The Living Force
It's not about being afraid of feeling them, but for me, feeling them isn't a place I want to stay. They're there to let me know something is off and needs to be addressed, not taken as the place I'm going to rest my emotions in. And your posts come out as if you are needing these emotions to be shared because you don't know how to reign them in yourself. It's very hard sometimes, but think about everytime you as one person share your negative outlook, it affects x number of people. Instead of reforming that energy into something productive that you can use to help x number of people, you're in effect bringing them down, or at least also making it harder for them to rise. Help people rise by no matter what striving to go against all evidence to the contrary and have faith. That's what Laura distilled from Caesar right? Faith of Jesus, not in, but of.
Again, very wise @Pearce.
Now I wouldn't have had the lovely opportunity to gain from what you have to say if I didn't let myself just be who I am.
You talk about transmutation of negative emotions. This is interesting and in the heat of the "stimulant", very hard to do. For one, it's hard to maintain self-awareness under such a state unless someone as kind as you comes along and sounds that alarm clock.
It's still a work in progress. I know I feel strongly, sometimes too strongly. I know it was a battle to get to the point where I accepted that and was at peace with that - at least most of the time. I know this is not the end of the journey.
As you say, there are other things to integrate in this journey.