Session 19 October 2024

These anecdotes about blessed Padre Pio remind me of another.
Grahame Green the writer, a Catholic by conversion and belief stood in line, preparing inwardly like all the others were for confession with The Padre. This writer had heard of the Padre's levitation that sometimes took place when pronouncing the words of consecration HOC EST ENIM CORPUS MEUM. It was a long line for there were many wanting to confess . Out of the village up to the Monastery where he was ordered to reside by the frightened authorities. In the earliest hours of the morning the writer would be waiting several hours. Very serious demands are called for a worthy confession that must be humble , truthful and brief. Apparently Grahame overheard another pilgrim say that Padre Pio had eyes that could look into the past and would remind and demand the most secret sins committted. He got so frightened that he left the line.
These anecdotes about blessed Padre Pio remind me of another.
Grahame Green the writer, a Catholic by conversion and belief stood in line, preparing inwardly like all the others were for confession with The Padre. This writer had heard of the Padre's levitation that sometimes took place when pronouncing the words of consecration HOC EST ENIM CORPUS MEUM. It was a long line for there were many wanting to confess . Out of the village up to the Monastery where he was ordered to reside by the frightened authorities. In the earliest hours of the morning the writer would be waiting several hours. Very serious demands are called for a worthy confession that must be humble , truthful and brief. Apparently Grahame overheard another pilgrim say that Padre Pio had eyes that could look into the past and would remind and demand the most secret sins committted. He got so frightened that he left the line.
Graham Greene, the writer and British MI6 agent during WWII, though it's possible his suicide attempts might have been enough to put the fear of God into him.
Graham Greene, the writer and British MI6 agent during WWII, though it's possible his suicide attempts might have been enough to put the fear of God into him.
Yes, he was a complex character and certainly struggled with his faith. He had been an agnostic until he converted to Catholicism after marrying his Catholic wife. In fairness, since he was not brought up as a cradle Catholic and taught by the kind of nuns and teaching brothers who put the fear of God into me and my fellow pupils (what you might call a muscular Christian education :-)) he had plenty of opportunity to walk on the wild side during his youth. No doubt he had a few skeletons in his cupboard but then I suspect most people do. I could see though how unnerving an experience it might be to encounter a confessor like Padre Pio who could look right into your soul and see those things you would most want to cover up or draw a veil over. Probably a bit like a pre-death life review.

I attach a link to an interesting article on Greene if you have the time: The ‘Catholic agnostic’ novelist: How Graham Greene questioned his way to God

This little nugget especially amused me:

In 1949, a British magazine asked readers to submit parodies of Greene’s writing style. Greene entered the contest himself under a pseudonym — and won second place. Not even Graham Greene was the next Graham Greene.

He must have been crestfallen to have won second place.
Ok. I think that becoming far more psychic will certainly be part of the deal but then there are plenty of people at 3rd density level who are highly psychic, so this may be only one aspect, although an important one, of achieving a hyperdimensional state of being.

Incidentally, the "Third Eye" (chakra) has long been connected in esoteric and occultic circles with the pineal gland and was usually depicted in art form as a fir tree cone because it looks a bit like a fir cone. There is even a large sculpture of one on display in the Vatican, the last place one might expect to find such an occult symbol on open display. The pineal gland has been referred to as the "third eye" due to its ability to sense light and dark via the retina. Its primary function is the night time secretion of melatonin, thereby regulating the circadian system and sleep patterns. Additionally, the pineal gland plays a role in cell protection, neuroprotection, and mood disorders (e.g., schizophrenia and depression). It is also essential for reproduction and in the control of sexual maturation. However, the third eye is also viewed esoterically as the doorway to all things psychic — telepathy, clairvoyance, lucid dreaming, and astral projection.

In one early session with the C's, I am sure they referred to the pineal gland as our uplink to higher realms, but I could be wrong.

In a later session, the C's expanded further on the pineal gland's role in association with the third eye by suggesting that it was merely part of the picture:
Q: In some of the ancient carvings of the Olmecs, they were always carved with a cleft in their foreheads. Did this represent an actual physical cleft?

A: Designation in the art work is for "The Nation of the Third Eye."

Q: We have talked about the Nation of the Third Eye before. What is the third eye and how does one activate it?

A: What do you think?

Q: Well, what I think may be erroneous. Is it the pineal gland?

A: May be part of the picture.

Q: Is the third eye something one can use to view their reality?

A: Ditto.

Q: What is the best method for activating it?

A: This is a good one [channelling], for example.

In the recent session dated 24 September 2024 Laura stated:

(L) Yeah, the C's have talked about the pituitary as being the primary gland that connects with information field or whatever - not the pineal gland.

I think this statement links with what was said here in the session dated 21 December 1996:

Q: (A) Which part of a human extends into 4th density?

A: That which is effected by pituitary gland.

Q: (L) And what is that?

A: Psychic.

Q: (A) Are there some particular DNA sequences that facilitate transmission between densities?

A: Addition of strands.

Q: (L) How do you get added strands?

A: You don't get, you receive.

Q: (L) Where are they received from?

A: Interaction with upcoming wave, if vibration is aligned.

Q: (L) How do you know if this is happening?

A: Psychophysiological changes manifest.

So, now the emphasis switches to the pituitary gland, rather than the pineal gland, as our extension into 4th density, allowing for human psychic experiences. This seems on the face of it to contradict what the ancients such as the Egyptians thought, who considered the pineal gland to be the third eye.

However, you will note that the C's mention here that the addition of further (ethereal?) DNA strands by means of the upcoming wave will facilitate transmission between densities, which is what I was referring to in my earlier post when I spoke of the White House, a genetic structure, that is the means by which one goes through to 4th density. This apparently will manifest itself in psychophysiological changes, which may allow one perhaps to gain the "super powers" Joe has referred to in the transcripts (get those super hero capes ready :-D). These super powers may be similar to those once displayed by more advanced humans with unusual abilities at the spiritual centre known as Chaco Canyon in New Mexico according to the C's:
Q: (J) What kind of things did those people with unusual abilities do when they gathered together?

A: Well, levitate, for one; direct manifestation for another; and "travel".
[Compare also with what the C's said about the Ancient Britons dancing at Stonehenge, another spiritual centre, and levitating when doing so.]

Q: (Allen) So, could they travel from one spot on the planet to another?

A: Yes.

Q: (A*l) Could they teleport?

A: Yes.

Q: (J) Teleport... These weren't your average human beings then. (laughter)

A: No not exactly, but it wasn't the same environment you currently enjoy either.
Q: (A**) Where did these people come from?

A: Remnant Atlanteans. Descendants for the word sticklers.

Q: (L) I think that's because once, somebody made a big deal out of them saying "remnants of Atlantis" and they meant descendants. (A*l) Do they mean that if our environment wasn't so polluted that we could have superpowers?
(L) They said "cosmic environment".

A: Gravity is different now.

Q: (A*l) What happened to gravity? How'd it change?

A: Travels of the solar system through space. You are heading for another such change soon.

Q: (A*l) Are we going to become super again?

A: Some will.

Pretty impressive if you ask me. How I would love the power to teleport when stuck on delayed trains or in lifts (elevators) and, to think, no queuing at airports anymore :-D. Wonderful!

A further clue about these DNA changes (which I think links with the concept of "thinking with the hammer") may also be found in the session dated 5 October 2001:​

Q: (A) This is an ordinary question about my state of affairs, about this sleepiness, because once in a while it becomes very strong. There are probably many ingredients for this, yet I would like to know which has the most importance. What about this sleepiness when it's time to do research?
A: "Coil failure."
Q: (A) What coil? Coil failure? Do I have a coil in my brain?
A: Hypothalamus.
{Sitting beneath the cerebral hemispheres are the thalamus and hypothalamus. The thalamus is a relay centre between the periphery and the cortex. It receives sensory information from virtually every region of the body, filters all of the information, and then relays the filtered portion to the cerebral cortex. The hypothalamus functions much like the thalamus, but mediates its actions by controlling the release of hormones by the pituitary gland. Its major functions include regulation of body temperature, adjusting heart and respiratory rates, and stimulation and inhibition of eating and drinking.}
Q: What kind of failure?
A: Energy surge causes short circuit.
Q: (A) But this phenomenon sometimes was going on for weeks or months.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Why is it certain activities keep me awake, and certain others make me sleep?
A: Failure has a genetic basis. {Pause} Push against.
Q: (L) What does pushing against this tendency accomplish?
A: Unlocks DNA.
Q: (L) Anything specific that would be beneficial other than just pushing against it?
A: Aging stumps the brain that is unused.
Q: (L) In other words use it or lose it. (A) But I had exactly the same phenomenon like twenty years ago. Is there anything else that will help, other than pushing against it and forcing it to unlock DNA?
A: Not really you must overcome some things on your own steam.
Q: (L) What will be the benefits once he pushes past this?
A: Faculties jacked up a big step higher.

So, keep thinking with the hammer folks (a "jack hammer" if possible) and using those little grey cells as Agatha Christie's famous detective Hercules Poirot was want to say.

The thing is... for what?

Are you going to go to your town square and levitate in the air?

Maybe they'll give you a few coins and someone will film you with their cell phone and it'll be a famous video.

For what?

At the moment we are in third density and reading the minds of others, healing them in a second by simply putting your hand on their body or simply shining in the dark, as the other monks of his monastery said the "El Padre Escoba" ("San Martin de Porres"), a Catholic saint from Peru, did, would be a violation of free will.

These abilities are tools for fourth density and are not really the goal of third density students.

That's what I think.

Recently I've found it quite handy for pruning trees to be able to levitate (from a certain point of view), especially when it comes to forming clouds in those trees!

lévitation.jpg Aiguilles de nuages.jpg

On a less serious note, keeping down to earth but with an eye to the sky, old tools have always impressed me.

The function would create the organ... the labor/work would create the tool, faced with a real need, the imagination would create an efficient and practical tool to get the job done properly, and if necessary readapt the tool, and eventually specialise in a unique and precise task, knowing that the good craftsman will always find the right tool for each task to be accomplished.

So it may well be that Work and Networking can, by epiphenomenon, re-establish or recreate certain connections depending on our needs and our environment.

Here are a few extracts translated from French in this spirit of tooling:
Homage to my knife...

Don't be angry with me, my dear knife, for not having included you among the tools - no more Brillat-Savarin talked about salt without which there would be no succulent food. Recognize at least that your blade has never been soiled by rust, for it has never stopped working, and you have never refused to work either, for your steel has always been sharpened; with you I have cut up the beast, I have bled my horse, I have unbled wounds, you were always ready.

I would like everyone to have such a reliable friend, there is no need to look for the quality of a tool if no one has ever tried to draw from you the infinite resources that you offer. You have to go from the simple to the compound, you are the simplest. But the family is vast and there are many bastards. They are still in shape, but they have lost their sense of purpose. How many of us men could say the same who have feet and don't walk, or who have fingers to polish their nails. Others think they are capable of effort, but into the work, they bend and succumb, their souls not being tempered, their bodies not being forged; they are not made to carve but to be carved. It is a glory for them to be stainless, even if this quality is obtained with the help of a redhibitory vice.
Michel Froissart
The hand is action: it takes, it creates, and sometimes it looks like it is thinking. At rest, it is not a soulless tool, abandoned on the table or along the body: the habit, instinct and will of action meditate in it, and it doesn't take a long exercise to guess the gesture it is going to make.
The artist who cuts his wood, beats his metal, kneads his clay, carves his block of stone, maintains until us a past of man, an ancient man, without whom we would not be. Is it not admirable to see standing among us, in the mechanical age, this relentless survivor of the ages of the hand? The centuries have passed over him without altering his deep life, without making him give up his ancient ways of discovering the world and inventing it. Nature is still for him a receptacle of secrets and wonders. It is always with his bare hands, weak weapons, that he tries to steal them, to make them enter his own game. Thus begins again, perpetually, a formidable other time, and so the discovery of fire, the axe, the wheel, the potter's wheel is made again, without repeating itself. In an artist's studio are written everywhere the attempts, the experiences, the divinations of the hand, the secular memories of a human race that has not forgotten the privilege of handling.
Henri Focillon, Praise of the Hand
We have known this piety of the work well pushed, maintained up to its most extreme requirements. I saw all my childhood filling chairs with exactly the same spirit and the same heart, and with the same hand, that this same people had carved their cathedrals.
These workers did not serve. They were working. They had an honor, absolute, as is the nature of an honor. A chair-stick had to be well done. It was understood. He was a primate. It had not to be done right for the boss. It had to be well made for itself, in itself, for itself, in its very being. A tradition, a coming, a rise from the depths of the race, a history, an absolute, an honor wanted this chair-stick to be well made. Any part, in the chair, which was not seen, was exactly as perfectly made as what was seen. This is the very principle of cathedrals.
Charles Peguy.

This brings me to Pierre, who I believe reflected this state of mind during his lifetime through his buildings and his books.

And beyond physicality, St Pierre shows us the door to 'Nous Sommes Vous Dans Le Futur', 'We Are You In The Futur'

Thank you very much for this very powerful session!
The thing is... for what?

Are you going to go to your town square and levitate in the air?

Maybe they'll give you a few coins and someone will film you with their cell phone and it'll be a famous video.

For what?

At the moment we are in third density and reading the minds of others, healing them in a second by simply putting your hand on their body or simply shining in the dark, as the other monks of his monastery said the "El Padre Escoba" ("San Martin de Porres"), a Catholic saint from Peru, did, would be a violation of free will.

These abilities are tools for fourth density and are not really the goal of third density students.

That's what I think.
When you're ill and your cat is close by, his purr helps you get better. Yet it's 2D. I think putting your hand on someone who is ill or needs a hand, without necessarily asking for it, can help. We are energy, after all. And this energy is there, for a reason.
When you're ill and your cat is close by, his purr helps you get better. Yet it's 2D. I think putting your hand on someone who is ill or needs a hand, without necessarily asking for it, can help. We are energy, after all. And this energy is there, for a reason.
Yes, there are people who help just by their presence.

Something like, "I'm sorry but I'm here."

That's why they were born in oblivion and chaos, to be there.
However, as the article I attached to my earlier post demonstrated, he was not alone in having amazing 4D like abilities such as passing through locked doors. This persists into modern, scientific times with individuals such as the 20th century Capuchin friar and mystic St. Padre Pio, who Laura referred to in a recent session
Have you had a chance to read any books about him by chance? He is really fascinating. My dad received a lot of religious books from doing volunteer work in churches. Their basements are full of "treasures" and they just treat them like trash to be rid of.
I had the chance to read this book, which is nowhere to be found online, even on "special" P2P sites.

It's a journalist who was skeptical about Padre Pio's alleged miracles. So she decided to travel and visit the place where he was giving masses at the time. The whole book is her witness account and is incredible. My dad still has this book. I'm thinking about preserving its legacy by digitalizing it. It's such a shame when books disappear...

PAdre Pio.jpg
L'homme qui frappe a la porte de dieu
Auteur: Fernanda bianco
Impression: 1961
Ecuador is completely out of the question. The wonderful author of Underground Bases And Tunnels and of other equally worthy books, Richard Sauder, who lives in Quito, writes to his friends hair raising descriptions of the horrible situation in that country presently. Very very sad really. Quito is beautiful as are also other countries in South America. I know because I have been through many of them. German immigration is also very common in many of them . I was educated for a while in one German school in Latin America , which as far as schools go was of the highest standards. However In my humble opinion true education is not found in schools , no matter their pedigree , but in life. Nazi immigration was also very real after the war. There is much documented truth about it in particular in Bariloche , Argentina where even the architecture reminds one of southern rural Germany. When president Harry Truman asked Soviet leader Josef Stalin at the Postdam Conference in 1945 if Hitler was dead Stalin simply said " No ! ".

It appears this is yet another case of a whistleblower being intimidated by an attempted murder.

Jan 29, 2025, 10:42 AM (1 day ago
Dear Friends and Readers,

I was the victim of a near fatal, targeted hit on 6th December 2024. I barely survived, by God's grace. I was hit and run over in the street like a dog.

I was warned inwardly before the fact that dark/powerful/nefarious interests wanted to f*** me up because of my recent blog articles. I was also informally informed through the grapevine when I was in the hospital afterward of the same thing. Oftentimes, we in the blogosphere/alternative media wonder if anyone pays attention to what we write. YES !! They do.

I have a lengthy recuperation in front of me. I can walk - - gingerly on crutches - - but I soon run out of steam.

Here is my Give Send Go donation page: Supporting Hit and Run Victim Richard Sauder

Please post, donate or circulate as you deem fit.

kind regards,
Richard Sauder
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