2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

There have been so many egregious lies told to the US and world public over the years, so many flagrant acts of deception and corruption, I'm not sure flagrantly stealing the US election really stands out as that remarkable. As such, why not just suck it up, just like we've had to suck up all the other lies?
Hmmmmm... really?
All of the massive lies and corruption over the past 20 years, starting with 9/11, have gone unanswered. Nothing was 'done' about them, no one was held to account, there was no 'day in court', the 'bad guys' were not taken down. Collectively, we have all had to accept it. So why would we expect the rigging of the election to have a different outcome?
Should we stop wasting our time trying to wake people up about COVID 19 too? Echo chambers and all...
Should we stop wasting our time trying to wake people up about COVID 19 too? Echo chambers and all...

Notice that I didn't say we should not speak or write about it (which of course, we have a long track record of doing). I have, however, long since ditched the idea of 'waking people up' as a realistic goal. I realized that if that was my goal, I was going to be repeatedly disappointed. The benefit of efforts to counter lies and reveal the truth is the support (moral and informational) it provides to others trying to do the same thing, and the benefit to us who do the truth telling, because we learn and grow as a result.
Notice that I didn't say we should not speak or write about it (which of course, we have a long track record of doing). I have, however, long since ditched the idea of 'waking people up' as a realistic goal. I realized that if that was my goal, I was going to be repeatedly disappointed. The benefit of efforts to counter lies and reveal the truth is the support (moral and informational) it provides to others trying to do the same thing, and the benefit to us who do the truth telling, because we learn and grow as a result.
Well thanks for your support :p
There have been so many egregious lies told to the US and world public over the years, so many flagrant acts of deception and corruption, I'm not sure flagrantly stealing the US election really stands out as that remarkable. As such, why not just suck it up, just like we've had to suck up all the other lies?
I really expected HRC to win last time around, but did not want her to. But I accepted that was going to happen and was mentally prepared, at least somewhat. When DT pulled off a surprise upset it provided a glimmer of hope. I guess now I want this too much, a repeat, something hopeful and, man they just made it so obvious it seems like the crime can and should be exposed. Eh.
Well thanks for your support :p

Truth telling seems to be foundational to human beings. From the scenario where someone says "2+2=5" and we feel compelled to respond with the truth, to broad society and world-wide issues. Of course, the broader issues are much harder to truthify in a clear cut way, but we do our best anyway. But what is the compulsion to tell the truth or to truthify reality? I think it's a drive for order, because humans (the normal ones at least) seem to instinctively know that lies create chaos (trying using 2+2=5 for anything practical). You could almost call this instinctive drive a kind of pure love, because when it really matters, the right person will sacrifice anything for the truth. Of course, people also go to great lengths to cover up the truth (including normal people), but that is usually for selfish reasons, i.e. 'impure' love.

I wrote the following on one of the early Cass groups back in 2002. It's a bit simplistic, but whatever. It was part of an article Laura wrote back then on the topic. Note the last line. 'Someone' is always asking, even if most (or even all) people stop asking.

Why are we all spending much time and energy trying to discover and know the truth? It seems to me that to love the truth is what we are being asked to do. We are asked how much we love it. How much we are prepared to give to know it. But why do some people love the truth and others not? What is it about truth that is lovable and makes us yearn for it so much?

What is truth anyway? For me, the truth is the essence of something, its natural state, something as it really is. For me, it is really a quest for love, because to truly love something I must know it for what it really is. Perhaps we can sense in an unconscious way that there is a deeper truth to everything and everyone, and we are lead to search for the truth about it, so that we can truly love it for what it really is.

Are then knowledge and love the same thing?
I think that this time the situation is a bit different. People have to wake up to some extent, or perish. I wish Biden and his ''Great Reset'' best of luck.

This article posted on SOTT makes a fair case. OSIT.

Especially this part:
In the meantime, the elites are trying with everything they have to convince the public that they must abandon notions of civil liberties in the name of survival and "the greater good". They are already talking about how things will never go back to normal, and the changes being made today will stay in place for many years to come.

Governments are in the media right now claiming the vaccines "will not be mandatory". This is a lie. At the same time they are putting mandates in place to require you to prove you are vaccinated in order to go to public places and even to go to work. Basically, you take the vaccine or you die from poverty. This is not a choice.

But, I see millions of Americans standing in opposition to this agenda. I see sheriffs and police across the country refusing to enforce the agenda, even in hard-left states like California. I see protests in lockdown states like Michigan, California and New York. I see mass protests in Europe. I see the Reset scheme being exposed and the truth breaking into the mainstream.

I see something rising to the surface, and I smell that gunpowder scent of rebellion, and I like it.

I'm not pessimistic about the future. I know a crash is coming. I know a fight is coming. But right now what I see is a fight that can and will be won by those that respect the principles of freedom. The globalists may have overplayed their hand.

A global awakening in the true sense of the word won't happen. But their cyber communist world government they have in store of us will propably fail wiselike.

So the battle will go on.
But their cyber communist world government they have in store of us will propably fail wiselike.

"cyber communist", great term. :lol:. Yeah, the hubris of these people is astonishing. The 'elite' have spent the last 20 (at least) years trying to destroy all role models, icons and authorities that people looked up to for some kind of succor in life, hoping to leave only themselves.

This has actually been a good and necessary (if difficult) thing for humanity, because humanity has to grow up and ditch its infantile dependence on others to take of them. But the PTB are delusional if they think that this same process will not inevitably result in them too being ditched.
Truth telling seems to be foundational to human beings. From the scenario where someone says "2+2=5" and we feel compelled to respond with the truth, to broad society and world-wide issues. Of course, the broader issues are much harder to truthify in a clear cut way, but we do our best anyway. But what is the compulsion to tell the truth or to truthify reality? I think it's a drive for order, because humans (the normal ones at least) seem to instinctively know that lies create chaos (trying using 2+2=5 for anything practical). You could almost call this instinctive drive a kind of pure love, because when it really matters, the right person will sacrifice anything for the truth. Of course, people also go to great lengths to cover up the truth (including normal people), but that is usually for selfish reasons, i.e. 'impure' love.

I wrote the following on one of the early Cass groups back in 2002. It's a bit simplistic, but whatever. It was part of an article Laura wrote back then on the topic. Note the last line. 'Someone' is always asking, even if most (or even all) people stop asking.

Your comment to 'suck it up' was not helpful. What lesson were you trying to convey by that?
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