2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

I always expected that these elections would be stolen, but I had some small hope and felt there is a slight chance Trump can actually pull through this nonsense. So, I watched this entire theater from the distance and did not get emotionally involved. But yesterday that hope died and some emotions got to the surface, like the sadness. We all know that regardless of who is in power in Washington they will do what they are told and will lead us to the same destination. However, with Trump at the helm it was a relatively peaceful and smooth ride (comparing to his predecessors). However, now that the hope is gone, we have to accept the reality of the situation and prepare for much more rocky ride. But I believe since we were forewarned and we can prepare ourselves mentally and emotionally, we will be just fine. If anything, the show will be much more interesting and engaging.
Well for me, I don’t feel defeated. Today I actually woke up with a feeling of peace. I feel like a great weight has been lifted from me. I can’t explain it but I have faith in that feeling. The only thing missing is the urge to fight in some way because I believe somehow we won but we don’t know it yet. The Universe works in mysterious ways. Millions of people have had their eyes opened by the events of the past year.
It ain’t over till it’s over and TODAY Donald Trump is still the president of the United States of America.
Well for me, I don’t feel defeated. Today I actually woke up with a feeling of peace. I feel like a great weight has been lifted from me. I can’t explain it but I have faith in that feeling. The only thing missing is the urge to fight in some way because I believe somehow we won but we don’t know it yet. The Universe works in mysterious ways. Millions of people have had their eyes opened by the events of the past year.
It ain’t over till it’s over and TODAY Donald Trump is still the president of the United States of America.

Strangely enough Opossum I have the same feeling.
Of peace, of acceptance and a profound trust in the universe.
It ain't over till the fat lady sings.
Noticing lots of stories regarding the assassination Trump sanctioned last year.

Could the PTB arrest him on that basis now? I don't know if they'll let him walk away and live a peaceful life as it were!
And so I did not pin any hopes on the Americans, the system of inverted totalitarianism did a great job for the Americans to be a passive silent mass. I realized this even during the MAGA march, many here admired how many people came there, but when I saw it I was disappointed how few of them came, you can just compare this from a photo from Belarus, even if Lukashenka is right and this is just well-chosen shots to make the crowd seem more. All the same, the protests in Belarus, where the population is 30 times less than in the United States, more people came out ... That and yesterday in Washington gathered only a couple of hundred thousand people from such a huge country
Well for me, I don’t feel defeated. Today I actually woke up with a feeling of peace. I feel like a great weight has been lifted from me. I can’t explain it but I have faith in that feeling. The only thing missing is the urge to fight in some way because I believe somehow we won but we don’t know it yet. The Universe works in mysterious ways. Millions of people have had their eyes opened by the events of the past year.
It ain’t over till it’s over and TODAY Donald Trump is still the president of the United States of America.

That's my feeling too. Congress went ahead and reified the sham; the media is now saying that half the country are far-right insurrectionists; social media is now completely censoring the president. It looks bad.

At the same time the people just discovered a) how powerful they are, b) how much the parasites fear them, and c) how much the parasites hate them. The regime made the mistake of martyring a very sympathetic, patriotic, female Air Force vet. And the images of congress critters cowering like vermin under their chairs before scurrying away will have an effect. To say nothing of the fact that, after taking the capitol, the protestors were entirely peaceful and even kind of goofy ... making the elite panic all the more pathetic.

Regimes that look weak and pathetic don't often last long. Especially if they're despised by well over half of the population.
I'm fortunate I experienced 90% of my anguish beforehand in my dream, all that remains now is a smoldering rage and contempt toward the reality I find myself in. Part of the reason I'm taking this so hard is that I believed the Cassiopaeans when they originally predicted that Trump had a very good chance of winning and it would lead to martial law. While I believe I was the one who originally articulated the interpretation that this did not necessarily mean that Trump would get a second term and Biden would actually institute martial law by twisting their words around a bit, I didn't put much stock in it. From now on I will read any further prognostications by them like a lawyer; unless it is an ironclad prediction, I will not open myself to the emotional vulnerability of hoping for a positive outcome ever again. Furthermore, I will not be putting any stock in claims of "help is on the way" or the "cosmos is gonna clean house" unless the universe gives me a sign that these things are actually happening, as in a major impact that kills hundreds of millions if not billions. For now, "change will follow turmoil" and the predictions related to it is just hollow words and empty promises. When in human history have STO forces had a decisive victory?

Speaking of cosmic impacts, during the last election I almost bought one of those "Giant Meteor" bumper stickers and it took me quite a long time to completely warm up to Trump, almost 2 years into his term. Over the years I have watched this video when I've gotten in these kinds of moods, and now I feel that it is the most fitting conclusion for our reality. If the cosmic intelligences want to do a cleansing they should stop screwing around with these Tunguska type rocks; go big or go home.
Witnessing such a spectacle from my then sure to be discarnate state would fill me with a vindictive joy. I'm pretty sure if something like that was on the agenda 4D STS would stop it, they will not lose their investment.

I'm curious to see if the DCM will throw me a bone and STS forces will botch their totalitarian rollout in some way that the world collapses around me and I retain some semblance of freedom, it's true that it's not over until it's over, but I'm not counting on it. I'm unsure whether it actually gives a shit about us. It is possible that the totalitarian, nihilistic, and fatalistic timeline we are now in is a lesson that will be primarily experienced only by those who really believe the lies, but at this point I see myself being dragged down along with them. Does the truth even matter? All I see is the conditioning of perception creating reality, truth seems irrelevant.

The dark side of the force has gripped my soul and I will never be the same again.
And so I did not pin any hopes on the Americans, the system of inverted totalitarianism did a great job for the Americans to be a passive silent mass. I realized this even during the MAGA march, many here admired how many people came there, but when I saw it I was disappointed how few of them came, you can just compare this from a photo from Belarus, even if Lukashenka is right and this is just well-chosen shots to make the crowd seem more. All the same, the protests in Belarus, where the population is 30 times less than in the United States, more people came out ... That and yesterday in Washington gathered only a couple of hundred thousand people from such a huge country

The crowd was huge. Couple hundred thousand is a low ball estimate in my opinion, although my ground eye view obviously didn't enable me to do an accurate head count.

Also, remember that America is a very big country. Gathering a significant percentage of the population is simply not logistically realistic in the US, as it is in much smaller European countries.

Multiply the number of people who were there by about 100 to get an idea of how much support they had. And that's a low-ball estimate as well. In politics, the rule of thumb is that every letter written to a politician should be counted as 100 people who agree, but not quite strongly enough to write a letter. Going to a big political rally is a lot more difficult than writing a letter.
The point to remember is that whatever happens it's always for the greatest good - even if it's not playing out exactly how we hoped it might have.

Think it's important too to recognise just what has been achieved - so much has been blown into the open.

Despite the spin the crowd yesterday as seen on the bits of video circulating seemed to behave incredibly well - they looked like sight see-ers on a day out. Definitely not a rampaging mob bent on destruction. The real violence seems as ever to have been perpertrated by the system.

You never know. Maybe it's time to hunker down to further build awareness - but could there yet be a decisive event or two in the works?
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