2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Israeli meddling!

Slovenia isn't alone in this. China, Russia, Mexiko and Hungary haven't granulated yet either and probably won't for the time being, for good reasons. On the other hand the usual suspects/Puppets of the Pathocracy were of course very quick to congratulate Biden: Angela Merkel (Germany), Boris Johnson (Britain), Justin Trudeau (Cananda), Jens Stoltenberg (NATO) and Ursula von der Leyen (EU) etc.
German meddling! British meddling! Canadian meddling!
Another reminder who "is President" according to the mainstream:

A reminder of how the fight scene in "They Live" is the truest movie to ever come out of hollywood. Americans would fight you in alley till black and blue, and barely breathing to avoid clicking on that that video. They simply do not want to know what Biden is. They just want to feel comfortably smug and righteous for no effort at all.
I feel torn; I'm not sure the information flow is worth the format; Twitter is everything wrong with the news sphere these days and it chaffs at my senses.

Twitter is the ultimate intellectual leveling force; reducing all minds into an addict's one-size-compresses-all box, with the appropriate logo; It's all in the name! Mindless, flocking 2D animal noises. Tweets!

And just look at how the world has started behaving in the last ten years of cell phone addiction! I think when faced with the question, "Which came first..?" the answer is reasonably clear; we've all witnessed it happen in real time. The bird came first! It was Big Tech's ultimate, spiteful contribution to the enslavement of humanity. Its clever algorithms and carefully measured formatting and color choices, its character limits, (!!) all of it has contributed mightily to reducing people, making smart people sound and act like babies, (Eggs, that is, just to pound home the metaphor.)

Am I being overly sensitive here? Is it out of place to ask that you make an effort to expand your posts with some extra commentary regarding these anemic brain squirts from Twitterland? I'm feeling my IQ grow dimmer with every interaction.
A few thoughts on social media.
Yes, I see what you mean by this, of course there is the intention of mind control in twitter, just look what they're doing now. . But, since the uproar over censorship on social media has come up recently I've had thoughts/feelings that these influences on people's minds, (concerning the election), don't actually have the significant impact the controllers had hoped for. Google, Facebook, Twitter have come out and said they will make sure Trump doesn't win again, ha! it didn't work. Hubris. I was impressed by something Kayleigh McEnany said awhile ago at a press conference. She said the question the reporter asked was intended for the followers of Twitter and the percentage of people in the US who follow this regularly is very small. I heard recently someone said the percentage was something like 10%. Google has become a ridiculously useless as I did a search recently and was bombarded by propaganda, useless. They couldn't prevent Trump from actually winning but they use this now to force the illusion he lost.

The clowns have entered the circus performance in full force since the announcement Biden has won. Great celebrations, drooling pronouncements of victory, gyrating on the world stage in all their twisted glory. Thomas Wickter says the Perry Mason moment will be, getting all to support the "no voter fraud narrative". I'm thinking a more dramatic revealing will be who supports the "Biden has won illusion". We're told to enjoy the show and that is such good advise if we can see it like that. Its a phenomenal, cosmic blockbuster!

As the story unfolds, I'm leaning in the direction (strongly) that a massive sting operation was put in place to take all actors down. If this is the case, can you imagine what the reaction will be for all the clowns involved when they fall off a cliff? Talk about demoralization! What is at stake here is deep and extremely serious. We only have a small picture, an impression we've painted in our minds, of what Trump is capable of doing considering all the odds against him. Our information is limited. I've said before, several times, he's always had an aura of hiding about him. Restraint, down playing, holding his cards close to his chest, allowing other players to show ALL their cards, then Bam! Full house, Trumped! He's appointed over 100 judges so picking the right ones here is crucial.,

How would you handle walking into a pit full of poisonous snakes? Extreme self control would be needed, a great deal of camouflage would be necessary and no leaks as to who you are and what your doing. Tip toe.

So, thats my guess of how this drama unfolds. I like this story, its full of cosmic heros and villians and righteousness prevails. But its a cliffhanger as well and I can't skip ahead to see how it ends. If my imaginings are wrong I'll just have to adjust to that.

Theater of the Absurd: 🤪

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This is the latest from Steven Crowder, discussing the voter count irregularities, just started watching, it's hilarious, he has scheduled an interview with Rudy Guliani

Steven reviews the current state of the 2020 Election, involving recounts, lawsuits, mail-in ballot irregularities, and what this means for the legitimacy of every vote being properly counted and all elections going forward.

Well, this thread blew up! Things are definitely crazy - but all this was very predictable. Watching so many of my acquaintances on FB cheer on the media selection of Joe Biden... :scared: :lol::rotfl: I've tried really hard to remain calm and patient. Lots of cheating going on.
Perhaps the hubris of the PTB will finally be answered by Nemesis, even the C's seem to think so. But then again, that seems to be what STS forces want - a huge amount of chaos - if Trump wins, the coming freak out by the leftist and mind controlled population is going to absolutely biblical. Batten down the hatches! Activate! Popcorn Popper Pro 5000GT! :-D

What happens after Trump rightfully wins? Can he provide meaningful resistance to the Globalist? I see Russia, Brazil, Poland, and Slovenia have refused to acknowledge Biden "win". Maybe then the Globalist will have the excuse to openly oppose Donald Trump and America and drop all the fake ally veneer.
Just some thoughts out loud, what i'm about to write may be my own wishful thinking, I reckon.

The fact that Biden has "won" may be another great opportunity for Trump to help exposing those who are pulling the strings behind the curtains and for the people to see what a farce the current political system is basically almost in every country of the world.

One really gets the feeling as if someone is trying very hard to divide the peeps even further against each other, make them beg for this torture to end one way or the other, unconsciously asking the DCM to send the chaos upon us to end it all. If I'm not totally delusional here then I'd ask myself who will benefit from such a scenario? Certainly not us.

At the moment it remains only to stay calm, be patient, don't cave in to no one's divide and conquer schemes and enjoy the freak circus on a global scale...
I came across this interesting comment on twitter

We had a couple of earthquakes up here in Alaska yesterday morning, curiously right around the time the MSM was declaring Biden the winner. It seemed like the earth itself was shuddering at the thought of Biden in the White House!

The Human Cosmic connection is real and people know this by instinct. Or at least, those with a real soul to speak off.
Remember, the game is to get the people killing each other while the PTB, politicians, bureaucrats, big money and media cheer them on. If the both sides realize that they are being played then there will not be any killing. So, it is imperative to keep the people angry and ignorant of the lie.

If creepy Joe is inaugurated he'll be hounded by Huntergate. His presidency will be a disaster, hip,hip,hoary! Kamala will have to take over and select Hillery as VP and it will not take long to before Killery is in charge. Like we can't see this coming.

If Trump remains our president then all hell will brake loose from the crazy and soon to be crazier. He'll have to go for broke to keep from being hamstrung by the slimy RYNO's

The C's said to sit back and enjoy the show with popcorn but if I watch this stupid scrip too much I have to take antacids. That is why I have to switch shows to the romantics. Just saying!
Perhaps somebody can help me understand the following chart...
(and its implications)


(As of today) Monday, November 9 Rudy Giuliani will be filing suit in reaction to the 'irregularities' of November 4 at the Supreme court.

This will of course take some time. What would be the deadline for the inquiries and decision of the SC in keeping with the schedule above?

Dec 8, Dec 14 or even January 20?

How unshakeable is especially the December 14 date of voting at the Electoral College?

Let's surmise that a state government involved in the inquiries of the SC is dragging out this process as long as Dec 14, can the Supreme Court extend or change the schedule shown above?

Can the Electoral College be postponed until early January?
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