Search results for query: electromagnetic pulse

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  1. Charade

    Session 7 November 2015

    q Thank you for sharing these sources. I, too, was wondering how it is done. The tests were done in the Utah desert. The proving grounds are very near where I live. I recall that there was a period a few years back that the electricity went out frequently. I kept complaining about the grid...
  2. Konstantin

    Session 7 November 2015

    Look this video, and especially from beginning up to first minute. A demonstration of EMP bomp taking down a remote operated helicopter toy. Imagine more sophisticated EMP weapon and a Russian plane and just scale it a lot and you have the exact scenario that happened to the Russian plane...
  3. casper

    missing bags

    ...A: The gravitational attraction encourages electromagnetic pulse. Q: Well, it means that we go beyond the theory of gravity, and it is part of the Unified Field Theory? A: Yes, exactly! Complete Unified Field Theory you are denied! P: L: I think you are thinking of humanity as a whole ...
  4. MusicMan

    Meteorite Explodes Over Russia Injures Hundreds

    Thanks for that - no, I am 68, but I worked in electronics all my life and my ears are 'trained' to hear the higher frequencies. The last few years since I retired I have had tinnitus, so not so much these days. As for EMP effects, perhaps when the bolide burns down to its iron core that's when...
  5. G

    Meteorite Explodes Over Russia Injures Hundreds

    ...the speed of light. Your theory that the sound was electrically induced is probably correct. However, the fact that meteors really produce 'hissing' sounds argues against the theory that meteors are likely to produce powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP) effects. I am not convinced about that...
  6. Niall

    Pro-China bias?

    The following propaganda piece is instructive, since it's basically a review of a book that the US elite clearly wanted to put out there. The journalist - Bill Gertz - is a notorious establishment mouthpiece who writes the worst tripe about Putin, while the book's author - Michael Pillsbury -...
  7. A

    Operation Jade Helm: Are US special forces training for martial law?

    ...Gortney, chief of NORAD and Northern Command, said it was necessary to safeguard sensitive sensors and servers from a potential electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. According to the navy admiral, “there's a lot of movement to put capability into Cheyenne Mountain and to be able to...
  8. dantem

    Crash of German Wings Flight over French Alps

    There is a quite techy article on EMP pulses here, and its 3 sub-components: E1, E2, E3. Maybe it can be of help to those who can read into the details of these EM effects? Found while googleing: 'emp duration on electrical equipment'. _ [...]
  9. A

    Levitating and Manipulating Objects With Sound

    This is the bit where the C's talk about super-conductivity (Session 15 March 1997) There has been some weird magnetic phenomenon measured around superconductors, but I can't remember what it's called off the top of my head. Also, what does extropic mean, I tried to find a definition using...
  10. Novelis

    Stylistic Analysis: The Wave book one

    A: Other irregular pulsations determined by external vibrational events. Ok, firstly, this answer contains some ellipsis: It is quite unusual to start a sentence with ‘other’, usually there would be a subject to qualify the object, which is, in this case, the word ‘pulsations’. Not only...
  11. Laura

    Session 23 November 1996

    ...subject to malfunctions in weather conditions that are severe, as one example. Also, the impulse system is an offshoot of the electromagnetic pulse experiments being carried out at Montauk, Brookings and elsewhere as part of the HAARP project! In connection with Pentagon missile tests, HAARP...
  12. hiker


    Thank you for the link, very interesting documentary and to hear about Wever’s bunker experiment. So the ”electrical tension” (frequency) between earth’s surface and the ionosphere, 7,83 Hz (Schumann resonance), matches with the electrical frequency transmitted by the brain (and suggests there...
  13. Gary

    Has anyone seen or heard of a plane just disappearing?

    Session 18 November 1995 This morning (07.40AM) I observed a plane overhead through my roof light, and just started thinking about what the Cs had been saying recently about missing flight MH370 and these 'glitches'. After less than 10 seconds or so, I went to look for the plane. It was no...
  14. Pierre

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane

    Here is an extract from the book I'm finalizing. Those excerpts deals with the links between comets and EMP. Here is another excerpt describing cometary action at a distance (discharge events). It applies here to industrial plumes but the same goes for airplanes that act as a bug in a bug...
  15. Khalsa

    Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 - Missing Plane totally kill the electronic systems aboard the plane. The only thing I can think of that would accomplish that is an Electromagnetic Pulse. It seems unlikely that it could have been caused by the weather, as the atmosphere seems clear (thanks for the picture Vulcan). So what could have...
  16. A

    Levitating and Manipulating Objects With Sound

    I think I kind of understand... I'm not completely clear about the theory of electromagnetism, but I think you could be right. My understanding of superconductivity is that it was discovered by experiment, and then a theory was developed using quantum mechanics, although I might be mistaken...
  17. A

    Levitating and Manipulating Objects With Sound

    I don't know... I guess superconductors would be useful whenever electricity is involved, because they're so cool. and a coil could be the apparatus within which the pulse exists... maybe? :huh: I'm having some trouble trying to understand this stuff, as I will try to explain. Very cool...
  18. A

    Levitating and Manipulating Objects With Sound

    Hi Rise, I'm confused as well, but I have a theory, and I've been working on the mathematics of it lately and have been thinking of starting a new thread outlining my ideas (which are largely Einstein's ideas but with a different mathematical derivation.) My main idea is that the rate of change...
  19. trendsetter37

    Levitating and Manipulating Objects With Sound

    Conventional EM waves travel (under normal conditions) in a straight line. Osit. But their corollary forces and fields / energy radiate in a direction that is perpendicular to its travel. So for example if you thought about an electromagnetic wave (think laser) travelling along the x axis, the...
  20. shijing

    Cancer: causes and cures

    Re: What causes cancer? Me too, and I look forward to hearing more about it. I agree with that, and as pointed out earlier in this thread, the causes of cancer may be various and more complicated than Kaufmann presents. However, the correlations between fungus and cancer (as well as other...
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