
  1. gottathink

    SOURCE-new documentary by Joe Dispenza

    “Source” is a documentary just released about a large scientific investigation of the cellular effects of meditation undertaken by participants at Joe Dispenza meditation events/retreats. This research is getting large scale funding and is being undertaken at UC San Diego. The Inner Science...
  2. Andrey

    Thought Control, Mental Discipline and Concentration

    Hello. I would like some good resources and tips for facilitating increase of mental concentration, focus, thought control, etc. A friend recommended to me a few authors from the new thought movement (william walker atkinson and l.w. de laurence), but unfortunately these authors never really...
  3. MoonSun

    Contact with 4D STO

    Hello everybody, Dear friends I recently met a group whose mentor taught them ways to clear their minds and meditate and communicate with the Pleiadians. Their guide has information about all kinds of extraterrestrial beings and claims that he himself is related to Pleiadians. The name of the...
  4. Luis Miguel

    Éiriú-Eolas Online Workshops and Practice - Public

    This is an invitation to all the members of the Cassiopaea Forum to our weekly Éiriú-Eolas online workshops and practice. The idea is to learn or have a better understanding of the EE breathing and meditation technique, and practice weekly in a virtual group setting. We'll also have special...
  5. dreamer

    The Far Countries
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