Search results for query: Weather weapons

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    Actualités du jour en France La nouvelle réalité du NWO : l'Ukraine sans Kharkov, Odessa et Kiev - mais avec "Wagner" Les services de renseignement britanniques MI6 ont averti les autorités ukrainiennes que la Russie allait prendre les régions de Soumy et Kharkiv, et PMC Wagner - pour...
  2. E

    Clif High-

    Here's a Shape report (I've decoded over 900-pages of them) for events late 2024 into 2205. The events in the Shape reports (especially # 08 thru 16) in terms of weather, magnetic, electrical effects mirrors what Adapt2030 covers in his reports. * I'm only posting a few here, the rest are on...
  3. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    The normal process. It looks like ours are adapting to the next "wunderwaffe", which has not become one. Российские военные перехватили 26 крылатых ракет Storm Shadow Российские специалисты приступили к изучению сбитой британской ракеты Storm Shadow Turkish Bayraktar were almost all killed in...
  4. M

    Session 24 June 2023

    Thank you for pointing this out. I assume that where Ra is referring to "Nikola", he means Nikola Tesla, whose papers were immediately seized after his death by US Government forces (the FBI perhaps)? As I pointed out in my earlier post, the C's confirmed that President Eisenhower entered into...
  5. iamthatis

    Imminent Alien Disclosure?

    The C's have suggested the taking peyote results in hallucinations. or it could be that your mind was re-patterned... something that is an ongoing process. So when you took the mescaline, it could be that you were just hallucinating? But how do we square the hallucination claim with all...
  6. Y

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    Such is the story of geography На дне Каховского водохранилища обнаружена старая дорога, которая может быть использована ВСУ для наступления на Энергодар The daily work continues Ночью по Украине ударили гиперзвуковые «Кинжалы» и Х-22, ВСУ не смогли сбить ни одну ракету
  7. T

    Session 23 April 2022

    The grounding of the current? And at the end of the last post quoting from Session 21 December 2012, part of the excerpt read: Could the wormhole be related to the property of the Sun and its companion being spheres, since "all spheres of cosmic nature are windows"? And when they get closer to...

    Actualités du jour en France Biden: la menace de Poutine utilisant des armes nucléaires tactiques est "réelle" - Reuters "Quand j'ai dit il y a environ deux ans que je m'inquiétais de l'assèchement du fleuve Colorado, tout le monde m'a regardé comme si j'étais fou. Ils m'ont regardé comme...
  9. T

    Session 23 April 2022

    In this post, there is more about anomalies surrounding planes: The airburst that led to the crash of the China Eastern Airline discussed in this session, was caused by "Meteoric object breaching realm barrier." In the following excerpt, the burst was caused by an EM anomaly, something like a...
  10. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    Meritaten, Hagar and Brigit Part 2 The Tuatha de Danann as the Shining Ones The Tuatha De Danann were called ‘Shining Ones’ and were described as being elegant, beautiful, and even shining with light. This suggests they may have been bi-density beings, i.e., 3rd and 4th density humanoids, like...
  11. Ursus Minor

    Imminent Alien Disclosure?

    What could be the reasons of the recent disclosure business? Yes, of course they have been retrieving and investigating crashed 4D airframes and technology for at least 75 years, but how far have they come in replicating the assembled other-dimensional technologies? What if 'disclosure' is...
  12. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine

    The tweet read, in case it disappears from their flow: And here is the image: If nobody has been forgotten in the text, the good news is, that some Lives Matter. Considering what the PTB did with COVID and the vaccination operations, it is probably already too late to stop the advance on...
  13. M

    Alton Towers, Sir Francis Bacon and the Rosicrucians

    The Council of Nine Part 2 The Norse Gods In the mythic story of the Ragnarök, which is like a Nordic version of Armageddon or a ‘twilight of the gods’ saga, many of the main Norse gods (including Odin and Thor) die in a climactic battle against the forces of destruction or chaos that takes...
  14. Jtucker

    The World's Fair

    That is a spectacular site and I have no doubt of the estimated age. Great Neolithic work. My guess would be that the mound builders of North America were descendants of the same culture/civilization that built dolmens and Neolithic structures in Europe. They were carrying some remnant tech to...
  15. T

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine reports how NATO prepares the UAF to go on the offensive The winter has left us and spring is here. This changes how the conflict can be fought on the ground, since cold and wet weather is more difficult for both equipment and personnel than the drier conditions in the coming...
  16. T

    Session 25 February 2023

    The carrying capacity of the Earth is determined by psychic health In this post there are excerpts from this Session about the intention of the elites to reduce the population, followed by the discussion of the carrying capacity which was motivated by earlier talks and research. The answer from...
  17. iamthatis

    The Ice Age Cometh! Forget Global Warming!

    The brief article below discusses 'swings between extremes' as the norm during a Grand Solar Minimum. There's a NASA map of the Maunder Minimum temperatures showing that certain parts in the North actually showed an overall increase in warming, over Alaska, South of Greenland, and Iceland. So...
  18. whitecoast

    Forest Gardens in Mesolithic Europe

    I ran across this little bit about the history of cultivating forest ecosystems in Europe during the mesolithic (middle stone age). I though it was quite interesting to read how mesolithic europeans turned forests into areas of high food and resource productivity while staying in ecological...
  19. iamthatis

    Putin Recognizes Donbass Republics, Sends Russian Military to 'Denazify' Ukraine Article by Big Serge, laying out his birds-eye-view on the situation in Ukraine. Russo-Ukrainian War: The World Blood PumpGradually, and then Suddenly
  20. MatiaS

    Artificial Intelligence News & Discussion

    From substack. How to crash an AI chatbot.
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