2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Just a reminder that the presidential debate will happen upcoming Tuesday.

Holy Christ! It's really happening. I will be at work but I will see what I can there and there will be ways to see it after that.
This whole thing is surreal. Biden can't even speak coherent sentences, how's he going to debate Trump? How can it be anything other than a complete embarrassment for the whole country?

I mean, let's get some popcorn and enjoy the show! That's all I'm sayn!
Holy Christ! It's really happening. I will be at work but I will see what I can there and there will be ways to see it after that.
This whole thing is surreal. Biden can't even speak coherent sentences, how's he going to debate Trump? How can it be anything other than a complete embarrassment for the whole country?

I mean, let's get some popcorn and enjoy the show! That's all I'm sayn!
Yeah, I'm kind of in disbelief over here... It won't happen until it's actually happening. Totally expecting some kind of excuse for Biden to get out of it.
My question is how will the Supreme Court rule in regards to all the last minute changes to voting rules some states are making so the Dems can win by cheating. This is the reason why having another judge placed whose a constitutionalist is so important, which is obvious. From what I gather, its the Supreme Court, Democrat majority, in these states that are making the rulings and by law its the legislative branch that is entrusted with these decisions. Therefore all rulings go against the law and are unconstitutional and will be thrown out by the Supreme court (if all goes well). The answer to my question came from a commenter on The Gateway Pundit which I've copied here. The observation is made that the Republicans reps of these states are doing nothing to challenge these unlawful acts, which is their job, but are handing over their responsibility to the Federal Supreme court to uphold the law. :-( The citizens role is to call our state reps. in mass.

Article I, Section 4
...The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof
Judges nor the judicial branch have any role in deciding the time, places and protocols for Congressional elections.

ApolloTrack89an hour ago
In Pennsylvania, Michigan, Minnesota and Wisconsin,
Democrat activists dressed in black robes have fundamentally rewritten
state election laws. Among their various revisions to these crucial
Mail-in ballots can be received up to seven (7) days after the election and still be counted.
These ballots can be missing postmarks and still be counted.
The signature on the ballot doesn't even have to match with that of the registered voter.
And, as a bonus, they have banned the Green Party from the ballot to prevent erosion of the Biden vote
All of these illegal proclamations directly contravene state law and are simply naked, partisan attempts to swing the election.
More importantly, they are in clear violation of the Constitution.

Article I, Section 4
...The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof
Judges nor the judicial branch have any role in deciding the time, places and protocols for Congressional elections.

Which means that even if the illegal vote harvesting scam promoted by
certain state Supreme Courts at the presidential level goes
unchallenged, the clear text of the Constitution prevents any other
federal office-holder from being counted if it is in violation of state
As for the presidential election, the Constitution is equally clear, as Mark Levin has repeatedly pointed out.

Article II, Section 1

...Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct,
a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and
Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but
no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or
Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector…

Once again, the legislature is wholly responsible for directing the manner of presidential elections.

Judges have no role in dictating the times, places and manner of elections for any federal officeholder.

But Article 1, Section 4 of the Constitution clearly dictates that
any down-ticket federal elections must conform explicitly to the
legislative body’s instructions.

All the republican reps in these states, are depending on the Supreme Court to rule as the constitution states instead of enforcing the election laws in their own states, telling the judges to pound sand and carrying on. They want someone else to do the work so they, in an election year, won't have to answer for it.
This site shows a comprehensive list of all the states where fraudulent voting measures are being enacted and the countermeasures taken. It sounds like the Dems are sending 100's of lawyers to all (?) states to muck up the works. A good example of gas lighting is all the fake polls that show Biden is ahead of Trump when actually a landslide seems to be the case.

** The Trump Campaign recently launched the Lawyers for Trump Coalition and the Protect the Vote website.

The RNC and the Trump campaign are aggressively fighting back against the Democrats’ assault on the integrity of our elections. All across the country, Democrats are trying to use coronavirus and the courts to legalize ballot harvesting, implement a nationwide mail-in ballot system, and eliminate nearly every safeguard in our elections.

Jenna Ellis said, “We will fight in every Court we have to in order to guarantee the American people free and fair elections that are constitutionally protected.” She added, “This also isn’t just about the presidential election. It affects every election all the way down ticket. If 2020 has taught us anything, state and local elections matter too.”

I mean, let's get some popcorn and enjoy the show! That's all I'm sayn!

We're having a watch party! May I recommend this popcorn, done in bacon fat. Add some fizzy water drinks and you're all set!

Still, if it actually happens, it's probably not going to be as fun as Killary. Joe is likely to be a sad, sitting duck. No amount of drugs, or coaching, or whispering in his ear is going to help. But you never know. Maybe he'll be so rambling and chaotic it might throw Trump off, or make him go easy on Biden. Kind of like not turning a kid's hockey game into a rout because sportsmanship. Plus the first moderator Chris Wallace, will be openly partisan.
Biggest voter fraud in history of US:

Personally I feel this one is cut and dry. Anyone who cares about this country should be in a rage after watching this, and they should simply call the department of justice and relay the information and DEMAND an investigation against Ilan Omar and her office in particular. And demand as a United States Citizen that we have the right to feel we have a secure voting process in place for our elected public officials.

Project Veritas Video Exposes Rep. ‘Ilhan Omar Connected Cash-For-Ballots Scheme’
By Cassandra Fairbanks
Published September 27, 2020 at 8:16pm

The latest video exposé from Project Veritas reveals a ballot harvesting scheme involving political allies and associates of Rep. Ilhan Omar,” according to the organization.

In undercover footage released on Sunday, the investigative journalists at Project Veritas found that Omar’s campaign manager Ali Isse Gainey is a key player in the ballot harvesting scheme.

The footage shows a man named Liban Mohamed saying that he was collecting the ballots to help his brother win the city’s Aug. 11 special election for a vacant Ward 6 city council race—which was held the same day as the primary for Omar’s MN-05 congressional seat.

BREAKING: @IlhanOmarconnected cash-for-ballots harvesting scheme EXPOSED
“Money is the king in everything”; harvester boasts harvesting HUNDREDS of 2020 absentee ballots ILLEGALLY! “Numbers do not lie…these here are all absentee ballots…my car is full…”#BallotHarvestingpic.twitter.com/cB2Bz31mSY
— James O’Keefe (@JamesOKeefeIII) September 28,

“Numbers don’t lie. Numbers don’t lie. You can see my car is full. All these here are absentees’ ballots. Can’t you see? Look at all these, my car is full. All these are for Jamal Osman… We got 300 today for Jamal Osman only,” said Liban Mohamed in a series of Snapchat videos posted July 1 and July 2 on his own Snapchat profile.
Mohamed continued on to say that “Money is everything. Money is the king in this world. If you got no money, you should not be here period. You know what I am saying.”

“Ballot harvesting is real and it has become a big business. Our investigation into this ballot harvesting ring demonstrates clearly how these unscrupulous operators exploit the elderly and immigrant communities—and have turned the sacred ballot box into a commodities trading desk,” Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe III said in a statement accompanying the video release.
O’Keefe added, “We are showing Americans what is really going on in one of our great cities—but, it’s not me saying—we have the operators on tape saying it all themselves.”
Omar Jamal, political insider active in the city’s Somali community, had reached out to Project Veritas to expose the scheme.
“It’s an open secret,” he said. “she [Omar] will do anything that she can do to get elected and she has hundreds of people on the streets doing that."
This is from another forum I browse. I remember this last year and how everyone kind of shrugged it off, but it definitely looked like she was wearing a wire of some sort. Makes sense with what we know about psychopaths, most of them don't have the capability to grasp concepts or master subjects beyond a shallow level. Could Biden use a similar technology to help him? Is that why Trump admin asked for checks for wires? Of course they declined that, and a drug test. If this in fact the case, I think Biden is too far gone mentally, certainly much further mentally degraded than Clinton. I think it's got a decent chance of backfiring - can he really go 90 minutes without losing himself, and making it obvious?

Color me surprised. I’ve been predicting for months now that Joe Biden would bail out on the debates, due to his inability to string two sentences together without a teleprompter. But it now looks like Biden will attend the first debate tomorrow night. His team has figured out a technological workaround to help control him in public appearances and keep up the charade that Biden has most of his faculties.

After all the years that I worked in TV news, I’m kind of kicking myself that I didn’t spot this trick earlier. Keep in mind that Democrats are willing to do just about anything to cheat in a presidential election. This includes grade-school level cheating, such as then DNC head honcho Donna Brazile handing CNN’s debate questions to Hillary Clinton prior to the debate. But it also includes much more sophisticated, technological methods.

Think back to the first debate in 2016 between Trump and Crooked Hillary. That’s the debate where she wore the red pantsuit that she stole from Kim Jong Un’s wardrobe. Literally everyone on the right noticed the square box under Hillary’s jacket that was taped to her back, and the wires running up toward her head.

The device sparked a lot of theories about what it was, with some thinking it was some type of medical device to control Hillary’s seizures. But having worked in TV for so many years, I instantly recognized it, because I used to wear one at work every day. It was a power source and wireless receiver for Hillary’s IFB (her earpiece). Someone within close enough proximity was able to relay information to Hillary during the debates to make it look like she just has so many obscure facts and figures floating around in her big brain.

The funny thing is: Trump knew. If you re-watch that first debate, when Trump shakes Hillary’s hand at the very beginning, he reaches over with his left hand and taps Hillary on the back – directly on the wires. He was signaling to her, “I know you’re cheating, you wretched villain, but I’m going to beat you anyway.”

After that first debate, the media went out of its way to not do any close-ups on Hillary from behind, because everyone knew she was wearing a gadget to help her cheat.

Fast forward to 2020, and here is how Joe Biden’s team plans to cheat. They’ve already tested this method out in several public appearances. Is Joe Biden using a teleprompter part of the time? Yes, absolutely. We’ve all seen it. He’s using handwritten notes, a teleprompter, his computer screen and any other resource they can to prop him up and make it look like he’s not a really old man with really bad Alzheimer’s.

But this… this is an inspired piece of evil genius. This is going to sound like something out of a science fiction movie but bear with me. This is totally real, and I’ll prove it to you.

Joe Biden has a medical device implanted in his skull.

It’s called the Esteem Hearing Implant which you can learn about HERE. It’s an implant that goes into the skull above the ear and it has two micro-wire probes that are injected into the nerves inside the ear canal. It’s FDA-approved and it uses bone conduction to enhance hearing (sound waves vibrate off the bones of the skull, and the wire probes send the signal directly into the ear, basically). It’s wireless and it’s controlled by the push of a button, so the user can turn it on and off with a little device… that fits in your pocket.

And that’s how the experts at Bombards Body Language spotted this trick. Joe Biden gets really addled during unscripted, public appearances and interviews. It happened during the CNN Town Hall recently. When someone starts talking to Joe Biden, there are times when he gets that “addled old man” expression of sheer terror and confusion on his face. He’s totally lost and doesn’t have a clue where he is or what’s happening.

But then – every single time – Joe Biden does what he’s been trained to do in these situations. His right hand goes into his pocket. Then he smiles that big Joe Biden politician smile that we all recognize after 47 years of this guy being in office. Then he answers the question.

When Joe Biden gets confused, he reaches into his pocket and turns on the implant. Whoever is talking to him on the other end instructs him to smile and then starts relaying answers to him until he gets back on track. Joe hears it because the implant receives a wireless signal and vibrates the bones in his skull.

The body language experts have also noticed that whenever Biden is receiving instructions through the implant, he cannot make eye contact with the person asking him a question. This is a natural response. Even a young, healthy and spry young mind like Donald Trump’s cannot receive communication input from two sources at once. Joe Biden has to look away from the speaker in order to listen to his handlers, which is why he always looks down when he’s being asked a question. He’s not thinking or listening intently; he’s receiving instructions from his handlers on which set of talking points to rattle off.

Now we know. And now you know what to watch for during the debates. If Joe Biden looks terrorized and completely lost and confused, he’ll reach into his pocket to turn on his skull implant and then he’ll smile. Every time. We also know why Joe Biden completely vanished from the campaign trail during July. He wasn’t just hiding in his basement. He was getting his implant installed and recovering from surgery.
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