2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Perhaps somebody can help me understand the following chart...
(and its implications)


(As of today) Monday, November 9 Rudy Giuliani will be filing suit in reaction to the 'irregularities' of November 4 at the Supreme court.

This will of course take some time. What would be the deadline for the inquiries and decision of the SC in keeping with the schedule above?

Dec 8, Dec 14 or even January 20?

How unshakeable is especially the December 14 date of voting at the Electoral College?

Let's surmise that a state government involved in the inquiries of the SC is dragging out this process as long as Dec 14, can the Supreme Court extend or change the schedule shown above?

Can the Electoral College be postponed until early January?

Good questions. It might take legal scholars, maybe even various courts, to answer how all this works in a contested election.

Meanwhile, I can tell you one thing: It's not Dec. 14 yet (at least where I live), so Biden is not president-elect. Among other things, there may be twists and turns in the selections of electoral college voters. There could be surprises in how they actually vote. Regardless, they have not voted yet. Despite who they ultimately elect, there may be other interesting things that play out. It ain't over 'til it's over. It may not even be over on January 20. OTOH, Trump could concede at some point.

Note that while the electoral college is an abstraction of the popular vote, it still doesn't work the way many think it does. If a candidate wins a state that has 8 EC votes, that means that they will get up to 8 votes. Various circumstance could cause them to get less.

Saturday’s Media Declaration Is A Naked Attempt To Silence Republicans, And Nothing Has Changed​

Nothing has changed since Friday night.

You might find that strange, given the media stampede to certify the election results for their man, but it’s crucial. The calls made Saturday morning are as arbitrary as they were last Tuesday, could just as easily have waited for Monday, and fly in the face of massive evidence of voter irregularities that, at minimum, should be heard in court before anyone considers calling the election.

Add pending lawsuits and official recounts in Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Michigan and Wisconsin, and the conclusion is an attempt by the American media to pick our president and decide our election. The danger comes now, when in concert with Silicon Valley censors they use their own decree to dismiss and silence anyone who says otherwise.
Since Election Day itself, the irregularities have piled up.
None of this is proof the Democrats didn’t win the election, even if it strongly suggests illegal and undemocratic activity in states across the union. But it is a naked corporate attempt to exert control over what is happening in the United States. If just one thing, remember this: Corporations don’t get to pick our president—and they don’t decide our elections.
Buckle up.
Trump has shown over the past 4 years how courageous he is against the swamp. I for one is looking forward to this great battle to overturn this fake result. His no retreat no surrender attitude will create havoc in completing the final election result.The Deep State had never been pressured so much in the past.Dont think they were fully prepared for this long ride to VICTORY, make that a LOSS.
I have been thinking recently after watching many of Trump rallies that maybe he has been given the assignment from 5D to go up against these physcopaths.
Hi everyone.
I don’t know if anyone knows of the two twin lady’s called the “psychic twins”. They supposedly predicted joe Bidens victory and they posted a photo of his victory on their Instagram. a question was asked if this was a fraud, they replied “no”.
Someone else asked about trump taking it to the Supreme Court, the psychic twins replied “ it won’t work”.... yea so what will happen now? Are they right? I don’t know. no disrespect to them. So much info saying different things.
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Dr. Turley does a good job of pulling together all the various facets of this election fraud enabling one to see the over all picture.
He explains what happened in Pennsylvania's Supreme/Judicial system and Justice Alito's declaration from the Supreme court concerning that. What the media is doing by calling the election for Trump he sees as a threat to Republican reps. to back down, informational warfare. There are 2 main aspects of this crisis. The Supreme court rulings in regards to what states are doing and if they follow Constitutional law. The other one is the Trump team's case of presenting all the evidence of fraud, which is said to be devastating. Also why MSM is on their way out as people move to the internet and alternative news sites.. The populace is moving away from centralised, bloated structures of control to a network society which is more diversified.. He shares a spiritual, inspirational message at the end. He always has a positive energy which I appreciate now.

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Trump is essentially backed into a corner from what I can see. The deep state, on the other hand, are in the perfect position to sow chaos and destruction on either side. I expect bad things to come within the next few months and we may finally begin to witness major clashes between left and right, with bloody violence and a lot of unnecessary death.


I think you are correct although I am not sure it is "unnecessary death". There is karma all around I think.

This is not a time to wring our hands and gnash our teeth. The Cs did not promise us a "rose garden".

Session 29 Decembe 2009:
Q: (L) Okay… Ark was saying he was reading some predictions that there's going to be a bloody future for the US and not a very good future for France either. We'll have to find the article.
{Article located at: 2010, The Saga Continues }

A: Didn't we say "5D city on a hill"?

Q: (L) Yes... Okay, well, the thing that occurs to me as I observe all of this insanity is that this drive for control results only in destruction. The destruction is of everything that one would think the psychopaths would... I mean, if you wA*** have power over something, what good does it do to have any power if everything's dead and there's nobody there to have power over? They're killing everything! They'll end up in total control of everything, but there'll be nothing there but ashes. It's just insane!

A: Psychopathy is characterized by a supreme lack of insight.

Q: (L) So in other words, when Lobaczewski said that it's like the germs in the body that do not realize that they will be burned in the ground with the corpse...

{Quote from Political Ponerology that is referenced above:

“The following questions thus suggest themselves: what happens if the network of understandings among psychopaths achieves power in leadership positions with international exposure? This can happen, especially during the later phases of the phenomenon. Goaded by their character, such people thirst for just that even though it would conflict with their own life interest... They do not understand that a catastrophe {will} ensue. Germs are not aware that they will be burned alive or buried deep in the ground along with the human body whose death they are causing.

“If such and many managerial positions are assumed by individuals deprived of sufficient abilities to feel and understand most other people, and who also betray deficiencies in technical imagination and practical skills—(faculties indispensable for governing economic and political matters) this must result in an exceptionally serious crisis in all areas, both within the country in question and with regard to international relations. Within, the situation shall become unbearable even for those citizens who were able to feather their nest into a relatively comfortable modus vivendi. Outside, other societies start to feel the pathological quality of the phenomenon quite distinctly. Such a state of affairs cannot last long.”}

A: Yes

Q: (L) And the unfortunate thing is that the masses of people do not realize that they are the body that is being killed by these germs, and they're really, REALLY, not waking up.

A: Don't lose hope for your groups. They will do well if they will follow the STO way set out for them.

While it is mainly here in the U.S. I think it will affect those entrapped in a false system of greed and lies around the globe.

Session 22 July 2010:
Q: (Andromeda) That's an interesting... (L) Way to look at it. (Burma Jones) So then back to what Galaxia was wanting to know, is there going to be a revolution? Are people actually going to wake up and start... (Galaxia) And do something about it?

A: Oh indeed!

Q: (Galaxia) Now that's what I like to hear! (Andromeda) Is it going to be a very bloody revolution?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galaxia) On both sides?

A: Yes.

Q: (Galaxia) More for the evil side, or more for the good side?

A: Wait and see.

Q: (Perceval) Is it gonna be more concentrated in one particular area of the globe, for example in the US, as opposed to world-wide?

A: Yes. We have mentioned a 5D city on a hill.

Q: (Perceval) Is this in reference to the ice age in terms of the blame that people give to the government and that causes the revolution?

A: There are a few more steps before an ice age. Some of them not very pleasant.

Q: (Perceval) Earthquakes, volcanoes, economic collapse...(Burma Jones) Mass starvation. (Perceval) Plague. (L) Crop failure.

A: All of those and more.

Q: (Andromeda) Great! (Perceval) On that topic, is one of those steps that could happen to cause a revolution...

(L) Well, actually they're talking about steps to an ice age, not steps to a revolution.

(Ailén) They said before the revolution would start, people would only see the oil as a reason to start a revolution.

(Perceval) Yeah, I asked if the ace age was going to cause a revolution. (L) I don't think there's going to be a lot left to have a revolution once the ice age has begun! {laughter} Okay, so all that stuff like crop failure is going to lead up to the ice age.

(L) I would say that if there were crop failures, economic collapse, and so on, that those things would bring about a revolution and while you're in the middle of the revolution THEN everything goes kaflooey. That would be my guess.

A: Yes

I know most of us don't like to hear it but "Wait and see".
Just some thoughts out loud, what i'm about to write may be my own wishful thinking, I reckon.

The fact that Biden has "won" may be another great opportunity for Trump to help exposing those who are pulling the strings behind the curtains and for the people to see what a farce the current political system is basically almost in every country of the world.

One really gets the feeling as if someone is trying very hard to divide the peeps even further against each other, make them beg for this torture to end one way or the other, unconsciously asking the DCM to send the chaos upon us to end it all. If I'm not totally delusional here then I'd ask myself who will benefit from such a scenario? Certainly not us.

At the moment it remains only to stay calm, be patient, don't cave in to no one's divide and conquer schemes and enjoy the freak circus on a global scale...
Reminds me of what George Carlin used to say...

So I donated some to the Trump defense fund. But then I just had the thought that maybe I'm just feeding into the chaos - but I can't let this injustice keep on going unanswered, so I had to do something. :huh:
Good for you, SubnetUnMask. It's good to feel one is doing one's part.

As has been discussed here already, the left is talking about creating "lists," just as Nazi Germany did. Of course, even just in stating such plans they mean to frighten us. They want us running scared.

So, once again I'm re-realizing the need to be grounded and rather fearless. This will be more difficult on those days when one feels tired, or unwell, and more vulnerable to such almost imponderable malevolence. I feel tired right now, in fact, and I vaguely sense the fear wanting to enter into me -- if I let it.

Tonight I watched Mark Levin's show on Fox, "Life, Liberty & Levin," in which he went over all the constitutional & other challenges related to this voter fraud situation. The Dems rushed in before the election to change state voting laws, attempting to decimate protections related to mail-in voting, for example, whereby checking signatures, or even requiring signatures on ballots, or requiring posting envelopes, etc. would go by the wayside -- and they succeeded in a lot of cases. The mal intent of such legislation is just so glaring, it boggles the mind that legislators managed to get away with it.

Levin feels the Supreme Court will need to get involved -- and soon -- to remedy all this, or else every election will see more and more of the same, and U.S. elections will be so corrupted as to be meaningless. So, Trump's situation is really the specific case whereby these remedial actions need to happen for the good of the future of the country, which is precisely why what's happening now seems so perilous. And as we all know, if the Dems get hold of power they mean to fix things so that they will never let go, and all the built in checks and balances that were intended by our founders to keep such egregious power mongering in check will be summarily done away with.

I know most of us here have been seeing this coming for a very long time, but still I find myself taken aback: is this really my country that I'm talking about? A part of me is tempted to weep.

At the end of the show, Levin held up a copy of the Constitution. I now have a pocket-sized copy myself, and carry it with me, intending to become more knowledgeable of its contents. Somehow its consoling, though, to have the physical thing. There is a kind of symbolic strength that can be derived from it, and from our actions at its behest -- whether it's donating money, or sharing information, or just our thoughts on all that we're presently facing.
So, once again I'm re-realizing the need to be grounded and rather fearless. This will be more difficult on those days when one feels tired, or unwell, and more vulnerable to such almost imponderable malevolence. I feel tired right now, in fact, and I vaguely sense the fear wanting to enter into me -- if I let it.
I know how you feel. There are days when I focus on too much on where this could all go even more so horribly wrong, and how many people will suffer as a result - I experience a range of emotions: fear, anger, rage, and remorse, to varying degrees. Those days I feel mentally and physically tired.

I know most of us here have been seeing this coming for a very long time, but still I find myself taken aback: is this really my country that I'm talking about? A part of me is tempted to weep.

I agree - When I first started to learn about the things our government and institutions were responsible for around the globe, to really think about what had been done to other people in the name of America ... it wouldn't surprise me when the parasite turns it's on it's host, maybe it's what we deserve for what we've done, or for failing to stop what was done in our name.

On other hand - I have this line thought, maybe you and others have had a similar line of thought: America was founded on the ideas of restriction of government; of force - and the preservation of individual freedom - that is, to allow one to express one's own free will. As much as is possible within this 3D STS realm we currently find ourselves. I can't think of any other country that so overtly expressed and protected this idea. That has to be worth something in the Universe's eyes. The C's tell us the lesson of Free Will is the most important. I'm just.. I dunno.... I'm reminded of a scene from Batman Begins. Near the end, Bruce Wayne's mansion is being burned down around him, and he looks up at Ra's al Ghul, the man who is going to cause the residents of Gotham City to turn on each other using a fear toxin dispersed in the air:

Bruce Wayne: "Gotham isn't beyond saving. Give me more time: There are still good people here".

Hmm, watching it again, hearing Ra's al Ghul talk about cyclical purging of decadent civilizations, and the total level of corruption within Gotham... just kind of mirrors what we know about cosmic cycles and really describes America... ugh...

In the tweet it says the military voted 80/20 for biden. In the video of "Patty of 100% fed up", about Detroit, from an eyewitness of the counting process, she describes how the military votes are copies of forms with identities not registered to vote (13:00). It is just before the Ferrari delivering votes in the night (14:40). The video is well suited to convince a non foul play believer.

Thanks @cope from Amsterdam. This is one of the most convincing videos I have seen that describes the fraud that the Democrats are perpetuating. I have cousins in Michigan that would love to see it.

It is amazing how this forum has people all over the world who are watching these historic events. Thanks :thup:
This fits with whats been said about the role of CISA? AG Barr proposes action after pressure from Republican House reps.

The Justice Department has approved the use of armed agents in order to investigate voter fraud claims, according to a report published by the New York Times.

Although some think there is a statute that appears to prohibit this, it only does so for Election Day, according to an early Wednesday morning memo from the DOJ.

Richard Donoghue wrote that the statute “does not prevent armed federal law enforcement persons from responding to, investigate, or even prevent federal crimes at closed polling places or other locations where votes are being counted” [sic].

Trending: WATCH: Trump-Supporting Patriots Rally in State Capitols Across the Country for Electoral Integrity

He added: “Although federal law enforcement officers should act in cooperation with local partners as appropriate.”

The DOJ has apparently not dispatched any of their personnel yet, despite pockets of rumored voter fraud and suspicious behavior.

The fight has only just begun for the Oval Office. This chaotic situation will drag on until both candidates have exhausted all of their legal resources and options.

This could be one of the planned photo ops created by the Coup group in Washington. D.C. If you don't raise your fist your a racist and are in for big trouble. Their plan is to bully Biden into doing what they say.

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