2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Playing by the rules makes you a white supremacist ...
This is just "noise" from lost & hypnotised people. What is the most ... sad, it's that the majority of these brainwashed people are, under a peacefull environnent, nice people to meet and interact with, but they were litterally "mentally trapped", or in order to better visualize the concept, they are under the effect of a spell, they are prisonner of a mental prison, and only a strong inner strenght can help them to evade this mental prison. We can help by planting seeds, but only for some, for some others, it's a useless battle. Even if the person is at first glance a "good will" one, if the hypnosis is too strong, nothing will help them to change their mind. These people will much suffer in the future, but hey, this is their lesson, and as we can say from what we learnt, much lessons are now being given to many people, forced lessons, and the ones who will have the hardest time are these ones. I'll not pray for them, it's a needed passage, they need to burn themselves to understand, simply. On my side i prefer to concentrate on unifying the people who understood and in second, plant grains or spend my time for the people who have the capacity to break the hypnotic shell that envelop them.

Note one think : here on a local forum, these (hypnotized) people respond to my posts - hopefully, i'm not alone. Many people read the forum but only a few respond. When an hypnotised guy respond, this could be considered finally like a troll, and the rule is "do not feed the trolls", but I see this differently here : trolls can be smartly used ! They help to maintain the conversation (forum thread) at the top, allowing this majority of silent people to read the various arguments (links/articles/clips) we respond, and it's welcome, its good in final. I mean, by responding, these brainwashed people fuel the discussion which grabs the attentionof other people who hesitate what to believe. This make me think about the role of the little tyrans, they are useful, and it's the same here, trolls can sometimes be usefull, and it's good to keep that in mind :)
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Just watched this Tucker program,

I have to say, him and his team of writers are truly admirable, regardless of their clear Trump preference, what they’re calling for is honesty even if it means a defeat for Trump, to withhold the trust in the institutions. They still call out the bs and biases but their message is honesty as the cure for the troubles they see in the country today.

I gotta say that is humble and admirable.
I have another take on what happened last night on Tucker Carlson's show. Actually, I couldn't even listen to the end of his opening remarks once he stated: "at this stage the fraud that we can confirm does not seem to be enough to alter the election results." This said after the show's inserting some footage of a Georgia election official declaring (before they even started the re-count) that they WILL find evidence of voter fraud. The intended meaning, of course, of that particular insert is that it demonstrates that there is always SOME voter fraud in every election. (Yeah, so go back to sleep. Nothing new here.) Really, Tucker? Is this REALLY the best you can do?

Meanwhile, if you put together all the information we've been gathering on this thread -- which is not even exhaustive, with the Trump team and others coming up with new developments every day -- we're seeing plenty of evidence of MASSIVE fraud, which is something Tucker (and his slave drivers at Fox) will not permit any "comprehensive" reporting on. Yes, his slave drivers say, you can cover a few anecdotes suggesting fraud, as well as some of the other hard hitting material you did during these past few months, such as the role of Big Tech censorship (which Tucker covered again last night in a later segment). But you CANNOT in any meaningful way cover the extensive information gathering going on as we speak from highly legitimate sources, and you cannot interview those involved in that work. This was also true of Hannity's show last night, although I only gauged that in watching the opening of that show, as well. But the opening of these shows is important. It lets you know what is going to be "allowed," and more importantly, it lets you know what will remain unsaid.

Last night especially was a litmus test for how Fox would handle its seemingly divergent roles given what seems to be contradictory coverage. In other words, what would Tucker and Hannity do the Monday after the weekend in which Fox called the election for Biden, PREEMPTING Giuliani's press conference announcing the Trump campaign's investigation into voter fraud?

The answer is pretty much what I accused Laura Ingraham of doing (in an earlier post) the Friday preceding Fox's doing this: let your viewers down gently. Stroke their wounds. Recall the other great coverage you did, which is what Carlson did last night in bringing up his previous work on the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, among other things. But, whatever you do, DON'T COVER THE DETAILS OF THE MASSIVE FRAUD NOW BEING UNCOVERED -- including the election fixing via two software companies: one, Dominion, directly tied to Pelosi, the other... well, here:

"Though accusations of election fraud in the 2020 US presidential election have been swirling across social media and some news outlets for much of the past week, few have examined the role of a little known Silicon Valley company whose artificial intelligence (AI) algorithm was used to accept or reject ballots in highly contested states such as Nevada.

That company, Parascript, has long-standing cozy ties to defense contractors such as Lockheed Martin and tech giants including Microsoft, in addition to being a contractor to the US Postal Service. In addition, its founder, Stepan Pachikov, better known for cofounding the app Evernote in 2007, is a long-standing and 2020 donor to Democratic presidential candidates."

So, that's Fox's "compromise" as far as their weekday, late-night programming goes. Yes, you can indignantly go on and on about all sorts of legitimate grievances concerning this election. But, no, you can't put together, in one convincing show or segment, some hard hitting, detailed reporting on all the "real" diligent work taking place -- on all levels of state and federal government, in multiple states -- at the behest of the Trump campaign, in order to get to the bottom of what actually happened on election night, and the "about face" of the morning after.

It's Fox's ugly deal, and it's meant to suggest that, as Tucker told us... "at this stage the fraud that we can confirm does not seem to be enough to alter the election results." "We can confirm" is supposed to indicate that they're doing the best they can, but still coming up short.

While I can't speak to the behind-the-scenes due diligence of Tucker and his assistants and producers, I can suggest that it's the role of good reporting to ask the difficult questions, even if you don't have all the answers, and to lay out the legitimate facts as they emerge, which, in the case of election fraud 2020, are rapidly amassing before our eyes, as anyone who has been reading this thread can attest to. Only trouble is, if you stick to Tucker's show, or Hannity's, and Ingraham's, you'd never get to realize just how rapidly and comprehensively this is all happening. Instead, all the "noise" Tucker and this colleagues are making -- some of it very good information, in fact -- is meant to be a diversion, again, from a hard hitting presentation of the emerging evidence of massive fraud -- implicating hundreds of thousands of votes -- demonstrating in every way that good journalism could possibly demonstrate that Trump's initial victory on election night has been stolen from him and perhaps the majority of the country (as Trump's real margin of success seems to indicate). Such a show, if Tucker were allowed to present it, would also bolster the case for Trump's refusing to concede, and would go a long way toward putting the onus on the Biden team to prove itself innocent of these mounting charges. But, instead, the M.O. at Fox is not to do a true exposé of massive fraud -- quite the opposite, in fact, given that, while it's acknowledging its viewers' indignation, it's subtly suggesting to them to give up, that the battle is lost. And in so doing, Biden & Company, and all their Democrat voting followers -- all complicit in an overt (and covert) attack on the constitutional foundations of this country -- yes, all of them can continue with their "make believe" victory, as helped along considerably by Tucker Carlson, et. al., and their producers at Fox.
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Check out the viewer comments in this piece for tangible evidence of Fox's losing loyal viewers, and helps demonstrate why #DumpFOX is a popular hashtag (among the #ElectionFraud literati) on Twitter:

"The Fox News Channel’s Bret Baier has deleted a tweet that proved the backlash against the disgraced cable news network has exploded."

This is still all wild to watch. I remember when Tucker was a stooge on CNN wearing a bowtie for his crossfire show. The show was cancelled after they had Jon Stewart on there because Tucker looked like a propagandist protecting the Bush administration and Stewart tore him apart. It made sense that he went to Fox shortly after.
Thank you for this insight. I had no idea his background. On a similar note, on the opposite end of the spectrum, Jimmy Dore was on the Young Turks (the useful idiot left, of 2016 crying fame). Jimmy is no longer a useful idiot. His channel is well worth the watching, to see how a principled "leftist" see this whole thing.
This guy is good, a few days old but worth listening.

Journalist Alex Newman says this 2020 election fraud is the biggest in the history of the free world. Newman explains, “This is on a whole other level. They are not just trying to steal our money, they are trying to steal our country, our future, our liberties and our constitutional system of government. That is, by definition, treason. It is waging war against the United States. The fact that no charges are being filed and no investigations going on it tells you everything you need to know about AG Barr, the DOJ and the FBI. . . . There is a coup underway right now, a coup d’état. . . .Their goal is a complete overthrow of the United States of America.” Join Greg Hunter as he goes One-on-One with journalist Alex Newman, who writes for many outlets such as The New American, The Epoch Times and his own site Liberty Sentinel.org.



"President Donald Trump is chipping away at former Vice President Joe Biden's lead in Arizona, raising the possibility that he could take the state, giving him some breathing room in his path to the presidency.

CNN analysts said that new Maricopa County data shows Trump is gaining on Biden and, if votes continued that way, could even 'meet and beat' Joe Biden in the state. Joe Biden is still winning the county, with 51.4 percent of the vote in the county but around 200,000 votes remain to be reported.

'Trump has been meeting the thresholds he needs to at least pull even', CNN said. 'The biggest question is the composition of what's left'. Both campaigns will have a strong sense of the makeup of votes still to come in, with analytics on previous voting data which, CNN says, the 'Biden campaign says they feel good about'."
This is article is actually from November 5th. I thought it was more recent than that.

So, I'm not sure what Dark Journalist is referencing with his tweet. There seems to be some confusion on this point on Twitter. CNN never called Arizona for Biden in the first place. Fox did. However, Trump may be closing in on a win in Arizona. As per the above article, that shouldn't surprise anyone.

I'll paste it in here again:

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