2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Yes, it now looks as predicted, that Tulsi will run as a third party candidate.

That's just speculation from outsiders. She's given no indications and has strongly denied interested in running as a 3rd party, probably because she knows she can't win that way and she wants to win. Not running for reelection is probably more about focusing on the campaign for president than anything.
As you might have noticed, Tulsi was among those democrats who voted for the impeachment resolution today.

She's been pretty strongly anti-Trump for a while. It shouldn't be surprising, although like you it's disheartening that she would vote that way. She has to defeat Trump to get what she wants, so she really has no choice but to attack his actions/behaviors.
So Israel has stepped into the picture formulating a plane to avoid Russian interference which is not surprising.
Oh Wait, there was no Russian Collision.


Mid Snip: 5-6 minute Read:
The scenario was fake but the vulnerabilities were real, a scrimmage designed to test the abilities of federal and local law enforcement to work together and respond to a nation-state attack.

After Russians attempted to interfere with the last presidential election, the U.S. government and private sector have worked to shore up communications and cooperation and get ready for 2020.

“It’s really only since 2016 that these sort of real-time scenarios have been happening,” said Eddie Perez, global director of technology development for the Open Source Election Technology Institute (OSET), a nonprofit that conducts election technology research.
NBC News has collaborated with the OSET Institute since 2016 to monitor U.S. election technology and voting issues.

“Contingency planning and tabletop exercises that help state and local election officials to be more prepared for the unexpected are a good example of how they are ‘upping their game,’" Perez said in an email. “They’re an essential part of protecting public trust in the 2020 elections.”

Cyberreason employee Sam Curry, left.

During the gameplay, the “white team” debated the impact of the fictitious attacks and defenses and delivered the results to the teams in their rooms.Alex Wroblewski / for NBC News

And as far Tulsi Gabbard she's a pipe-dream and part of the deep state infrastructure disguised, like Obama in 2009.
Is she a witting agent, or a unwitting CIA plant?

In the context of bad media reporting, Elizabeth Warren plus a New Mexico Congresswoman has been excused from the Covington kids defamation suit, because they work for the Government. Its something called 'sovereign immunity'. Apparently it's possible to defame people when you hold certain positions. He speculates what that could mean for Trump and the media personalities remaining in the suit.

Having followed the Tweets about the present impeachment inquiry, I can only say it is mind blowing, absolutely. It is almost so crazy one wonders, if it is a set up, if a number of people were picked to make fools of themselves, because they sure are, so far. Couldn't the Democrats be accused of election meddling in the US 2020 campaign, just look at the odds of Trump winning the election: US Presidential Election 2020 Winner Betting Odds | Politics

Yeah, it’s totally crazy how many people see and interpret the behavior off e.g. Schiff and other lying Dems in a completely opposite way of what we, dare I say normal people, see. Just taking a cursory read on Twitter is surreal; “Schiff did a magnificent job”, “Jim Jordan is a disgrace and a liar”, “Nunes should be removed” etc. Some of these are of course paid propagators and “bots”, but I suspect that many are just not able to see - they live in another reality. And thus they are easily manipulated. And, Twitter is of course doing their share in promoting the content that suits the ‘deep state’ narrative.
On running for president, Killary said:

“I, as I say, never, never, never say never, and I will certainly tell you I’m under enormous pressure from many, many, many people to think about it,” Clinton told BBC Radio 5 Live when asked whether she had ruled out running again. “But as of this moment, sitting here in this studio talking to you, that is absolutely not in my plans.”

If she does, I think she'll lose harder than before. Meanwhile, this video that's been retweeted many, many, many (:halo:) times has reached 10 million views, and I think that number will continue to rise. On top of that, the hashtag HillaryKillList or something along those lines was in the top 10 LA hashtags on Twitter a couple of months ago. I think more people are realizing what kind of 'person' she is.
I suppose this isn't a surprise for many people. Kamala Harris has dropped out of the 2020 presidential race. There is a delay in this YouTube. Talking starts at the 1.40 mark. It reminds me of that childrens' nursery rhyme "ten green bottles", only perhaps they should be blue, not green?

MSNBC has been blatantly omitting Yang and Gabbard from their graphics that show different polling results like they don't even exist. Yang's finally had enough and is calling them out on it on CNN. The lady who's interviewing him is basically insinuating that he's making a mistake by doing so.

I'm starting to speculate if Joe Biden's popularity as a candidate is because people need more humor in their lives, in these trying times.

Do the Democrats and their supporters understand humor? Perhaps they do, except when it comes to anything Donald Trump does or says in order to troll them. He's been doing a lot of that lately.
My source for this is Dan Bongino who covers current events in US politics in his own, detailed fashion. He's passionate about exposing the corruption thats taking place then lays it out for his listeners. He was formerly in the secret service so at times he has an insiders perspective which is interesting. He's good for keeping up to date on whats happening daily with the Washington Circus.

As the Democratic candidates vehemently cry to increase taxes on the wealthist 1% they are busy passing a bill that would give a substantial tax deduction to these same people. Trumps overhaul of the tax code included capping the deduction for State and Local Taxes (SALT) that was applied to Federal taxes to $10,000. This was a serious tax increase for the wealthiest 1 and 2% who could claim $100,000 or more for this tax deduction previously. According to Bongino, the millionaires in New York state and California are pressing the Dems to cut this tax rule. Below is the quote he mentions from a left wing think tank.
  • Repealing the cap would be regressive and costly. The top 1 percent of households would receive 56 percent of the benefit of repeal, and the top 5 percent of households would receive over 80 percent of the benefit, while the bottom 80 percent of households would receive just 4 percent, according to the Tax Policy Center (TPC).[3] The cost of just the SALT provisions over ten years would be roughly $185 billion, according to Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimates.[4] If repeal were later extended through 2025 (the last year the cap is in effect under current law), we estimate that the total cost would grow to nearly $600 billion.[5]
At 56.19 he explains the proposed bill.
I'm absolutely THRILLED to see an article and this video from Dan Bongino posted on SOTT!!!!!!! :cheer::cheer::cheer::dance::dance:

He's a REAL good one.This lying about cutting taxes for the rich really bugs me though and was the most attention getting bit in his interview for me. Even more so then "the troll who lives under the bridge", John Brennan facing criminal charges :lol:. I've a real issue with people being deceived and falling for lies.

It certainly looks like Pete Buttigieg is the next Democratic Establishment favorite if the twitter-verse has anything to say about it. Personally I doubt whether many of these accounts are the real deal. This 3 minute YouTube is very entertaining and so are some of the comments....

AOC is scaring Latino's away from the Democraic party who have left repressive socialists countries. Trump targets Latino vote in Florida and his support from the Black community is rising. Speculation, Republicans may regain Congress and turn into super party as moderate Dems, flee their party. AOC may challenge Chuck Schumers seat.

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