Session 19 October 2024

A new session always pops up when I stop looking for it, so by logic, we will get more sessions if I don't look for them.😉

Hearing from Pierre is emotional for me somehow, though I had barely known him on the forum, I get choked up reading his words.

We have been through a lot, and it seems more bad things are coming. I do not fear death, in many ways I am looking forward to it. Life here can be overwhelming, and tiresome...there needs to be hope.

That guy channeling bashar, or whatever his name is, is a don't need me to tell you, its pretty obvious. There are a bunch of these types on You Tube.

My sister is getting messages and signs from my mom, but aside from my gaming experience I haven't had another...which bothers me a little since I am so much more open to this kind of contact than she is. We had many talks about the afterlife before she went, I thought she would be keen to let me know about her existence now.

Many thanks for the session. ❤
I feel like Pierre had reached that point. If he didn't, then I certainly haven't either and that is upsetting. Anyone else have ideas on why he can't access 4D from 5D?

I think we just don't know how exactly that process works.
Also, keep in mind that such communication was with Pierre being in 5D. Therefore what he can tell us from there is inherent and corresponding to his life and process in 5D.
That is why I was not at all surprised that when asked if he could see 4D, he said “not now”.

I have also thought of another possibility, and that is that perhaps in order to be able to communicate with 3D, he needs a certain level of focus, which does not allow him to perceive 4D at that moment.
Be that as it may, I don't think that should be a cause for concern, in my opinion.
I also agree with TC, and I want to emphasize the latter.

Finally, 5D is supposedly a contemplation zone. So I'm assuming that even if you've reached a point on the learning cycle where you're ready to graduate, you still need to spend time in 5D first, otherwise there would be no need for 5D.
Norma regula said : reply 39.

I will do my best to be calm and understand what and why things are the way they are

You made me remember the phrase of the Greek Sophist and Subjectivist Protagoras of Abdera:



I hope this translation is close to the original idea.
A: No one can save another

A few notes from Maharaj about "saving/salvation":

M: (…) What you need for salvation is already within your reach. Use it. Investigate what you know to its very end and you will reach the unknown layers of your being. Go further and the unexpected will explode in you and shatter all.

M: (…) And what means being saved? Saved from what? From illusion. Salvation is to see things as they are.

Q: All I want to know is how to deal with the world's sorrows.

M: You have created them out of your own desires and fears, you deal with them. All is due to your having forgotten your own being. Having given reality to the picture on the screen, you love its people and suffer for them and seek to save them. It is just not so. You must begin with yourself. There is no other way. Work, of course. There is no harm in working.

I was surprised by Pierre's use of the term "bodymind", which I'm accustomed to come across in Maharaj's books but not on this forum or elsewhere.

The bodymind can be quite blind and fearful

to remind all of you that you are NOT your body!

Of course, again, I want to share a couple of statements from Maharaj, specifically about bodymind's "fear" and "blindness":

M: (…) Once the illusion that the body-mind is oneself is abandoned, death loses its terror, it becomes a part of living.

Q: Once the Supreme State is reached, can it be shared with others?

M: The Supreme State is universal, here and now; everybody already shares in it. It is the state of being -- knowing and liking. Who does not like to be, or does not know his own existence? But we take no advantage of this joy of being conscious, we do not go into it and purify it of all that is foreign to it. This work of mental self-purification, the cleansing of the psyche, is essential. Just as a speck in the eye, by causing inflammation, may wipe out the world, so the mistaken idea: 'I am the body-mind' causes the self-concern, which obscures the universe. It is useless to fight the sense of being a limited and separate person unless the roots of it are laid bare. Selfishness is rooted in the mistaken ideas of oneself. Clarification of the mind is Yoga.
I also found this interview very interesting where Daryl Anka talks about what it would be like to physically meet an ET and why humanity is not ready for that type of contact:

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that this dude is part of the prepping for some kind of 'ancient human brothers' meet and greet at some point in the future.
A few notes from Maharaj about "saving/salvation":

I was surprised by Pierre's use of the term "bodymind", which I'm accustomed to come across in Maharaj's books but not on this forum or elsewhere.

Of course, again, I want to share a couple of statements from Maharaj, specifically about bodymind's "fear" and "blindness":

A good summary. This is our great subject: lifetimes and lifetimes: "to be" That's why everything happens as it should, right? No one in the universe can intervene in this process for someone else. Perhaps the journey of all consciousness units one by one towards what they already are... Just towards existence itself.
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Anyone else have ideas on why he can't access 4D from 5D?
It could be that Pierre is in a 'place' or level of 5D that is referred to as Summerland, which is only temporary for him. It could be that viewing or access to 4D from such a place is not possible, since the function of such a place is to rest and recuperate. Once he is done there resting, etc, then he could move to 'higher planes' where he might be able to view 4D. The below exchange with Pierre indicates that he knows he will be moving on from his current experience at some point, which is a place he is familiar with, and him saying "not now" indicates that at some point (when he moves to a 'higher plane'?) he will be able to view 4D.
The question Prescott asks, which is a good one, is that if Summerland is a 'collective dream', why are the descriptions of it often so similar? Shouldn't there be more variations? I think that maybe this is because the things that normal people (not the evil ones) enjoy and want are pretty similar – so they 'dream up' similar surroundings, and the reality of Summerland is created as the sum of many individual 'dreams' but you can affect the smaller details with your individual wishes/preferences/inclinations.

Moreover, the idea is that after you've 'rested' and recuperated in Summerland, and once you've realized that it's basically an illusion, you then move on to the 'higher planes'. According to Prescott's research (mostly information through mediums) some 'less aware' people/souls stay in Summerland for a veeeeery long "time" because they have no desire or inclination to move on. I'll have to read the rest of the book to see if Prescott presents more ideas regarding the 'higher planes' etc.

Q: (L) What is it like where you are?

A: Beautiful like the area of Provence but I know this is temporary

Q: (L) Why is it temporary? Do you know?

A: Not clearly I just know
(Joe) Does Pierre perceive 4D in any way?

(L) Can you perceive 4D?

A: Not now
Anyone else have ideas on why he can't access 4D from 5D?
That's not what Pierre said.

L) Can you perceive 4D?

A: Not now
Laura's question is actually very open, so Pierre answered like that.

Not now.

That doesn't mean that if he wanted to at another time he could do it.

Evasion to avoid an avalanche of questions on the subject.

At that moment he was focused on Laura's call, so at that moment he didn't perceive the 4D.

Not now.
Thank you ALL again for the session, the questions and the answers!

I liked seeing the comment that some world leaders are truly off their rockers. It helped me to make sense of things a little more and to drop my shock level, which seems good. Stop reacting so much, their machinery is broken. Suffering unavoidable and grievous.

I'd come to think brain damage must be part of why people like PM Trudeau are so erratic in some ways and such reliable mouthpieces on issues otherwise, to the exclusion of all balance. I don't see a big difference between Trudeau and Biden in their speech. Trudeau just follows his directions a bit better.

And the conversation with Pierre. That was profoundly moving and heartening and just beautiful. Some of his answers were so unexpected, such as him saying that he still had a body. Materiality is not as I was conceiving it, gone at death, period.
Thank you very much for this session.
Are there other people who, like me, when they don't read the sessions as soon as they're published, have thoughts/ideas that come to them that are directly related to the last session even though they haven't read it yet and realise it when they do?
It gives the impression of being connected.
Sometimes it even makes you think that a session must have taken place and that you should go and have a look at the forum...
Thanks again.

Translated with (free version)
I noticed that for the previous session to this one. The topics that came to me in life before it was published were specifically (and super relevantly) mentioned in the session. I just reviewed the session September 2024 - I was about to have tooth extraction and before the September session I just happened upon an article here on Mental Blocking. Never saw it before, anywhere here. The other thing that came up was on Nicotine and the connection with Mental Blocking. The dental extraction was a few days after the session was published and I benefited from Nicotine and Mental Blocking, bigtime!
Thanks for the session, and the added bonus of a visit from Pierre. It has me thinking, if it's been a year for us since his passing, how "long" it has been or has felt for him, and in general more about the perception of time there. Which also ties into his "having to go," but I guess we'll all know soon enough one way or another what it's like. Plenty to think about in the meantime.
According to many people who experienced NDE, they often says that they felt as if days has passed when they were only “out” in the physical world for hours. So it might be very relative.
Thank you for this beautiful season. Best regards to Pierre: from dream world to reality. Maharaj tells people something like this: "Your real disaster is your belief in who you think you are."
May I ask who is this Maharaj? The general meaning is Great King. Well, Kings in Indian context is somewhat different from Western style Kings.

Google search gives Nisargadatta Maharaj. Is this correct?
Bu Maharaj'ın kim olduğunu sorabilir miyim? Genel anlamı Büyük Kral'dır. Peki, Hint bağlamındaki Krallar Batı tarzı Krallardan biraz farklıdır.

Google araması Nisargadatta Maharaj'ı veriyor. Bu doğru mu?

He is known as a philosopher. In the book of " I am That" there are so precious information that supports RA material and Cassiopaean sessions.
I've been thinking about the session with Pierre. Why has he not been able to see 4D?? Since it seems we are moving to 4D 'soon', according to the C's, even though we may not be aware of it when we get there, why cannot Pierre see it? I know there are a lot of variables regarding 4D like not everyone is going, etc. I am simply simplifying for this question. Is it masked because of where the world's state currently is? Does he have to wait to access it until he is better acclimated to 5D? Perhaps he has to wait until 3D earth enters 4D? I didn't think much about it when I was reading the session, but this question has been in the back of my mind since. I don't know about anyone else, but I had hope that if I didn't make it through the transition of earth from 3D to 4D, that I hopefully would be able to see it in 5D if I gained enough knowledge. I feel like Pierre had reached that point. If he didn't, then I certainly haven't either and that is upsetting. Anyone else have ideas on why he can't access 4D from 5D?

I've been thinking something similar this days, Why Pierre has not been able to see or perceive 4D? even asked to his 5Dself about this or other topics? And maybe is couse Earth is not yet 4D? and many are waiting for rencarnation in 4D Earth in the future? i found some information in one of the C's session about this:
(L) Is the planet earth, as so many have predicted, going to acquire an additional sun?

A: Maybe.

Q: (T) An additional sun, like if Jupiter blows up? Is Jupiter an unborn sun?

A: Jupiter is already a star.

Q: (L) Why do we not perceive it as a star?

A: You are still learning. Earth is a star to be.

Q: (F) How the hell can that be? (L) If a planet...

A: Every thing cycles fully.

Q: (L) If a star is a transition point from one dimension to another, when the earth moves into 4th density, is it going to appear as a star to the people in 3rd density?

A: "Gas planet."

Q: (L) It will appear as a gas planet? (J) Just as Jupiter appears to us.

A: Jupiter is level 4 density.

So it seems that the Earth has to go through some process or series of changes for this to happen, and that somehow includes the upcoming WAVE. Regardless there not forget that last time Pierre said "Glory will come for all"

(Joe) What do you perceive as your future? What's going to happen? What future changes await?

A: (Pierre) Glory is coming for all. That is all I can perceive.

Q: (Joe) What do you mean by "all"? As in everybody on the planet?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) Glory...

(L) The solar system?

A: (Pierre) Yes.

Q: (Joe) So it's a good thing then, glory.

A: (Pierre) Ultimately yes.

So maybe Pierre still is not able to perceive 4D but he perceive the upcoming WAVE.
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