Session 19 October 2024

(Joe) Is this flooding we'd had over several years, really, that we document every month on our Earth Changes videos, and they're pretty much dominated by floods and all that kind of thing, massive rainfall... Is this the manifestation of what they said years ago about the belt or the band of great precipitation, which is kind of like the monsoon belt around there moving further north? Is that causing a lot of this flooding?

A: Exactly. And that is precursor to the arrival of colder times.

Q: (Joe) I mean they pretty much said years ago that's what would happen. It's global warming and it's not manmade. It's part of cycle global warming in the northern hemisphere and this band of rain tends to move towards the warmer oceans and the warmer part of the hemisphere. So it tends to move north and you get a lot more precipitation all around a band all around the northern hemisphere, further north into North Africa, into Europe - not uniformly, but spots here and there - massive downpours. And then eventually that falls as snow around the pole at the Arctic region, which then causes a glacial rebound.

(L) Okay...

(Joe) Colder times like this winter?

A: Wait and see. Good that you had insulation installed!

One Forum member has already linked this exchange with what was said in the transcripts about Whitley Streiber and Art Bell's book, which was subsequently made into a movie The Day After Tomorrow (see: The Day After Tomorrow - Wikipedia)​

Session dated 18 March 2000:

Q: You also made a remark once that ice ages occur much, much faster than people ever thought...

A: Yes.

Q: Do we need to invest in some mukluks and snowshoes?

A: ??

Q: Well, what I am trying to get at is: should we start stockpiling firewood?

A: Maybe.

Q: So, it could be that fast?

A: Oh yes, and faster when in response to global "warming".

Q: When you put "warming" in quotes, you obviously mean warming in more than just an ordinary sense? Is that correct?

A: And/or not really "warm."

Q: Whitley Strieber and Art Bell have published a book about a "global superstorm." Is any of the information they have given in this book fairly accurate?

A: Derived from non-human sources known for stark accuracy, when convenient.

Q: What makes it convenient at the present time for them to be "starkly accurate?"

A: Fits into plans.

Q: Plans for what?

A: Do we not know already?

Q: In other words: world conquest and the takeover of humanity?

A: Not as simple.

Q: What would make my statement more accurate?

A: Call it amalgamation.

It is interesting then to note that the UK's Daily Mail newspaper (that seems to be a favoured outlet for the PTB in the UK as a means of occasionally getting out the truth) published a two page article on 26th October (only a week after this latest session with the C's) referencing the movie and using a picture taken from it depicting Big Ben and the Houses of Parliament covered over in snow and ice - see - Zeitungen aus der ganzen Welt.​


Quoting selectively from the article and highlighting key passages:

"Despite its success, taking more than half a billion dollars at the box office, The Day After Tomorrow drew hoots of derision from even the most pessimistic weather-watchers.

Its central premise, that the Gulf Stream, a warm marine current that flows from the southern tip of Florida to Europe via the US eastern seaboard, could be on the point of collapsing due to melting ice from the Poles, was dismissed as lunatic scaremongering.

After all, a phenomenon that ensures the climate of western Europe is much more temperate than its latitude would dictate by wafting warm water (and air) across the Atlantic, has been with us for more than 10,000 years,

When the science writer David Wallace-Wells published an analysis of all the ways climate change could destroy civilisation in a book called The Uninhabitable Earth just five years ago, he envisaged rising sea levels, mega hurricanes, rampant air pollution, mass human migration and economic madness.

But even Wallace-Wells couldn’t imagine that the Gulf Stream could be in imminent danger. ‘A shutdown of the ocean conveyor belt,’ he wrote, ‘is not a scenario that any credible scientists worry about on any human timescale.’

That complacency was wiped out this week when a group of 44 leading climatologists signed an open letter to the governments of Scandinavia, warning that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC)

The last Ice Age lasted for 2.6million years

– a system of ocean currents that brings warm water north and cold water south – could break down as early as next year, meaning the Gulf Stream would cease operating.

‘Given business as usual with greenhouse gas emissions, the expected tipping point is much earlier than previously predicted,’ says the author of a crucial report, statistics professor Susanne Ditlevsen of the University of Copenhagen. ‘We were actually bewildered by the result.’

Without the warmth the Gulf Stream brings from the tropics, Britain and much of Europe face a freeze on a scale unprecedented since the last major Ice Age or Pleistocene epoch, which lasted 2.6million years before ending roughly 11,000 years ago.

In the movie, timescales are condensed, with glaciers forming within days. That’s impossible, however impressive it looks on screen. But the real consequences, playing out across years instead of weeks, could be far more catastrophic than even Hollywood imagined."

The article then presents a potential timetable for disaster and ends by saying:

"IF the New Ice Age has not been overcome at this point, the projections become too grim to be imagined. Mass starvation and death from cold, lawlessness, political turmoil, war... all this is not merely a dystopian vision.

It’s the pattern of collapse brought on by climate disaster throughout history, from the disintegration of Saxon communities caused by a three-year freeze during the Dark Ages, to the social fragmentation in American cities, such as Chicago and New York, during the Polar Vortex of December 2022.

Yes, it reads like the scenario for another Hollywood disaster movie. We have to pray it’s one that never comes to pass."

Perhaps it is a bit too late for prayer!

My apologies if SOTT has already reported on this open letter or on the Daily Mail article but it makes for sobering reading so soon after the C's latest comments on the closeness of the upcoming ice age. The irony is that much of the UK media (and no doubt the world media) are still running with the global warming scam oblivious to the fact that global warming presages an ice age, as the C's told us back in 2012. Indeed, the crazies of Just Stop Oil are still at it here, as they enter a new phase of their idiotic campaign to ban all oil and gas use from the UK. Worse still, we now have a Labour Government in power, which is far more favourable to their viewpoint than the last Conservative administration. Unlike many of our European neighbours, the UK still has sizeable untapped oil and gas deposits it could exploit but no new drilling licences are being issued by our new Energy Minister Ed Milliband, a clean energy and renewables fanatic.

Will these idiots still be muttering "just stop oil" when they are dying from hypothermia in their freezing cold homes?

As to apocalyptic scenarios, the same newspaper has just published a two page article on what would happen if Russia launched a ballistic missile with an 800 kiloton warhead, which landed in Trafalgar Square, the heart of London. It makes for graphic reading. The Mail evidently enjoys scaring its readers.

But in fairness they are not the only UK newspaper to focus on this doomsday scenario for so has the Metro - see: Why survivors of a nuclear World War III will envy the dead

Quoting Brian Toon, professor of atmospheric and oceanic sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder:

‘If you have a war between the United States and Russia and Europe and then possibly China, the amount of smoke there is so great that the sunlight has diminished to about 20% of normal over the planet,’ Prof Toon explains.

‘And these calculations with these climate models, the temperature falls below freezing.

‘So if you’re in a place like Ukraine, which is the bread basket of Europe, or Iowa, which is the bread basket of the US, the temperatures in those places fall below freezing within a few weeks of the war and stay below freezing continuously every day for a couple of years.

‘The actual minimum temperatures occur in about the third and fourth year, and it takes close to a decade to get back to normal temperatures.

‘You’re not going to grow anything at the temperatures below freezing every day for a couple of years. So there won’t be any food coming from the Middle Latitudes and that will create mass starvation.’

Ominously, he adds: ‘Starving doesn’t mean hungry – starving means dead.’

BTW: The Russian premier Nikita Khrushchev was supposedly meant to have said of the likely outcome of an all out nuclear war that the living will envy the dead.

However, correct me if I am wrong, but the C's have suggested that the use of nuclear weapons will be restricted, no doubt for their potential effects on 4th Density and STS 4D's wish to occupy an Earth that hasn't been completely destroyed by 3D STS psychopaths - the insane leaders the C's have just referred to.

But these apocalyptic scenarios do tend to remind me of Christ's prophetic words in St Matthew's Gospel:

"For there shall be then great tribulation, such as hath not been from the beginning of the world until now, neither shall be. And unless those days had been shortened, no flesh should be saved: but for the sake of the elect those days shall be shortened." (Matthew 24:21-23)
Thanks for the session!

Pierre's comment "I must go" is interesting. Does that imply that his energy due to the communication was waning or that he has a schedule of some sort? Both alternatives suggest that there is a for us unknown "time" aspect in 5D. I mean, if energy is waning, there's a before and after reaching a threshold level. The C's have repeatedly said that there is no time in 5D, but based on this exchange and also some NDE literature, it appears that we're missing something. Maybe it's something that we'll never be able to undestand in 3D, as is discussed in the other thread.
I was thinking more or less the same. What is it about 5D beings that have an urge to leave when communicating with 3D beings? It makes me think that someone is watching their communication time, like prisoners who receive visitors. I wonder what it is. However, as you say, there is no time in 5D... So, maybe it is about waves that come and go, and 5D beings ride out the communication wave until they sort of peter out? It's puzzling.
I was thinking more or less the same. What is it about 5D beings that have an urge to leave when communicating with 3D beings? It makes me think that someone is watching their communication time, like prisoners who receive visitors. I wonder what it is. However, as you say, there is no time in 5D... So, maybe it is about waves that come and go, and 5D beings ride out the communication wave until they sort of peter out? It's puzzling.

Could be just an energy thing. Not because he had an appointment or the contact should be limited. Maybe it does take energy for a 5th density soul in contemplation to connect with someone living in 3rd density, specially if the planet in an STS environment very dense on the material reality.
Thanks for the session. So informative and amazing. Particulary talking about weather getting crazy…I live in valencia and as you already know we were affected by a DANA( isolated depression at high levels ) last oct 29th with strong winds, rain and floods. Thanks God we are fine but many towns are under the water, thousands of deaths. Destruction and desperate people. Sadly another sign of the times…
Big hug for everybody with love:)
Glad to hear you are ok! Is the claim that thousands died being taken seriously
I join in that.
MikeCopp, I would also like to know since you are there yourself, how the government is acting on the catastrophe.
Are they responding as best they can, or are there problems about it?
I ask because I remember in Germany a few years ago there was a horrible catastrophe, and the government behaved in a surprisingly psychopathic manner, just like in the resent catastrophe in the US, where also the government has shown its total psychopathy.
How are things in Spain in that sense?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards, and I hope everyone recovers soon.

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Ben de gidiyorum.
MikeCopp, siz de orada bulunabilmek için, felaketlere karşı nasıl davrandığını da bilmek isterim.
Ellerinden gelenin en iyisini yapıyorlar mı yoksa bu konuda sorunlar mı var?
Bunu soruyorum çünkü Almanya'da birkaç yıl önce korkunç bir felaket yaşandı ve gösterilerde şaşırtıcı derecede psikopatça davranılıyor, yakın zamanda ABD'de yaşanan felaket olduğu gibi, orada da hükümet tam bir psikopatlık gösterdi.
Peki İspanya'da durum nasıl?
Şimdiden teşekkürler.
Saygılarımla, herkesin en kısa sürede sağlığına kavuşmasını diliyorum. (ücretsiz sürüm) ile çevrildi

Aynı gözlemi 6 Şubat 2023 Türkiye depremi için de rahatlıkla yapabilirim. Hükümet ilk iki üç gün bekledi. Sonra halk yardım için seferber oldu. Bunun Türk hükümetinin yolsuzluklarıyla bir ilgisi olduğunu düşündüm. Ama şimdi dünyadaki diğer örneklere baktığımızda, bu da programın bir parçası, tıpkı yasadışı göç gibi. Acil yardım bekleyen insanlara hiçbir şey yapmamak... Bunu hem nüfusu azaltmak hem de acıyı artırmak için bir fırsat olarak görmek: psikopatlara yakışır bir davranış. Bence bu programın amaçlarından biri de insanların zihnindeki "devlet" imajını yok etmek. Çünkü Batı'da, Türkiye'de olduğu gibi, suçlular ve psikopatlar cezasız bırakılıyor. Bütün bu güçler her fırsatta "Yaşasın kaos" diyorlar. Bence anlamadıkları şey şu: Daha büyük bir kaos ortamında, kitlelerin öfkesinden nasıl kaçacaklar??? Bulundukları bedenle birlikte ölen mikroplar gibiler. Ama gerçekte psikopati anlayış eksikliği demek, değil mi?
Aynı gözlemi 6 Şubat 2023 Türkiye depremi için de rahatlıkla yapabilirim. Hükümet ilk iki üç gün bekledi. Sonra halk yardım için seferber oldu. Bunun Türk hükümetinin yolsuzluklarıyla bir ilgisi olduğunu düşündüm. Ama şimdi dünyadaki diğer örneklere baktığımızda, bu da programın bir parçası, tıpkı yasadışı göç gibi. Acil yardım bekleyen insanlara hiçbir şey yapmamak... Bunu hem nüfusu azaltmak hem de acıyı artırmak için bir fırsat olarak görmek: psikopatlara yakışır bir davranış. Bence bu programın amaçlarından biri de insanların zihnindeki "devlet" imajını yok etmek. Çünkü Batı'da, Türkiye'de olduğu gibi, suçlular ve psikopatlar cezasız bırakılıyor. Bütün bu güçler her fırsatta "Yaşasın kaos" diyorlar. Bence anlamadıkları şey şu: Daha büyük bir kaos ortamında, kitlelerin öfkesinden nasıl kaçacaklar??? Bulundukları bedenle birlikte ölen mikroplar gibiler. Ama gerçekte psikopati anlayış eksikliği demek, değil mi?
You copied the wrong text. Now this is english.

I can make the same observation about the earthquake in Turkey on 6 February 2023. The government waited for the first two or three days. Then the people mobilised to help. I thought it had something to do with the corruption of the Turkish government, but now, looking at other examples around the world, I see that it is part of the programme, just like illegal immigration. Nothing is done to the people who are waiting for emergency help. They see it as an opportunity to reduce the population and at the same time increase suffering: psychopathic behaviour. I think one of the aims of this programme is to destroy the image of the ‘state’ in people's minds. Because in the West, as in Turkey, criminals and psychopaths go unpunished. All these forces are saying ‘long live chaos’ at every opportunity. I guess what they don't realise is that in the event of even greater chaos they will escape the wrath of the masses. They are like germs that die with the body they are in. But actually psychopathy is a lack of understanding, isn't it?

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I join in that.
MikeCopp, I would also like to know since you are there yourself, how the government is acting on the catastrophe.
Are they responding as best they can, or are there problems about it?
I ask because I remember in Germany a few years ago there was a horrible catastrophe, and the government behaved in a surprisingly psychopathic manner, just like in the resent catastrophe in the US, where also the government has shown its total psychopathy.
How are things in Spain in that sense?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards, and I hope everyone recovers soon.

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Thanks for asking.
The goverment acted the same way as in Germany, U.S. Etc. No immediate help at all! The weather Alarm rang late… two hours after !!when all the disaster had already happened. The towns affected are still waiting for the central goverment to act. The media are not giving the real information.
So as you mentioned they are showing its total and shameless psychopathy… :((
At first i was surprised too but easily could be true.After hurricane Helena mainstream media reported about few hundreds of deaths and C`s says 2600.And we know that they must reduce numbers so we dont ask questions.
Hello Ivan.
Exactly the same here. They are not mentioning the real amount of victims. We guess there must be sadly more than 1000 but media says until today that there are around 200 of deaths…
Aynı gözlemi 6 Şubat 2023'te Türkiye'de yaşanan deprem için de yapabilirim. Hükümet ilk iki üç gün bekledi. Sonra halk yardım için seferber oldu. Bunun Türk hükümetinin yolsuzluklarıyla bir ilgisi olduğunu düşünmüştüm ama şimdi dünyadaki diğer örneklere baktığımda bunun da yasadışı göç gibi programın bir parçası olduğunu görüyorum. Acil yardım bekleyen insanlara hiçbir şey yapılmıyor. Bunu nüfusu azaltmak ve aynı zamanda acıyı artırmak için bir fırsat olarak görüyorlar: psikopatça davranış. Bence bu programın amaçlarından biri de insanların zihnindeki 'devlet' imajını yok etmek. Çünkü Batı'da da Türkiye'de olduğu gibi suçlular ve psikopatlar cezasız kalıyor. Bütün bu güçler her fırsatta 'yaşasın kaos' diyorlar. Sanırım farkına varamadıkları şey, daha büyük bir kaos durumunda kitlelerin gazabından kurtulacakları. Bulundukları bedenle birlikte ölen mikroplar gibiler. Ama aslında psikopati bir anlayış eksikliği değil midir?
Teşekkür ederim
Could be just an energy thing. Not because he had an appointment or the contact should be limited. Maybe it does take energy for a 5th density soul in contemplation to connect with someone living in 3rd density, specially if the planet in an STS environment very dense on the material reality.
The C's have spoken about grooving a channel, so maybe it takes time (in our illusory reality) to establish a good link with 3D entities when channelling and the C's are 6D beings rather than 5D like Pierre, who may therefore find it more difficult to maintain the link than 6D. Your point about energy output and drainage from a 5D perspective may be correct too judging from what was said in the very first session with the C's on 16 July 1994, which ended thus:
Q: (L) Are we doing what we need to be doing at the present?
A: So far. Need awaken. Must go now. Out of Energy. I must go.

The next session on 22 July 1994 also ended with the C's saying "must go" just like Pierre in the current session:

Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: References vast. Use Laura Channel computer. Must go.

Even small things like eating seemed to affect the connection at that time judging from what the C's said to Candy in that same session:

Q: Is anyone with us?
A: Listen, Look. Learn. Stop eating.
Q: What is the problem with eating?

A: Not good connection.

Things would improve with later sessions where participants clearly were eating and drinking. However, this early direction to stop eating may demonstrate the need for concentration at the 5D or 6D level when communicating by channelling.

Again the 30 July 1994 session ended with the C's saying "must go":

A: Up to you to discover. Use other medium for that. Have given enough. Must go.

So, Pierre saying he must go is not at variance with the C's own comments in the early days of their communications.​
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