2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

I know that. I think the reason I'm having trouble is that I took what the C's said as Trump WAS going to win, but that wasn't the case. Now we could be wearing face masks for the rest of our lives and be forced to endure mandatory vaccinations. Among other things. 😳

My friend texted me this morning and told me that when her son went to vote yesterday, they told him he had already voted. 🙄
Trump didn't win? It's not even settled "officially" yet. I think the C's were/are right in that Trump got the most votes. But if a tree falls in the forest and the media doesn't report it, did it really fall? Of course it did. 'They' are just trying to wear normal people down with the interminable 'big lie', and it is wearisome. But...

Like Pearce said a few posts back on this thread...

Help people rise by no matter what striving to go against all evidence to the contrary and have faith. That's what Laura distilled from Caesar right? Faith of Jesus, not in, but of.
Trump did the impossible, now he is trying it again. He did what he could. Let's be thankful for it.

Another thing is that this election is such a farce that many will see through it. The Deep State has been exposed like never before.

Under Biden the country will go into total lockdown, wrecking the economy.

The US is a rebel nation. God bless the 500 million guns in America. Let their aim be true.
Not there yet, let's hope it won't come to that. We have the courts yet. Violence is the surrendering of the mind to the lower centers. If we resort to violence, then 'they' will know how to handle us. This point has been brought up on the forum numerous times.
Not there yet, let's hope it won't come to that. We have the courts yet. Violence is the surrendering of the mind to the lower centers. If we resort to violence, then 'they' will know how to handle us. This point has been brought up on the forum numerous times.

Can't argue with that.

Anyhow, if Trump loses. People will propably finally lose all faith in the political system and grassroot movements will start rise. It can be over time become more of a threat for the PTB than a second Trump presidency.
Can't argue with that.

Anyhow, if Trump loses. People will propably finally lose all faith in the political system and grassroot movements will start rise. It can be over time become more of a threat for the PTB than a second Trump presidency.

Said people are / will be brainwashed thoroughly, the majority can't tell up from down, metaphorically speaking.

Biden winning will be taken as a mandate for all he stands for and make no mistake about it, if they are willing to go this far to get the presidency there's nothing they won't do to achieve their other goals.

We already know Biden will fully adopt Fauci's and Gates mandates and we'll have a full integration of the biosecurity state into our everyday lives. This is the agenda!

I expect mask mandates to be in place in America pretty much as soon as Biden gets in - he's said as much. We can all guess what his view on mandatory vaccines are plus the "great reset".

If Trump loses, I don't think we'll be witnessing the rise of grassroots movements of the back of that, rather the closing in of Bill Gates dream onto America and the western world. It's not pessimism - just repeating what the man himself said. He said he's going to win the election no matter what... Well looks like he wasn't kidding. With that, I'm not expecting he was kidding about any of the other stuff he's been saying.

God... Him and Kamala Harris. Lol. Is this real? Ha!

I just hope it's not a foregone conclusion.
Again, it's far from over but it sure looks like they're going to steal this one. I just had the thought that the train was coming off the tracks anyway. If Trump loses it will speed up the process, as soon to be President Harris tries to push through the elites agenda. Although the Senate is still controlled by the Republicans which will hamper things a little. But let's not get too far ahead of ourselves.
We already know Biden will fully adopt Fauci's and Gates mandates and we'll have a full integration of the biosecurity state into our everyday lives. This is the agenda!

Yes, and how is that going in Europe and the rest of the world? People are revolting more and more.

If Trump loses many Americans will still see him as their president. It ain't over till it's over over. The Deep State by making Biden president (If he becomes president) has fully exposed themselves. 2021 is going to be very interesting for sure!
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