Laura said:
In view of all the crazy climate events that have dominated the first 2 months of 2014, not to mention societal and political events of the past year, and our own experiences, I've been thinking a lot about the opening of the following session:
Session Date: June 20th 2009
A: 5 more years! 2 go! 0 new year!
Q: (L) And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Poinonia
Q: (L) And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea
Q: (L) Is there any particular reason you made the announcement about 5 years to go?
A: Just reminding you.
Q: (L) You normally have never been date-specific.
A: This is not "day" specific but close enough for horseshoes.
Anyway, the utilization of the term "Year Zero" in conjunction with what is actually going on seems to me to be something of a "hit" and at the very least, very interesting. In view of the Cs remarks about the onset of Ice Ages, maybe next year, Year One, is the first year of the Ice Age?
6th month now of this 2014, almost five years of this session [june 20].
We've had strange climate around the world, mass death of animals, sinkholes, floods, landslides, earthquakes and....a dud comet like Linear..We have "cluster" comets this year:
Comet Sonear (C/2014 A4) - d
P/2014 A2 (Hill) -
P/2014 A3 (PanSTARRS) -
C/2014 B1 ( Schwartz ) -
C/2014 A5 ( PanSTARRS ) -
2014 AA52 - added Feb.
C/2014 C2 ( STEREO ) -
P/2014 C1 ( TOTAS ) -
2014 BF63 -
C/2014 H1 ( Christensen ) -
C/2014 J1 ( Catalina )
C/2014 G3 ( PanSTARRS )
C/2014 F2 ( Tenagra )
C/2014 G1 ( PanSTARRS )
C/2014 F1 ( Hill )
C/2014 E2 ( Jacques )
P/2014 E1 ( Larson ) -
C/2014 C3 ( NEOWISE )
C/2014 C2 ( STEREO )
And one that it's going to be very interesting: C/2013 A1 Siding Spring an
Oort cloud comet discovered on 3 January 2013 will have a close encounter with Mars next October 19
We have MERS on USA already and a world cup...
Wars in the space: Star Wars tested for Eastern Europe; US space weapons "unofficial declaration of war"; "soft assassinations" planned for last weekend's EU election winners.
"Soft assassinations" remembers me Alois Irlmaier´s prophecies and the start of WWIII...
and revolutions happen... as the Ice Age arrives quietly
Interesting year indeed.