Search results for query: electromagnetic pulse

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  1. SummerLite

    Joseph P. Farrell and the Giza Death Star

    Re: Dr. Joseph Farrell Interesting series of articles by Joseph Farrell, speculating on the possible connections between the US diplomats being removed from Cuba after attacked by "mysterious weapons" and unusual events surrounding the ramming of US warships losing control. Is someone sending a...
  2. Aeneas

    A powerful solar storm is headed toward us, bringing hazards and rare light show

    I found the article I was looking for, explaining the electrical component and hurricanes. It was a SOTT FOCUS article from 2011 :cool2: I include just the opening paragraph and the section relating to hurricanes as it is topical, but the article is worth reading in full...
  3. zak

    Music,sound and resonance

    Now that the whole post is finally passed in three movements, it can be a good idea to read the followings links with in the mind this whole post, at least this passage: "Scientists have conducted much research on the origins of human languages and the origins of the grammatical rules that are...
  4. A

    Earthquakes around the world

    ...August 23 called EarthEX2017 will war game responses to catastrophes such as mega earthquakes, cyber terrorism or high altitude electromagnetic pulse attacks. The exercise will simulate a “subcontinent-scale, long duration power outage, with cascading failures of all other infrastructures,”...
  5. goyacobol

    The Truth about Corey Goode

    ...November 1996 So these experiments are not just "time" travel related but led to other military uses as the one above. The electromagnetic pulse experiments are also tied to HAARP and cell towers apparently. I have run out of good examples for now. If you read the whole following session...
  6. JEEP

    The Truth about Corey Goode

    I just finished reading Joseph Farrell's book The Cosmic War - it was one of only two of his books available in my local/state library system, the other being Genes, Giants, monsters, and men : the surviving elites of the cosmic war and their hidden agenda. He's authored at least 16 books: Nazi...
  7. Ca.

    Shooter targets Republican congressmen at Alexandria baseball practice

    LinkedIn..... :whistle: Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency Published on June 7, 2016 Soleilmavis Liu Sponsor and Activist of Peacepink: Worldwide campaign to stop.... _ Soleimavis Liu presented this...
  8. Ca.

    Crazy Storm Weather and Lightning - Global

    Is Ball lighting a living entity breaching this density? Life-like Plasma and Ball Lightning? (Video 4:38) Electricity of Life sschirott February 11, 2017 multimedia ELECTROMAGNETIC Bursts of...
  9. zak

    Music,sound and resonance

    A few nights ago, when I was playing an owl dismantling poor trees that did not ask for anything except to grow and encumber a tram line. I came across a nest, nothing abnormal in a tree, except that one was occupied by a ball of feather, a baby pigeon !!!! I had a big smile because normally I...
  10. Gaby

    Photobiomodulation/Low Level Laser Therapy

    I haven't had a chance to listen to the first one, just the second one. He is quite the adorable professor, reminds me of David Attenborough and his nature documentaries ;). I'm attaching the transcript of the second video as a PDF. Here are some quotes:
  11. Keyhole

    Photobiomodulation/Low Level Laser Therapy

    Heres an older article published in 2013 on the mechanisms behind photobiomodulation. (Note: a LOT of research has been published in the past four years, so the human/animal article is not be 100% up to date)
  12. JGeropoulas

    SC Lawmakers Urge Like-Minded Communities Organize To Prepare For Collapse

    South Carolina Lawmakers Call For Like-Minded Communities In Preparation For Collapse Natural News March 22, 2017 _
  13. Cosmos

    Strange sounds In The Sky: Trumpets - Groaning - Scraping

    A new study has been published that seems to proof that Fireballs can create strange noises via photoacoustics. Although I think it is part of the answer to the strange noises, I think the other part is probably elecrophonics, as Pierre explained in his book, and it can also come from...
  14. Keyhole

    Circadian Biology determines health, not food! DHA, Blue light and nnEMF

    Biological Semiconduction and introduction to Collagen Semiconduction Basics From Wikipedia Here is a useful video explaining the concept and some images below: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>...
  15. sToRmR1dR

    Russia Begins Operations in Syria: End Game for the US Empire?

    Russia redeploys, readies S-300's and S-400's near Ukrainian border NATO's Stance on Russia Makes Arms Control Deal in Europe Impossible - Envoy...
  16. Keyhole

    Health and Wellness Show: Beyond the Pump - Getting to the heart of the matter

    Well, some of the research focused on the 'cardiac nervous system" now is showing that different emotions produce fluctuations in the EM field generated by the heart. Aside from this, there is some convincing evidence that someone's heart EMF directly alters the brain waves of another person...
  17. Eboard10

    Passenger Plane Crashes at Rostov-on-Don Airport in Russia

    True, but to Keith's point, how would it explain the fact that it happened 2 hours after its supposed landing time? Remote control/EM pulse attacks are likely planned way ahead of the actual day of the event and, to ensure a very high success rate, the hijacking itself would be planned to...
  18. Corvus

    Shootout: Who makes better weapons

    ...jamming. And, the Pentagon generals were devastated to know, the vacuum tubes made the aircraft’s systems resistant to an electromagnetic pulse (EMP, about which the Russians knew long before the West did), meaning that in the event of a nuclear war the Foxbat would be the only – yes the only...
  19. luc

    Transducing higher energies?

    Hi all, I was always a bit reluctant to think about this topic because I thought it might lead away from the important things that are in front of me, and I wanted to avoid magical thinking/"pattern recognition run amok". But since so many experienced some interesting effects on the iodine...
  20. Konstantin

    Session 7 November 2015

    Was this a test ground for their techology, maybe the same one that killed a lot of people on Russian plane . _
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