2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!


That video kinda raises suspission, because it won't play through TOR and it also needs Adobe Flash which is kinda obsolete and a good attack vector to take over a users browser. Just saying ;)

Ok, I need to reply to myself. I've just cought myself on judging one side only which is wrong. This website might have valuable info but simply lacks funds to make it up to date and properly. It doesn't even have HTTPS which is a standard nowadays. So again, just saying. I'll try to investigate it deeper.
Edit to my above post; I timed out...
Edit: on top of it all, this an epic level fraud/lie. I find it hard to believe Creepy Joe has, what, 79 million votes?!? If let's say he was under DJT's 73ish we are talking about such a huge number it seems impossible to many. Florida 2000 came down to thousands or hundreds, not millions. Didn't obama have like 69 million? The big lie, too big to fail. It will be interesting to see how this plays out but seems a sort of a cache 22, damned if Trump does, damned if he doesn't situation. Let's hope the fraud is exposed completely so thinking people can see it at least.
Ok, I need to reply to myself. I've just cought myself on judging one side only which is wrong. This website might have valuable info but simply lacks funds to make it up to date and properly. It doesn't even have HTTPS which is a standard nowadays. So again, just saying. I'll try to investigate it deeper.
The guy codes his own sites, he was banned on YouTube which had lots of views and also on Facebook. He’s also on bitchute.
Thanks JEEP, I tried to post this vid but YouTube banned it minutes later. I like YouTube for non-political videos, but we need an alternative.
I found this vid at whatreallyhappened.com. Not at all surprised YouTube banned it - so clear who the enemy is. I guess there's NewTube - I don't know much about it other than the name. So many are only familiar with YouTube as the go-to site. But, I think the massive censorship is having an affect and a new alternative is needed. Bitchute also a possibility. It's unfortunate that this forum software will only allow embeds from the ones designated - bitchute isn't one of them. Fortunately this one was - vimeo.
I am afraid that your patriotic enthusiasm may lead you to utter historical untruths. It cannot be said that throughout history, the majority of governments did not have constitutions and that people were the property of the state. Civilization was not born in 1787, and the constitution of the United States, like that of France, is based on more than 2000 years of texts which, although they were not systematically called "constitution", were nonetheless founding texts that established the rules of the state and the rights and duties of each individual. People were therefore not the property of the state.

Athens already had a constitution in the 6th century B.C. And this greatly inspired Roman law, from which the Salic law was inspired as early as the 4th century in France and subsequently in most European monarchies. So I'm afraid there's not really any American exceptionalism in the sense that you mean.

The operative is, majority. I am aware of other attempts at other forms of people's government but they were only a handful.

Wikipedia: American exceptionalism - Wikipedia

American exceptionalism is a view of the United States of America that the country sees its history as inherently different from that of other nations,[2] stemming from its emergence from the American Revolution, becoming what the political scientist Seymour Martin Lipset called "the first new nation"[3] and developing a uniquely American ideology, "Americanism", based on liberty, equality before the law, individual responsibility, republicanism, representative democracy, and laissez-faire economics. This ideology itself is often referred to as "American exceptionalism."[4]
The latest from Rudy Giuliani focused on Michigan on Nov. 13th:

REVEALED: Sworn Evidence Of Pervasive Voter Fraud | Rudy Giuliani | Ep. 86​

Excellent video.
I don't know how long the ptb will be able to maintain all the lies and corruption around this election. It does seem like they have panicked, and have thrown all caution to the wind to get Trump out of there.

I keep thinking of this question that Ark asked the C's about a vision he had:

Q: (Ark) I have a question. I have a certain vision and I would like to know if this is my wishful thinking, or a good thing that I have envisioned. My vision is the following: As a response to pollution and industrialization and so on, we have this emergence of the "Green Parties". Now, my vision is that there will be very soon the beginning of a social movement like Green Peace but AGAINST all these lies. This will explode. People will go into parties fighting against these lies, okay? And it will lead even to social unrest and I see it not in the distant future. Now, is it my wishful thinking, or something like this is going to happen?

A: Expect it.

And it is interesting that Trump has stated he will start up a media channel, to circumvent the MSM and get the truth out. So in the event of Biden prevailing, if it were to come to that, a major media channel, telling the truth might even be more of a threat than another four years of Trump. As long as they hold a stranglehold on the media, nothing changes, because, as Rudy says in the video, the media acts as an iron curtain, blocking all information that they don't want out. And setting up crazy narratives to divert attention away from truthful stories.

There are lots of excellent reporters out there that would be attracted to a real investigative media outlet, like Tucker, and John Stossel to just name a few.
I did a quick search and didn't find this already posted...

"Hacking Democracy (2006)"

Synopsis from IMDB:

"This is a ground breaking documentary investigating allegations of election fraud during the 2004 U.S. presidential election. A group of concern (sic) citizens heading up watchdog organizations investigate the 2004 election in the wake of these allegations on the 2000 presidential election which ended up decided in the Supreme Court. These ordinary citizens investigate voter machine hardware and software security holes in systems used in numerous states including Ohio, Florida and California. They demonstrate with the help of a computer programmer how easy it is to change the numbers tallied on Diebold voting machines that count ballots. They are forced to the extreme of picking the trash at a Florida county warehouse to discover ballot tapes with numbers that mismatched the official election authority records, giving George Bush a lead in the numbers."

Diebold was in the news during the last big spike in public awareness regarding the trustworthiness of voting machines. Even after legal punishments were handed down, (a relatively insignificant fine of 3 million dollars and no criminal prosecutions) and the disgrace of Diebold, nothing much has changed in the larger industry. It seems psychopaths don't learn new tricks, and just keep punching the same button. And why not? It keeps working most of the time, and may even work again this time.

It's amazing how similar the stories from 2004 and today are. With only minor detail changes, this could be a piece of modern journalism.
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This is from yesterday, 11/17/2020. It looks like Michigan will go to Trump. I think the potential bombshell that Sidney Powell just announced, is that this voting system is used all over the world to rig elections and steal them from the people putting chosen rulers in power. At the end she says that more and more witnesses are coming forward and its very scary for some of them as they fear for their lives.

I listened to this just before Sidney Powell. This gives a good overall picture of the world plan by the globalists.. The central bankers are implementing their reset and Trump is screwing up the works by design. Now, one of their massive systems of world wide control is being exposed, their rigged election operation through Dominion. He mentions the server in Germany which disclosed the real votes for Trump and showed the landslide. This map was on Lauras facebook.


One more! This was a surprise. Laura Ingraham covers the MAGA rally in a positive light and lays out the horrible behavior of the Dems. And she describes their plans for the RESET another crappy idea she says. Fox has become bizarre, so schizophrenic. The 2 faced Janus.

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