2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

This article is a good read:

Especially this part:

With the U.S. presidential election currently being contested, it is hard to say how the next few months will play out in detail. As I have been pointing out since July, a contested election is the best possible scenario for the globalists because it creates a Catch-22 situation:
  1. If Trump stays in office, the political left will accuse him of usurping the presidency and there will be mass riots in the streets. Conservatives will be tempted with the idea of bringing in martial law to suppress rioters, and such measures will undermine the flow of the U.S. economy, causing its fragile structure to implode.
  2. If Biden enters the White House, then he will attempt a Level 4 lockdown similar to the lockdowns we have seen in Australia, France, Germany and the UK; perhaps even worse. Our economy will crumble, conservatives will revolt, and Biden will attempt martial law measures.
Either way, the globalists get their crisis, and therein their opportunity.

Trump is walking into a trap. Or will Biden take all the heat? If I were the Elite. I would choose Trump. In this way they can destroy him once and for all.
Pennsylvania Court grants hearing in election integrity case challenging the constitutionality of Act 77 (mail-in ballots). 💥💥💥

A Pennsylvania judge on Wednesday ordered state officials to not certify the results of the 2020 election until her court holds a hearing on an election contest on Friday.

Commonwealth Judge Patricia McCullough ordered the state to not take any further steps to complete the certification of the presidential race, which the state announced on Tuesday. She also blocked the certification of all the other election results.
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What I mean is that claiming Trump has 'reactivated NSAM-57', a National Security Memorandum drafted by JFK in 1963 to 'take back control of CIA Special Ops from the CIA' is extreme wishful thinking.
Yes, but I wouldn't dismiss it out of hand. There's a lot here to consider. Dark Journalist, Daniel Liszt, has recently been researching JFK; his comparing Trump's new Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller's decision to move Special Ops to the Defense Secretary thereby demoting the CIA's role, to JFK's Security Action Memorandum 57, Kennedy's plan to do the same, should not be summarily dismissed without further inquiry.

I meant to link to the article linked to in a screenshot of one of the Dark Journalist tweets I shared earlier on this thread, which has as one of its sources John Solomon of Just the News -- a reporter Trump has retweeted. The article links to the Dark Journalist's own tweets on this, including his link to a copy of JFK's Security Action Memorandum 57 -- something I was just reading about in James W. Douglass' "JFK and the Unspeakable."

It seems the reason you haven't seen this material elsewhere is that Liszt was the one making the connection.

Douglass states in his book that Kennedy feared he was no match not just for the CIA but for the Pentagon as well. In this new context with Trump, what needs to be examined more thoroughly is his present re-shuffling of leadership, which I know has been touched on in this thread already.

Trump is certainly not exiting quietly, and is apparently preparing for what is just ahead. That this harks back to Kennedy's predicament and plans for reform (which, due to his assassination, he was unable to put in place), I don't think is so much of a stretch. And, as per one of the excerpts I've pasted in below, "Kennedy's vision" is specifically referenced in a speech by Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, Ezra Cohen-Watnick. Here's the opening of Cohen-Watnick's bio:


Mr. Ezra Cohen-Watnick became Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security on Nov. 10, 2020. He had served as the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict. In that role, he was responsible for all policy formulation and oversight for Department of Defense counterterrorism, special operations, counternarcotics, detainee affairs, peacekeeping, humanitarian assistance, and stability operations.

[end excerpt]

Liszt no doubt erred in stating that Trump specifically reactivated NSAM-57. He instead should have just stuck with the comparison. Still, the similarities are worth considering.

Here's a link to the article Liszt had linked to in his tweet, with some excerpts below it:

JFK’S VISION: Trump’s DOD ‘Watershed Reform’ with Special Operations Civilian Leadership​


Miller said the move for Special Ops comes in recognition of the nation’s increasing reliance on its covert forces.

“I have directed the special operations civilian leadership to report directly to me,” Miller said. “It will put Special Operations Command on par with the military services for the first time. This reform will immediately improve agility for the department and the command and will enable us to streamline decision flow; enhance decision-making; and more adeptly support our commanders and their superb soldiers, sailors, airmen, and Marines.”

With the support of President Donald Trump, “We are forging the next chapter in the history of U.S. Special Operations forces and formalizing a watershed reform,” Miller added. “Right now, we start the transition to provide greater civilian oversight of and, critically, advocacy for our special operators.”


Miller delivered remarks at the Special Operations Memorial Plaza during a visit to Fort Bragg, N.C. on Wednesday, join[ed] by Ezra Cohen-Watnick.

Former President John F. Kennedy was invoked at the announcement.

“Ezra Cohen-Watnick just delivered a speech regarding the move to place civilian SpecOps directly underneath the Acting Sec of Defense. Listen closely,” one poster wrote.


“The Department of Defense has started the process of formalizing what we have long known the fundamental role of US Special operations in defense of the foreign policy, and by elevating special operations forces to a level on par with Military Departments as authorized and erected by Congress. As we enact these reforms, we follow these reforms; we enact the vision of President John F. Kennedy, who predicted the rise of special operations nearly 60 years ago. He foresaw “another type of war, new in its intensity, ancient in its origin that would require a whole new kind of strategy, a wholly different kind of force, and forces which are too unconventional."

President Kennedy gave these remarks at the nuclear age opening when the Pentagon was primarily organized to plan and direct large conventional operations against superpowers, not special operations short of overt declared conflicts. The Global demands for special operations forces, then and now, have confirmed his foresight. Under President Trump’s leadership, we fully realize President Kennedy’s view of Special Operations. We should be again entering of great power competitions as we will affirm the importance of the special operations committee and then, as now I know the special operations will play a vital role and by historical reforms that we have enacted today, will give us civilian forces [commensurate?] to the secretary’s other military departments. I am honored to serve as your service secretary,” Cohen-Watnick said.


Here is President Kennedy's NSAM 57 which gives the Special Operations authority back to the Pentagon demoting the CIA. Acting Defense Secretary Miller activated this authority in his Special Ops order today: pic.twitter.com/klzTcXPXqd
— Dark Journalist (@darkjournalist) November 18, 2020

[end excerpts]
What troubles me is that they only at the last moment when a Trump win was certain they pulled the plug and start bringing in votes with a rate of 95%-100% for Biden.

Why didn't they spread it out right at the start. Why make it so obvious. Why give Biden 100% of the votes update after update.

They could have spread it out, make it subtle. Make it diffecult to spot, but no. I mean they couldn't have make it more obvious. But they did! And they must have their reasons for doing so.

Nothing feels right about this.
Why didn't they spread it out right at the start. Why make it so obvious. Why give Biden 100% of the votes update after update.

They could have spread it out, make it subtle. Make it diffecult to spot, but no. I mean they couldn't have make it more obvious.

Has the same thought. One possible conclusion is that the 'high level' riggers planned it this way, and therefore likely planned for the vote to be overturned for Trump. Another is that the riggers were low level, and were too arrogant and thought they would get away with it. Hard to know, but I'd say the first scenario is more likely, because they want chaos.
Has the same thought. One possible conclusion is that the 'high level' riggers planned it this way, and therefore likely planned for the vote to be overturned for Trump. Another is that the riggers were low level, and were too arrogant and thought they would get away with it. Hard to know, but I'd say the first scenario is more likely, because they want chaos.
I think it's both actually. Faction A (lower levels) of the PTB wanted to get their man in no matter what. Faction C (higher levels) considered Biden to have fallen too far out of favor and didn't have the emotional impact necessary, so they had designed a contingency plan to play Trump in a contested election in order to generate that impact if Biden fell too far short.
@bjorn @Joe
We have to consider the circles of power here. Higher circle want chaos, but would anyway like to also take back the hand on the US. For this circle of power, Trump's victory remains to worst issue on the 2 (for them)
But at the lower circle, the one who rigged, pretty sure that they do all they can and they still believe they will succeed. After all, the litterally playing their life now. Having made some such "visible" rigging was not planned, I doubt this. I do not think that they considered such opposition on these rigged results, meaning that they never figured out that the investigations would go so far in data analysis followed by exposure, and reason is just because of their wishful thinking. Also, the higher level of circle need to keep a strong lower level, because these are their minions who act, who have key positions, a role.
That's at least my opinion.
They knew they were going to get caught so they made the cheating obvious in order for DT to go ballistic on it. That's probably what Lin Wood means when he said in a tweet today "They knew they would get caught. They have other plans, President is ready."

As soon as DT is declared the winner, ANTIFA will flood the streets and do what they do best. The biggest mistake that DT could make is administer a federal beatdown of the uproar. I believe that this kind of conflict is what the left is looking to provoke.
I think it's both actually. Faction A (lower levels) of the PTB wanted to get their man in no matter what. Faction C (higher levels) considered Biden to have fallen too far out of favor and didn't have the emotional impact necessary, so they had designed a contingency plan to play Trump in a contested election in order to generate that impact if Biden fell too far short.

Maybe, although I don't think the higher level PTB had any problem with Biden as president. He fit the bill of a traditional, ceremonial POTUS-dupe for the deep state perfectly. If they have decided on a plan to overturn the election for Trump in this way, then the primary motivation can only be to create the chaos that will undoubtedly ensue if that comes about. But maybe there is an element of both at play in the form of the PTB's broad scale vote rigging via machines and the common or garden variety 'never trumpers' who felt that they had a 'sacred task' or moral obligation to make sure Trump did not win, and went about it in a rather crass way.
Trump is walking into a trap. Or will Biden take all the heat? If I were the Elite. I would choose Trump. In this way they can destroy him once and for all.
Since the election was forcefully crashed in November, Trump's team had ~20 days [so far] to make critical repairs and start up the machine of their legal challenge processes. We can already see the first raindrops of it, the storm it will bring.

It looks like Dec 9, 2020 is a crucial juncture. Either a critical lawsuit will be filed that day or a key announcement will be made. We, the public, might learn later from the media.

I think, after Dec 9 the widespread effects of the US election's legal challenge process will be felt everywhere: like a speeding train with broken brakes rushing uncontrollably with all of us on board:
- "Hang on to your hats and buy food supplies, for a storm is coming!" - Thomas Paine already warned in his Friday, Nov 20 show.

Trudeau already called the January 2021 Great Reset a conspiracy theory after video of him promoting the globalist initiative went viral. 2020 might end with a turbulent "Merry Christmas" and 2021 promises to be a very busy January.
We have to consider the circles of power here. Higher circle want chaos, but would anyway like to also take back the hand on the US. For this circle of power, Trump's victory remains to worst issue on the 2 (for them)

Yeah, that's what we're musing about. The idea that the higher levels don't want Trump in power seems reasonable, but it also seems reasonable that they might want him IN power rather than out of it, where he would likely build momentum with his supporters and then make a stronger comeback later. IN power, they might think they can more easily 'take him out', in one way or another, and get lots of social chaos in the process. As I've said before, I think these people are now in the 'social chaos as a means of population control' part of their machinations, rather than the previous 'information management' period.
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