Wouldn't it be more accurate to state that the "left" and "right" are mere tools used by the PTB to further their agenda?
By framing the problem as being on the "left" side, don't we miss that the actual problem isn't left or right, but what seats above the 2 and uses either as a tool to further its agenda?
I think Trump more than anything is someone who has broken the
hold of the narratives told to Americans about their system and its underpinning virtues. If anything, by losing this election despite the election being so obviously fraudulent, doesn't Trump show those with eyes to see that the system isn't what they say it is?
By coming into office on a mandate to drain the swamp, trying and failing doesn't it show people that the swamp seats above democracy and politicians?
I think the whole meaning of Trump is more than just him being the vanguard of the right. Restricting him to just that I think misses the more crucial elements which is essentially that he failed when he shouldn't have because the narrative in the US, if it were true, would mean he succeeded. The question then for the majority who voted for Trump is why did he fail? The answer to this will reveal the true nature of the system and also the lies that has been fed to the masses regarding their "democracy".
In a roundabout way, I think Trump will succeed by failing.
Only by failing does the truth get revealed, at least in a more obvious way than before - for those with eyes to see.
Ps, hope that made sense!