura show must have been filmed then, but only aired two days ago:
After watching the Ventura episode I decided to dig into Dr. Fred Bell. There is not a whole lot of information on him on the net. Here is one of the only pages that shows any kind of documentation on his background besides the above link.


I don’t know what the real story is on Fred Bell, but from the above link he supposedly had his hand in some of the most talked about topics in conspiracy circles –MK Ultra, Philadelphia Experiment, cold fusion, etc. Extraordinary claims demand evidence and after digging I’m not seeing a whole lot of substance. Maybe we should start a thread on him and if anyone wants to listen to his Coast to Coast interviews, read his books etc. then they could post impressions there.
Fred Bell, a flying saucer contactee, was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. After high school he joined the Air Force. He was trained to work on radar and was stationed at a facility where numerous UFO contacts were tracked. Following his time in the Air Force, he worked with Rockwell International and then as a consultant to various companies in the aerospace industry. It was during this time that he became interested in Eastern spirituality and studied with several spiritual masters. He also obtained a degree in alternative medicine and became a lecturer on behalf of the National Health Federation (an organization advocating freedom of medical choice for the public).

In the 1970s Bell became well known as a contactee, claiming contact with Semjase, the extraterrestrial from the Pleiades first introduced to the public through the writings of William "Billy" Meier, the Swiss contactee. Popular UFO author Brad Steiger wrote about Bell in his 1988 book The Fellowship, and then collaborated with Bell in the production of a fictionalized autobiography, The Promise (1991). The latter book suggested that the Pleiadians had come to the Earth in ancient times, during the Atlantis era. At one point, an evil cabal arose and stole the advanced teachings of the Pleiadians in order to gain dominion over the Earth. They took their struggle to Egypt but were blunted by their inability to gain a Pleiadian artifact, a small jeweled medallion which gave anyone who wore it access to advanced scientific information and also transferred power to the brain.

According to Bell's story, his father discovered the medallion while in Egypt in the 1930s. However, he was killed in the effort to keep it from the Nazis, the modern representatives of the evil Atlanteans. The medallion eventually came into Bell's possession. He then went to Egypt, where he met Semjase and found a book containing information on Pleiadian science and technology. Semjase communicated to him that she had a mission of sharing the technology from the Pleiades with the Earth. The transfer of that technology has been authorized by the intergalactic Andromedan Council. The Pleiadians were also attempting to activate human wisdom.
Through the 1990s, Bell has been a popular lecturer at UFO and New Age gatherings. More recently, he authored a second book, Rays of Truth-Crystals of Light (1998), introducing some of the Pleiadian technology, much of which makes contact with the older teachings of the Western Esoteric tradition.

Bell, Fred. Rays of Truth-Crystals of Light: Information and Guidance for the Golden Age. Blue Hill, Maine: Medicine Bear Publishing, 1998.
——, as told to Brad Steiger. The Promise. New Brunswick, N.J.: Inner Light Publications, 1991.
Steiger, Brad. The Fellowship. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co, 1988.
anart said:
It comes across as arrogant and dismissive. Is that how you're trying to come across?

Absolutely not!

What I was trying to convey was lightheartedness and conversation without animosity. Perhaps I chose the wrong symbol, so thank you for pointing this out.

There was something else I was trying to convey. Namely the inability (or unwillingness) to provide quick references does not automatically mean "laziness", "do nothingness", or "empty allusions". Far from it. It can stem from lack of time, emergencies, illness, work commitments, you name it. It's unfair to make some of these allegations without knowing more.

I also made clear that there would be 50 or more audio interviews to review. As there's no search function, that would be about 50 plus hours of listening. Given this particular point is an "interesting side note" at best, it simply does not warrant the present.

Additionally I said "it's also possible I had simply misread her". So the strength of my observation was tempered. If at some later review of Wood's audio material and I happen to come across the relevant references I would be most happy to post them.
sitting said:
anart said:
It comes across as arrogant and dismissive. Is that how you're trying to come across?

Absolutely not!

What I was trying to convey was lightheartedness and conversation without animosity. Perhaps I chose the wrong symbol, so thank you for pointing this out.

There was something else I was trying to convey. Namely the inability (or unwillingness) to provide quick references does not automatically mean "laziness", "do nothingness", or "empty allusions". Far from it. It can stem from lack of time, emergencies, illness, work commitments, you name it. It's unfair to make some of these allegations without knowing more.

Actually, what it is - at its core - is putting the onus of responsibility to find such references onto others, instead of doing it yourself. It is not externally considerate and it assumes that others time is less valuable than your own.

s said:
I also made clear that there would be 50 or more audio interviews to review. As there's no search function, that would be about 50 plus hours of listening. Given this particular point is an "interesting side note" at best, it simply does not warrant the present.

Then don't bring it up if it's not worth the investment of your own time to confirm it. Your time is not more valuable than other people's time.

s said:
Additionally I said "it's also possible I had simply misread her". So the strength of my observation was tempered. If at some later review of Wood's audio material and I happen to come across the relevant references I would be most happy to post them.

Again, then don't bring it up if it's not worth the investment of your own time to confirm it. Your time is not more valuable than other people's time.
Bear said:
Dr Fred Bell's death the day after he was interviewed for Ventura's show is so 'in your face' that, assuming he was murdered, you have to wonder if they were actually trying to draw attention to Wood's work?

ADDED: Bell died in September 2011, so the Ventura show must have been filmed then, but only aired two days ago:
After watching the Ventura episode I decided to dig into Dr. Fred Bell. There is not a whole lot of information on him on the net. Here is one of the only pages that shows any kind of documentation on his background besides the above link.


I don’t know what the real story is on Fred Bell, but from the above link he supposedly had his hand in some of the most talked about topics in conspiracy circles –MK Ultra, Philadelphia Experiment, cold fusion, etc. Extraordinary claims demand evidence and after digging I’m not seeing a whole lot of substance. Maybe we should start a thread on him and if anyone wants to listen to his Coast to Coast interviews, read his books etc. then they could post impressions there.
Fred Bell, a flying saucer contactee, was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan. After high school he joined the Air Force. He was trained to work on radar and was stationed at a facility where numerous UFO contacts were tracked. Following his time in the Air Force, he worked with Rockwell International and then as a consultant to various companies in the aerospace industry. It was during this time that he became interested in Eastern spirituality and studied with several spiritual masters. He also obtained a degree in alternative medicine and became a lecturer on behalf of the National Health Federation (an organization advocating freedom of medical choice for the public).

In the 1970s Bell became well known as a contactee, claiming contact with Semjase, the extraterrestrial from the Pleiades first introduced to the public through the writings of William "Billy" Meier, the Swiss contactee. Popular UFO author Brad Steiger wrote about Bell in his 1988 book The Fellowship, and then collaborated with Bell in the production of a fictionalized autobiography, The Promise (1991). The latter book suggested that the Pleiadians had come to the Earth in ancient times, during the Atlantis era. At one point, an evil cabal arose and stole the advanced teachings of the Pleiadians in order to gain dominion over the Earth. They took their struggle to Egypt but were blunted by their inability to gain a Pleiadian artifact, a small jeweled medallion which gave anyone who wore it access to advanced scientific information and also transferred power to the brain.

According to Bell's story, his father discovered the medallion while in Egypt in the 1930s. However, he was killed in the effort to keep it from the Nazis, the modern representatives of the evil Atlanteans. The medallion eventually came into Bell's possession. He then went to Egypt, where he met Semjase and found a book containing information on Pleiadian science and technology. Semjase communicated to him that she had a mission of sharing the technology from the Pleiades with the Earth. The transfer of that technology has been authorized by the intergalactic Andromedan Council. The Pleiadians were also attempting to activate human wisdom.
Through the 1990s, Bell has been a popular lecturer at UFO and New Age gatherings. More recently, he authored a second book, Rays of Truth-Crystals of Light (1998), introducing some of the Pleiadian technology, much of which makes contact with the older teachings of the Western Esoteric tradition.

Bell, Fred. Rays of Truth-Crystals of Light: Information and Guidance for the Golden Age. Blue Hill, Maine: Medicine Bear Publishing, 1998.
——, as told to Brad Steiger. The Promise. New Brunswick, N.J.: Inner Light Publications, 1991.
Steiger, Brad. The Fellowship. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday & Co, 1988.

Very interesting. And weird. This guy with a spooky background finds himself on Jesse Ventura's show talking about a death ray, 12 hours later he winds up dead in a hotel room, then his wife is interviewed by Ventura and the story of his sudden death becomes part of a show broadcasting to a mainstream audience the plausibility of 'death ray' technology being used on 9/11.


High strangeness, it seems, is never more than a couple of degrees away from every topic worth looking into.
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