2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

Then don't believe it. It is an obvious coup. From Russiagate to the lockdowns to this... All the same show.
I know that. I think the reason I'm having trouble is that I took what the C's said as Trump WAS going to win, but that wasn't the case. Now we could be wearing face masks for the rest of our lives and be forced to endure mandatory vaccinations. Among other things. 😳

My friend texted me this morning and told me that when her son went to vote yesterday, they told him he had already voted. 🙄
I know that. I think the reason I'm having trouble is that I took what the C's said as Trump WAS going to win, but that wasn't the case. Now we could be wearing face masks for the rest of our lives and be forced to endure mandatory vaccinations. Among other things. 😳

My friend texted me this morning and told me that when her son went to vote yesterday, they told him he had already voted. 🙄

Well we all know how the C’s answer things. As far as I can tell Trump did win, just not exactly how we all interpreted the outcome. There is no question there is an ongoing color revolution going on.

There is a battle for objective reality right now in most of the world’s populations minds (if they have any left). :-P

After all the USA is now the “shining city on the hill”

I wouldn’t worry too much about the face nappy. People will have much bigger things to worry about soon enough.

Even the mandatory vaccinations will not turn out how "they" plan it. Hubris and wishful thinking will get them every time.
I know that. I think the reason I'm having trouble is that I took what the C's said as Trump WAS going to win, but that wasn't the case. Now we could be wearing face masks for the rest of our lives and be forced to endure mandatory vaccinations. Among other things. 😳

My friend texted me this morning and told me that when her son went to vote yesterday, they told him he had already voted. 🙄
Well, I interpreted what they said with a grain of salt because winning in a free and fair election is one thing, but the PTB cheats, so even if he won he could still lose. That being said, I find it very hard to believe they could make it look this close without MASSIVE voter fraud which could leave them very exposed. Fingers crossed 😛
This is nerve wrecking. If I'm honest it is not looking too bright for DJT. Reckoning there still needs to be counted 1.5mil votes, mostly or entirely ballots, the 600k margin would probably not hold.


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I think it's good to keep in mind that in 2016 the PTB, or deep state, was taken by surprise because they were so over-confident. This time they've had 4 years to prepare their shady maneuvers and tactics. So, actually, Trump's accomplishment this time is actually a hundred times more amazing, even if he wouldn't win.
Well, remember that System tries to program us that there is some power, to which we adjust, and that we should count on them, to respect them, and reckon what is coming from them.

The truth is that what is really important for the individual and his/her closest environment is happening at the level of that individual and others' choices in his/her environment.

And life and other things going further, without meaning of who wins the election. However, people discuss and live by things on which they do not have influence. Some of them are also opening themselves to various attacks going through that channel, unnecessary suggesting themselves to the words and deeds of politicians.

We should observe what is happening there and how they influence the population. But still, remember that this how we all spend our daily time, and how we influence and have been influenced by the closest environment is the most important. Remember also that there is a reality of energy and information, and in our daily activity, we can often influence even the situation on the entire planet more than by giving our attention to the politicians and politics.

Suppose somebody is not happy with the results of the election. Remember that there are more important things. As your family, friends, and other people which you have contact daily. And by relation with them, we can influence even the entire Universe because we still are connected to it, even if we forget about it.

My two cents.

Thank you Luks.

What you say is important now more than ever as we may be overtaken by the dramas from these other places where we really don't have direct influence over e.g. who wins elections, or what governments decide to do with covid etc.

No doubt all these things will come to test us in months and years to come.
Well, Trump said this very thing would happen. He and his team have considered what their next move will be, with lawyers in tow. He no doubt has operatives on the ground working overtime to document this tremendous fraud taking place.

He will be ready for the Supreme Court. You watch. This man -- who has somehow stayed in the White House against all odds, who has survived Covid-19 even with enormous stressors on his system, who has been indefatigably campaigning with a schedule that even a young person would have difficulty maintaining -- this man is not going to stand down against this crime taking place, a crime against all Americans, whether they realize it or not. No, this is not the man to mess with (Biden/MSM & Co): you've met your match, except for the fact that the man you're up against has truth and justice on his side -- which, in case you soulless automatons don't realize, works in his favor.
I think it's good to keep in mind that in 2016 the PTB, or deep state, was taken by surprise because they were so over-confident. This time they've had 4 years to prepare their shady maneuvers and tactics. So, actually, Trump's accomplishment this time is actually a hundred times more amazing, even if he wouldn't win.

You said it aragorn and the democrat know it. They know that the majority is beind Trump, they will think twice before pushing for a revoltion and if they do, good luck to them.
I think it's good to keep in mind that in 2016 the PTB, or deep state, was taken by surprise because they were so over-confident. This time they've had 4 years to prepare their shady maneuvers and tactics. So, actually, Trump's accomplishment this time is actually a hundred times more amazing, even if he wouldn't win.

Trump did the impossible, now he is trying it again. He did what he could. Let's be thankful for it.

Another thing is that this election is such a farce that many will see through it. The Deep State has been exposed like never before.

Under Biden the country will go into total lockdown, wrecking the economy.

The US is a rebel nation. God bless the 500 million guns in America. Let their aim be true.
Perhaps a Biden victory isnt necessarily what they're after but rather a extremely close and contested election to have justification for charging up "moderate dem rebels" aka antifa and further the color revolution. Except these rebels have no arial support. So good luck with trying to destroy the lives of average people.
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