2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!


I also think that they're going to be taking this one away from Trump, the democrats and all their allies in big Tech and in the Media have had 4 years to prepare. But on the other hand, I have a feeling that it is more useful for them to have Trump on the white house, and keep on investing on making sure the country goes to hell. So perhaps the way it's going to go is to try to repeat the 2000 election and make it seem like Biden more of the popular vote but Trump won and he's illegitimate.

I keep thinking about the US' karma, if there's anyone trained in election meddling is the USA, and maybe this is what comes with it. Maybe it's part of the Karma to be unable to do anything about a clearly stolen election, and have to simply put up with the consequences of this, the powerlessness of watching their elected leader be simply removed by someone who doesn't want him there.

I dislike it as a US resident, but at the same time, I kind of can't argue with the logic of the lesson. I could be wrong but I have a feeling this election will go Biden's way, and this will simply deepen the divide. It will be chaos.

Best thing we can do is relax and try to enjoy the show, because regardless of how much we may like Trump, the US has a momentum that can't be stopped and what it's coming to this country, cannot be stopped either, and we're in the middle of it.
this man is not going to stand down against this crime taking place
They know that the majority is beind Trump, they will think twice before pushing for a revoltion and if they do, good luck to them.
From 90.9% to 93.8% in Michigan, ALL votes went for Biden.
I believe the Cs said Trump was "likely" to win and I think that's correct, but when and how it can be made legitimate is another matter. I have to admit, based on the massive crowds at the Trump rallies vs the sparse turnout for Biden's, I was hoping the vote would be so overwhelmingly for Trump the Dems simply couldn't fake a Biden win. Wishful thinking will get you every time! As stated and shown previously, the Deep State/NWO operatives are not just going to admit defeat and slink away no matter how much we "wish" they would! Joe's on the record saying it - he doesn't need us (the voters) to win and "they" created the largest voter fraud organization yet - he blurts out the truth despite his demented self!

So, we can already see it playing out. But seriously - 130,000+ votes 100% suddenly appear for Biden in the wee hours of the a.m.?!! C'mon man!!! Here's the Deal! Trump & Co. along with voters will challenge this and all other highly suspicious instances of voter fraud. The 2000 Bush vs Gore will seem like a picnic in comparison!
Another thing is that this election is such a farce that many will see through it. The Deep State has been exposed like never before.
Maybe this will be the exposure the Cs alluded to and what will bring everything crashing down? Plus, it's push come to shove, critical mass time. Who's to say highly pertinent information/documents might finally see the light of day? And, Trump is still President until Jan. 20, 2021. He's not going to slink away in defeat either! He made a promise and he's going to keep it!

I keep thinking about the US' karma, if there's anyone trained in election meddling is the USA, and maybe this is what comes with it. Maybe it's part of the Karma to be unable to do anything about a clearly stolen election, and have to simply put up with the consequences of this, the powerlessness of watching their elected leader be simply removed by someone who doesn't want him there.

I dislike it as a US resident, but at the same time, I kind of can't argue with the logic of the lesson. I could be wrong but I have a feeling this election will go Biden's way, and this will simply deepen the divide. It will be chaos.
That would be very fitting wouldn't it? A sense of now you know how it feels! for us Americans. :-P
If Biden does win, it would certainly be a sense of flexing by the PTB with their AI run, down-to-a-science propaganda playbooks. But I also think whoever wins, this is benefitting them either way: stretching out the result, building tension, increasing the backlash. This is much more impactful than an overnight "trump wins by a landslide" most were expecting.

Exciting times for sure!
Yester day, I listened our local radio station NJ101.5 to hear opinions of lot of callers. Being Blue state I was surprised to hear some of the points callers and hosts had expressed.
  • Many voted for Trump, though they are traditional democrats because they are against another 2 years lockdown and businesses were hurt very bad. In fact, Party battle lines are drawn at the "Do you want another 2 years of lockdown?"
  • This station has its own personality, mostly state politics and often rational ( relative) and against what ever they think is wrong with Politicians/state Govt. etc. irrespective whoever is in the power. At state level, both parties rule alternatively, but somehow federal level it is Blue state. They are openly talking about the why Covid Hysteria Insane - Most die are elderly with 2+ pre existing conditions, Lockdown is justified in April when we don't know what is going on and it is insane to lockdown again and all the numbers cooked up and so on( facts we discuss here). I find it surprising hear them in airwaves. Theirs is issue based support for the parties.
  • Many people are complaining of empty shelfs and people are stocking up all items expecting violence and even civil war.
  • PA is NEW Florida in 2020. ( The way WI is getting used in this situation is, these democrats are using many states like PA. So that they have backups). Even if it goes to supreme court tomorrow, they have few states to contest and bargain with give some states to Biden so that he can be a winner again. It is PAINFUL to watch it the way it is in Bush vs Gore saga.
  • There is record number of applications for Gun Permits. ALL the guns, ammunitions disappeared in NJ and adjoining states like PA and NY.
  • They are openly saying, NJ Democratic Gov. is insane in organizing the poll the way he is organizing. I went to vote yesterday, there were 2 more people along with me at 4:30 PM evening. I was told it is Probationary ballot (because 3.7 million people voted by mail-in), though ballot is not meant for the Probationary ballot and there is no radio box saying Probationary ballot. But, there were news through out the day, in some stations there LOT of line and some empty. So ALL the people who thought their should count went into Probationary ballot, so into the Drain.
  • One of the reason for Trump dislike is he put conspiracy theories in media. Whether They vote for Trump is a different issue and many wants to vote for Trump because they see Biden is a demented head and don't want another lockdown. It does looks like many of the Trump dislike is rooted in disbelief in so called "Conspiracy". Probably, this rooted in denial to accept the reality as it is. It is their inability face the inconvenience of seeing how rotten the system is and feel it. Probably they feel losing the privileges they enjoyed, if they have to accept the Conspiracy fact. The Conspiracy mask worked for many decades for deep state and seems to work after all these years.
  • I was talking to one of my neighbor who was seeing the horror going on ( Covid hysteria, Trump bashing) and was saying even the Supreme judges whom he appointed seems to against him in some cases.
It is sad to contemplate Harris (Aka Biden, Bill Gates, deep state and so on) ruling us in near future, zombified with Vaccine and Stalinizing any opposition ( i.e Trump or any body who challenges them). Trump already rallied a LOT of people even in the blue states and all these people are piling up Guns and Ammunition. It is any body guess what will happen.

Tomorrow is November 5th. Will we have God's Fire works?

Whatever The Election Outcome, We Can Revolt Against Politicians, The Media, & Their String-Pullers By Uniting​

Some people will call me naive, but I still believe in unity, the goodness of people, and the possibility of peace.
What I don’t understand is how people can allow politicians – people who are in it for power, not for you and me – to divide them from the people they once loved. How can you look at your son, daughter, parent, cousin, or friend and say, “You voted for X and therefore I no longer love you?” How can you put this politician and what he or she stands for ahead of your own people?

Do you think those politicians care about you enough to divide their own families? To disinvite someone to Christmas dinner? To “unfriend” somebody on social media and in real life? Of course not. All they want is your vote. They want your verbal support. They don’t give a tinker’s damn whether or not your family is destroyed because of them and their causes.
Before the advent of social media and an incredibly biased press, nobody used to throw the Thanksgiving turkey in the trash when they discovered they were hosting a table full of *insert other political party here* because that wasn’t made the center of our universe. Our children didn’t come home ready to snitch on us for having guns because they were indoctrinated at school that guns were bad, Marxism was good, and anyone who thought differently deserved at best scorn, and at worst legal punishment.

Dial things back 30 years or so and the country was not like this.
Fixing this mess that our country is in starts small. It starts with families, neighbors, and communities. What YOU do matters. How YOU respond to the results of the election matters. How YOU react to those with whom you disagree matters.
But perhaps, regardless of who wins and who loses this election, we could try to do better than we did the last time around. We could try not to gloat if our “side” wins. We could try not to become enraged if our “side” loses. We could try to just treat our neighbors like our neighbors and get on with our lives. We could err on the side of kindness whenever it’s safe to do so. Remember that what you see on the news in the following days is not the entire country, but a few places that make for sensational coverage and high ratings.

Whoever is named the next president of the United States will play political games that are far above our pay grades. There are things you can control and things you cannot. If you’ve gone out and cast your vote, or if you’ve withheld your vote because you don’t stand behind either of the candidates, then you’ve done what you feel is right for the big circle. The rest of it is out of our hands.

Turn off the “news” and connect with the people around you. Look at your similarities, not your differences. Steer the conversation there when it goes astray and into controversial topics. Cement your friendships.

One thing is for sure.

Biden will enforce a total lockdown so harsh that it will destroy the economy. The sooner that happens, the sooner people will rise up. And when they do, they know that he is not their president but a traitor and a deep state swamp creature.
And how will it be for all the liberals and Democrats if Biden is declared the winner and the same Libs and Dems take to the streets and riot? How will they justify their behaviour then?
Seems like they will expose themselves, tear themselves apart.
In fact it’s already started...
They have no cause, it is pure and simple blood lust.
I went to bed early last night, not able to deal with the tension in the air!!! This morning I woke with no winner declared and had to shut off all network communication to remain unaffected by the hope I heard on TV, peppered by despair, that was being talked about as Trump was not the clear winner.

So.....I shut the TV off. Turned off the computer for a few hours. Went to do some Thanksgiving crafts with some 4 year olds (which was an emotional two hours of happinesss for me), and now back to checking on other's views about the coming days. Needness to say, I am much happier when doing some creative crafts with kids. My comments here probably don't apply to this thread, BUT.....I need to vent about what brings me joy these days.

I find most 4-8 year olds are just so happy to have an adult outsider to interact with during these times - where most kids are not seeing/interacting with anyone but their immediate family (mom's, dad's and siblings - if they are lucky enough to have some). These times during my week, spending some creative time with young children, gives me hope and the boost I need to break through the cloud of worry. Creating something fun ... it is the best ever!!!

Most adults I know are stuck between the idea that "life is now over" OR "Biden has the Presidency in the bag, and We are all doomed!"

Maybe at this moment it would be helpful to find something "fun" to do with a spouse, friend, child, parent. Play a game! Paint a picture! Bake together! Sing together! Tell silly stories about when you were young with the younger ones! Ask a question like "What would you do IF....."! If you live near woods, build a fairy house, create something. Create!!!

I guess this post of mine was an attempt to distract from the palpable misery I seem to be feeling all around me.
I keep thinking about the US' karma, if there's anyone trained in election meddling is the USA, and maybe this is what comes with it. Maybe it's part of the Karma to be unable to do anything about a clearly stolen election, and have to simply put up with the consequences of this, the powerlessness of watching their elected leader be simply removed by someone who doesn't want him there.
I was thinking about something similar, in which is a huge slap in the face to have a clearly incompetent man *win* to send a message to the population. It has the additional feature of being completely demoralizing, perhaps that's part of the hard lesson for everyone, or at least for the silent majority, to have a petty tyrant in a real sense of the expression.
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