Session 19 October 2024

None of this matters at the end of the day as such an event would instantaneously put us back to the pre-Industrial Era. But I must admit that watching all of this happen is fascinating, and I really want to see how all of this ends.
The excellent movie The Book of Eli with Denzel Washington gives a glimpse of what such a future world might look like after such an event. The film doesn’t really come out and say it was a solar event or a nuclear disaster, but I gathered it was the former.
Everything you have said here is just speculation.

They may or may not be valid.

At the moment, almost everything on this topic falls into the realm of speculation.
If my memory serves me correctly, I remember the C's saying in one of the latest session that people who weren't able to familiarize themselves with 4D during their existence in 3D wouldn't have access to 4D upon their arrival in 5D, just paraphasing here. In this case Joe's guess seems appropriate to me. Also the known fact of what happens to unexperienced persons hanging in 4D world makes it evident that a lot of discernment is necessary before one is able to discern the jungle made out of one's own projections and weaknesses from a STO environment.
Could be just an energy thing. Not because he had an appointment or the contact should be limited. Maybe it does take energy for a 5th density soul in contemplation to connect with someone living in 3rd density, specially if the planet in an STS environment very dense on the material reality.
Everything here takes energy. Every word, every gesture, are an energy expendature. This entire world operates on taking energy from one body to another so they can run on borrowed time. People simply got so used to it that they do not notice it anymore. They get taught in their youth that energy is limitless, so they waste their energy on things that don't matter, argue about things that are pointless, run in circles in their lives worrying about petty things.

The wasteful consumerism mentality reflects humanity's attitude. People waste resources just as they waste their personal time and energy. Only when they are cut of from the flow, when the energy starts being siphoned from them, they start noticing.

Thus, any entity that wants to contact us "from outside" would need to allocate a certain amount of energy, and then it could operate only within that energy limit, in the allocated time. Just like writing a 1000 letter essay that can be sent in a time machine - you need to manage carefully what you say, or you won't even have room to say "goodbye" at the end.
(you might even skip punctuation to save space if you're really desperate)
The excellent movie The Book of Eli with Denzel Washington gives a glimpse of what such a future world might look like after such an event. The film doesn’t really come out and say it was a solar event or a nuclear disaster, but I gathered it was the former.
Apart from the Book of Eli and The Day after Tomorrow previously mentioned, there have been a large number of movies and TV shows in recent years that have dealt with the theme of some apocalyptic, world ending event or a post apocalyptic world. An example of the former is the movie Knowing starring Nicholas Cage (see: Knowing (film) - Wikipedia) and examples of the latter would be The Postman starring Kevin Costner (see: The Postman (film) - Wikipedia) and the TV show The 100 (see: The 100 (TV series) - Wikipedia) to name but a few. Indeed, I am sure other Forum members can name numerous other movies and TV shows that have dealt with these themes in recent years.

However, the fact that such apocalyptic themed movies still remain popular today makes me wonder whether there is some subliminal prepping going on to give people, especially young people, a frame of reference for when such an apocalyptic event happens in the way that the C's said the Independence Day movie was used to prep for a possible alien first contact:
Session 21 September 1996:

Q: (T) Is there any significance to the ID4 movie?

A: Sure.

Q: (L) What was the primary intention of the makers of this movie? The primary message that they attempted to convey?

A: Infuse thinking patterns with [planchette swirled a few times here] concept of aliens.

Q: (L) What was the primary intention of the makers of this movie? The primary message that they attempted to convey?

A: Infuse thinking patterns with [planchette swirled a few times here] concept of aliens.

Q: (L) They intended to infuse thinking patterns with concept of aliens... was there any particular slant on aliens, per se, that was seen as desirable in the making of this movie?

A: Slant?

Q: (L) Slant, in other words, did they wish to present them inaccurately to confuse people, to present them as something to be feared and fought against, or to make them appear so completely erroneous, so that when actual aliens do appear, that they will not be perceived as negative?

A: Infuse.

Q: (L) Infuse. Just the concept, the concept of aliens in general. OK...

A: Part of a larger project.

Q: (L) And what is this project?

A: Called "Project Awaken."

The C's then told Laura that Project Awaken was being operated by an army of mostly subterranean Aryan psychic projectors they called Thor's Pantheum who were projecting themselves directly into the heads of high level forces within the creative arts to inspire or influence them in their work. These high level creative forces would include writers, movie directors and TV and movie producers. The C's cited Star Trek creator Gene Roddenberry as an example of the concept. The C's also confirmed in the same session that there was a subliminal messaging dimension to all of this:
Q: (T) Projected against? Because this movie, if you've been following the reviews and the people talking about it, this movie has had more repeat business than any movie in years and years and years and years. People have seen it ten and twenty times! (L) Was there something subliminal in the movie? That opened something? (J) That's a good question!

A: Sure.

Q: (L) And was this subliminal activity with the movie designed to create an opening for this further...

A: Not for you, but for others.

So, are many of these apocalyptic disaster/post apocalypse themed movies the result of Thor's Pantheum acting on the minds of movie/ TV producers, directors and writers to inspire them to make such movies in order to create subliminal messaging in the general public's mind where an upcoming future apocalypse event is concerned, which might be just around the corner now? Indeed, how often do you hear people who have just witnessed a terrible calamity involving mass destruction and loss of life such as occurs in a massive earthquake, powerful hurricane, volcanic eruption or flood say "it was just like in the movies".​
Thanks for asking.
The goverment acted the same way as in Germany, U.S. Etc. No immediate help at all! The weather Alarm rang late… two hours after !!when all the disaster had already happened. The towns affected are still waiting for the central goverment to act. The media are not giving the real information.
So as you mentioned they are showing its total and shameless psychopathy… :((
I'm watching Channel 4 in Spain right now and it's incredible what has happened in your region.

The overwhelming psychopathy of the ruling class is being exposed today.

What a barbarity!

A big hug to all Valencians.
I'm watching Channel 4 in Spain right now and it's incredible what has happened in your region.

The overwhelming psychopathy of the ruling class is being exposed today.

What a barbarity!

A big hug to all Valencians.
Yes, even the King and Queen of Spain were targeted when they visited Valencia to survey the damage and give their moral support. See: Spain's king and queen pelted with mud in flood-hit Valencia

The King and Queen of Spain have been pelted with mud and other objects by angry protesters during a visit to flood-hit Valencia.

Shouts of "murderer" and "shame" were directed at the royal couple, Spain's prime minister and other leaders as they walked through the town of Paiporta - one of

With mud on their faces and clothes, King Felipe and Queen Letizia were later seen consoling members of the crowd.

More than 200 people were killed in the floods, the worst in Spain for decades. Emergency workers are continuing to comb through underground car parks and tunnels in the hope of finding survivors and recovering bodies.
There has been anger at a perceived lack of warning and insufficient support from authorities after the floods.

Footage showed the king making his way down a pedestrian street, before his bodyguards and police were suddenly overwhelmed by a surge of protesters, hurling insults and screaming.

Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and the head of Valencian regional government, Carlos Mazón, joined the royal couple on the visit, but were swiftly evacuated as the crowd grew increasingly hostile.

Spanish media reports that objects were hurled at Sánchez, while footage verified by the BBC appears to show stones being thrown at his car as he was driven away.

After he left, the crowd chanted: "Where is Sánchez?"

“I’m just 16,” one boy, Pau, told the BBC through tears. “We’re helping – and the leaders do nothing. People are still dying. I can’t stand this anymore.”

Another woman said: “They left us to die. We’ve lost everything: our businesses, our homes, our dreams.”

The civil guard and mounted officers were later seen attempting to disperse the angry crowd.

The royal entourage had intended to travel on to Chiva, another town in the Valencia province badly impacted by the flooding, but that visit has since been postponed.

The king later said he understood the "anger and frustration" of the protestors in a video posted on the royal household's Instagram account.

I join in that.
MikeCopp, I would also like to know since you are there yourself, how the government is acting on the catastrophe.
Are they responding as best they can, or are there problems about it?
I ask because I remember in Germany a few years ago there was a horrible catastrophe, and the government behaved in a surprisingly psychopathic manner, just like in the resent catastrophe in the US, where also the government has shown its total psychopathy.
How are things in Spain in that sense?
Thanks in advance.
Best regards, and I hope everyone recovers soon.

Translated with (free version)
More with regard to civil unrest and the resulting economic disaster, I can vouch for the French government's reluctance to intervene rapidly and efficiently. The psychopathy festers at the very highest levels of national government, as some (but certainly not all!) of the high-ranking local officials have given proof of their understanding of the gravity of the situation and the responses required.

Any competent, intelligent government official who tries to do the right thing needs to have an iron will, and skin just as thick, to avoid getting a fatal dagger in the back each time he or she enters or leaves a room!

Let's hope the Spanish government shows proof of greater humanity to all those suffering.
Indeed, how often do you hear people who have just witnessed a terrible calamity involving mass destruction and loss of life such as occurs in a massive earthquake, powerful hurricane, volcanic eruption or flood say "it was just like in the movies".
Yes, but in real life there’s no Hollywood heroes swooping in to save the day. Only the brave people dealing with it and first responders, who are the real heroes.
The reality of living in a post apocalyptic world will be far more brutal than any movie- desperate people do desperate things and will do things, heinous things, insane things to survive. They have an unrealistic expectation of what they will be able to accomplish and think they are prepared for it. Quite frankly, it would probably be better to go to 5D than dealing with the aftermath of such an event.
Thanks for the session!

Pierre's comment "I must go" is interesting. Does that imply that his energy due to the communication was waning or that he has a schedule of some sort? Both alternatives suggest that there is a for us unknown "time" aspect in 5D. I mean, if energy is waning, there's a before and after reaching a threshold level. The C's have repeatedly said that there is no time in 5D, but based on this exchange and also some NDE literature, it appears that we're missing something. Maybe it's something that we'll never be able to undestand in 3D, as is discussed in the other thread.
Yes there is a schedule of learning and helping, and many other ways of assisting in an STO manner. Which Pierre would naturally wish to assist using the higher skills he has.
But he would have already have known the schedule for the session, and Laura had already felt him nearby, so time can always be scheduled for this, and it was another form of assistance in also sharing knowledge with us from 5D
There is never any time that I have had family spirits say they need to say goodbye. It would normally be out of respect for the energy expended by the medium.
However, I do feel Pierre also bowed out gracefully out of respect for Laura and the C's, so that Laura would still have energy to continue the session with the C's as normal.OSIT
Yes, but in real life there’s no Hollywood heroes swooping in to save the day. Only the brave people dealing with it and first responders, who are the real heroes.
The reality of living in a post apocalyptic world will be far more brutal than any movie- desperate people do desperate things and will do things, heinous things, insane things to survive. They have an unrealistic expectation of what they will be able to accomplish and think they are prepared for it. Quite frankly, it would probably be better to go to 5D than dealing with the aftermath of such an event.
I think you are absolutely right. The Book of Eli which you referred to in your earlier post was a pretty grim movie but the reality when it happens may be far worse than anything the movie depicted. I think people in the USA got a micro glimpse of this with what happened in the aftermath of the New Orleans floods a few years ago, but the police and the National Guard were able to contain it in that instance.

I recall meeting a gentleman in a country pub in England some years ago, which was located about thirty miles from London's outskirts. We got talking about local history (there had been an RAF airfield nearby from which aircraft used to take off for occupied France in WW2 with SOE agents on board) and I discovered that he had been a local government officer in his time and had been involved in the UK's Civil Defence programme at a local level. The programme was abolished at the end of the Cold War but had been intended to provide continuance of services in the event of a nuclear attack or some similar catastrophe. He would periodically meet with representatives of the local police, fire, ambulance and health service etc. to discuss plans and preparations to deal with a nuclear strike or other major large scale disaster.

This was farming country and one thing they had to plan for was the securing of the food supply including local farms of which there were many in that area. However, he laughed when he told me that one of the areas that came under their jurisdiction had a major highway, which led out from London. As he said, we had scant resources and manpower to carry out the emergency plans and protect food supplies when considering that if the worst should happen there would be many tens of thousands of hungry Londoners coming down that highway to seize whatever food they could lay their hands on and they would be prepared to use extreme violence to get it. As you say, it would be every man and woman for themselves with the weakest going to the wall. That is even before you factor in the hardened criminal element that abound in most cities who will be armed, organised and ruthless.

The reality will certainly be grim indeed but in fairness the C's have never sought to sugar coat it.

As to WW3 and the threat of nuclear attack, I found yet another UK national daily newspaper, the Daily Mirror this time, getting in on the act telling its readers where the safest countries would be in the event of a nuclear war - see: MSN. Do they know something we don't?

I must say that New Zealand, Iceland, Chile and Fiji make for a pretty thin list in my view. Of the four countries, I have only been to New Zealand but would certainly recommend it as a pleasant place to hang out in in the event of a nuclear war :-D. Iceland is too close to the UK though for my liking, especially if radioactive nuclear clouds should blow northwards. Apart from being extremely cold in winter (winter nights can hit temperatures as low as -25C), they have a lot of active volcanoes there but then so does the north island of New Zealand, which is also within the Ring of Fire and prone to earthquakes. However, if the Gulf Stream is going to fail soon, Iceland might become unliveable just as Greenland did for the Viking colony that settled there in the latter part of the Dark Ages.

That leaves Fiji and Chile. As an English speaking tropical island with a fine climate, Fiji certainly has its appeal. The Fijians are pleasant people and easy to get along with - heck they even play rugby and cricket. Indeed, my eldest daughter's godmother is Fijian, although she now lives in Auckland, New Zealand with her Kiwi husband. It is certainly far away from anywhere, which may have its advantages in the event of a nuclear war.

As to Chile, I have certainly have had good reports about it. I have never been there myself but have known the odd Chilean (a cousin of mine has a Chilean partner) and I have spoken with (now former) business colleagues who frequently visited the country on business and certainly appreciated what it had to offer.

Turning things around a bit though, how would these countries feel about a load of Brits suddenly turning up there to escape a nuclear war. Understandably, they might not be so keen and who would blame them :-D.​
I did find it interesting that he used the word "temporary" though, which is definitely a time-based word.

I also wonder about this "time exists but also it doesn't" issue.

As I was trying to do a web search on the perception of time in NDEs, I came across an article on the subject matter.

Interestingly, the time-space nature of the afterlife is apparently associated with a "fifth dimension".

Below is the section on the "time" issue:

11. Peculiarities of Time Perception

Until now, we have considered the perception of a 2D universe from a third dimension that allowed us to understand the particularities reported by the NDErs. These latter seem extremely similar to those which would appear when a 3D space is perceived from an external vantage point, thus situated in an additional spatial dimension.

This notion of a fourth dimension is far from new. As a purely spatial extension, it has been evoked in the 19th (Bork 1964) and early 20th century as mathematical and geometric speculations (Bragdon 1913, Manning 1914, Durrel 1938, Rucker 1977, 1984), within metaphysics (Willink 1893, Zollner 1901, Gardner 1981), philosophy (Kant 1783) as well (remember some paintings from Picasso showing a model seen from several different places simultaneously! ) in fine arts (Dalrymple Henderson 1983).

As it concerns for the moment only the perception of space, the modelling I have set out until now can be considered as a purely geometrical analogy in an Euclidian affine extended space. A similar hypothesis has been proposed independently in 2003 by another NDE researcher (Brumblay 2003). But is it sufficient? Since Minkowski, Einstein and Poincaré’s works, it is well known that we live in a four-dimensional world, in which space and time are closely linked within a spatio-temporal continuum. Thus there already exists a fourth time-like dimension and if we want to be rigorous we have now to talk at least of a fifth dimension.

11.1. No time The NDErs’ answers to questions about their perception of time during their experience led us to enlarge the 4D spatial model to a 5D spatio-temporal one. For a start, during a NDE the notions of time or of duration may disappear:

Feeling that time no longer existed. (S.D.)

In fact, there was no time, it was like a moment of eternity. (K.E)

Time did not exist. Now it's a real knowledge for me, time does not exist! (M.M.)

On the other side, time does not exist. One truly realizes it. Time is a completely mental concept. A thousand years may be instantaneous. (M-P.S.)

There I had the distinct impression of finding myself in a familiar place, a place I had known. As if I was gone for some time and then back home Some time ... But what does it mean: "some time"? The concept of duration to which it usually refers was absent from this story. All I can say, even if I am unable to explain it, is that I existed in what might be called a kind of absolute timelessness. For this entire trip out of my body also unfolded outside of time. No body: no time! So I wonder whether our perception of temporal flow could not be an enormous performance, a joke. (M.N.)

Notion of time? No, I think we totally lose track of time. Maybe faster. But in reality I do not know, because it happens like flashes by, you see things, you hear, you see, it seems that everything happens at once. (A.L.)

11.2. An eternal present
In other cases, a less drastic disappearance of time may be translated by various expressions. Many speak about an "eternal present", an "omnitime", or of a "time that no longer unfolds":

I could tell some facts that were going on at places where I was not supposed to be, since I was strapped to a bed in ICU. They checked, they found it surprising that this was true, as this seems surprising to some that I talk to them about what happened. About their lives. They call it the past because they reason in terms of time, but there is no time outside the body. There is no past. There is no present, no future. There is an eternal present. (P.M.)

I had a horrible feeling of eternity. I had an experience where time no longer unfolded. Furthermore, no past, no future, just an eternal present. I had the feeling that all that was real, the feeling of "living" in eternity. (I.H.)

Their experience led C.N. to study Einstein, and H.R. to speak spontaneously of space-time as a whole:

I had no notion of time during the experiment. It's just another time, in fact we are no longer in time, it's omnitime, that is to say, the eternal present ... One is truly in the eternal present. There is no more time. But having said that, after my return, I had a very very big problem with time, I was very obsessed by time, space-time, that is what made me study Einstein, the fourth dimension, etc. Because at the same time I was very anxious at the idea of having no time, no time enough to do what I had to do, it's funny; I had a very very big problem with time having been out of time gave me a problem with the chronological time that we live on earth. At least I know I was in that omnitime and omnispace. (C.N.) No notion of time and no limit. To my knowledge there is no possibility of comparing the earthly time and that of this dimension. The whole makes up this space-time, a form of totality, comprehensiveness. (H.R.)

There is an apparent contradiction in living "out of time": to experience something, one must one way or another last. In fact, some expressions used by NDErs suggest that, during their experience, there remains at least a present allowing them to continue to exist, but it is also clear that this present of their own is no longer subject to the time arrow. Like an astronaut who is no longer submitted to gravity but who can watch the Earth with a telescope and see the fall of an apple, in their experience they "observe" a time which is no longer their own.

11.3. A second form of time We could consider a purely psycho-physiological explanation, as this "other form of time" might be a reconstruction by our brain, which is used to run sequentially, in particular with regard to memory, not to mention that the narrative of the experience can only be done sequentially too. But NDErs are adamant that, just like any of the other perceptual particularities we have reviewed so far, this second time was experienced during their NDE and is registered in their memory as well as the rest, as shown by some pertinent remarks:

It is a profound conviction that I do not explain, displacements are infinitely fast but there is still a before and an after, a chronology and a souvenir of the action that just took place, so there is a form time but I cannot explain it. (Be.N.)

All this took place "outside time" - or in a time that has no earthly reference. I had the impression of being outside of time, and yet there was some sort of time (it was another time). (A.T.)

As I said, in the absence of time there is still time. I know it sounds absurd, but I can not explain more. (J.X.)

The notion of time has nothing to do with ordinary life, that's for sure. Physical, material time does not exist. Time does not flow. To say that there is another " time system", I do not know. If there was a complete "timelessness," all emotions would be simultaneous. For me, anyway, I had various feelings. Knowledge is complete and simultaneous. Emotions not. We react emotionally to what we see. In my opinion, there must exist another form of time, anyway.(C.P.)

Jourdan: "Did you have a notion of time?"

Yes and no. Yes because events followed events. I feel they did not occur at the same time. No, because the concept of time is not the same. There is no yesterday, today and tomorrow. I would say that events are instantaneous but emotions come and go. And then maybe I say that the events follow one another because the emotions are, themselves, quite distinct from each other. Maybe it has nothing to do with the concept of temporality within ordinary life. No, because my own chronology doesn't match that of the ordinary world. Events that I placed before actually occurred afterwards when I asked for confirmation. And vice versa. (P.C.)

12. A Spatialized Time

Now, let us follow our 5D hypothesis through, supposing that during an NDE our 4D universe could really be perceived as a whole from an extradimension. If this hypothesis more or less reflects some reality, we ought to find some accounts reporting several kinds of temporal perspective.

12.1. Past, present, future, all confused If we walk on a lane, one part of the way is behind us, another is ahead. But if we see this lane from above, no more walking on it, not only are we nowhere on it but also, as they were relative to us, the notions of behind and ahead logically disappear. In the same way, if we are "out of time" we are no more subject to its arrow. Thus the notions of past, present and future can disappear or merge together. In fact, almost every feature we are about to review seems to translate a spatialization of time:

Past, present future are merged in a single concept, that's what I experienced (X.S.) Time no longer existed, past, present, future, all confused. (M.O.)

No sensation of duration, neither of waiting. No sense of past, present, future, as if all that was away from me. (F.E.)

During NDEs, frequently following the OBE stage, most patients describe a "life review". They report having been able to "see" or sometimes "live again" some moments or only significant scenes of their life, in chronological order or in reverse order. During this stage some additional anomalies and perspective effects concerning time will appear, strengthening the hypothesis that our universe could be perceived from an external vantage point.

12.2. Flying over time The non-locality of the observer in relation to the observed universe, which has helped us understanding the spatial 4D perspective effects appears to concern also time: to be "outside" the space-time would give the same impression of "being" everywhere at once compared to the latter. The expressions are various, but translate the same strange feelings of perceiving time from outside or flying above it:

I had access to both past, present, future and any place in space. (M.Z.)
I had no access to the future, I don't think so, but to the past yes, exactly so, as well as to present since I was seeing myself. It seems to me that I could move around. (P.B.)

I felt I could fly over time. (J-M.M.)

It seems to me that the time is no longer valid. That is, I don't take place within time. There is no longer any past neither future, everything is within the same plane. I got out of the timeline and I can contemplate it AS A WHOLE. But thirty years later, I am still unable to define accurately, using common words, this perceived lack of time ... and both its presence. When you move from one place to another in a flash, when one sees multiple views of the same situation, physically and temporally, that’s not "every day life."

Jourdan: "Have you had the impression of "flying over" time, as one can fly over a landscape, or see it from above?"

Yes, in some ways, move forward or backward at the same time. "Time" no longer appears as fragmented, but as a one and single moment: a "continuum" related to will and free will. (D.S.)

There, the time does not seem to unfold as here. I would say it's "above", a place from where you can "govern" the events and the destinies of the earthly world. Neither was there any space. (A.T.)

I wonder about the word "time". I had the impression of "flying over" a certain portion of time, to fly so quickly but the time seemed at once long and short. That's funny. I felt able to move in time. (F.N.)

When I saw my life, it was like an accelerating videotape, somewhat as if I could fly over it, it goes fast enough to review one's life and yet it lasts forever, I can't explain. (Be.N.)

13. Spatio-temporal Perspective

What could be the predictable consequences of a hypothetical perception from outside our spatio-temporal continuum? Within the framework of this 5D model, everything happens as though NDErs were able to take enough distance to see in perspective not only the immediate vicinity of their body, but also their whole life. Then we could now expect some precise temporal perspective effects.

In our everyday experience, the concepts of time and space are fundamentally different. It is surprising to find several accounts of a uniqueness that has nothing natural nor intuitive for us. Even if he finds it difficult to explain (what we will readily admit), J-Y.C briefly summarizes relativity with some expressions that would have pleased Einstein. Even better, the way he watches his own life as what we could call a "4D spatiotemporal object" is amazing : a 3D form under his eyes, with an "integrated time" which doesn’t unfold, a life he can see from every angle, get more or less closer or change his angle of view, focusing on one part or another… exactly as we do in our everyday life when examining a banal 3D object.

Indeed, at the time I receive this new form of intelligence, I find before me ... my life. I look at this 3D thing that is my life and which does not unfold. The time is integrated in it, it is no more linear. All of one’s life is visible and this "global" intelligence can read it, understand it. (…)
I saw my entire life, in relief, with all the details, people, situations. But in a time that does not unfold, life being seen from every angle with this universal or global understanding. My life was a form under my eyes, which contained everything and that I consulted.

(…) My whole senses were concentrated or condensed in a single understanding concept. The ability to understand and develop ALL, in its wholeness and in its detail. Should I have watched a car, I had known in one thought its mileage, fuel quantity, the wear of spark plugs, how many times it had turned left or right, the condition of all its parts, etc.. It is very difficult to share the encompassing of the three dimensions with the fourth, which merge in a concept that can be easily read when one gets this form of over-intelligence.

(…) Time is no longer linear. Your own life is in 3D and the fourth dimension is fully integrated. At that time, if I had watched a man, I could have known everything about him. His age, height, blood type, his siblings, the amount of all his taxes, his diseases, etc.. etc.. ALL in a single concept.

Jourdan: "Did you feel yourself moving?"


Jourdan: "When?"

To get closer to my life.

Jourdan: "How did it happen?"

A sort of sliding, zoom displacement.

The only "thing" that I was able to contemplate was my own life. An oblong shape, threedimensional pink-orange hue (always "metallic" as having its own light). I could see inside, seeing-through my entire life course, including time without unfolding time. To see another part of this life I just had to change my angle of view. (J-Y.C.)

This second example is less spectacular, but we find again a "frozen time", a "whole life spread before (the NDEr’s) eyes, its slices being seen instantly":

Totally calm and in a state of unimaginable bliss, I continued to float in a world of breathtaking clarity where the notion of time, that seemed frozen, defies understanding. In tune with this inexplicable timelessness the slices of my life were seen instantly, without any sense of duration. That's quite difficult to explain with "earthly words." My past life did not just appear to me like images following one another in a reverse chronology, as might be suggested by my previous comments. The events unfolded in accordance with the original script, but their succession went backward over the course of my life. Sometimes, and here it's even more difficult to explain, I felt like my whole life was spread before my eyes, undifferentiated in its stages, and still without the sequence of events being linked to time. I know it's crazy, totally incomprehensible, but that's the way it happened. (M.N.)
Multidimensional nature of reality complicates the discussion of the subject matter somewhat, I think.

The fact that, apparently, we are both 3D, and 5D, and 7D is also related to this, probably. Time both exists, and it also doesn't. From the view point of the absolute (7D), time doesn't exist; since all is absolutely one, where would the concept of time fit in this picture of solid oneness?

The contemplation zone seems to be a station from which 7D (timeless solid reality) is clearly perceived or seen, and with the help of this light, we can organize our learning adventure in lower densities, which involve time/sequentiality but still not absolutely, only relatively, since 7D is all.
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