2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Yes, you would think after last time they would be a little more... uh.. cautious. But, no. Apparently not.
Well if it didn't work the first time it's because they didn't try hard enough? I think some people ACTUALLY believe this. The next month is gonna be ridiculous. Just wait until Russia and iran hack the election! Oh wait we won? Nevermind....
I'm skipping around to different sites. Surprisingly, Dr. Turley is doing a very nice job covering what I haven't heard elsewhere. Seems to have a good grasp of historical voting records of the states and also current populations. He has updates every half hour or so. This last one sounds good for POTUS. He's also monitoring the MSM coverage and pointing out the Bias. Florida was called extremely early for Trump and he says this indicates Georgia and N Carolina will follow suit as they usually do.. Virginia is in play once again. Nail bites.

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Watch the regime apparatus in real time.

Now is 07:15 CET (07:15 AM) and according to FoxNews, Biden is in the lead....
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