Search results for query: electromagnetic pulse

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  1. K

    Oregon Vortex

    Because I saw this thread, I happened to find a primer booklet entitled "Scientific Vortex Information" by Pete A. Sanders, Jr., regarding the vortex energy in Sedona, Arizona. There is maybe some viable information on basic vortex definitions, how they differ and how they may be utilized...
  2. Scottie

    Show #31: War Against Syria - Nevermind the Comets!

    What's most interesting to me about all these EMP weapons we hear about is that it's always like some Top Secret thing. IOW, everybody knows they've used MOAB bombs, and phosphorus weapons, drones, chemical weapons, etc. But the use of EMP weapons is more ethereal. They keep talking about them...
  3. Pierre

    Show #31: War Against Syria - Nevermind the Comets!

    Unlike missiles, cometary bodies carry a strong electric charge, so they are likely to discharge (lightning bolt between the asteroid and earth's surface and/or clouds). Apart from the obvious lightning bolts, local magnetic field might also show spikes due to the electromagnetic activity of...
  4. Ca.

    Buzzing Vibrating in my brain

    He is another item if it has not already been discussed on another thread. Microwave auditory effect _
  5. A

    Inter-dimensional windows and Seth's co-ordinate points

    I learned an interesting piece of trivia last night. In my attempt to not watch T.V. I went out and bought seasons 3 & 4 of the X files. :-[ In season 3 episode 3 the bad guy can control electricity with his mind. In one part Mulder says that lightning emits radio waves at a frequency of 8 Hz...
  6. anart

    TWA Flight 800

    This story is breaking this morning, though it's really the promotion of a documentary: - basically claiming that the flight was brought down by an external explosion.: Here is what the C's had to say: So, the release of...
  7. A

    Inter-dimensional windows and Seth's co-ordinate points

    New scientist covered this story as well, apparently the researchers were using loop quantum gravity. I've been thinking about it for the past couple of days, and I think black holes are interesting in terms of windows. If you think of a singularity, the gravity around it approaches infinity as...
  8. A

    Inter-dimensional windows and Seth's co-ordinate points

    I'm curious as to how people on the forum feel about these transcripts on other sites? Is there a possibility that they have been tampered with? And what is their source, where did they come from? I ask these questions because if they are legit, or at least relatively legit, I could start going...
  9. ziggystarlust

    advice/assistance please

    Hi Claire: Yes, the amount of material here is voluminous! Definitely need to read the Wave series-there are times discussing spirit attachments etc, but if I may, suggest a few directions because of the military/restaurant component in your story...
  10. treesparrow

    Giant UFOs?

    Talking of some UFO's being perhaps a manifestation of some type of living organism (but in this instance much closer to Earth), I came across this article last year that may be of interest. Fascinating perspective and a really original take on Ufos for the most part, osit...
  11. L

    EMF Exposure

    Skin depth is used a lot in printed and microwave circuits to evaluate losses and aid design. As applied to shielding effectiveness, here is a quote from...
  12. L

    EMF Exposure that frequency. These considerations are used (for example) to specify the thickness of a metal room/walls to attenuate the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) due to nuclear blast. The gauge (thickness) of a wire for a given current capacity is driven by the external surface area of the wire...
  13. carcoom

    Government Official Says 9/11 Directed Energy Weapon Research "Worthy"

    ...put together what the Cassiopaean's said regarding the destruction of the WTC complex. Here it is: [ EMP most likely means electromagnetic pulse, but it could perhaps mean electromagnetic profile. ] Laura considered in her book 911 The Ultimate Truth the conventional demolition...
  14. L

    EMF Exposure

    Here is a horrible account of a German family's experience living in the main beam of a cell "tower" installed on the roof of a home in their neighborhood! I highly recommend the pdf that shows pics of what they were dealing with. Its at:
  15. S

    funny thing happened today

    Hi everyone, I read about that in a thread called "EMF Protection" or something like that. There it has been mentioned also. To keep things short, if its ascribed positive effects are merely hearsay, and that's what they are, it's not scientific, it's useless. I mean, the last thing we need is...
  16. Mike

    Psychopathy - something to strive for?

    Psychopathy's Double Edge This was an interesting read and very chilling at times, specifically that psychopaths can be in essence created by training when you read what the special forces guy thinks and how he acts. Edit added: Forgot the link...
  17. Muxel

    'Survivors' by Terry Nation British TV series 1975-19

    I have had this thought; each time it suggests to me the necessity of sponging up as much as I can. In Terry Pratchett's Small Gods, the main character who has absolute (eidetic) memory is made to memorize the entire Library of Ephebe (fictional counterpart of the Library of Alexandria) before...
  18. Al Today

    Kerry Cassidy - Project Camelot - Latest Disinfo

    ...for survival. For example: If we lost the ability to generate electricity, or the electric grid fries and dies as from some Electromagnetic Pulse from Sun activity or whatever... Everything electronic then becomes worthless. No food in stores. No gasoline at the pump. Society as we know it...
  19. Ellipse

    HAARP, Cell phone towers and WIFI

    Session 23 November 1996 I think there's a clear connection with what is exposed in those articles: 03 Oct 2009 12 Oct 2009 01 Aug 2012...
  20. L

    EMF Exposure

    I think its like Sirius said - when you take a close look, many of these studies seem designed to find nothing. There are quite a few rat/mice studies that have found significant bio-mechanisms. They usually all end the the same kind of statement. "We have found significant blah-blah-blah...
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