Session 19 October 2024

Thank you for this enlightening session that has useful reminders in some fields. My hand reached my heart when I read Pierre was answering, a pure moment of joy. Thank you!
I've been thinking about the session with Pierre. Why has he not been able to see 4D?? Since it seems we are moving to 4D 'soon', according to the C's, even though we may not be aware of it when we get there, why cannot Pierre see it? I know there are a lot of variables regarding 4D like not everyone is going, etc. I am simply simplifying for this question. Is it masked because of where the world's state currently is? Does he have to wait to access it until he is better acclimated to 5D? Perhaps he has to wait until 3D earth enters 4D? I didn't think much about it when I was reading the session, but this question has been in the back of my mind since. I don't know about anyone else, but I had hope that if I didn't make it through the transition of earth from 3D to 4D, that I hopefully would be able to see it in 5D if I gained enough knowledge. I feel like Pierre had reached that point. If he didn't, then I certainly haven't either and that is upsetting. Anyone else have ideas on why he can't access 4D from 5D?
Pierre's answer was "Not now". I thought that since he was in communication with 3D, and therefore a priori focused on it, he may not have been able to see 4D right at that very moment?

Edit: I've just read the @Bernardo GA's answer:
I have also thought of another possibility, and that is that perhaps in order to be able to communicate with 3D, he needs a certain level of focus, which does not allow him to perceive 4D at that moment.
Thanks for the session. So informative and amazing. Particulary talking about weather getting crazy…I live in valencia and as you already know we were affected by a DANA( isolated depression at high levels ) last oct 29th with strong winds, rain and floods. Thanks God we are fine but many towns are under the water, thousands of deaths. Destruction and desperate people. Sadly another sign of the times…
Big hug for everybody with love:)
Anyway, Benson was supposed to have revealed that the afterlife was a bit like a classroom where one went to study life's lessons. Unfortunately, I can't track down the source for this but it still sticks with me.

Reminded me of he Rev. George Vale Owen (Vicar, Oxford) - 1860 to 1931, where he had had the insights after his mother had died (1909), 5-years before to when Benson died (1914). Owen's gift was via automatic writing, and there are many references in the 'Descriptions of the Afterlife' thread. So, was curious if Owen and Vale knew each other, and without delving in this brought up a book by Anthony Bogia titled Life In The Unseen World (1954) with a forward by Sir John Anderson, Bart (Owen's book, Life Beyond the Veil was forwarded by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).

Bogia's book looks to:

The communicator, whom I first came to know in 1909--five years before his passing into the spiritworld--was known on earth as Monsignor Robert Hugh Benson, a son of Edward White Benson, former Archbishop of Canterbury.

Until the present scripts were written he had never communicated with me directly, but I was once told (by another spirit friend) that there were certain matters he wished to set right. The difficulties of communication were explained to him by spirit friends and advisers, but he held to his purpose. And so when a suitable time was reached, he was told that he could communicate through a friend of his earthly days, and it has been my privilege to act as his recorder.

The copy I found was a free Epub book with a odd way of providing publication permission i.e., "I have obtained permission to offer these books here from Jeanne Walker, Anthony Borgia, and Robert Hugh Benson." Er, spiritual permission from byond the veil, so would rather not cite it. However, you can find it on Goodreads here.
May I ask who is this Maharaj? The general meaning is Great King. Well, Kings in Indian context is somewhat different from Western style Kings.

Google search gives Nisargadatta Maharaj. Is this correct?
He's an expert on advaita (nondualism). I think his most incompatible side for this forum is that he wasn't interested in discussing any specific world affairs, politics etc. although this doesn't mean that he was ignorant or opposed having an interest or specialty in such matters. What makes him significant, I think, is that he offers great wisdom on "self-realization". He doesn't encourage isolation from ordinary social/family life and suggests that it will suffice to contemplate on self-realization on one's free times.

It's my guess that this guy had a more-or-less conscious access to the STO realm or that he had a conscious contact with his higher self and offered wisdom from that perspective. I don't think that all the info he offers is 100% accurate but still, I believe, he's got a good percentage on that.

His most popular book, "I Am That", contains his Q&A dialogues with his visitors (mostly western), translated from audio recordings in Marathi language to English by Maurice Frydman. Although Maharaj authorized the publication of the book, he had some reservations. As it is mentioned on "Note 3" of the wikipedia article on him:

Nisargadatta himself said to a visitor: "I may talk Non-duality to some of the people who come here. That is not for you and you should not pay any attention to what I am telling others. The book of my conversations [I Am That] should not be taken as the last word on my teachings. I had given some answers to questions of certain individuals. Those answers were intended for those people and not for all. Instruction can be on an individual basis only. The same medicine cannot be prescribed for all. (...)"

So, those converstations were made with different visitors on different dates, and were not originally intended by Maharaj to be published as a book. One can find apparently glaring contradictions from one converstation to another (even during the same one) but as one continues reading the bulky book, many of the apparent contradictions seem to find reasonable explanations, OSIT.

It's my belief that his teaching is a great manual on "work on self" / self-realization especially in the following sense:

Session 21 March 2015 said:
Q: (L) So, what is it that makes somebody weak?

A: Mostly ego.

Session 26 October 2015 said:
(Ennio) Getting back to knowledge and communication... Is there any particular area of knowledge that people should be focusing on?

A: Self knowledge and ones own weaknesses.
I've been thinking about the session with Pierre. Why has he not been able to see 4D?? Since it seems we are moving to 4D 'soon', according to the C's, even though we may not be aware of it when we get there, why cannot Pierre see it? I know there are a lot of variables regarding 4D like not everyone is going, etc. I am simply simplifying for this question. Is it masked because of where the world's state currently is? Does he have to wait to access it until he is better acclimated to 5D? Perhaps he has to wait until 3D earth enters 4D? I didn't think much about it when I was reading the session, but this question has been in the back of my mind since. I don't know about anyone else, but I had hope that if I didn't make it through the transition of earth from 3D to 4D, that I hopefully would be able to see it in 5D if I gained enough knowledge. I feel like Pierre had reached that point. If he didn't, then I certainly haven't either and that is upsetting. Anyone else have ideas on why he can't access 4D from 5D?

I think it may depend on what your purpose is in 5D. Pierre's doing some contemplating of his experiences here. Also, 'seeing' 4D from 5D would probably require some familiarity with 4D, otherwise it would be just some random voyeurism with no real usefulness to anyone, including Pierre.

I did find it interesting that he used the word "temporary" though, which is definitely a time-based word.
According to many people who experienced NDE, they often says that they felt as if days has passed when they were only “out” in the physical world for hours. So it might be very relative.

Imagine we had infinite energy and there were no nights. Things happen, experiences are had, but under specific conditions, they may not need be defined by time.
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Thanks for the session. So informative and amazing. Particulary talking about weather getting crazy…I live in valencia and as you already know we were affected by a DANA( isolated depression at high levels ) last oct 29th with strong winds, rain and floods. Thanks God we are fine but many towns are under the water, thousands of deaths. Destruction and desperate people. Sadly another sign of the times…
Big hug for everybody with love:)

Glad to hear you are ok! Is the claim that thousands died being taken seriously?
I think it may depend on what your purpose is in 5D. Pierre's doing some contemplating of his experiences here. Also, 'seeing' 4D from 5D would probably require some familiarity with 4D, otherwise it would be just some random voyeurism with no real usefulness to anyone, including Pierre.

I did find it interesting that he used the word "temporary" though, which is definitely a time-based word.
Everything you have said here is just speculation.

They may or may not be valid.

At the moment, almost everything on this topic falls into the realm of speculation.
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Thank you for this double session, it's such a relief to hear from Pierre also, it's hard to accept a year has already passed!

Thank you for this enlightening session that has useful reminders in some fields. My hand reached my heart when I read Pierre was answering, a pure moment of joy. Thank you!

Pierre's answer was "Not now". I thought that since he was in communication with 3D, and therefore a priori focused on it, he may not have been able to see 4D right at that very moment?

Edit: I've just read the @Bernardo GA's answer:

That's the way I understood his reply, meaning he stressed that at that particular moment he could not focus on 4D.

Thank you for the session!

A "simple and karmic understanding," perhaps.

Yeah, I agree! Such a profound idea too. Each one of us with their own lessons.
Reminded me of he Rev. George Vale Owen (Vicar, Oxford) - 1860 to 1931, where he had had the insights after his mother had died (1909), 5-years before to when Benson died (1914). Owen's gift was via automatic writing, and there are many references in the 'Descriptions of the Afterlife' thread. So, was curious if Owen and Vale knew each other, and without delving in this brought up a book by Anthony Bogia titled Life In The Unseen World (1954) with a forward by Sir John Anderson, Bart (Owen's book, Life Beyond the Veil was forwarded by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle).

Bogia's book looks to:

The copy I found was a free Epub book with a odd way of providing publication permission i.e., "I have obtained permission to offer these books here from Jeanne Walker, Anthony Borgia, and Robert Hugh Benson." Er, spiritual permission from byond the veil, so would rather not cite it. However, you can find it on Goodreads here.
Great spot. This could have been the source, which I just happened to stumble across many years ago. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote the forward to the book referred to, was himself a leading spiritualist.
A: I cannot prove anything but I will try to leave a sign soon

Look for it

Signs from the dead can take many forms. My father died on Christmas Eve nearly eight years ago. I was not there at the time he died since I had driven up to my former marital home to spend Christmas with my children not realising at the time that it would be my father's last night on Earth. I do not make it a practice to have my mobile phone on when driving so did not learn of my father's death until I arrived at my house. To say the least, the news from my brother was devastating. I somehow struggled through Christmas Day but it was a very sombre Christmas. My cousin Anne drove up to be with my mother (her aunt) and my brother and spent Christmas Day with them. It was through her that I learned of the woo woo happening that occurred that day.

My father had quite a sense of humour and this evidently remained with him after death. Whilst my mother, brother and cousin were having a very solemn Christmas lunch they heard the electric door bell play a little tune. This was strange in itself since it had been broken for quite a while but it had never before played a tune before even when it was working. My cousin went to the door and found nobody there. She looked around the driveway but there was no one to be seen. Thinking it might be her recently deceased uncle, she bid him (his spirit) to come in and join them for Christmas lunch.

I subsequently returned to the house either the next day or the day after. I had already been made aware of the incident with the doorbell. Anyway, I was sat at the dinner table having lunch with my grieving mother and brother, when I suddenly heard the doorbell chiming and playing a little tune. Knowing what had transpired the previous day, I rushed to the door but could see nobody around. I even looked up and down the road but there was no one in sight. I tried pushing the doorbell myself but it made no noise and still seemed to be broken. To this day, I cannot explain it. However, if my late father wanted to indicate his presence, then this was just the kind of thing he would have done. He always had a great sense of fun. Towards the end of his life he had suffered quite a bit like Pierre but, now free from pain, he could express himself and declare his presence perhaps in the only way he knew how in order to get my attention. I am so glad he did though since I can now feel that I had a last Christmas with my father after all.

How appropriate then that I am writing this on All Souls' Day, the day Christians remember their deceased family members and friends and pray for their happy passing over.​
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