2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!


It's not about being afraid of feeling them, but for me, feeling them isn't a place I want to stay. They're there to let me know something is off and needs to be addressed, not taken as the place I'm going to rest my emotions in. And your posts come out as if you are needing these emotions to be shared because you don't know how to reign them in yourself. It's very hard sometimes, but think about everytime you as one person share your negative outlook, it affects x number of people. Instead of reforming that energy into something productive that you can use to help x number of people, you're in effect bringing them down, or at least also making it harder for them to rise. Help people rise by no matter what striving to go against all evidence to the contrary and have faith. That's what Laura distilled from Caesar right? Faith of Jesus, not in, but of.

Again, very wise @Pearce.

Now I wouldn't have had the lovely opportunity to gain from what you have to say if I didn't let myself just be who I am.

You talk about transmutation of negative emotions. This is interesting and in the heat of the "stimulant", very hard to do. For one, it's hard to maintain self-awareness under such a state unless someone as kind as you comes along and sounds that alarm clock.

It's still a work in progress. I know I feel strongly, sometimes too strongly. I know it was a battle to get to the point where I accepted that and was at peace with that - at least most of the time. I know this is not the end of the journey.

As you say, there are other things to integrate in this journey.
Again, very wise @Pearce.

Now I wouldn't have had the lovely opportunity to gain from what you have to say if I didn't let myself just be who I am.

You talk about transmutation of negative emotions. This is interesting and in the heat of the "stimulant", very hard to do. For one, it's hard to maintain self-awareness under such a state unless someone as kind as you comes along and sounds that alarm clock.

It's still a work in progress. I know I feel strongly, sometimes too strongly. I know it was a battle to get to the point where I accepted that and was at peace with that - at least most of the time. I know this is not the end of the journey.

As you say, there are other things to integrate in this journey.
You are me and I am you my friend! It is a journey, but it's only as long as you make it! No need to rush for sure, but at some point gazing at the same scenery gets tiring no?

Sometimes I stick a note on my door since I'm always going out for a smoke break, but that note will be whatever helpful reminder I need. Stay calm. Be kind. Etc. Whatever I need to remember. It sounds silly sure but it works! It works because I set it as my aim and I intend to reach it. Simple steps, simple goals and you'll be there before you know it.
Everyone has been experiencing similar things to some extent or other. But your tendency to panic has been pointed out to you before by veterans of reading and assimilating horrible news about the situation on earth. Panic is not a helpful emotion and is in fact worse than other negative emotions because of its contagious element. There's a lot of information on here about tools to gain control of your stress levels and find a higher perspective and meaning behind these events, and you will need to do that because things are going to get a lot worse from a 3D perspective before they get better.

And as someone said on FB recently, don't worry about who wins because either way there will still be plenty of problems in your life of your own creation that you need to get to fixing. 🤪

... I'm going to take the above as an opportunity to learn.

See, I'm okay with panic. It's just another feeling. If I feel it and sense it's justified, I allow it to run its cause. With emotions, at least my experience is that once a feeling is initiated it usually has to run its course. The mind can't stop it.

For example, if I feel anxiety or panic and try to stop the feeling, I find I freeze. If I let them run their cause, I can work them through my body. They are no longer strangling me, but working through my body and integrating.

But you bring an important point. The effect on others! It appears I don't have strong enough awareness of this, which is something I should remind myself off constantly - I keep on forgetting!
Greetings all!

I don’t know about everyone else but what a time to be alive! This year has been "hell" of a roller-coaster. I for one am trying to enjoy every minute of it.

And to quote trump “the best is yet to come”.

... I'm going to take the above as an opportunity to learn.

See, I'm okay with panic. It's just another feeling. If I feel it and sense it's justified, I allow it to run its cause. With emotions, at least my experience is that once a feeling is initiated it usually has to run its course. The mind can't stop it.

For example, if I feel anxiety or panic and try to stop the feeling, I find I freeze. If I let them run their cause, I can work them through my body. They are no longer strangling me, but working through my body and integrating.

But you bring an important point. The effect on others! It appears I don't have strong enough awareness of this, which is something I should remind myself off constantly - I keep on forgetting!

Here are two proverbs to help you SOTTREADER:

“May you live in interesting times”

And always remember:

“There is much hope in hopelessness; for at the end of the dark night, there is light.”

To quote “jolly joe biden“

“come on man”, enjoy the show. It is better than any movie or video game ever made! ;-)
Ou I´ve just figured out this freaking map on Fox, watching this video SOTTREADER posted :-[:-[:-[😅😅😅

So this light blue is still "not finished" with counting, but leaning to Biden
And pink is also "not finished" with counting, but leaning to Trump

If that stays as it is, Trump obviously wins!

oh well, we´ll see what will come out of it.

And yes, I´m reading also MSM portals in Croatia and Germany and all the headlines are more or less in the same line, like: "US President Trump tries to create facts [that he won]" and stuff like that.... :rolleyes:
Time to transmute light into chaos.
I cannot believe Biden would win Pennsylvania. Just about everyone here has either participated in a Trump Train (even the Amish in their buggies) or attended a rally, did you see the attendance pictures from Butler? Plus, everyone hates Gov. Wolf (Democrat) for destroying the small businesses and shutting down the state. The C's might be wrong about this one. Although they never came right out and said Trump would actually win, just that his chances were good. Good without fraud, probably. :-/
Then don't believe it. It is an obvious coup. From Russiagate to the lockdowns to this... All the same show.
Many think that Trump is going to bring this to the Supreme Court. Perhaps he still wins. But because of this many will see his presidency as illegal. Fueling the ongoing color revolution even more. Perhaps this is what they want. On some level.
He should bring it. It's a coup after all.
And guess what, they didn't voted for Biden

I bet that many people will agree and will not accept Biden as their president. Perhaps a real counter revolution might grow out of it. Because let's face it. The only thing at this point that can fix the US is a civil war. (Or so I fear)

Oh that would be interesting. 🤔
I understand where you are coming from but IMHO, USA doesn’t need fixing. It is perfectly working for the lessons at hand for the souls that are learning through it.

“Fear is the cheapest room in the house. I would like to see you living in better conditions.”
— Hafez
Well, remember that System tries to program us that there is some power, to which we adjust, and that we should count on them, to respect them, and reckon what is coming from them.

The truth is that what is really important for the individual and his/her closest environment is happening at the level of that individual and others' choices in his/her environment.

And life and other things going further, without meaning of who wins the election. However, people discuss and live by things on which they do not have influence. Some of them are also opening themselves to various attacks going through that channel, unnecessary suggesting themselves to the words and deeds of politicians.

We should observe what is happening there and how they influence the population. But still, remember that this how we all spend our daily time, and how we influence and have been influenced by the closest environment is the most important. Remember also that there is a reality of energy and information, and in our daily activity, we can often influence even the situation on the entire planet more than by giving our attention to the politicians and politics.

Suppose somebody is not happy with the results of the election. Remember that there are more important things. As your family, friends, and other people which you have contact daily. And by relation with them, we can influence even the entire Universe because we still are connected to it, even if we forget about it.

My two cents.

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