2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

The evidence for these elections being fraudulent os becoming more obvious as time passes. This is a good article on SOTT

Another thing that I haven't really seen mentioned is election interference in the US by a foreign country.... There's strong evidence this took place in this past US election. Guess the offending country?


UK Column (alt news site based in the UK) has been saying this for a while. They've collated and noted quite convincing evidence of this. In any case, looks like the UK is pivoting to a new role in the world - UK column are breaking this down as well. You'll note Boris our beloved leader managed to find a whole bunch of money recently to throw at the military and you'll note how the UK is now using the military in internal matters pertaining to covid... You'll also notice that the government is employing behavioural science in all it does and is extending its network to different areas whilst decreasing physical presence.
Bush and the like are darlings of the system. John McCain was a darling of the system too. All these men were Republican - they were hardly gender bender advocates.

Bushes and McCain were RINO's. They would never oppose the Left and never would vote for the conservatives. Their examples of slimey swamp creatures that thrive in the bottom of the muddy swamp.

Conservatives are Republicans but most Republicans are not conservatives.
“Conservatives are Republicans but most Republicans are not conservatives.”

To carry this further, the definitions or understanding of liberal, conservatism etc have been flipped topsy turvy in my lifetime. 50 years ago the conservatives would have been demanding more lockdowns and the liberals would have decried the government oppression and destruction of individual rights. Now...not so much.
I was going over this statistical proof of election fraud that was recently on SOTT and thought it was pretty darn good to say the least.

Anomalies in Vote Counts and Their Effects on Election 2020: Quantitative Analysis of Decisive Updates in MI, WI, and GA on and after Election Night -- Sott.net


The article was admittedly a bit difficult for me to follow completely, but can say it's good in that the authors were able to create a data structure that graphically highlights certain history-making vote drops that stand out as strange outliers in the data. Guess which vote drops.

Some articles and papers on the election fraud come with download links for statistical data on votes and data analytics source code.
WAAAY out on a limb here but these guys just might be our unsung heroes that died on November 14th securing the server in Frankfurt. The following cover story?View attachment 40478

How do you know there is a link between this egyptian helicopter crash deaths and Frankfurt server seizing? Any smoking gun evidence or article?
I'm not disagreeing with you @bjorn just coming in with some more if's and but's to add more context as I see it. 🙂

What you say above is true BUT it's based on a view of things as they are NOW. Things have not always been like this - don't forget the whole Bush administration which was a Republican led administration.

Bush and the like are darlings of the system. John McCain was a darling of the system too. All these men were Republican - they were hardly gender bender advocates.

The right was and still can be used to further the agenda of the PTB. The left is getting used in the current context of the world.

It's quite clear that the PTB will embrace whatever it is that will enable them to further their agenda - left or right, they have no qualms. Their only loyalty is to their agenda, it's to their plan which is greater and greater control, more power, wealth and all that jazz all the way up to the goals and ambitions of the 4D STS Overloads.

Yeah, it's not a good idea to get emotionally invested in all this mess. If the real division is between psychopaths in power and normal people, the whole Left vs. Right is obviously a red herring. We're talking about a bipartisan Swamp that doesn't have the interest of the majority people in mind, to say the least. Expecting some sort of 'revelation' and for the 'good guys' to prevail is wishful thinking and a diversion, especially if you consider that people like Rudy Giuliani, who is in charge of election lawsuits, likely played a role in covering up the 9/11 attacks.
WAAAY out on a limb here but these guys just might be our unsung heroes that died on November 14th securing the server in Frankfurt. The following cover story?View attachment 40478

Mike Adams at Natural News said (claiming military sources) that there was a firefight between special forces sent in to secure the server and CIA. He states that these five died in the fight. He also claims that a CIA agenct died. The story in the news says this CIA agent died in Somalia. So maybe not so far out on a limb!

The dates don't match up. Supposedly the server was raided on Nov 6. The deaths were reported several days later. But when I heard about the five in Egypt. It gave me pause because no good reason they should be there.
Just popping in to share an observation from today. I went to Walmart to buy Christmas ornaments. I noticed that many of the bulbs and other decorations for the Christmas tree had owls on them :shock:. Where did this owl theme come from I wonder for Christmas, it made me think of what I posted here. Putting owls in Christmas trees is a thing apparently. Owls are amazing creatures but I decided not to have any on my tree.

I am reminded of the owl as a symbol connected with Bohemian Grove


“C’mon man, the Kracken won’t eat me for lunch!”

This story with its twists and turns of international crime by foreigners and our own CIA is beyond anything I could craft or imagine for a novel.

Sidney Powell is not the only hero in this saga, but by exposing the macro fraud, she is bringing down the cabal “so it won’t happen again”


Globalists, Marxists, Islamists, the CCP, George Soros, Club of Rome, Climate Hoaxers and every manner of evil force – perhaps even the Pope – allied to destroy our nations, liberties, freedoms and futures – all to amass global power.

Just one man stood between them and success – Donald Trump.

Knowing this, George Soros installed Marxist plants as local District Attorneys from Chicago to St. Louis and Atlanta. Socialist mayors were also placed in every key Democrat city – all in preparation to steal the election from America’s most popular president ever. They knew Trump couldn’t lose – absent election fraud.

It’s quite possible that these Marxist Soros-plants didn’t even have to ‘win’ their own elections, as the Dominion fraud system was already up and running in their districts.

The Colour Revolution playbook, which the Obama State Department used so successfully to overturn lawfully elected leaders and elections around the world, was turned inward and deployed on America – and it very nearly worked.

Dominion voting machines from Canada were rigged using Venezuelan software. This was designed using CCP Source Code to impoverish South America’s richest nation with Socialism (and keep Hugo Chavez in power).

Judging by Sidney Powell’s legal case, however, this was just a test run for taking down America.

But fortunately for us, something happened. Perhaps when hundreds of millions of people sent their prayers and hopes heavenward – hearts and minds began to change.

Look at the impossible data as proven in Sidney Powell’s suit in the Eastern District of Michigan, Case No. 220-cv-13134 (Exhibit 104):


The fraud was on such a massive scale that it can no longer be questioned.

There simply is no way to have even 70% turnout absent ballot-stuffing. But 700+%? Not even CNN and MSNBC can cover for the Marxists on that one.

Now watch this public hearing where America’s favourite mayor, Rudy Giuliani, exposes the late-night ‘dump’ of votes to fix the election for Joe Biden in Pennsylvania:

Today’s NewsMax poll found 67% of Americans are also now ‘gasping’ and support President Trump’s demand for a recount

Mayor Rudy and his team’s evidence is compelling and devastating in their state-by-state reveal of the fraud.

But Sidney has chosen instead to tell the world the whole story of how it came to be – from 30,000 feet.

When she first revealed this tale of intrigue to the world – tying evil actors both global and domestic to this well-planned steal – Sidney was ridiculed by the praetorian guard press and even some weak-kneed Conservatives at FOX as well.

The Trump team also appeared to distance itself from this brave truth teller – but she forged on to save President Trump from defeat, taking her story directly to the American people.

As the old saying goes, ‘Behind every successful man is a good woman’ and it has new meaning as this tigress sinks her claws into the cabal’s jugular.

And it appears she’s not letting up any time soon

While vilified by the world, Sidney Powell filed her own lawsuits in both Georgia and Michigan to stop the process of these states ‘certifying’ provable fraud. That done, she exposed the part played by those doing the certifying.

She told the world that Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Secretary of State, Brad Raffensberger had unlawfully rushed through the purchase of the Dominion voting-fraud, at a cost $107 million. It was also set up without proper legislative approval.

When she then announced on national television that Governor Kemp’s own aide was the Dominion salesman and that he arranged payoffs to family members, the wheels came off.

As part of the Dominion ‘deal’ Sidney also had evidence from inside Dominion sources that the buyers had an extra bonus – a guaranteed win in their own elections.

Both men immediately went into hiding – which is not a sign of their innocence – and Raffensberger has played the Wuhan Flu card, claiming he might have been exposed and is in need of quarantine.

Yes. He had been exposed, but not to the virus. He’s been exposed by Sidney Powell as a fraud and crook.


Mark Levin, former deputy attorney general of the U.S. (now TV host) walked methodically through the evidence and found it not only compelling but demanding a halt to certification

And now each part of Sidney Powell’s story of global corruption and intrigue has been confirmed

She has direct testimony from Hugo Chavez’s inner circle that they indeed designed the software and system to steal elections in an undetectable fashion, while colluding with dark Soros forces and Canadian machine makers to do it.

Sidney’s detractors took another blow to the solar plexus last week when special forces seized the servers in Germany. These machines were switching the votes during the American election.

This proved disastrous for the bad guys, especially when it was revealed the facility was controlled by our own CIA. That suggests treason from within by Obama/Democrat actors.

Now that Soros and Dominion have fled their offices (which, coincidentally, are in the same building in Toronto) and have taken down over 100 employee positions on Linked-in, there are few left willing to step into the floodlight that this fine lady has put on these rats.

Obama Administration officials and their leftovers, Clinton Global Initiative gangsters, the Soros fixers and plants – all co-ordinated with Marxists abroad and CIA rogues within the agency to steal the U.S. election. They fully intend to put a demented Joe Biden in as a CCP-approved place-holder for the real radical – He Chin-li (賀錦麗), a.k.a., Kamala Harris.

Yep. Kammie has her own Commie name. Now that’s planning ahead!

But every crime cabal has enablers – and Social Media, as well as MSM were just that


Dr. Epstein Voted for Hillary, does not like Trump—but still loves his country and knows this is wrong
Dr. Robert Epstein – a Democrat – estimates that the Social Media Marxists at Google alone were responsible for switching 6 million votes to Biden via algorithmic programming

This should be treated as political contribution in kind, taxed to the Democrat National Committee and cause for ending Twitter, Google and Facebook’s protection from lawsuit under §230 of the Federal Communications Act.

The six remaining news outlets – acting as one – also suppressed truth and told bold lies for five years, in aid to the Marxist plan(s) to depose Trump.

They were all in – whether it was the Russia Hoax, The Impeachment Hoax or the Ukraine Hoax – but have become oddly silent on proven voting fraud.

For those who object to my characterisation of them as ‘acting as one’, please note that these mega-corps control 92% of all information in America.

From movies to radio, magazines and newspapers, recording studios to publishers. These media giants share satellites, printing presses, cable and film studios and have 41 interlocking directors.

Let’s hope this is Sidney’s next project after she saves President Trump and holds the military tribunals. She should break up these giants via anti-trust actions, and splinter them into a million pieces.

But that’s after their leaders and owners face penalty for their crimes

There is civil law, and there is criminal law. Sidney is stopping certification using 42 USC §1983, which is a civil remedy for deprivation of rights under ‘colour of law’.

In other words, Democrat officials who presided over this fraud, can be held liable and what they did can be reversed, in Relief Requested.

But there is also a criminal version of this process, under Title 18 USC §§241 and 242. This amounts to the same thing–deprivation of rights under colour of law and a conspiracy to do so.

The difference is, that the criminal statutes carry punishment of prison and fine. These include five years for conspiracy and ten years for the crime itself – on each count.

And interestingly enough, I remember from my law days that those civilians who aid and abet the conspiracy – even if not acting as an official under colour of law – can be added to the criminal case as a co-conspirator.

That means Mark Zuckerberg, who invested $400 million in the six mega-fraud voting setups, is a ‘co-conspirator’ with the Democrat/Soros cabal, and can spend the rest of his life in prison along with Jack Dorsey and the other filth who have destroyed free speech in America.

The kingpin, George Soros, and his heir apparent, Alex Soros, also belong in prison for their part in the global conspiracy to deny Americans free and fair elections.

But where?

Apparently, Trump’s been planning for this as well


Guantamo bay, where terrorists and traitors are housed can now accommodate them all

And rather than talk on phones or computers, George Soros’ dandy little boy Alex, has been visiting the homes of every high-level crook in this deal. If it turns out that he really is the co-ordinator, however, you can bet your life that someone will break and finger him.


This is a human art exhibit on long island where questionable things are alleged to go on, but that aside, I hope Alex has this outfit on when he’s arrested. He’ll be a hit in Gitmo
So yes, justice is coming, and the dam finally broke with Sidney Powell telling the story, rather than just giving granular detail.

She is an amazing patriot and deserves all of our gratitude.
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