2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Just finished watching Salvation, a two season series done by CBS airing on Netflix. The only thing I can say is that what happened so far in the Capitol building is nowhere near to what viewers of movies are being led to believe through movies. Bravery, integrity, grand words, grand deeds, self sacrifice are not commonplace or common denominators under intense pressure and hostile conditions.

Updated Jan. 7, 2021 12:59 am ET Snip Lindsay Wise and Andrew Duehren 9-12 minute Video / Photos
WASHINGTON—A mob of President Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol, overwhelming police and creating a chaotic, violent scene that derailed for several hours the ratification of President-elect Joe Biden’s victory in the 2020 election.

For up-to-the-minute coverage of the riot on Capitol Hill, see WSJ’s Live Updates

Hundreds of people echoing Mr. Trump’s false claims that Democrats stole the 2020 election had gathered Wednesday ahead of a last-ditch effort from his congressional allies to contest the results in Congress. Those demonstrations turned violent, with rioters barging their way past police and into the Capitol, forcing lawmakers to shelter under desks and the evacuation of congressional leaders to nearby Fort McNair, a U.S. law-enforcement official said.

With rioters roaming freely in the Capitol, police closed the doors to the House and Senate chambers, using furniture to barricade the doors in the House. Several police officers drew their weapons, instructing lawmakers to put on gas masks and stay on the floor until they could be safely evacuated.

A woman who was shot by Capitol police during the unrest has died, D.C. police said. Three more people at the protests died due to medical emergencies, the police added.

The scenes, playing out in real time across the nation on cable television, represented a stunning coda to Mr. Trump’s presidency as Congress assembled to certify his opponent’s win. Washington sees frequent political demonstrations and skirmishes. But scenes of rioters confronting police on the Capitol steps, scaling the sides of the iconic building and sitting in lawmakers’ chairs prompted outrage among Washington lawmakers and officials.


A Congress staffer held his hands up while a Capitol Police Swat team checked everyone in the room as they secured the floor of Trump supporters in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. Olivier Douliery/Agence France-Presse/Getty (Images 1 of 24)

The descent into anarchy came as Mr. Trump, a Republican, has tried, unsuccessfully, for two months to persuade state officials and courts to reverse his loss to Mr. Biden, a Democrat.

Speaking Wednesday morning to supporters before the demonstrators had entered the Capitol complex, Mr. Trump had urged them to keep up the fight against the election results and march to the Capitol.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R., Ky.) called the rioting a “failed insurrection.” Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) said that Wednesday would join “that very short list of dates in American history that will live, forever, in infamy.”

It took hours for police to secure and clear the Capitol building. Vice President Mike Pence presided over the U.S. Senate as it reconvened around 8 p.m. to restart the electoral vote debate and count. The House reconvened about an hour later.

“To those who wreaked havoc in our Capitol today, you did not win,” Mr. Pence said. “Violence never wins. Freedom wins. And this is still the people’s house.” He added: “Let’s get back to work.”

Why can't we know why these three people died?

Four deaths, 52 arrests made after Trump supporters storm US Capitol
AFP/Reuters January 07, 2021, 6:39 AMlatest revision January 07, 2021, 7:02 AM

Based on what I've read here (e.g., the post by psychegram) and online, it does seem that the group storming the Capitol was a mix of agent provocateurs and 'normal' people, who got worked up and excited enough by the AP:s to participate – they let their emotions take over instead of thinking rationally (as Joe pointed out, maybe they thought that this was 'The Storm' à la Q).

What I'm wondering is, why was this PSYOP needed? I mean, the 'Deep State' already pretty much had the victory in the bag, especially since it was clear even before the proceedings started that Pence wasn't going to object/intervene in any way. Was this just to pour more salt on the wounds, a shot across the bows with a message like "See? We can do this any time we like"? Was this to make sure that those Republican representatives who were still on the fence would cave in (it appears that some did, as a result of it)? Was it also to make it possible to remove Trump by force (even if not necessary) to completely humiliate him?

Maybe it was because of all the above, don't know. It's sad that the 'bad guys' pretty much always outsmart the 'good guys' these days. I can't remember any instance during my lifetime where justice was properly served regarding wrong doings among the elite douchebags. In Biblical terms, I sometimes think that the world appears, indeed, to be governed and owned by the Devil, and the majority of those with any kind of legislative power have no soul, no empathy, no moral code, no appreciation of justice – they are greedy mechanical bots implementing the Devil's agenda.

Okay, enough preaching. Let's wait and see what happens next! :cool2:
All I can say is that if Trump has a card to play he better play it now. The walls are closing in and he quite frankly looks like a bumbling fool. It has been painfully evident since mid December that there is no rule of law in the US. The only law now is kill or be killed. The psychopaths control everything and can do anything they want with impunity. There is no punishment for them and the only thing they fear is a bigger bully or perhaps losing their heads. They live in an anti-universe with where there is no common ground, diplomacy and negotiations only work with people who have some degree of respect for ideals and principles. Try mixing matter and antimatter in the same space and see how well they coexist. Bush II was right, the Constitution is just a goddamned piece of paper. Trump, either start shooting or go f- yourself. We need more violence, not less. Rein these people in and make them fear you.

We were told that there is ongoing fight in 4D and on Earth between STS and STO. By observing what's going on on Earth, to me it looks, that PTB had minimum 4 years of time to prepare for 2020 election fraud, while Trump's team focused on other matters. It's obvious the bad guys have created an algorithm, or a plan, with predefined triggers, list of available actions with most likely outcomes, and potential responses from either side. It looks that they are a few steps ahead, because they KNOW what to expect from Trump's team which have build their defense on legal basis, but it seems that defense via this means doesn't work. Not in nowadays world, not at this level. Tons of collected evidence about fraud have not made any impression on judges which implies that the bad guys knew this will be Trump's team response and they prepared accordingly. They know for sure how to convince their targets to do wrongdoings. You may add to this that the time for Trump's team is running out and there must be some extraordinary decisions to be made by the Trump camp in order to make an UNEXPECTED move for the bad guys, otherwise his chances are slim.

During the rally yesterday he said multiple times that "we need to do this", "we cannot allow that", "it's unacceptable for us", etc. He used "We" many, many times and I'm thinking what he mean by this. Does his "We" stand for him and his team of Layers? Or this is more, like the President and ordinary people, veterans, Trump supporters? Maybe the chiefs of military (wondering what was the reason why previous Secretaries of Defense shared a unified opinion that Trump couldn't dear to call for military support)? Anyone who has unbiased and common sense? Some breached the Capitol yesterday, Trump asked them to step back. If we knew more about who are "we" (he didn't say "you") he calls upon, that would clarify the perspective and what he expects from the us. Now it's hard to understand how well he is doing in his own view and what kind of support he needs from whom.
Why doesn't Trump hold a press conference and just SAY to everyone what's going on behind the scenes, some of the dark stuff that nobody at that level discusses. Could he bring it all down simply by exposing it and putting the information out there?
What I'm wondering is, why was this PSYOP needed? I mean, the 'Deep State' already pretty much had the victory in the bag, especially since it was clear even before the proceedings started that Pence wasn't going to object/intervene in any way. Was this just to pour more salt on the wounds, a shot across the bows with a message like "See? We can do this any time we like"?

Well, the idea that there was a "struggle" going on behind the scenes seems likely. A couple of days ago Trump tweeted that "they just found 50,000 votes". He didn't say where or who, but it's possible that discovery of evidence of fraud was continuing and increasing, and that this evidence was being shared behind the scenes with members of congress, and leading to an increase in the voices willing to call for a full and fair audit. There was also Trump's claim that Pence should "do what needs to be done" and "send the EC electors" for 5 or 6 states back to the states because, according to him, they wanted to change their minds about which set of electors to certify. Then you had Nancy Pelosi's outrageous attempt yesterday, right at the beginning of the count, to force members of the house and senate to limit the numbers from each party to 11!! One member then stood up and rightly asked Pence how they were going to voice objections if all but 11 were confined to the gallery!

So it seems there may well have been a lot of concern among the establishment types that the move to get a full and fair audit, or to send the EC electors back to the states COULD have come out of the process of objections and debates. Luckily, for them, yesterday's events have probably destroyed any political will to go there now, and as Trump said today, an "orderly transition to a Biden presidency" (and totalitarianism) will now take place.

Deep state 1
US people 0

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I said it before, this was no false flag. People in general are not ruled by reason. They stormed the Capitol because they threw a tantrum. You don’t need agents provocateurs when the people have been provoked already. The cops may have let them in and it was planned by the Dems and Pence (which is why he said he wouldn’t block certification even though he didn’t have to say that), but these people took the bait. The only thing that can save America now is Trump leading a quiet revolution a la Gandhi. Simply ignoring the government’s authority and not participating in any way. Trump supporters should just stop paying taxes and get on with their lives. See what Biden does when half the population goes into open nonviolent revolt and the money starts drying up.
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