Independence Day and 911

I also Re-watch the movie yesterday..
The scene with the Aliens awaiting boarding for the invasion still freak me out. Could you image? millions of them, their whole civilization,
jumping from planet to planet, plundering with one ultimate goal: Annihilation. :wow:
I watched this movie some years ago. I don't remember if it was at a theater or HBO.
At the time there were reports that some people in the theaters cheered when the White House was destroyed.

The movie reminded me in some ways of the 1953 version of War of the Worlds. A very positive tone, the aliens the bad guys and us the good guys with humanity winning in the end in an unexpected way.

I still enjoy watching the 1953 movie. I first saw it at a theater when it was new as a kid. I was mesmerized for days after. In school when we were assigned a drawing project of some kind, farm animals for instance, I would draw Martian fighting machines!

Laura said:
It's kind of a fun movie.

Some of the thoughts I had about it while re-watching it last night were:

First, of course, there was the 9-11 reference that comes up when the David character first shows his computer screen to the president with the "countdown."

Then the way they depicted the "primary weapon" firing on very tall buildings that then just basically dissolved into fire/dust similar to what happened on 9-11 to the WTC towers.

More interesting still was the way the primary weapon energies channeled down a selected building and then spread in a wide circle to engulf a city. It struck me as a pretty good depiction of what an overhead cometary blast would do.

When the president asked the alien what he wanted and the answer was "DIE!" that was pretty creepy but it seems rather to fit with what the psychopathic elite want for humanity at large except, possibly, for a small slave population. So it struck me that 9-11 was the date of the "alien invasion" so to say. 4D STS have taken over the planet on that day through their pathological puppets.

Then, of course, there was the giant mothership that was bearing giant ships that broke off and spread themselves around the planet followed by that interesting scene right at the end with the shower of falling, disintegrating little spaceships... all very cometary.

Obviously, the US isn't the "righteous actor" that it is portrayed, normal human beings all over the world joining together against the "alien threat" would be more likely. So maybe this is one of those movies with a message from hyperdimensional sources?

I arrived at similar ideas when watching it last night keeping your suggestion of possible cometary symbolism of alien invasion in mind.

These are additional things I've noticed.

When the president asks the alien what they wanted the answer was DIE. It could be what psychopathic rulers controlled by 4D STS might have in plan for the rest of the population. We also have this message from the very first C's session:
Q: (L) Bob Lazar[5] referred to the fact that aliens supposedly refer to humans as containers. What does this mean?
A: Later use.
Q: (L) Use by who? How many:
A: 94 per cent.
Q: (L) 94 per cent of what?
A: Of all population.
Q: (L) What do you mean?
A: All are containers; 94 per cent use.
Q: I don't understand.
A: Will be used. 94 percent.
Q: (L) Used for what? You mean eaten?
A: Total consumption.
Q: (L) What do you mean by consumption? Ingested?
A: Consumed for ingredients.
Q: (L) Why?
A: New race. Important. 13 years about when happens.
Q: (L) Why are humans consumed?
A: They are used for parts.

So 94 percent of population, which may or may not refer to all non-psychopaths, might be used for total consumption. That sounds scary, idd! Also notice the remark by the C's: 'Important. 12 years about when happens.' 9/11/2001 + 13 = pretty close to mid 2014(C's: '5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!').

Also, alien saying 'DIE' may refer to what 4D STS are trying to do through psychopathic system to all normal human beings in terms of killing their essences/being/creativity, after all 4d STS feeds on creative energy, they are light eaters.

And, when alien telepathically connected to president's mind, president was able to learn something very fundamental of the nature of aliens. President: "I saw what they're planning to do. They're like locusts. They're moving from planet to planet... their whole civilization. After they've consumed every natural resource they move on... and we're next."

Pretty accurate description of the nature of 4D STS's 'civilization' if you ask me. After they consume the creative energy of the population and consequently the natural resources on one planet, they move on. The similar could be said for cometary impact effects and we know there is connection between 4D STS influence via psychopathic system and the cometary impacts. Interestingly enough the same description that president learned from mind of the alien could perhaps apply for meteor swarm. They are like locusts(swarm), they are moving in cycles, from one civilization to another consuming it in fire... and we're next. Also, if meteors could talk to express their purpose and what they want of us humans, it would probably be: 'DIE'.

Some interesting quotes from the movie:

"We have visual range with incoming over Iraqi air space. Second sighting? Yes, sir... Mr president, they're tracking another one off the California coastline!"

"Two more spotted over the Atlantic. One's moving toward New York, the other is headed this direction"(Washington D.C.).

"Los Angeles, New York and Washington D.C. have been left in ruins."

"Good God! I've been sayin' it. I've been sayin' it for ten damn years. Ain't I been sayin' it, Miguel? Yeah, I've been sayin' it."

First three quotes sound to me like descriptions of cometary sightings and destruction and the last one like what Laura(and the rest of the people from the forum) might say when the SHTF. Also it's interesting how little time was before notice of the alien(cometary?) invasion.

The aliens weapons reminded me of possible effects of the meteor/cometary impacts. The beam reminds me of possible electrical/plasma discharges and other cometary phenomena, and the round craters of course remind of meteor impact craters.

Interesting how they first detected one single body 1/4 the size of the moon which then broke appart to smaller motherships, from which came even smaller spaceships. And at the end of the movie when they destroyed that huge planetoid looking main ship it broke appart to thousands of smaller debris that were carried towards Earth on the explosion wave and later entered the atmosphere and burned out looking like meteorites. I see many connections here. First being, that what first seemed like one single planetoid looking body, later turned in to swarm of meteor like debris and they actually rode the 'wave'. So, that looks like another example of connection between 'aliens' and cometary bodies.

But I may have gone to far with some of the connections that I've noticed. Thanks for reading :)
Serendipity said:
But I may have gone to far with some of the connections that I've noticed. Thanks for reading :)

I don't think you went too far. I had similar thoughts. Funny how things can be seen in a different light with the addition of knowledge.
I watched this movie too last night, and I had a few thoughts about it that others haven't mentioned.

I found it *really* cheesy, I mean over the top cheesy. The emotional level seemed to be pitched at preteen children so young that even middle school kids would roll their eyes and mock the schlock.

But I guess there's a naive child that just wants to entertained deep down in everyone's mind, and once we invest a few minutes we willingly suspend our disbelief, if only out of morbid curiousity to see how ridiculously bad it's going to get before it mercifully ends.

However, all of the roles in this film are mere caricatures. The movie is a preteen sci-fi comic book, with a number of insidiously evil message subtexts that it relentlessly drives into the viewer's mind.

A few of those messages that I saw this movie programming into the viewers' subconscious attitudes include the following, in no particular order:

US world leadership of the NWO, though not the outright domination that seems to be the objective.

Militarism, of course. The owners of the US 'defense' establishment corporations, especially military aircraft makers must have wet themselves watching this, dreaming of selling all the hardware shown.

Contempt for the masses of ordinary people routinely lied to by their leadership 'for their own good'.

Disdain for science, as shown by the portrayal of the alien researcher as an eccentric mad scientist.

Promotion of the intellectual superiority and humanitarian benevolence of Jews, as seen in the roles of the Jewish computer scientist and his father. You'd never guess that rich Jews control Hollywood.
Yup, Griffin. You nailed it. Cheese-whiz all the way.

But I still have to admit that it warmed the cockles of my heart to see the White House disintegrate.
Thanks, griffin. That may be why I didn't remember seeing it.

As it happens there was a problem with our movie disc so I was unable to join in the watching. My wife and other company opted for Skeleton Key or something and I got back on the computer.

I will definitely remember the comment about White House disintegration, though, for when the next opportunity comes around. I'm warming up and getting all tingly just thinking about it.
After watching the movie while paying attention to possible hidden connections between alien invasion and cometary invasion I thought at first that there was no connection or clue which might suggest the cause for alien invasion(read cometary invasion). Then I remembered the short scene at around 9min 55sec in the movie, when the children are trying to watch the TV and the signal is all messed up.
They are watching the movie "The Day the Earth Stood Still"(1951) and there is the scene being played out where the character in the movie says the following: "...we created a race of robots. Their function is to..." I suspected that this short line being played on the TV could have been implemented for a reason so I checked the net for the whole line and it goes like this:

Klaatu: I am leaving soon, and you will forgive me if I speak bluntly. The universe grows smaller every day, and the threat of aggression by any group, anywhere, can no longer be tolerated. There must be security for all, or no one is secure. Now, this does not mean giving up any freedom, except the freedom to act irresponsibly. Your ancestors knew this when they made laws to govern themselves and hired policemen to enforce them. We, of the other planets, have long accepted this principle. We have an organization for the mutual protection of all planets and for the complete elimination of aggression. The test of any such higher authority is, of course, the police force that supports it. For our policemen, we created a race of robots. Their function is to patrol the planets in spaceships like this one and preserve the peace. In matters of aggression, we have given them absolute power over us. This power cannot be revoked. At the first sign of violence, they act automatically against the aggressor. The penalty for provoking their action is too terrible to risk. The result is, we live in peace, without arms or armies, secure in the knowledge that we are free from aggression and war. Free to pursue more... profitable enterprises. Now, we do not pretend to have achieved perfection, but we do have a system, and it works. I came here to give you these facts. It is no concern of ours how you run your own planet, but if you threaten to extend your violence, this Earth of yours will be reduced to a burned-out cinder. Your choice is simple: join us and live in peace, or pursue your present course and face obliteration. We shall be waiting for your answer. The decision rests with you.

Is that TV excerpt shown in that scene, the hint pointing towards the explanation of the cause of the cometary bombardment(invasion) or what?
Laura said:
But I still have to admit that it warmed the cockles of my heart to see the White House disintegrate.

For me, an even-more heart-warming White House scene is in the movie "2012" where a 500-foot wave (generated by cometary impacts in the Atlantic) lifts the "John F. Kennedy" aircraft carrier and crashes it on top of the White House. In relative size, it looks like a boot stomping on an insect. The symbolism is rich: the universe/forces of nature empowering "JFK" to utilize the military-industrial complex's tools of destruction, to destroy that which destroyed him.
JGeropoulas said:
Laura said:
But I still have to admit that it warmed the cockles of my heart to see the White House disintegrate.

For me, an even-more heart-warming White House scene is in the movie "2012" where a 500-foot wave (generated by cometary impacts in the Atlantic) lifts the "John F. Kennedy" aircraft carrier and crashes it on top of the White House. In relative size, it looks like a boot stomping on an insect. The symbolism is rich: the universe/forces of nature empowering "JFK" to utilize the military-industrial complex's tools of destruction, to destroy that which destroyed him.

Yup, that one is pretty awesome too!

What Serendipity noticed was fascinating too.

I just think that when some people decide to make a movie and "think stuff up", maybe they are picking up signals or images that are floating about in the ethers or something. Sort of like the "Thor's Pantheon" thing that the Cs once talked about. Despite its juvenile cheesiness, ID was loaded with this sort of thing. Fascinating.
I've never been able to tolerate another sitting of this film after the 1st two times when it came out. "Hoo-ra" "USA, USA!" Leave me out. The alien telling "the leader of the free world" that they want humans to "DIE, DIE"! is 2nd only to the "greatest symbol of hope" getting mangled for me & everyone i know. Wipe-out of the Whitehouse? priceless. :phaser:
Thanks to serendipity for the klaatu quote, i forgot how much i love that film (even after the 20th time!) & the best line in it is that quote which if you think about it, is pretty powerful. Griffins' point about the "pre-teens emotional level" is on the money too. (We call 'em "teeny-boppers" in UK & they hate that)
I remember the C's or laura saying that the reason for all the (increase of?) contaminated "foods" & allowing of mega health breakdown in modern times is population control- so there won't be enough humans left to go after them. (In their wishful thinking timeline it'll probably be after they've retreated to their bunkers during the cometary/meteor bombardment & black death, leaving people to die en masse during the cataclysms)
Laura's post made me think of this from Daniel Pinchbeck "2012 The Year Of The Mayan Prophecy" :"The catholic mystic Pierre Teilhard de Chardin foresaw the development of a "new intergrated mind" of global humanity, calling it the "noosphere", from the Greek word nous meaning mind. Noting that our planet consists of various layers-a mineral lithosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and atmosphere consisting of troposphere, stratosphere, and ionosphere - chardin theorized the possible existence of a mental envelope, a layer of thought, encompassing the Earth. The "hominizaton" of the Earth had concluded the phase of physical evolution, during which species multiplied and developed new powers, leading to an entropic breakdown of the biosphere. This process, chardin realized requiring the tapping of the stored energy and amassed mineral resources of the planet, could happen only once. When physical evolution ended, the evolving stem of the Earth switched from the outer layers to the level of cognition, developed through human consciousness, containing the entirety of our thought, as well as the planet's evolutionary program. Chardin proposed that the noosphere would eventually develop into "a harmonized collectivity of consciousness equivalent to a sort of super-consciousness." The activation of the noosphere would be predicated on humanity's realization of itself and the Earth as constituting a single organism, followed by "the unanimous construction of a spirit of the Earth." Chardin considered this the logical and even necessary next phase of human evolution into a fully aware and self-reflective species."
Did anyone notice the song by REM - it's the end of the world (as we know it). It was playing in the background at the beginning of the movie.
On the other hand that could have just been an obvious song choice for the movie in general.
trendsetter37 said:
Did anyone notice the song by REM - it's the end of the world (as we know it). It was playing in the background at the beginning of the movie.
On the other hand that could have just been an obvious song choice for the movie in general.

Oh I definitely noticed the song trendsetter37! (one of my favs by R.E.M.) My husband and I found the movie and popped it in to diffuse the situation that was bubbling up between my divorced parents whom were both visiting at the time! :halo: We had all seen the flick at one time or another but it had been a very long time. Incidentally, my husband and I were both working at a cinema when this movie was released. We were 16 at the time and were allowed to go to a special showing the night before it came out. I remember a visceral feeling came over the both of us that night, and after the viewing we stood in the parking lot talking for hours about 'what might be out there'.

Watching the movie two nights ago with 'new eyes' proved a very different experience! Besides noticing all the connections to cometary bombardment (the END SCENE!!), references to the Twin Towers and 9:11, and ridiculous patriotism, I noticed something else that hasn't been mentioned yet. This was a HUGE Hollywood blockbuster action flick right? Compared to the ones that are released these days (15+ years later), there was at least SOME amount of tenderness and Humanity amongst the individuals. I just don't see that in action flicks anymore, the few that I've watched anyway. Even though it's 'put on' and cheezy, at least it was still there. To me that is just more proof of just how much more our 'society' has been desensitized and ponerized. :rolleyes:
Laura said:
I just think that when some people decide to make a movie and "think stuff up", maybe they are picking up signals or images that are floating about in the ethers or something. Sort of like the "Thor's Pantheon" thing that the Cs once talked about. Despite its juvenile cheesiness, ID was loaded with this sort of thing. Fascinating.

That's very interesting idea which would explain why light sometimes shines through otherwise unenlightened people.
Everything Wrong With Independence Day In 6 Minutes Or Less

Quite Amusing.

(I have to admit I split a gut after listening to the last 30 seconds of this video...)

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