2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Holy Christ! It's really happening. I will be at work but I will see what I can there and there will be ways to see it after that.
This whole thing is surreal. Biden can't even speak coherent sentences, how's he going to debate Trump? How can it be anything other than a complete embarrassment for the whole country?

I mean, let's get some popcorn and enjoy the show! That's all I'm sayn!
I’m surprised as well that Biden is going ahead and debating Trump! I can’t believe the Dems will leave it up to chance. I suspect they’ll have some tricks up their sleeve like perhaps an earpiece where he is instructed what to say (still taking a chance), or perhaps use a very good body double (pure speculation of course). Or maybe some other tech that we’re not aware of. I dunno. They surely must know of his cognitive decline.

In any case, it will be interesting! Let the games begin indeed!
Old Joe was able to hold it together surprisingly well! How is that possible?

An earpiece helps!

As for the whole thing, which we watched live. Biden was allowed to avoid the tough questions while Trump was not. Biden's policies have no coherence:

I bet he's not even aware of what the GND actually is.

The rest of the spectacle was essentially topics chosen to hit Trump hard and discuss all the things that the Left/media thinks he's doing wrong - SCOTUS, health insurance, covid, economy. Hardly any resemblance of a balanced debate, especially the combative moderator.

Biden says Trump is responsible for a recession, yet it's the Dem governors who shut down all the states. And in the next breath, Biden talks about keeping schools closed and wants to shut down the whole country (which will cause another, bigger recession). There is zero logic to so much of what he says. Painful that so many people will vote for him.
A combination of both sounds more than likely to me.

Yes, Biden was surprisingly alert and coherent by his standards. They must've pumped him up with a gigantic load of drugs. It was obvious at several points in the debate that he was listening for instructions...his head tilted slightly downwards, not looking at the talker, just as you would do when you listen to something very closely with your earphones.

The image and video clip with the wire showing is going viral, and I think the most plausible equipment he was using is something like in the image below:


Observe in the image, that the microphone is inserted in the arm, could this be what is popping out his sleeve?

The 'the worlds smallest earpiece' is, indeed, very small and you just pop it into your ear:


See this commercial of their product:

This gadget has been available for years – here's one guy reviewing the thing in 2015

I watched the debate, It looks to me as a disaster. Some media outlets are calling it "Sh*t show". At one point, It was ridiculous that Chris was making the talk when Joe was fumbling. I liked it when he confronted Chris Wallace saying "I am not here to debate with you, I am here to debate with Joe". Though Chris backed down, he was laughing at the show he is hosting as if it is a comedy show. Probably, that's how they see this - make it a laughing stock when they can't control Trump. In a way, that's what they did for 4 years of Trump presidency. Trump was grumpy throughout the debate. Though Trump should have handled much better, Joe was literally clueless and childish in repeatedly saying "All Lies", "Don't listen to him" and so on. It all looked like 2 kids quarreling.
I know the sentiment here is pro-Trump, but it was rather painfull to watch from both sides IMO. I believe Trump is the less-worse of the two, but I think it is sad to conclude that this what democracy in the US turned out to.
Actually, I'd have to say it's more 'pro-truth' and 'pro-reality' than 'pro' either political 'side', and 'sides' may not even end up not being appropriate, due to the huge amount of lying and corruption going on. The American public need to start voting for good people, rather than for those with a 'label' attached to them. A label is essentially meaningless now, as it applies to a person's worth.

The Democrats originally had quite a number of impressive candidates running for the office of President, and yet they didn't even get a look in. Instead, they got a cognitively impaired, corrupt creepy guy, with a nightmare VP candidate. Yes, she's a person of color, a female, but so what? You take away those things, and what do you get?

In my mind, "The Law" is a weakness now for those in power. They are relying on it too much, without realizing that it's a double edged sword, and this sword can be used against them. They seem to be oblivious to this, and we're seeing it everywhere. An interesting situation in a world where lawyers (attorneys) can be entertaining where previously they were seen as 'not so much'. A new reality?

This was the most ridiculous debate I've ever seen; a middle school food fight indeed. Some of it was an entertaining comedy hour, but if this is what people are supposed to assess the leadership qualities and potentials of people for running the country, the country is doomed. I did like the part where Trump called out Chris Wallace for trying to debate him, and some of his boisterousness was justified when he would try to throw bones to Biden to make him look better. Whenever Trump was trying to address conspiracy theories that everyone with half a brain knows are true, such as voter fraud and the democrats' coup, Wallace or Biden would try to interrupt him and move on to another subject. I can see where Trump would get a bit unruly over that. I do think that Trump looked like an immature hothead not letting Biden have his uninterrupted 2 minutes to spew his BS and needs to tone it down a bit. I would've taken a more "Art of War" approach and patiently waited while the enemy postures and blunders, and then mounted a calm and coherent counterattack. Then if Biden and Wallace want to employ their subterfuge on me during the open discussion, I go all-out. You have to be able to play the lion and the fox and know when to switch. The best part of the debate for me is when Trump got Biden to proclaim that Antifa is not an organization but merely an idea. If you live in an area where they've been burning stuff down and beating people up, you know that Biden is absolutely full of it. Wallace dumped gas on the fire by forcing Trump into some kind of strained denunciation of "white supremacists," while giving Biden a virtually free pass on the left wing rioters doing most of the damage. To anyone paying attention, that makes Wallace and Biden look like idiotic ideological shills.
Even before the debate I was thinking they must have some drug(s) that can boost cognitive function temporarily. So Biden no doubt had every imaginable advantage including pre-debate coaching, and some way they were communicating with him during the debate. And topics that were favorable (supposedly) I found it depressing that even Trump can't really speak candidly about Covid. At least he was able to make the valid point that Joe will likely shut down the whole country if elected. Too many Americans still don't understand the real stakes at play in this election. Joe is a puppet, Trump is not. Or at least not completely.
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