2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

What's happening? Why is it taking this long?
Are we talking delayed for days or just hours?
Biden will win it, just but that's enough.
Late ballots will steal it for Biden. Depressing.
They are calling these interim results, they are saying he hasn't even won the states he has.
They'll literally need to inject everyone with mind bending vaccines to maintain this fake reality they are creating.
@SOTTREADER I don't mean to come across as rude or hostile, but man you could really use to calm down. Like others have pointed out, your outlook is full of pessimism and so sorely lacking in faith. Your well of faith is bone dry and your bucket broken, and it shows. You need to get a grip on yourself or you will be so useless in the future, being the one running around yelling the sky is falling instead of doing anything at all that is helpful.

Have some faith in humanity. I know you're not in America but I wouldn't discount what a bunch of pissed off people with guns can do. The media will never show it, but at least in my neck of the woods I've never seen so much unity and coherence. And I'd imagine it's the same everywhere because what you see on TV is a small sliver of reality, and it's FAKE. It's MANUFACTURED and you clearly haven't figured that out yet, or you've lost sight of it.

Maybe go outside and breathe if you're allowed to where you are. Maybe do it even if you aren't. Again, not trying to come across as hostile, but you really stand out on this thread as needing some help with your anxiety and overall outlook.

You mentioned elsewhere you can't be positive when you're feeling negative...why? Why in the world not? That's THE ENTIRE point of things I think, to be able to stand against yourself and for yourself at the same time. So if your body and everyone and everything around you is telling you that you should have a pessimist outlook, why in the great heavens would you have that pessimism?? That's the game right there, that's the answer - be the opposite of what everything tells you that you should be. Stand on your own merits and make your own decisions, clean your machine so you know what isn't "you" and stop drowning in negativity.
Last time they were too cocky and didnt have covid mail in ballot bingo so they couldnt rig it enough. This time they've decided to shut down counting and spawn 100k vote bundles for Biden at 4 am in 10 minutes... And antifa in warm up. Trump has the truth, the law, the real votes, of which there were many, and his supporters behind him.
@SOTTREADER I don't mean to come across as rude or hostile, but man you could really use to calm down. Like others have pointed out, your outlook is full of pessimism and so sorely lacking in faith. Your well of faith is bone dry and your bucket broken, and it shows. You need to get a grip on yourself or you will be so useless in the future, being the one running around yelling the sky is falling instead of doing anything at all that is helpful.

Have some faith in humanity. I know you're not in America but I wouldn't discount what a bunch of pissed off people with guns can do. The media will never show it, but at least in my neck of the woods I've never seen so much unity and coherence. And I'd imagine it's the same everywhere because what you see on TV is a small sliver of reality, and it's FAKE. It's MANUFACTURED and you clearly haven't figured that out yet, or you've lost sight of it.

Maybe go outside and breathe if you're allowed to where you are. Maybe do it even if you aren't. Again, not trying to come across as hostile, but you really stand out on this thread as needing some help with your anxiety and overall outlook.

You mentioned elsewhere you can't be positive when you're feeling negative...why? Why in the world not? That's THE ENTIRE point of things I think, to be able to stand against yourself and for yourself at the same time. So if your body and everyone and everything around you is telling you that you should have a pessimist outlook, why in the great heavens would you have that pessimism?? That's the game right there, that's the answer - be the opposite of what everything tells you that you should be. Stand on your own merits and make your own decisions, clean your machine so you know what isn't "you" and stop drowning in negativity.

Thanks for the above. I do have something to say though.

I'm not sure why people are so afraid of feeling bad? Or negative? Or pessimistic?

For me, given the goings on, I kinda feel I'm justified in not feeling too great. My country the UK is about to be plunged into another needless lockdown tomorrow. That kinda pissed me off.

I got up this morning to Trump being cheated out of the presidency... I've grown to like the guy. That kinda makes me angry.

They are also probably beaming God knows what through the air which is for sure not meant to make you feel positive or optimistic. Again, just a person here... Only so much one can do against mind bending beams being broadcasted to influence ones outlook.

2 vaccines are shortly getting approval. Can't say I feel happy about that either.

All in all, this week is one where I feel like I'm just going to let myself feel angry, sad and negative because stuff that's going on isn't great.

This is not to say I'm depressed, far from it. I'm actually quite jovial, kind of person who wears their emotions on their sleeve. I'm engaged in the world. I experience the world through my emotions, rather than cognitively.

Sometimes, I allow myself to be SUPER POSITIVE and SUPER HAPPY. Other times I allow myself to be SUPER SAD and SUPER NEGATIVE. I'm not scared of the emotions. But I know people sometimes don't want to feel too strongly as it can be scary and it appears like someone has lost control.

On this election issue, ultimately it doesn't really matter who wins. The game is rigged.

So I take what you said onboard but also just wanted to explain myself. I'm okay, don't worry about me and my emotions. I've learnt to accept them, accept that part of myself.
Crazy 24 hours. I feel you Sottreader; it's frustrating. Of course, it always looked like they were probably going to try to rig it. It's what they do and Trump has been saying that all along, back to 2016 even. I'm not looking forward to a Biden? Harris presidency, but this thing ain't over. Courts, law enforcement, congress - this is going to drag on for a bit, which sucks, but it's the big show with lots at stake. I still sort of think Trump pulls it out but as has been pointed out, it could make him look even more illegitimate than they already claim. We'll see. Interestingly, here in AZ Trump has closed the gap from 1/4 million to about 90k it looks like with only 84% estimated in, so hold on to your hats. 🧐
@Pearce having said the above, maintaining awareness of one's emotional state and how it may affect others is something else.

Maybe in certain situations it's not right to feel something and "wear it" as it were. So maybe that person needs to learn to develop this skill, to notice this.

It's an interesting one as obviously suppression is one thing one may fall into.

Here though, in the context of this election as it's transpiring, I feel it justified to feel tense, worried, at the edge of my seat, curious... I feel justified in feeling like something quite unique is happening here. Part of me feels this is how the story has been written, to induce this in the observer. This sense of tension, as if one is watching a gripping thriller. One totally gets lost in the either/or and doesn't notice the 3rd option.

It's all interesting if one allows themselves to feel and explore.

To feel is not to lose control.

I have to say again, thanks for your post. It was true.
I'm not sure why people are so afraid of feeling bad? Or negative? Or pessimistic?

It's not about being afraid of feeling them, but for me, feeling them isn't a place I want to stay. They're there to let me know something is off and needs to be addressed, not taken as the place I'm going to rest my emotions in. And your posts come out as if you are needing these emotions to be shared because you don't know how to reign them in yourself. It's very hard sometimes, but think about everytime you as one person share your negative outlook, it affects x number of people. Instead of reforming that energy into something productive that you can use to help x number of people, you're in effect bringing them down, or at least also making it harder for them to rise. Help people rise by no matter what striving to go against all evidence to the contrary and have faith. That's what Laura distilled from Caesar right? Faith of Jesus, not in, but of.
So I take what you said onboard but also just wanted to explain myself. I'm okay, don't worry about me and my emotions. I've learnt to accept them, accept that part of myself.

Everyone has been experiencing similar things to some extent or other. But your tendency to panic has been pointed out to you before by veterans of reading and assimilating horrible news about the situation on earth. Panic is not a helpful emotion and is in fact worse than other negative emotions because of its contagious element. There's a lot of information on here about tools to gain control of your stress levels and find a higher perspective and meaning behind these events, and you will need to do that because things are going to get a lot worse from a 3D perspective before they get better.

And as someone said on FB recently, don't worry about who wins because either way there will still be plenty of problems in your life of your own creation that you need to get to fixing. 🤪
Also, @SOTTREADER , you're here on this site with all of us. That means you and we are part of the vanguard. But that doesn't mean you have to suit up in armor on the front lines. There are many ways to be a vanguard and you have to find your own way to contribute within your abilities and limits. And I know that the "you" that is still buried more underneath will be a valuable help to whomever you can be there for. You just have to finish dusting yourself off!
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