Search results for query: "electromagnetic pulse"

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  1. Laura

    Session 7 November 1994

    November 7, 1994 Frank and Laura Q: (L) Hello who do we have with us tonight? A: Goonian. Q: (L) Are you a discarnate? A: No. Q: (L) Where are you from? A: Cassiopaea. Q: (L) Are you ready for our questions? A: Yes. Q: (L) I would like to know what is the origin and meaning...
  2. Approaching Infinity

    Session 22 July 1994

    Annotated Wave Version
  3. D

    Earth History Part 1 (dougquaid's "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" section)

    Here it is, the History section from the "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" compilation. For those of you who have not seen the Bibliotheka Cassiopaea thread, please go there for some more background information about this thread. Part 1...
  4. D

    "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

    ALIEN SCIENCES AND TECHNOLOGY GENERAL Dracos/greys control humans with mind and body interference with electrical response patterns, remotely is less effective; Use mental image restructuring to create virtual reality scenarios in mind; Nonspecific 4D STS attack methods on 3D targets...
  5. D

    "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

    ILLUMINATI TECHNOLOGY OF CONTROL & MODUS OPERANDI “A: It is just as dangerous and just as useless to “see” conspiracy in everything s it is to “see” conspiracy in nothing. We tire of conspiracy “buffs.” They are nutty, and serve as perfect false sponsors to those who really DO seek to conduct...
  6. D

    "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

    ALIEN-TERRAN DYNAMICS REGRESSIVE (DRACO-GREY) HUMAN PROJECTS “A: Invasion happens when programming is complete... Q: What programming? A: See Bible, “Lucid” book, Matrix Material, “Bringers of the Dawn,” and many other sources, then cross reference...” “Q: (L) Creating a race to replace...
  7. D

    "Bibliotheka Cassiopaea" the Cassiopaean material by topic

    TERRAN HISTORY A: Multiple history reality possibilities. (Ed.: due to the fact that past, present and future in all densities is always constantly fluid and changing? This may also be the reason why what we do here and now, despite our ‘lack of power and influence’ over the 3/4D STS’ers’...
  8. Nienna

    Strange colored rings in sky around the world

    I'm wondering if it has anything to do with HAARP? Here are a few early session that have to do with it. What made me think of this is that I remember reading somewhere (I thought it was in the session, but couldn't find it) is that HAARP punches a hole through the ionosphere (or some part...
  9. HiThere

    Article about a cosmic wave - "magnetic anomaly"

    Article on Truth Survival : I don't know anything about this site, but the article was interesting : "My encounter with the R & D engineer of JPL In the summer of 2009 I was taking a needed break from the work I was doing at the time for the Marine Corps Special Ops on Intelligence. I had gone...
  10. Al Today

    High Altitude EMP and Nuclear Reactors

    I know there are some problems with wiki, but they have a non-nuclear generated EMP described here. :shock: :shock: :shock:
  11. Laura

    Chemtrails? CONtrails? Strange skies...

    A few things that should be considered when talking about so-called "chemtrails": 1) Obviously, there is some "spraying" that goes on and it's not for the benefit of humanity. I've heard a few stories from people about very low flying planes dispersing stuff that lands all over everything or...
  12. Nathan


    That could be a very likely possibility. When you think about how a high-altitude nuclear detonation in the US would generate an electromagnetic pulse large enough to send the entire country into the stone age, and then you consider that electromagnetic pulses may be generated by cometary bodies...
  13. Laura

    Another Hit for the Cassiopaeans? - TWA Flight 800

    From WRH: All things considered, I think the Cs were on target and the "missile" theory is propagated to further conceal the actual technology and that this technology was later used on 9-11, the Haiti earthquake, and other possible events. See...
  14. Laura

    Mind Control & HAARP

    Re: HAARP used in Pakistan floods? Notice: rant coming (yes, even I feel like ranting now and again!) Haven't you people been reading the Comet Series linked on the left on SOTT, down, under the image of Al Gore getting hit in the head by a comet? Don't you know that all this sort of thing...
  15. vectis

    Mother of all gushers - BP Oil Disaster in Gulf of Mexico

    More info on the possibility of nukes... :( ‎*Why BP is readying a 'super weapon' to avert escalating Gulf nightmare* _ (interesting source links included on the website)
  16. transdimensional

    Mystery Disease Linked to Vanished Israeli Scientist

    Mystery Disease Linked to Vanished Israeli Scientist by Hank P. Albarelli Jr. VoltaireNet May 7th 2010 The recent outbreak of a life-threatening disease in the United States, caused by a new and exotic strain of a hypervirulent fungus, is baffling the US media and the scientific community...
  17. anart

    Clif High-

    Okay, it just seemed to come off a little snide, but if you didn't intend for it to, then it's no problem. I think the fact that information is so controlled - and that a bolide or an impact does produce, to my understanding, an electromagnetic pulse - that a populace that was so easily...
  18. Nienna

    Mind Control & HAARP

    Re: Earthquake in Chile... HAARP? Just as a refresher course, and since we have a lot of new people on the forum, I thought I'd give a review of a few of the C's session where HAARP was discussed.
  19. Juba

    A strange Jellyfish-like lightning in France

    Hi folks great thematic, It is amazing what modern cameras can record, entering in world of mysterious TLE's. TLE or Transient Luminous Events are very interesting and red sprites and blue jets are most common of TLE variates and most important producing lot of Gamma ray bursts, sadly they...
  20. Eboard10

    Paul LaViolette's Galactic Superwave

    Interesting video interview with Paul LaViolette. These Superwaves described by LaViolette seem to be related to the coming Wave, at least from what he says, and the effect of Supernovae with gamma ray bursts:
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