Всех приветствую, давно познакомился с Кассиопеянеми, хотел бы поделиться подобным источником кому интересно.
В этой книги человек,один из тех, кого Кассиопеяне назвали армия арйцев в подземных базах, рассказывает об мироустройстве,истории, от создании рас до сегодняшних дней и кто за всем этим...
Participantes: 'Frank' y Laura
P: (L) Hola.
R: Hola. Promia.
P: (L) ¿Es tu nombre?
R: Sí.
P: (L) ¿Y de dónde eres?
R: Casiopea.
P: (L) Teniéndolos a ustedes como comulgantes, ¿nos protege esto de la intrusión de los espíritus terrestres? [1]
R: Espíritus terrestres sí, pero de...
The Illuminati Card Game was originally released in 1982 by Occultist Steve Jackson. The NWO version was released in 1995.
The players take the role of Illuminati societies that struggle to take over the world. The Pocket Box edition depicted six Illuminati groups: The Bavarian Illuminati, The...
card game
princess diana
The information about this topic is, even in conspiracy theory books, incredibly scarce. But, I found it by chance in a YouTube video, whose link is here:
In the description, it clearly says: "...mysterious satanic group of stalkers and intimidators trying to ATTACK the White Hats who are just...
I, and maybe other people who'll follow this post, a list of all the people which information is safely integrated with the one given by the Cs. If I had to guess, Otto Muck is an example, but also Graham Hancock, partly, and maybe Stan Romanek. I mean, I'm sure we all need some names to go on...
Because, I think he tries to be honest, but that's just my impression. I'd like to ask your opinion on this. This is quite important for me, so, any help is appreciated. Thank you in advance for your patience.
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