I compare them and honestly I still dont now what to think about it.
Then let's look at some of the signs.
First, do you know of any psychics who are accurate in their predictions? If you have been watching youtube videos for long, have you found anyone who is reliable? And if they say they are reliable, have you done the research to confirm that it is true and not just unverifiable claims?
In the first video, we see a Russian psychic who says he sees the possibility of a nuclear explosion in a US city, maybe New York, but maybe LA, Chicago or Detroit. Notice he says that 'terrorists' will plan the attacks, and it will lead to a war against all the Arabs by the US.
Well, we know that the real terrorists are the US government, Israel, and other intelligence agencies. If he is using the term 'terrorists', it tells me that his psychic abilities aren't very good! If they were, or even if he were reading SOTT, he would know that it was not 'terrorists' who carried out 911, and would not use the word 'terrorists' here.
In the second video, we are listening to a Christian fundamentalist preacher who claims there is a nuclear device buried under Washington DC. He also claims that 'reliable sources' tell him that the CIA is moving from Virginia (which is just outside of Washington DC) to Colorado.
Why should we believe anything this man says? He gives no sources. He is promoting Christian fundamentalism which has as its goal to spread fear in order to better manipulate the believers.
So you need to think about who is making these these predictions and why they might be saying these things.
Also, it seems that every year someone is making predictions about a nuclear blast in the US. When you have knowledge of these regular predictions, it gives you a context for understanding new predictions. With so many predictions, maybe one day someone will be correct, but if so, it is more likely to be a question of chance than prophecy.
It seems to me that you are willing to accept a lot without thinking critically about what you are reading or seeing. But we can learn to think critically. One thing you could do is to not believe anything. That is always a good, first step. Look for good and solid reasons why it could be true. Consider yourself a scientist who needs facts and data.
Or pretend that you have an advanced security system around your brain, and that every idea that wants to come in is a potential threat to your thinking. Before you let that idea in, you need to search it and x-ray it and ask it a lot of questions. Only when you are certain it is not dangerous, then you can let it in.
But once it is in, consider it a guest, one who could be asked to leave at any time. :)