2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Don't know if it's possible, but was there an attempt to reset his circadian rhythm? It was well noted that his campaigning was being halted promptly at 9:30 in the morning - "they put a lid on it". And it's been suggested he's been exhibiting sundowning. So maybe sleepy Joe was sent to his basement to sleep until an artificial morning/day was created with lighting. If he can function reasonably well in morning, train his body to think it is morning when it's actually 9 p.m.

I watched the last 40 min. Don't think it changed any minds of those who already supported their candidate. More then reprehensible that Biden repeated the claim that Trump had called soldiers suckers and losers - a total falsehood - and a couple of other lies recently pushed by the MSM. Trump was so ticked about the soldier lie that he talked over Joe to call him out on his "stupid bastards" remark to soldiers that was actually recorded. I do think that remark was a macho jest thing although Joe probably does think soldiers are actually saps. We know the war on terror is bogus and so does he.

As already noted, Trump had to call out Wallace, that he wasn't there to debate him, so it was almost two against one. Not fair and no doubt caused Trump to be more aggressive and dismissive of the rules. He clearly was not going to allow lies and misrepresentations of his presidency go unchallenged. That this debate had no audience clearly made a difference, too. Have to wonder how many boos would have been launched at Biden's repeated lies regarding Trump. Biden did get confused on the Green New Deal exchange, mistakenly saying he was for it when he meant his own plan. Trump and Wallace both reacted to that as it confused them as well.

Overall, an extremely sad showing by both candidates, and that our political process has devolved to such a low level - reality TV all the way. Maybe the next debate will reach a higher standard.
Trump acted like an alpha silverback gorilla. Biden and Wallace were conquered by mere bravado and now all of the women Biden and Wallace know belong to Trump. At least that’s the impression I got.

All that was missing was machine gun fire into the night sky and motorcycles.
As already noted, Trump had to call out Wallace, that he wasn't there to debate him, so it was almost two against one.

You could see while him and Trump were getting into it, it was as if at particular moments he was getting pointers on stage to bring the focus back to a particular talking point.
Soo, three or more against one.
I was disappointed with our president at first as he was so combative right out of the gate. It seemed to me, Trump was trying to rile Biden at the very beginning with a fast knock out punch.

Here's another possibility concerning Trumps anger and aggression right from the beginning and maybe more will come out on this. I just listened to a commentator that said Trump knew of all the wiring etc. to prop Joe up and he was very angry his requests weren't followed for the drug test and examination for an ear piece. That makes a lot of sense. Plus, he knows Chris Wallace has been an antagonist for quite some time and so the whole debate was stacked against him. Also some comments coming out as to even the lighting being altered to make Trump look more aggressive.
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He Almost Got Away With It: The Devious Chris Wallace “Two-Step” that Tried but Failed to Hand the Debate to Biden

This seems to be a pretty good critique of Chria Wallace's performance.

Here's another possibility concerning Trumps anger and aggression right from the beginning and maybe more will come out on this. I just listened to a commentator that said Trump knew of all the wiring etc. to prop Joe up and he was very angry his requests weren't followed for the drug test and examination for an ear piece. That makes a lot of sense. Plus, he knows Chris Wallace has been an antagonist for quite some time and so the whole debate was stacked against him. Also some comments coming out as to even the lighting being altered to make Trump look more aggressive.
I think that Trump chose a 'bullying' strategy, that worked against Hillary, in hopes of confusing or making Biden angry. We've seen a couple of times before how Biden can get very aggressive when he gets a tough question that is off the preplanned script. Without Wallace this tactic might have worked. Wallace came to the rescue several times as Biden was getting worked up or starting to get confused. We'll see if Trump chooses the same tactic the next time.

Also, and I could be wrong, but boosting your brain function with powerful drugs couls take its toll. If Biden was seriously boosted this time, they will need even more to get him going the next time.
I watched the whole debate, and I couldn't believe how much they were not allowed to debate. Wallace continually interrupted Trump, and was more interested in the rules of the debate, rather than the debate itself. The rules were clearly designed to limit the amount of damage to Biden. And allowed Biden to spew endless lies, with no chance of rebuttal. No wonder Trump was frustrated.
The debate was a mess, but the way it was designed and moderated, it really wasn't allowed to be anything resembling a real debate.
Was probably pretty much a zero sum. But I think Trump did say some things that will resonate with people suffering in Dem cities. Especially the law and order he talked about.
Biden was asked if he picked up the phone and called some of his Democrat gov's, and talked about what to do about the violence and riots going on, and he sidestepped the question, saying something like I am not in an official govt position to do that.
But earlier, when confronted about some of the Democratic policies, he said that he was the Democratic Party, and those were not his policies. So some positions of convenience there, that were not challenged by the moderator, who asked the question.
Here's a real different perspective. Dan Bongino lays out what he thinks the strategy was behind the Trump campaign with how Biden was handled during the debate. At this time its all about each candidates base of supporters and the independents/undecided are somewhat irrelevant. Most already know who they're voting for. Trump was appealing to his base (and new supporters) mainly during the debate which is point #1 and also trying to distance Biden's base away from him as point #2. Biden has 2 bases he's catering to, moderate Dems and the radical left socialists who have the power. You may have noticed he flips on these 2 perspectives depending upon who he's speaking to. Several clips are shown where Trump gets Biden to disavow his socialist agenda, the green new deal being one good example. Now the MSM is calling for future debates to be cancelled and Dan says this is the indicator that Trump did some damage. Although the execution of the strategy was a bit of a mess, this was the plan.

Generally speaking, I always thought of those "debates" in America more as a joke and show than anything even slightly approaching real substance. I find the very idea of those debates and the "I'm better than you" stick all throughout rather disgusting. In America so much seems to revolve around superficialities and who puts up the best show, rather than actual realities and matters. In the end what seems to matter is who has made the best show and "degrading" the other and such rather than substance. Pretty childish no matter how I look at it. It's all for the show. I could hardly imagine such a silly thing happening in a more or less normal society. Do the russians for example need such silly "debates" before an election? I dunno, I could hardly imagine someone like Putin even being willing to put up with that kind of nonsensical child play.

So from my standpoint I don't expect much more of those debates. Even though many people seem to base their decision on such debates, I would never consider those debates and what happens in them as a yardstick on which to decide for whom to vote. Rather I like to look at the actual track record of a person and base my judgement on this.

Clearly Trump has a far better track record than a slimy pedo-psycho such as Biden could ever dream of. I would vote for Trump over Biden any day. Actually I thought Trump was rather civil against Biden there because he could surely have pulled out much more and corner the psycho. At some points I also thought that Trump might have felt a bit sorry for that old senile guy.
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They Know Who Won: Thoroughly Defeated Democrats Urge Joe Biden to Cancel Future Debates

Last night was the first presidential candidates debate of the 2020 campaign season. The immediate takeaways were that:
  • Trump was taking on two politicians
  • Chris Wallace interrupted President Trump 76 times to just 15 times for Joe Biden
  • Joe Biden couldn’t answer a question
  • Joe Biden’s name-calling was disgusting and inappropriate
  • Joe Biden made 33 false or misleading statements
  • Democrats have to lie to the public about their policies and plans because they are so unpopular and destructive
Democrats left the debate thoroughly defeated. They know they lost.

How do we know that? Because top Democrats are now all calling for Joe Biden to cancel any future debates.
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