2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

In fact, for fun, Google "Michigan voter fraud," and you get literally three pages of "this was fact checked and proven to be false." Why would Google be so assiduous?
I've recently switched to DuckDuckGo search engine and getting much more relevant results, fewer unrelated ads, and less, if any censorship, that I can discern.
I DDG'd "Michigan voter fraud" and got plenty of hits without seeing "this was fact checked and proven to be false."

Time to kick Google to the curb, should have done it yeeeeears ago.

Thanks Ocean for doing so much stat analysis and sharing it with us.
We should verify this, but take a look:

View attachment 40097

Also: Trump just fired Defense Secretary, Mark Esper:

Can't find much on CNN's doing this. People are saying they never called AZ, just AP and Fox did.
I've recently switched to DuckDuckGo search engine and getting much more relevant results, fewer unrelated ads, and less, if any censorship, that I can discern.
I DDG'd "Michigan voter fraud" and got plenty of hits without seeing "this was fact checked and proven to be false."

Time to kick Google to the curb, should have done it yeeeeears ago.

Thanks Ocean for doing so much stat analysis and sharing it with us.
Another option is Startpage. Between Startpage (my default) and DuckDuckGo, I only use Google occasionally, and for certain things.
One wonders of course if the way it has panned out so far is exactly how the PTB have planned it all along? Or is it just wishful thinking again? Or a combination of both? The way "the script" might play out fuels exactly those nonsensical programmed ideas in all Trump haters that the media has carefully created about him for years, and that worldwide. Such as: "He can't loose; He is a dictator; He is a narcissist that has no problem to cheat in order to win" etc. One thing is for sure; Divide and conquer seems to get fueled big time by all of this. Maybe the color revolution idea (that was mentioned earlier) is really what we are seeing here? Maybe the PTB knew that they couldn't win this time (or viewed that as a serious option) and engineered exactly the scenario that is now unfolding? Maybe they want a civil war? Maybe it doesn't turn out as everyone thinks it does. It wouldn't surprise me if the fears on what might happen either way (which seems bleak) aren't so much set in stone as we might think. Maybe what it is really about is another battle for the minds, not only in America, but pretty much worldwide?
They're already changing the wikipedia article for Benford's law.
View attachment 40007

How ridiculous can it get?! The world can see how mad things are getting. Even a news site in India is posting the tweet and info. The whole world knows the depths of the corruption.

Facebook and Twitter Suspend Accounts That Posted on Benford’s Law Showing Biden’s Implausible Vote Totals — LABELING IT “SEXUAL EXPLOITATION”​

We have heard from many readers who told us once they retweeted this tweet or tried to post it on Facebook their account was suspended!

The social media giants are preventing Americans from posting this mathematical evidence that proves Joe Biden’s numbers violate the Benford Law of normal distributions!

I've recently switched to DuckDuckGo search engine and getting much more relevant results, fewer unrelated ads, and less, if any censorship, that I can discern.
I DDG'd "Michigan voter fraud" and got plenty of hits without seeing "this was fact checked and proven to be false."

Time to kick Google to the curb, should have done it yeeeeears ago.

Thanks Ocean for doing so much stat analysis and sharing it with us.

My pleasure Skyfarmr.
I have also migrated to Duck Duck Go - so much better than the 'G' word!

Joe Biden Announces Covid Lockdown Panel – Plans Nationwide Mandatory Mask Mandate, Lockdown and Contact Tracing​

Joe Biden announced his plans to fight the Coronavirus pandemic on Monday.

Joe Biden’s plans include a mandatory mask mandate (unconstitutional), nationwide lockdowns (unconstitutional), Covid testing and contact tracing and restoring US relationship with the corrupt, Chinese-controlled WHO.

We need an election redo, not a recount​

There comes a point when trying to accurately recount ballots, especially those that arrived in sealed envelopes from the mail, becomes improbable, if not impossible – and truth be told, we are already long past that point.

Keep in mind that hundreds of thousands of mystery ballots appeared in the middle of the night after the polls closed. A recount would capture these fraudulent votes alongside legitimate ones, producing the same questionable outcomes we are already witnessing.

Fixing the damage that has already been done will only be possible if the seven states Democrats appear poised to steal – Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina and Georgia – are forced to redo their elections in a much more secure way, in other words.

Three Supreme Court Justices Were On The Bush Legal Team From The 2000 Election​

Bush assembled a top notch team of attorneys, and, through a variety of different legal maneuvers involving counts and recounts, he had eventually solidified his victory.

Three attorneys from that team? Well, they just happen to be Chief Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, and his two newest colleagues, Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett.
Perhaps this is the tie that bound Trump’s nominations, knowing that there was a high likelihood of widespread voter fraud in his reelection campaign, and he wanted to get the best judges in there to combat it.
One wonders of course if the way it has panned out so far is exactly how the PTB have planned it all along? Or is it just wishful thinking again? Or a combination of both? The way "the script" might play out fuels exactly those nonsensical programmed ideas in all Trump haters that the media has carefully created about him for years, and that worldwide. Such as: "He can't loose; He is a dictator; He is a narcissist that has no problem to cheat in order to win" etc. One thing is for sure; Divide and conquer seems to get fueled big time by all of this. Maybe the color revolution idea (that was mentioned earlier) is really what we are seeing here? Maybe the PTB knew that they couldn't win this time (or viewed that as a serious option) and engineered exactly the scenario that is now unfolding? Maybe they want a civil war? Maybe it doesn't turn out as everyone thinks it does. It wouldn't surprise me if the fears on what might happen either way (which seems bleak) aren't so much set in stone as we might think. Maybe what it is really about is another battle for the minds, not only in America, but pretty much worldwide?

Their planned included a non-dead RBG on the supreme court. They knew she was a bleeding heart of the mythological voter intimidation -- you know the rioting voters who are afraid of nothing, except voting. With her gone, the "muh racism" to say there's voter fraud lost its biggest champion on the court. They didn't plan this, I don't think.

Democrats Prepare Post-Election Crackdown Against "Socialist" Wing of Party​

Many prominent Democrats, in the interest of courting left-wing extremist voters, silently tolerated or paid lip service to highly unpopular anarchist ideas like defunding the police or abolishing ICE in hopes of cobbling together enough votes to get Biden in the White House.
While Democratic operatives were willing to provide tactical cover to “Antifa” violence and give radical-liberals and Marxists much of what they want on anti-white race policies, they are blaming accusations of being economic “socialists” for poor showings in House races. This contradicts polling showing that the Trump campaign’s ads accusing Joe Biden of supporting “socialist” economics actually helped him.
The last four years of Trump have put pressure on the Democrats to coopt their own populist wing, and while they have succeeded in buying out Bernie, it remains to be seen how successful they have been overall. Many are expecting the looming civil war between corporate liberals and the far-left to intensify as Biden’s wing cements its power.
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