Search results for query: Beam weapons

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  1. treesparrow

    Richard Dolan

    Now another article in the UK tabloid press (Daily Express) running the story about ufos and military bases. I wonder if any of the serious uk press ( Times, Telegraph, Guardian and Independent) will run with this...
  2. knowledge_of_self

    Richard Dolan

    Read this article from Richard today, thought I'd post it here. [bold mine] Reading the bold part above gave me a bit of a chuckle. I personally don't see anything of our 3D life could be 'terrifying' or anything else for that matter to...
  3. RyanX


    I didn't see this discussed in this thread yet, but John Keel talks about gold in The Eighth Tower and how it might relate to hyper-dimensional realities. The C's also mention that certain metals have different "properties" in 4D. I believe they mentioned copper as a source for making 4D...
  4. Laura

    Mind Control & HAARP

    Re: HAARP used in Pakistan floods? Notice: rant coming (yes, even I feel like ranting now and again!) Haven't you people been reading the Comet Series linked on the left on SOTT, down, under the image of Al Gore getting hit in the head by a comet? Don't you know that all this sort of thing...
  5. N

    UFOs Nasa's Big Secret Unveiled Great Footage

    ...coordinates the launching of exotic orbital drones which are then used for target practice with land and (I assume) space-based particle beam weapons. I did not see the drones up close, but was shown the particle beam weapons; they were about the size of a large school bus and kept...
  6. Heaalih

    U.S. withdraws ‘pain ray’ from Afghan war zone Read more: http://www.dailymail.

    Hello, this article is here : _ Anticipation for an upcoming revolution?
  7. maryjk_99

    Nuclear Bombs Could Save Earth from Asteroids -from

    Insanity...Wonder, what do they see that they're not telling us? Nuclear Bombs Could Save Earth from Asteroids By Denise Chow Staff Writer posted: 25 June 2010 12:19 pm ET If a massive asteroid is hurtling toward Earth and threatening to sterilize the entire planet, blasting it to...
  8. E

    Cancer: causes and cures

    Electromagnetic radiation and its effect on the brain They had a sobering show on the radio on Monday, 19 April 2010 about electromagnetic radiation, wifi, cell phones and so forth. They interviewed former British military intelligence scientist, Barrie Trower, consultant to governments and...
  9. JEEP

    Airborne laser gun shoots down test missile

    More $$$$ for weapons: Yes, reinstitute that funding because no matter how broke we are, we can still find billions to spend on weapons! And, by george, it's worth every penny! I mean, we'll be absolutely protected from all the 'evil' forces out to annihilate us, right?! Safety first! Food...
  10. JEEP

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    Still more even weirder images.
  11. Cyre2067

    Alien Attack + A friendly funny one named Hector.

    Two short dreams I had in sequence this morning, all alien related. I blame Mr Dolan. :cool2: This first one I'm an adult, not myself, probably in my 30s or 40s and I'm a cop. I'm working late with a partner, and we're at the station. I'm smoking outside when I see these crazy little lit up...
  12. dannybananny

    Jumbo-jet laser cannon tested against missile

    The US Missile Defence Agency has released video of its jumbo-jet-mounted laser cannon - intended to beam down nuclear missiles lifting off from enemy countries - in action, playing its ray on a test rocket off California.
  13. Laura

    Massive earthquake rocks Russia

    I'm sorry, I just don't buy it that they are deliberately creating earthquakes or that HAARP has anything to do with it. I think that they would LIKE us to think that, though. Just like they divert attention away from fireballs and meteorites - which is blatant imo - they would want to divert...
  14. Ottershrew

    Backscatter x-ray machines "tear apart DNA"

    Here's the spin on this from The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Blog: The joke about the barn door left open seemed a little out of place, imo - but maybe that's just me. I suppose the good folks at the TSA are just trying to come across as, well, human or something. Edit: spacing
  15. anart


    Interesting astronomer theories - which of course lead me to ask, 'how do they know its orbit has slowed?' - or 'how do they know there was a crack in its crust?' Or, 'how do they know radioactive materials helped heat its center?' Or... you get the point. (like how do they know it can't...
  16. Jacques

    Strange spiral light seen in north of Norway

    Imaginative, you said. :lol: I think this word is not strong enough for that.
  17. Joe

    Strange spiral light seen in north of Norway

    And where would we be without "Sorcha Faal's" imaginative take on the subject!
  18. Masamune

    Canibus-Channel Zero

    Hi M4N4MK1, I grew up listening to Canibus and he was one of my favorite artists for a long time. I thought he was one of the greatest lyricists out there and that he was a very thoughtful artist. Now I can't really listen to him though because most of his music is very harsh imo. Many of his...
  19. Lakewolf

    Google results from "magazine UFO"...strange

    Here it is: "Lest we forget" Keywords: UFO research, UFO magazine, UFO evidence, UFOs & aliens * First published by UFO Universe Magazine Fall 1997. Reproduced with kind permission of UFO Universe, the top magazine in UFOlogy. No material in this article may be reprinted without...
  20. SnoDog

    EM Gridlines - From the Atlantis timeline thread

    Shijing has been doing such an excellent job with the timeline threads that I did not want to pollute or hijack the Atlantis Timeline thread with my spark when I read the end of page one: The Electro Magnetic Grid maps...
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