2020 US Election - Let The Games Begin!

I lost track of this thread and I see now my last post was already covered here. I don't think this was posted and looks good.

More on the marked ballots. This guy is a credible source and is in a position to know so a good source I think.

Tony Shaffer is a retired Intelligence Operative and current President of the London Center for Policy Research and a member of President Trump’s 2020 Advisory Board. He believes the President won the election and has a great case in the courts to prove it.

Shaffer created a fire on Twitter yesterday when he questioned whether the President may have marked all the ballots in this year’s election which would indicate if a ballot counted was legitimate or not.

Shaffer tweeted this:

A hypothetical question for all the Democrat trolls following my feed…
What if DHS anticipated DNC counting fraud.
What if they “tagged” each legitimate ballot.
What would happen if DHS does an audit of all counted ballots and find ballots without the tag – what happens then?
A third tweet from Shaffer indicated that there are numerous ways to mark documents without the markings clearly identifiable:

Oh, there is more than that now…
People don’t understand how light works…and what they don’t see can be seen in infrared and ultraviolet…we had a whole block of instruction at “the Farm” on secret writing…it is amazing…
This caused an uproar on Twitter and liberals freaked out thinking they might have gotten caught in their attempt to steal this year’s election.

Shaffer has a credible record and one of the first to confirm that President Trump was being spied on back in March 2017. We covered this in prior posts:

Based on his impressive record, we were curious about Shaffer’s tweets and so we contacted him and he shared the following comments:

  1. The tweets were questions for people to think about. We know that the same people who were behind the Russia collusion scam were still around and to think that they were going to allow the President to freely win the 2020 election was foolish. Of course there would be a major effort to prevent President Trump from winning.
  2. Certainly the President’s team prepared for this year’s election and would have considered possible voter fraud on a large scale due to the current environment in the US.
  3. Tony posed his questions and the left went crazy and based on this they must know what they are doing is unjust.
  4. The courts will decide this election and the Constitution is on the side of the President. Any illegal votes should not be counted and when this is addressed the President will win the election.
  5. There are many actions by the Democrats that indicate they are attempting to steal the election. (We have reported numerous stories on this subject since the election.)
  6. The Constitution requires that all valid ballots be received and counted on the first Tuesday in November. Any efforts to drag the election out after this date are likely not legitimate.
  7. Efforts by the Democrats to prevent oversight and transparency are likely due to corruption. Why has the Biden campaign not urged for transparency during this process? Where there is no transparency there is something being hidden.
  8. How come Texas and Florida can be transparent and provide results on Election eve but other states could not and even stopped counting?
  9. Historically Iowa and Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Ohio and Florida and Georgia vote very similarly. What happened this year to break this connection? Why were things changed late at night in some of these states?
  10. If there is an ongoing investigation into any of this would the President comment on it or would it be more proper not to?
Finally Shaffer pointed out that the Democrats again put us in a position we have never been in before.
Donald Trump Jr.
When America sees everything we are uncovering they will be disgusted and even the media won’t be able to pretend voter fraud isn’t real.

I was thinking about this watermarked ballots.

so the government isuse a number of ballots that match registered voters.
In the process of printing them would be easy to add some verification stamp like watermark so it would be harder to copy/falsify it.

so assuming that government really did that, it would be pretty easy but long process to extract false votes to real votes.

Putting watermarks asside, the most obvious are the countries that have more than 100% voters turnout 😂

So starting from there it would be easily seen if voters are registered to vote in that country or if they are in fact dead or made up.....
And even the ballot is real, the fraud would be seen and since there is a very small difference in the Biden vs Trump votes, it would probably be enough to turn the tide.

but for that we‘ll have to wait probably severaly weeks....


Supreme Court orders all late mail-in ballots to be counted separately in Pennsylvania as Biden extends his lead to more than 28,000 as he edges to victory​

Pennsylvania counties must temporarily segregate ballots that arrived after 8pm on Election Day, under an order issued by Justice Samuel Alito Friday night.

The move comes after Trump's campaign filed a motion to block a decision by the state's highest court that allowed mail-in ballots postmarked by Tuesday that are delivered through Friday to be counted.

Judge ordered in the meantime to continue keeping the late ballots separate, affirming a decision already made by the state's top elections official Kathy Boockvar.

Whether or not those ballots are ultimately included the count seems unlikely to affect the outcome.
Biden's currently on the cusp of winning the presidency with his 28,000-vote lead in Pennsylvania, worth 20 electoral points.

Trump held an election day lead of almost 700,000 that got swallowed up as mail-in ballots were counted.

There are more than 89,000 ballots left to be counted, which are expected to extend Biden's lead further If Biden wins Pennsylvania, then he will be the next president even if he loses every other state still in play
the main weakness of unsuspected watermarks is that they'll do absolutely nothing against ballot harvesting. That lady who spoke to Veritas saying she had a team spending 50k a month collecting ballots, something like 500 a day another guy was saying, this is probably a major part of the ballots coming in/being smuggled in. A watermark will achieve nothing for any of those.
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